Ok so I know I shouldn't be starting a new story, but I'm currently re-watching Black Sails and it just popped into my head.

Obviously the disclaimer: I don't own the rights to anything that you recognise here. The only thing I own is my and that's it.

Without anything further, please enjoy and review!

The Hunter had finally made Port in Nassau, the crew had been at sea for almost 9 months chasing a story of riches beyond compare and had finally found what they were looking for, however the treasure was jealously guarded by the French who had stumbled across it before the Hunter had reached its goal. The Captain and crew had decided that they needed assistance, and Nassau was the closest pirate haven they could find. As the crew stepped ashore the Captain took a look around, it was nothing like Tortuga, it was too clean, but not clean enough to be anything like Port Royale where the people played at being civilised rather well, this place was somewhere in between. Before the crew could do anything else however, they were interrupted by a woman's voice, "Welcome to New Providence Island," the woman said walking towards them, "who, I ask, is the Captain among you?"

The men parted and allowed their Captain to step to forward into view, a woman, standing at five foot six, with caramel skin and ebony hair, wearing leather trousers that hugged her shapely form and a red corset that emphasised her bosom. "Captain Amaya Hawk at your service, and these are my men, the crew of the Hunter."

"You're the Captain?" the woman scoffed in disbelief, "I'm not in the mood for jokes, now who's your fucking Captain?"

Amaya's eyes narrowed at the rude woman and one of the men stepped forward, gripping his pistol, but she stilled him with a wave of her hand. Stepping closer to the woman with a cruel smile on her face she leant towards her face, "The first one you get for free, but the next time you choose to insult me in front of my men, I will not be so kind." She turned to her crew and smirked, "Unload the goods and then go have some fun, we won't be here long. Riggs, Carter with me." She motioned for them to follow and walked off, leaving the woman that ran Nassau Port fuming.

"Captain I do believe that was-"

"Eleanor Guthrie, yes I thought as much, I don't like her."

"You just met her," Mr Riggs, her Quartermaster scoffed.

"I happen to be an excellent judge of character, hired you, didn't I?"

"And that's supposed to be a good thing?" Mr Carter, her Bosun mocked, "Sorry Captain, but I've never met a lazier Quartermaster, everyone knows that I'm the one who does all the work."

"Shut it Carter!" the Quartermaster sneered, "What do you want us to do Amaya?"

"Find me a strong crew, with a stronger Captain, if we're going to take back the Isle de Muerte we'll need the help."

"Surely your brother would be a better fit to help us." Riggs implored.

"Jack, and his crew had their chance, last I heard they were half way across the world, and Jack was being worshiped as some sort of ancient reincarnated god." The two men looked at each other with disbelief as she continued, "He'll be fine, now you go right," she pointed at Riggs, "and you," pointing at Carter, "go left."

"And where may I ask will our illustrious Captain be going?" Carter asked with a raised brow, already knowing the answer.

"I'm going to get drunkā€¦ and maybe fucked, see you boys later." She waved at them and headed towards the brothel.

Carter turned to Riggs and opened his mouth who held up his hand to stop him from talking, "I've already sent one of the crew to keep an eye on her, now let's go, the faster we find a Captain and crew worth our time, the faster we can get off this island."

Eleanor stormed into her office with a scowl on her face, Mr Scott followed her and shut the door before any of the men outside could see her anger. "Who the fuck does she think she is?! Telling me that next time I'll be sorry! She thinks that she can just waltz onto my island and act like I'm nothing! I run this fucking port!"

"Eleanor," Mr Scott walked towards her with his hands raised, trying to calm her down, "You cannot let this woman get to you, that is what she wants."

"And why the fuck not? This is my island, she can't just act like that towards me!"

"She can when she has just become this island's biggest earner, her crew brought in 3000 dollars' worth of tobacco, silks, sugar and grain."

"What?" Eleanor asked in disbelief, no one would ever believe that a ship could bring in that much to Nassau in one go, let alone a ship captained by a woman, "Who the fuck is she Mr Scott?"

Jack Rackham sat in the Guthrie's tavern along with Anne Bonny, the two had heard whispers of the new Captain who had come ashore, a female, if the rumours were to be believed. Shortly after her arrival there were even more whispers, whispers that she was looking for Captain and a crew to join her in taking a prize, larger than anyone on the island had ever seen before. Never one to miss out on an opportunity Jack was busy trying to find a way to get him, his crew and Captain in on the deal. Jack sat up straighter as he saw a new face enter the tavern, "I do believe that, that, is one of the newest crew members of the Hunter."

"So?" Anne asked, stabbing a knife into a cut of meat and ate it.

"So, if what the men on the island have been saying is true, we might just be getting the biggest score of our lives."

"If what the men have been saying is true, that Captain has the pick of the crews here, why would she pick us?"

"Who on this island is stronger than Captain Vane?"


"Well it's a good thing he's not here then, isn't it?" Jack asked before standing up and walking over to the man.

By the time it was dark, the Captain of the Hunter was well and truly drunk, the Bosun's mate from her ship was sat with her, keeping an eye on things, well mostly making sure that his Captain didn't start a bar room brawl. But given the looks she was getting from some of the men in the whorehouse, he didn't think that he'd be that lucky. "Captain," he murmured, "maybe it's time we leave."

Amaya looked up from her drink and narrowed her eyes at Louis, "Nope." She lifted her rum and drank it down in one long gulp. Sighing he eyed the room and nearly groaned when he saw a man stumble his way over to them, it looked like that fight was going to happen sooner rather than later.

Amaya felt a heavy hand on her shoulder and she scowled, it definitely wasn't one of her men, they knew better than to interrupt her while she was drinking. Turning she wrinkled her nose at the stench coming from the man, "What do you want?"

"Well lass I think you and I should make our way up to one of these rooms," he swayed as he released her and pointed upstairs, "Four Reals for a fuck eh?"

"I'm not for sale, go bother someone else." She moved to turn back to the table but was stopped by the man's hand. "Take your hands off me," the glint in her eyes was one that promised violence, but the drunkard didn't the hint.

"Now I just want a little fun, you can understand that, can't you?" he smiled at her and moved in closer.

"What I can understand is that you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling, so what's say you and I ignore each other until we leave."

"Captain-" her Louis started but was cut off by the man.

The drunk let out a laugh, "Captain! Listen to this boys," he turned to his crewmates, "his Captain's a fucking woman, that's got to make him some sort of a cowardly, inbred piss-pot!"

Louis stood and got in the man's face, "Say that to my face."

The man moved away from Amaya and closer to her crewmate, "I said, you're a coward and piss-pot, now what are you going to do about it?"

Louis smiled and pulled back, "Nothing, I just wanted you to turn and face me so that she could get behind you."

The man frowned and turned to see Amaya standing behind him, she smirked before sending her elbow sailing into his face, knocking him unconscious, "Drunks are so cute," she said before turning and seeing his friends stand up and move towards them, "shit," she muttered before looking over at her crewmate with a shrug, "well we both knew this was going to happen." She reached over and drank finished off his rum before smashing the tankard into one of the men's heads, and just like that they'd started a bar brawl.

Louis slammed one of the drunk's heads into a table while his Captain punched one of the men in the face before ducking and kicking him the leg. Another man punched her in the face, but she dodged him when he went in for another and picked up a chair smashed it into the back of the head of one of the men ganging up on Louis. While she was distracted one of the other men slammed his boot into her side causing her to fall to the floor, before he could go in for another kick the man was pulled away from her and a pistol was pointed at him by another much larger man, "That's enough," the man spoke, his voice was gruff, his back broad and his arms, from what she could see were thick and strong. She watched as the men backed away from him she sat up, grabbing her ribs as she felt them twinge. "Fuck," she muttered, gaining the man's attention.

By that time the other men had backed off and the pistol wielding pirate walked over to her, stretching out a hand for her. She grabbed it and he pulled her off the floor, as she got a look at his face it hit her how handsome he was for a pirate, his cheekbones were high, his skin a golden brown and his gunmetal eyes were boring into her own. "I had that," she said with a smirk, ignoring the pain in her side.

"Not from where I was standing,"

"Well then clearly you weren't standing in the right place," she refrained from running her eyes over his form and moved closer to him "Captain Amaya Hawk, of the Hunter."

"Captain Charles Vane, of the Ranger."

"Well Charles Vane, since you have elected to be my knight in shining armour, perhaps you wouldn't mind walking me back to my camp," she let her eyes wander over him, "or yours, whichever's closer."

Captain Vane smirked and threw and arm over her shoulder and manoeuvred them out of the whorehouse, "Oh wait," she pulled away and rushed back over to Louis who'd just pulled himself back on a stool, after muttering something to him and leaving a few coins in her wake she headed back over to Vane who pulled her closer to him as they walked out.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it, please review.