I know I should write first my on-going stories, but I couldn't hold myself back and I really wanted to publish at least the first chapter of this one. My first multi-chapters epic fantasy! If you thought I was sadistic in "I am my prison" you have not seen anything yet!

This story is both Akakuro and KuroAka, so if you have problem with one of the pairing you can simply skip when the things get a little too hot, even if it is way far away for now.

P.S. It's useless to ask me to make it only AkaKuro. I love KuroAka too much LOL

Warning: english errors.

I don't own Kuroko no Basuke.

Chapter one

"The ice wizard keeps walking, where are you going? Where are you going?

The ice wizard keeps walking, what are you seeking? What are you seeking?

Mountain, sea, wars, worlds. He saw all of them...

So, can you tell me your aim?

Shining dragon, flaming tiger

you bring ruin or win even higher...

You, high magician, the master of the cold

Who are the ones you so dearly hold?

The ice wizard all alone keep walking...

even time can't stop his roaming...

...till the end of this frozen world"

X ballad from the "Ice wizard". Rakuzan, royal family musician.

Kuroko arrived at the entrance of the Teiko magic guild. An fake ancient looking fortress with four tower ( trust him, he can recognize the real deal), built using enchanted small sized bricks with their original clay-pink color, stood on front him. There were big banners with the emblem of the guild hanging around in bold black and silver. A glowing throne.

It feel like a magic school. He heard most members were young thus this impression wasn't so much far out of the truth.

Kuroko sighed. He didn't want to be part of a magic guild again, but he needed money and a job. The sky haired boy/man? missed the good old time where ID didn't exist and you could live by without money. Kuroko knocked his fingers hardened with ice. He stayed alone too long...

There was a barrier around... How can he get inside? They should know his arrival since he sent to them a fake curriculum and he was approved. Till you were under 20, have magical power and without a guardian, you would be automatically accepted. Kuroko wondered the reason. Well, maybe he passed his twenties long time ago, but he was still physically 16 years old, so it should be okay, right?

He observed closely the entrance... perhaps he had to simply cross the barrier and wait for someone. This country wasn't at war so they shouldn't act upon the "first attack and questions later" practice. He hoped. Kuroko took a breath, not that would matter to him. He lost fear a long time ago. Without hesitation, he crossed the barrier and waited. One, two, three, someone opened the door.

A handsome man near his twenty with raven hair came out. He looked at a file on his hand, then at Kuroko. "Are you Kuroko Tetsuya, 16 year old, magic: ice?"

Kuroko opened his right gloved hand and made a flower of ice to confirm his identity.

The raven haired man smiled "So you are the new entry. I'm Nijimura Shuuzou. I will bring you to Shirogane-sama, our guild master. If you need some advices and I'm not in a mission, you can ask me. You can call me Nijimura-senpai"

Kuroko nodded but remained emotionless "Thank you, Nijimura-senpai"

Nijimura's smile widened "Finally a polite kohai, after those five and Haizaki"

Kuroko, hearing that surname, was for a moment surprised. So someone of that family survived after all. Maybe the kanji "Tei" of Teiko wasn't misplaced since appear that here lives someone of royal origin. Still, he didn't like the Haizaki imperial family so he vowed to stay the hell away from him. So much time ago passed from their golden age, he wondered if this last member was even aware of his own origin.

Nijimura kept chatting while they are walking around the long corridor of castle "The main rules of the guild aren't harsh. Till you respect the common sense, you don't hurt and respect the guild members and don't fail mission, you will be okay. Oh, you also will start to live here, in the castle"

Kuroko nodded. After many turns and views of sober walls with simple decorations (to be honest Kuroko was a little impressed, even if this was considered a first class guild, they weren't flaunting their richness) they arrived at Shirogane's office "You two can enter" there wasn't any need to knock. Shirogame wouldn't be never the head if he couldn't even figure that someone was outside his office.

Nijimura and Kuroko entered. Big windows with colored glass stood on front them. the light entering through them lighted the dark brown wooden desk, the big library, the magic items commonly called "bizarre objects" by the kids inside the guild, and finally the man inside the room. Shirogane Eiji smiled to them "Thank you Shuuzou, you can go"

Nijimura bowed and left. Shirogane, seated behind the mahogany desk said "Kuroko-kun, right? Do you have a general idea about what is a magic guild and its working?"

Kuroko nodded "Yes, sir. Nijimura-senpai also gently explained me the rules."

Shirogane said "Please, touch the crystal ball on your left. I want to know the rank of your power"


the guildmaster explain "Your level of power. We can't just randomly assign you a mission. We must be sure of your strength to match the difficulty of it."

Kuroko nodded, he remembered the time he spent with his previous guilt. At first they were also the same... that until they found out his secret and gave him only the missions with the major chance of death. He could understand them, but he still felt betrayed. He vowed this time around he wouldn't be found out.

The ice magician put his hands on the globe. The color changed in dark green near blue.

Shirogane said "D almost C rank? Pretty average. Oh well, magical power isn't unchangeable, with training you can become stronger" he extended his hand "Welcome to Teiko's guild"

Kuroko didn't reciprocate the gesture "I'm sorry sir, I don't mean to be ill-mannered but I can't take you hand and I hope you can inform the guilt members that they must absolutely don't touch me as well"

Shirogane furrowed his brows "Why?"

Kuroko replied "Everything that touch me will be instantly frozen. I can't control it. These magical clothes and gloves I'm wearing can give out a protection of some sort but it's still dangerous for living things"

"Fascinating, I never saw your case. Well, even with wizards with the same power, the magic will manifest differently according the individual. Don't worry Kuroko-kun. There is someone in the same situation like yours even if for different reasons. The guild members are already used."

Kuroko raised his eyebrows curious and Shirogane smirked "Speaking about the devil, You can come in"

A male with flaming scarlet hair entered in the office. He wasn't old, he looked like he was seventeen. His body wasn't too big but from what you can see through his clothes he was well toned and muscular. He wasn't very tall, maybe some inches taller than Kuroko. The arms were covered by many ugly scars ruining his perfect pale skin. Usually someone would linger upon them, wondering what kind of cruel past would create such a thing. However Kuroko was too caught at something else "Aka..." he stopped himself in time. He stared at the only visible eye (the other was covered by a black eye bandage) he isn't him. Kuroko remembered a young boy with the very same scarlet hair following him around town to town. The Akashi that Kuroko knew had very warm chocolate eyes, while this boy of front him have a cat likes scarlet orb. Of course he isn't him, Akashi is dead. Still finding an almost carbon copy of him, was a hard hit to shallow. Nevertheless, even if this boy wasn't his Akashi, he was still an Akashi for sure. Why is the prince of Rakuzan here?

Akashi stared at Kuroko suspicious "How do you know my name?" his voice barely concealed his animosity. He didn't like stranger poking around his business. He really didn't like people in general though. Not anymore.

Kuroko didn't know how to reply but luckily he was saved by Shirogane "Akashi! Don't be so rude to our new member! And how can he know your name? He probably was startled by your red hair. Your hair color isn't common"

Kuroko quickly followed him up and bowed "It' like Guildmaster said. It was rude from my part. I apologize"

Akashi snorted "Like your hair color isn't weird, light blue? Next time I will burn you"

"Akashi!" Shirogane yelled.

He has also the the power of flame, Kuroko was hit by nostalgia. Akashi let go if his suspects, Shirogane's explanation was plausible and what could a country side boy know about him? the redhead decided the new boy wasn't worth of his time and asked Shirogane "Why did you call me?"

Shirogane smiled "Akashi-kun, I called you to present you your new partner, Kuroko Tetsuya"

the ice wizard was startled almost like the boy next to him.

"Excuse me? I don't want and I don't need a partner. I don't need anyone" Akashi was annoyed.

"I'm the Guildmaster and I'm the one that get to decide. Kuroko is your new partner. Deal with it" Shirogane was adamant. Akashi watched him with cold eyes. If a certain tanned Aho had seen this scene he would think Shirogane was crazy to challenge the boy on front him. However, Shirogane knew Akashi would never put harm to him and the guilt.

After a while, the scarlet boy sighed and looked at Kuroko "What is your magic?"

Kuroko deadpanned replied "Ice".

Suddenly the room became incredibly hot. Furious, Akashi glared at his superior "Ice? You know I hate Ice wizards the most!"

Shirogane calmly replied "And this is the reason I chose him as your partner. Akashi, you can't keep hating Ice magicians as a whole. Many are guiltless people. You must learn to bear with it"

Akashi understood Shirogane's reason but this didn't mean he had to play along. He glared at Kuroko with his only visible eye "Our relation is pure business. Don't expect I will give you some words of comfort or encouragement. If you run into trouble I won't save you. If you anger me, I shall put you on your place. Try to keep up with me and earn some of my respect, partner" he said the last word bitterly. Without looking back, Akashi left the room.

Shirogane sighed, Akashi will be the cause of his early retirement a day. He looked at the ice wielder in the room "I shall inform you when you'll have your first mission. Once again, Welcome to Teiko's guild" next the Guildmaster added "Soon Shuuzo will come again and escort you in your room"

Kuroko bowed to pay his respect, but inside he smiled bitterly. Teiko was really a place for royalty...

the ice wizard thought with unsure feelings about the scarlet haired male he had just met. Now, how should I deal with my great-great-great grandson?