Harry didn't like his home. He knew he wasn't wanted around, telling by the fact that he hasn't been let out of this dark closet for six days, only being fed twice. After the first twenty four hours he started banging on the closet. After being threatened by the large man and a bowl of left overs being thrown on him, he was quite sure he didn't like this place one bit. Where was Mooey and Pafoo? They should be here seeing as Muh and Duh were gone.

He didn't understand why he was left with these people, surely the large guy with lots of hair was better then this. At least he fed him and dressed him. He sat there in the dark, the only light he got was from the small dirty window, but that was covered with a cloth so there was only peeks of light coming from it. It was too high up for him to reach up, so he was forced to stay there in the dark. He laid, and sat there in his filth and really he hated it. Oh merlin he missed his Muh and Duh.

The most he missed was light, fresh air, and food.

He was starving, he was tired, he was dirty. He wasn't cold, no not with him curling up in the dirty and soiled sheets. He didn't care, he would be cold if he didn't do this.

As he laid there looking at nothing, he heard the door open and he looked towards it. The woman was there, with a look of disgust. She reached in and grabbed his sleeve, dragging him out of the cupboard. That was another thing, with how big the man was, whenever he went down the stairs dust would fall on him.

He stood up, his pamper hanging.

She pulled him into the living room and finally, finally she cleaned him. She gave him a quick bath and gave him a new diaper, and washed his only clothes which was the pajamas he was given by the large man as his actual clothes were at his previous home were all either burned or stained with his fathers blood. He sat on the couch beside another baby, big and obviously loved. He and the boy stared at each other until his mother came and hastily put him in a play pen with his toys.

Harry watched as she went to the laundry room again, taking out clothes and finally his onesie. She quickly dressed him and gave him and the other boy food. The boy got a bunch of strawberries, and she gave him a piece of bread. He hungrily ate at it, savouring every bite. When he was done he was disappointed at himself for eating it when he could have saved it for when she put him back in the cupboard under the stairs. She grabbed his sleeve and led him back to the cupboard.

He looked up at her with teary eyes, and with no remorse and a little disgust she pushed him into the cupboard then slammed the door. He felt around the dark room, noticing the sheets were gone and replaced. He panicked, he only had one now, it was clean and a little thicker, as much as two of the previous sheets he had put together, but that was it, there was five of those sheets. He sat there and smelt something weird, it was pleasant but annoying. He curled up with the blanket in the corner, closing his eyes and waiting.

He would do a lot of that over the years.

She didn't like her nephew. He was too aware, too alert and smart. Not normal basically. She didn't like it, anything like her sister she didn't like. She used to love her sister deeply, but when she met that Snape boy everything changed. They changed and corrupted her dear sister. No, she wasn't her sister. She was a freak, a monster. Like her kind. She didn't want that any where near her son.

So when she woke up to find her nephew on her doorstep (who even does that these days?) she had flipped out. So had Vernon but they had worked with it. Apparently that man that was after her finally found and killed her and that potter man. Now she was given her son to take care of. He was silent, calculating and never cried. She never heard him cry, whine, beg or make any sounds at all. He only pounded on the door, that later stopped, and after that he didn't do anything.

He was upset and sad, but he said and did nothing.

She remembered the letter her sister sent to her before she died about her son, how unnatural he was even by their standard ('such strong magic, levitates things and changed things at will! Its amazing, I haven't heard of a child doing this. Anyways how is Dudley?'). She could agree with her on this one for once in a long, long time. He wasn't normal. They weren't normal.

(She hated it because he was and she wasn't)

She made a vow that night when she put him into his 'room' the first time. She made a vow to make sure the magic isn't there, to stomp it out of him. She wanted to keep him away from that world. She and Vernon talked about it, he didn't want to tell harry but she had a way in order to make sure that he wouldn't harness his magic.

There was a way, and she finally coerced Vernon to let her do as she pleases with him. She was going to make him fear Magic, make him hate it and be normal. Oh what would her sister say. As she sat on the couch drinking some champagne, watching her son play in his play pen with his toy, she giggled.

She would not allow any magic in her house, none at all.

Two years later

He had grown use to his new 'home'. They had told him a few simple rules too, and if he followed them well enough then they would give him a fruit. They also talked about magic, how dangerous it was, that it was terrible and killed many, that he should be afraid. He didn't know what they were talking about, Magic didn't seem that bad, it was quite fascinating really. He missed when his Duh and Muh would levitate the utensils, make their magic swirl in the air to entertain him, or when Padfoot (or Pafoo as he called him) would change into a doggy and snuggle up to him, licking at his face. He even missed Mooney, who would always read a good book to him.

It wasn't like that here. No magic, never.

The rules were simple, and while they didn't really think that he would grasp and understand them because of his age, he did. Rule one, don't ask questions. Rule two, don't make any noise whatsoever no matter what kind it was. Rule three, Don't use the evil freaky stuff. (That is what they called Magic).

Three simple rules and he lived by them as if his life depended on it. It sort of did.

But was magic really that bad? He didn't really think so, didn't want to. But she's an adult, bigger then him. She had more experience. She would know.

He still lived in the Cupboard under the stairs, but at least he was given a small mattress and a few sheets. She even gave him a bowl of food every two days instead of three or four and that was always an improvement. When he did the evil freaky stuff they would hurt him and withhold food and freedom. It wasn't that bad, they only hit his hands with their belts or spanked him until he cried and begged for forgiveness. They kept him in the cupboard for at least two weeks and only feed him thrice.

He knew what would happen if he were to use Magic.

Two years later.

Magic was evil, he was now sure of it. His aunt told him that it was evil, it killed and hurt people. Any child with magic was take away by the evil Witches and Wizards and forced to attend a school that brain washed them. They ripped children from their families at eleven. He didn't want that. He didn't like his aunt, his uncle or his cousin who liked to bully him and call him freak every chance he got, just to remind him of what he was. It was now that he used those words to push him forward for his goal.

He had to suppress his magic, had to close the lid on it all less he want to be hurt even more worse then his families punishments. Less he wants to become a mindless selfish drone. He began to flinch at every lose stick he saw, every mention of magic, or something strange like that left him pale.

He wouldn't let them have him.

(but some where in the back of his mind he knew that this was wrong, that the Dursleys were wrong and that Magic wasn't wrong. Surprisingly he had a memory of him as a baby, it was of him and his parents playing with magic and oh it was beautiful. One of his most precious memories and he yearned for that feeling again)

The first beating he got from his uncle was a year later when he was six years old. It was also on the same day he first used his magic. He was being picked on by Dudley and his friends, after he ran away from them he saw that they got a new target. It was a boy who was in their class, a new student. He had befriended Harry and Dudley didn't like that. When they started to pushed him around and kick him, a sudden force knocked them all back.

Let's just say Harry and the boy weren't friends anymore, and that he was to blame for his punishment.

Vernon dragged Harry by the saying how worthless, ungrateful and selfish he was. How he was a freak, a monster, if he did not control this beast. His aunt even join in with whipping his hands. She said that if he ever did it again then there would be hell to pay.

The second time was four months later when he turned his teachers hair a different colour. The beating had been worse. He got a whip on the back, since they now avoided hitting his face and hands, he also got a whip on the ass. Vernon punched him twice, once in the shoulder then the stomach. Petunia had taken away his eating privileges for five days, only giving him one small glass of water. She locked him in the cupboard when he wasn't at school.

Luckily he stole some food from a few other kids and ate them, but got caught. They weren't proud of him, and he gave up a weeks worth of food so they would give the kid his money back to buy something new. He got another lashing.

The neighbours were talking, saying and calling him a thief, how bad his aunt and uncle are at being guardians.

Petunia cried and hit him, Dudley broke his toys and hit Harry too. Vernon gave him a good beating then went and drank himself wasted.

He was scared. Scared of his aunt, scared of magic, scared of any human. The only times he wasn't scared was when he was in the school library all alone with nothing but books and silence. The only books he read were either sci-fi, non-fiction, or fiction with nothing to do with magic. There was only one fairy tale book he read. It was about Unicorns and fairies, of creatures he often thought about, it scared him, what magical thing didn't? The animals could hurt him, so could the people. If he tried magic it would only get him hurt.

Vernon had a problem, well he developed one. He was drinking at least twice a week as his reputation went down and his job life got worse. He took it out on Harry, throwing bear bottles over his head, one time trying to stab him with one. (He only got a cut across his chest so it was fine.)

After a few weeks he got a promotion and it all stopped, and every trace of alcohol and drunk Vernon disappeared. Well not really, the only reminder of those horrid 6 weeks were the scars on Harry.

Petunia made a website, after seeing it work with her nephew who was terrified of magic. She wanted to help other parents with their magical children. So she started a blog about magic, what she knew about it and twisted the words to make them sound terrible. She had about two hundred reads and most often people started to comment about her bullshit. But then she got a sudden spike of interest in the blog after talking about her nephew and how they kept him from using magic.

Some heartily agreed, others called her a sick bitch, and some were just saying how this blog was some good entertainment. But then she got a few comments and a message on her phone that made her scared. One told her that she better stay quiet, another said that she just broke a law, and the message she got was anonymous telling her to delete her blog and stop with this evil magic stuff.

She deleted it and took it out on her nephew.

Her friends (she only had two close friends) told her she seemed more relaxed these days, that she was glowing. They didn't know it was because she took out all her hate and stress on Harry. Her friends were all married, had children, a good wealthy husband and lived the life they wanted. And so did Petunia.

It was going great.