BY. Heatmizzer
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters but I really do think there a snazzy group.
Summary: Caitlyn Snow is a nice girl, Killer Frost is a bad girl, Iris West is a girlfriend and Barry is in trouble.
Chapter Four
"She just up and vanished." Barry stated as Joe and Iris both entered the main level.
"Who up and disappeared?" Joe restated.
"Caitlin. She was down in the lab with Ezra, or unidentified person." Cisco added.
"Yea, I came into the lab, there was a bright light and then both of them were gone." Wally interjected.
"So do we have a lead? Can you vibe?" Iris concerned.
"I tried to, I have nothing." Cisco replied.
"I tried to reach out to the multi-verse, so far nothing." Harrison continued.
"So, we're…"
"Lost." Joe insisted.
"I'll try Gyspy, see if she has some facial recog that can identify…" suddenly a portal opened….as Joe shielded Iris, Wally and Barry braced for whatever.
Suddenly all of them stood in disbelief.
"CISCO, CLOSE THE PORTAL!" Caitlin demanded holding onto Ezra.
"What?" Cisco responded.
"Close the damn portal!" she demanded again, suddenly a guy jumped through covered in what seemed to be ninja attire. Barry quickly came over but the guy got the best of him knocking him down.
"Hold on to her." Caitlin asked a nearby Harrison, who immediately followed what she said. Suddenly Caitlin turned, a blue lightning transformed in her eyes, and her hair a shade of grey. She turned and then began to fight the ninja, as if she was a skilled ninja warrior herself. As the portal closed, her final movement resulted in an icy dagger in the guy's chest and her now facing the others. As she let go of the dagger, the ninja fell to his death, her eyes melted back to normal as did her hair. She looked at everyone who seemed taken back and unnerved. Suddenly her eyes landed on Ezra, who fell inward to Harrison.
"No!" she ran over very intently concerned, she looked over at Barry and Wally. "I need you two, to get us to the lab now." She called out. "NOW!" she said ruthless. Barry quickly grabbed Caitlin and Wally grabbed Ezra and they were off.
"What just happened?" Cisco stated.
"Wherever she was, whatever she did…she's changed." Harrison said looking at the dead ninja on the ground.
In the Lab…
Caitlin began to put oxygen mask on Ezra, she began to work on her.
"Ezra, I need you to fight. Hang in there with me. Hang in." She yelled, moving as fast as she could. Wally and Barry watched unassured of what to do to help, as Iris and Cisco arrived. Suddenly the cardiac monitors went off. "No NO No." Caitlin grabbed the defibrillator and paddles, she open Ezra's shirt and began to place everything where it was supposed to go. Suddenly, the monitor went to a single long beat. She shocked her again. NOTHING. She shocked her again. NOTHING. She shocked her a third. BUT NOTHING. Suddenly she cried out, she broke down. Caitlin fell against Ezra and started to cry.
"Caitlin?" Barry tried but he stopped. He just came over and quietly placed his hand against Caitlin's shoulders. Suddenly a red lightning bolt struck in his eyes.
"Barry?" Iris asked seeing that face before, everyone looked at him. Caitlin looked over, she placed his hand against Ezra's, and suddenly the flash disappeared. He stepped back…Suddenly Ezra's monitor beeped and with one breath, she was back. As she opened her eyes, she looked up at Caitlin who smiled.
The gang all stood in the other room, watching as Caitlin stayed near Ezra.
"Has she told you anything?" Cisco asked.
"No." Barry added.
"Then how do we know that's our Caitlin?" Cisco added.
"We don't. Right now, whomever she is, she's very protective over…" Barry responded.
"The nameless girl. I mean clearly we don't know if her name is really Ezra. Once they vanished, no one knew of an Ezra…Raymond." Cisco interjected. "Raymond, as in Ronnie Raymond?" Cisco exclaimed. He then looked at everybody present. "I mean, you don't…it couldn't…"Cisco continued.
"There are infinite universes and infinite us, so it is possible." Barry added.
"So we have the corpse put away, in a cell." Joe replied coming into the room with Harrison.
"Well it looks like we may have a lead?"
'The girl, she could be related to Ronnie which could provide why Caitlin is so attached."
"Well, has anyone asked Caitlin?" Joe added.
"No, but it's time to." Iris said as she entered into the exam room, shutting the door behind her.
"Don't!" Caitlin replied with a somber anger and her back towards Iris.
"On this Earth, you may be with Barry and beloved. But not where she comes from, where she comes from you stand for evil. If she should wake, who knows what will happen..."she turned and faced Iris. "But it won't be pretty."
"Caitlin, we're just"
"YOU TOOK HER FATHER AWAY FROM ME!" she said in crystalized voice, as one strain of white hair appeared, Iris sensing danger immediately left out.
'That isn't Caitlin." Iris replied to the others.
"Yes it is." A voice said from behind everyone, immediately they turned to find Gypsy standing in the doorway.