Hello everyone!

Two different kind of notes before we start.

First, about the story: I read and really liked Cursed Child. I, sadly, did not like what the narrative decided for the character of Delphi (a character I liked and found fascinating even if heatbreaking) and I have all kinds of problems with page 314 of the scriptbook and the adults!characters behaviour.
I knew I wanted to change that outcome but doing so in a post- or during-canon fic... it would've been too late for lots of changes and I settled for the current project, a set of different narrative "arcs", similar to the japanese light novel medium style.

Second and probably more important: although I believe I'm presenting a readible piece, English is not my native language and this is the first time I write fiction in it. I did my best, but it's likely that some sentences will be affected by the italian structure and other problems that escaped me. For that, I apologize in advance.

Comments, osservations and critics over plot/character's actions/language are more than welcome, but I'll be grateful for everyone who will decide to just spend some of their time reading it.



The echo unforseen

It had been a quiet, normal day for Harry Potter. No raids. No arrests. Just training, paperwork and supervision of the new recruits. Ginny was off for a two-days training camp so he had to leave early and start cooking right away, otherwise James'd make a scene. He'd only hope his little monsters hadn't driven Andromeda crazy.

He had just started packing when one of the fireplaces glowed and Neville rolled out of it, his expression deadly serious.

"Harry! Thank Dumbledore you're still here! We'll need more people as possible"

So much for getting home early.

"Neville, calm down. What happened?"

"Old acquaintances up to something" he said, clearly upset. Not good.

Harry sighed and braced himself "Alright. Who?"

"Death Eaters"



Only years of training and experience helped him recover as fast as he did.

"Alright, let me contact Andromeda, I'd to ask her if she can look after the boys a little longer, or ask Molly if she can't. Ten minutes and I'll be yours". He dropped packing and headed for the closer fireplace.

"Gotcha. I'll get all the veterans and chief. Drop a word to Kingsley too, you can never tell if he'll wants in"

"Any idea of how bad it'll get? Any info?" asked Harry while getting a handful of floo.

"An entire mansion out of nowhere. Dark spells and curses to hide it. Vayra said she recognized Euphemia Rowle. Overheard about "projects" already in motion. Doesn't sound good, does it?"

No, it didn't. At all.

"Big chances to go pretty bad pretty fast, then. Go warn Hermione's Department too, now that you're at it. I'd rather not have to deal alone against chimeras or Hagrid knows what else".

"Yeah, better to avoid a disaster like with Morgenstern's bloody manticore pet. I still get the nightmares"

And with that last reassuring bit, Neville disapparated.

Harry threw the floo at the fireplace and shouted "Harry and Ginny Potter's home, London, Albion Street" before putting his head into the green flames. A little pop, the brief sensation of clogged ears, and he was looking at his living room, Teddy right in the middle of the carpet with James rolling over his back and…

"Harry!" a worried female voice irrupted in the room and after few seconds Andromeda Tonks appeared in front of him, lowering herself to his level "What's wrong?".

"Emergency" he lowered his voice to a murmur "Neville's got info of Death Eaters being up to something. We'll have a briefing within next minutes, and I don't know when I'll be back home. I hate to ask…"

"Don't even try it, Harry. Teddy and I will stay for all the time necessary" she smirked "It isn't as they'll be sad to have more hours to play together, is it?".

"Too true. Thank you, Andromeda. Send James and Albus my love"

Feeling uneasy Harry retreated from the fire, back in a office now full of his colleagues.

"Welcome back, Potter. Warned home?"

Harry stood up and met the Head of Aurors, Kingsley at his side. Called it.

"Done, chief. I'm ready"

Duncan nodded and barked an "Attention!" that silenced every ongoing chatter "Good, gentlemen. Every one at their desk and eyes on the blackboard. Longbottom, if you please".

For a moment the office was a mess, men and women clashing one with another while reaching their posts. Then, a perfect silence. Neville was standing alone in front of their biggest blackboard, already covered with maps and notes on parchment.

"Since most of you have only heard "Death Eaters" before rushing here, let me give you a better brief. One of my best informants" here he looked at Duncan, he nodded and Neville went on "contacted me not even an hour ago. She had personally witness something that required the Auror's utmost attention and wanted us to meet in person. I'll make it short: today she was camping in the forest near Ravenscar when she saw an entire mansion, a Malfoy Manor sized one, her words, pop out of nowhere, garden and grove included. It was inhabited, there were people chatting on the outside while restoring protection and concealment spells. Lucky us, she was able to get near enough to recognize at least one person and overhear them. She recognized Euphemia Rowle; the family's infamous enough for us all, Euphemia herself was never legally persecuted, she was no Death Eater, and we knew she lived retired in the family official mansion. I've checked, and no Ministry logs register a magical residence near Ravenscar" Neville took his first breath "Rowle and her companions were talking about how something was "growing well" and would've been prepared enough in few years. They were arguing over the time gap and according to Vayra, Rowle was talking about a little more than ten years or "it will be too young to succeed". She pinned the location, left and rushed right to me. I have the map with the exact coordinates right here" he pointed the one on the blackboard before facing them again "I could trust Vayra with my life, she've proven herself countless times and both chief and the Minister known her: I believe we should act as soon as we can".

Kingsley was the first to break the silence "I agree with Longbottom. This'd have been bad enough if ex Death Eaters were only hiding a mansion, but if they are working on something, and it seems that whatever it is started long ago, we won't act as soon as we can, we'll act immediately. Everyone in their best gear, and bring with you first aid potions. Gathering point in the hall of this Office, we'll depart within thirty minutes". He disapparated, likely to inform his staff of the Minister future whereabouts.

"Alright men, you heard the Minister, so get ready! Potter, Longbottom, to me"

Harry rushed to his side, Neville on his tracks. They were led in a corner, away from their colleagues crow.

"Neville, once again: well done. Now go get your and Harry's gears; Harry, you go check if Granger and her team are ready. Give them advice if they need it".

It was Harry's turn to nod and apparate away, right at the Magical Creatures's Department's door. He was about to knock when the door was smashed open from the inside and a hand grabbed him. It was Hermione, shouting instructions left and right while dragging him along. Harry had been in her Department before, but he'd never really appreciated the silencing charm put on the door as much as now. There were at least a dozen different creatures, all screaming, and two dozen of wizards and witches, half of them in raid gear and half busy controlling the creatures. And that was only the main hall!

"We were waiting for Aurors to show up, glad it's you Harry, come help us finalizing the details".

"Wait, have you guys being already informed of everything?"

"Yes, we were able to hear Neville and Kingsley from the Head's office. And I believe Kingsley's absolutely right, better to strike now than risk having them transfer somewhere else, although Syda and others disagree"

They were arrived, it seemed. The largest desk of the hall, covered with potions, protective paddings for clothes, parchment with description and drawings of diverse creatures and dozen others thing he couldn't recognize, with Hermione's usual team all around it debating. She pushed him right in front of that mess.

"We've taken griffon and hyppogriffs and respective countermeasures into consideration. Dragons?"

"Hermione! There'll be no dragon, there's no space or way to hide it, not even if they're keeping secret part of the forest. Do include the possibility of a chimaera or a manticore, tho" he spotted one of the youngster trying to interrupt him and raised a hand "Yes, I know that they're greek and very rare. But please, do try and say to chief that find a british dark wizard with a manticore is "unlikely". He and his scar'd like to disagree".

Silence followed and it was up to Syda "I disagree but will tag along to save your assess" Adrisi retake the situation in hand.

"Manticore and chimaera to add, alright. Everyone, go grab the necessary, and let's try to bring at least twenty of us. Those creatures must not be undervalued." She turned to face him

"Potter, first, thanks, second, now get out of the way and back to your office, we'll be on time".

Harry nodded and apparated away, puzzled. And I'd always thought Hermione was bossy!

At 7 pm and not a second later, the Auror's Office main hall was crowded by at least forty or forty five people, so quiet that you could've heard a pin drop. Harry was standing with his team, near Terry Boot's, both of them nodding at various silent greetings. On such rare occasions, people known to have fought in the Battle draw more attention and since they inspired security in others, were usually distributed in different teams. They were the Aurors "tested in fiendfyre", as the saying went.

Kingsley and Duncan were standing shoulder to shoulder on a floating platform; Neville, with them, was busy sending flying notes with the coordinates, a list of useful tracking spell and safety advices to every participant.

Harry memorized the note and waited.

"Last words of advice, everyone! We'll now reach Ravenscar city via Apparition and approach the exact point with brooms to avoid informing the Death Eaters of our arrival. Once at our destination, Blishen's team will open a breach in the protection spells. Five squads, mine, the Minister's, Boot's, Longbottom's and Potter's will infiltrate, the rest of you will stay outside, cast an anti apparition spell to cover the entire area and be ready to catch whoever will manage to escape us. Three Auror and at least two members of the Creatures Department for each team, and for the love of God and Dumbledore, do not wander alone and absolutely do not engage the enemy alone. The first one I'll see try something so stupid will regret it dearly. I don't care how much experience you have, how brave you feel: do not, at no time, try to take on a Death Eater by yourself".

All forty five nodded in a perfect silence.

As Duncan had predicted during the flight, break down the concealment and protection spells was proving to be a long process. They couldn't face the risk of having the inhabitants suspect a thing, so counter spells had to be precise and subtle, to outflank and bypass rather then make everything collapse with a boom.

And while Richard and his team were working, Harry and the others could only sit and wait. He hated it. The war had ended not even ten years ago! His children, his nephews, his friends's children… they were just babies. Teddy wasn't even ten! He'd never allow Voldemort's shadow to come back to haunt all of them again. He threw a rock against a tree so hard the bark splintered.


"Sorry, chief."

Terry kicked him gently and then sat down with him "Come on, Harry. We Tested have to stay calm or the others'll worry ten times more. And" he toned down his voice to a murmur "your scar's not hurting, is it?"

"No, no. Been deadly silent since the Battle".

Hermione and Neville then joined them and once again it was the four of them, back to back in a cold, dark night, waiting to fight monsters. The only kind of dark he wasn't afraid of.

At least an couple of hours passed and Harry was on verge of closing his eyes when the whispers "it's done, they did it" reached him and his friends. They rose immediately and parted to join their groups, his and Neville's rushing to Duncan side. Richard and his guys were lying on the grass, painting heavily, tired but satisfied. Right in front of them, a round door-sized hole with glowing rims, beyond which could be glimpsed the mansion: the breach, finally. Richard himself grinned as they approached him "Told ya', mates: there's no barrier in this country we can't overcome".

Neville bowed and high-five'd him "Yeah, good job".

Kingsley then raised his hand and every chatter died at once "Everyone in position, five teams, with me". Members of the Creatures department divided into the Aurors teams, Hermione and Syda joined Harry's. Wands out, Chief and his team were the first to pass over the breach. Harry was third, clutching the holly wand and, yes, hoping the scar remained silent as the past eight years. When, already on the other side, with the mansion, the grove and the park in front of him, the proof yet another betrayal of so called "ex" Death Eaters, surrounded by his friends and colleagues, he dared to let go of his breath, Harry realized that no, the scar wasn't hurting. Thank you.

Since the strategy had already been decided in flight, they only cast the perfected disillusionment charm, hugged, and wished each other good luck before parting ways: his group, Neville's and Teddy's aiming for the back, Kingsley's and Duncan's straight to the front door. Harry ventured a glance at Kingsley and wasn't surprised in the least to find a murderous look. He could even hear in his head "I've really had enough with those damned terrorists!". Chuckling, he gestured to his team and they headed right into the park surrounding the mansion. Everyone was still carrying their broom to enter from the roof if necessary, but they'd all decided to walk as long as they could, to further decrease the chances of getting caught.

As they advanced, it became more and more evident how the Rowles felt really safe in their nest. They found no traps, no alarm spells and encountered no magical creatures, just normal animals. Harry payed particular attention to the number of snakes, as superstitious as this could've been, and was relieved when he spotted a single little viper, who disappeared immediately. It took them fifteen minutes to reach the back, not a single threat on their way. Once nearer the mansion, Harry took his time to scan it, searching for… well, basically everything. Constance vigilance, after all.

It looked much less well cared for than all the others magic manors he'd visited. Small cracks and sign of weathering were everywhere, and they were pretty bad since he was able to see them with the only aid of his wand light, enchanted to let it be seen only by those under a Companionship spell. The manor had three storeys with seven windows on each floor, some, on the first and the attic, illuminated. Usually, he'd have dismissed them immediately as possible break-points, but first they had to know how many enemies were inside. The ground floor was pitch black, which could turn out to be either a good thing or the first trap. From what he could see, at least two sides of the manor were covered in ivy. He gestured at the others to come closer and pointed them what looked like a trail of squashed ivy, as if someone was using it as a staircase from the attic's last window on their left to the ground. Funny enough, that particular window was lit.

"I really don't like this. Only an underage wizard or witch, or a muggle, would ever need such a thing. And the traces don't even look teenager-sized, they're too small. Once we're in, Syda and I'll go there right away"

"Alright" he said, trying to stay controlled. The idea of finding a… child? a teenager? had never crossed his mind before and now was upsetting him. He hadn't kept up to date on eventual ex DE's children, true, so a little Rowle could've been responsible of that trail. But the knowledge the Rowles were working on a "project" that required time to grow gave him a bad feeling.

"I can't decide if they're think this place has the best protection of the world, they're hiding everything in and will unleash it all at first signs of intrusion in the mansion or if they're just this stupid" Rachel, one of the newest addiction to his team, sounded almost disappointed.

"Let's hope it's the third, okay?"

In silence, they reached the house, went up to the ground floor windows and Neville took out a coin from his gear "The others are in position as well, we cover this side and then messages back". At that signal, everyone cast a silent Homenum Revelio all over the place. Harry took the ground floor, and a glance at Hermione told him she was focused on the window over the ivy trail. Two red lights appeared, one in the attic and one one first floor: human presences. One was in Hermione's room. Other lights, light blue, were found in every story. They're concentrated especially in the left side of ground floor and the newly discovered underground, Dumbledore knew if a innocent cellar or what else. Harry counted a dozen of those lights and took a relieved sigh. Blue lights meant House Elves. Syda and her colleagues then cast their own specific tracking spells and, apparently, found nothing. This was a real blessing. Two humans and only elves.

We can do this. We won't lose anyone this time.


"I know, I know. Duncan is writing they've found only one person. If this is all, it's twenty nine of us against three."

They looked at each other and smiled. After expecting the worst, this was pretty good, whatever were the Rowles planning.

"Ok, guys" said Harry "Now, we've got no idea of the planimetry and, honestly, I still don't trust this black hole here" he pointed at the window at his side "So here's the plan: Rachel, Gwyn, on your brooms and tell me where the hell is Euphemia. When you find her, signal down here and we'll all break in right in her face. Disarming and bounding spells immediately, but be prepared for worse. Let's deal with her first and then meet up with the others".

"Yes sir!"


The two witches were up in no time, disappearing even from their colleagues sights. After not even a couple of minutes Gwyn joined them again.

"First and second windows from the right, sir. She's reading on a couch. We weren't able to see her wand, but she's completely alone".

"Perfect. Everyone, up!"

He was one of the first to get up out the windows, enjoying the short flight the best as he could. And there she was, at best five years older than him, her back against a bookshelf and looking bored to death in a fancy library. Poor thing, uh? He clung on his wand and looked around: everyone's ready, Neville and Hermione at his side, as always. The three of them were the first to point their wands at the windows and cast a Reducto.

Glass shattered, wood broke and flew everywhere and Harry jumped from the Firebolt into the room, rolled and was up within seconds casting his best Expelliarmus in weeks. A perfect spell that went wasted, since Rowle had become the target of at least fourteen between stunners, disarming and bounding spells whose result was the witch being lifted and throw against the bookshelf before she could even grab her wand. Books start fell over her unconscious body from the whole wall of the library and Harry found himself stop them before they could bury her and shouting at his colleagues.

"Enough! Stop cursing! It's over!"


With his voice enchanted and a spark from the wand, it was Neville who shut everyone down. Harry took advantage of it to banish the books from Rowle and approach her. She was a mess. Bound by five or six different types of rope, hair on her face, robes cut. No wounds, luckily for her. Harry replaced that mess with a single, clean bounding spell and lifted her body.

"Make some space!"

Thirteen people moved out of his way and he could lay her on the carpet, her back against one of the untouched bookshelves.

"Gwyn, take our team and go find…"

"Potter! Longbottom!"


"Never mind, then"

Always first, Kingsley and Duncan were entering the room with half a team, dragging a tied up Damocles Rowle with them. He must have fought, though, because Harry spotted cuts and messy robes on some colleagues. He had expected him to call them names or complaining about having "no rights to invade" but the man was deadly silent, even if he looked murderous. He was put next to his sister and all the Aurors surrounded them, the team's commanders in the front row.

"Reinnerva" said Neville pointing his wand at Euphemia. The witch murmured something and regained consciousness; after few seconds of silent panic, though, she fell in the same obstinate silence as her brother.

Kingsley stepped forward "Hear me, Rowles. Last time you two escaped trial and Azkaban because you weren't compromised enough in Death Eaters activity, and now here we are: this manor shouldn't be here, shouldn't be hidden and surely not under such dark spells that took Ministry Aurors hours to dispel. This alone will be enough to warrant a few months imprisonment, but being actively involved in terrorist activities? That will cost you years. Now, make everything easier and start talking about this thing that's "growing well" and will be ready within years".

"There's nothing growing well here aside our plants, Minister" spat Damocles

"Whoever told you otherwise lied. I believe the Ministry still offer reward for Death Eaters? This so valuable spy of yours must need gold".

There was a tense, short silence. No one was buying it, obviously, and exposing Varya was out of question, but they still had to interrogate…

"So be it, then".

What? We must…

"Four Auror will remain here with the prisoners. The rest of us will turn this manor inside out. Two or three people per team and scan every floor, room or corner". Without a second look at the prisoners Kingsley gestured at everyone to took off, joined his team and left the room.

Or we could just do this.

It took Harry few minutes to organize and split his team and after, checking they had their coin, he joined Terry and Neville at the doorway. They'd already sent their guys off and were waiting for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Hermione and Syda talking with Chief and taking off. Good.

"The three of us as usual?"

"Yep, it's a consolidated tradition after all".

"Dunno about you guys, but I think we should start with the basement" said Terry

"I know that "evil secrets hidden underground" sounds like one of those fake, cliché reports by Skeeter but Death Eaters aren't exactly the most brightest of the world, are they?"

"Yeah" Harry agreed "Beside, the Malfoy really had every sort of dark arctifacts in theirs, cliché or not, so it's worth a look. Let's go".

Hermione Granger had a bad feeling about this. She and Syda were in a corridor on first floor, looking for the stairs to the attic, and nothing had yet attacked them. Call her paranoic, but if a bunch of Minister officers were not being attacked in a Death Eaters mansion, something was very wrong. Strangest of all things, she had the feeling the house had been made safer than usual. No precious or dangerous object were on sight (and they had been there, there were traces left), nothing cursed, and the few empy rooms they'd visited looked used and comfortable. Lots of pillows and blankets, everywhere.

"Hermione!" called Syda, few feet ahead of her "Hurry, I've found elves!"

She rushed at her side. Her friend was kneeling in front of two terrified elves and was trying to calm them.

"Please, you don't need to fear us. We mean you no harm. We're from the Ministry, the two of us help house elves, not harm them" Syda's voice was low, her tone reassuring, as if she was talking to a child or a scared creature. Her wand on the floor, nearer the elves than her, as a sign of good will. As she kept talking, Hermione took her time to observe the elves. As she expected of Rowle, they were wearing no real clothings but tatters, and the purple bruises on their arms and legs showed how much they've been brutalized. She knelt and joined her colleague.

"Look, I see your master doesn't treat you well, but you two, and all of your companions... you don't need her anymore. The mistreatment of house elves is illegal, has been since five years, and plenty other magical families will welcome you and offer you a job and a house. Your master doesn't deserve your loyalty, and I will see that she free you as soon as possible".

"You should really trust my friend, you know?" said Syda "She's Hermione Granger. It was her who fought for elves rights and passed the law".

One of the elves raised their head and looked at her, nonplussed "Madam is miss Granger? The friend of Dobby and Kreacher?"

Hermione smiled and nod "I am".

"We could get a different house? Where masters won't beat us?" their tone said everything, they couldn't believe it but wanted to.

"Yes. Our department will help you all find a new home".

After this, both of them looked uncomfortable. Time to prove her suspects.

"But what will happen to our masters?"

"They'll be arrested" let's try this: "all of them"

The elves, just as she had hoped, didn't took it well.

"NO!" they were horrified "No, please! Missy..." they stopped, the words not coming out. A direct order was compelling them not to speak but they were fighting it "Missy... is innocent! She is nice! She...!" the spell catch up with them, but it was too late to hide the Rowles secrets. The damage had been done, and now Hermione had urgent things to do.

"It's alright, it's alright! We won't arrest her, alright? We'll help her" she leaned closer to Syda and murmured "Stay with them and try to find the others. I'll find this young one, whoever she is".

"Hermione, not alone!"

"There's no time. What if it's only a child and get lost in the grove? What if she hurt herself trying to escape? I have to do this, now". She turned to the elves

"Where can I find the stairs to the attic?"

She found herself running seconds later.

Right in front of me till the green door on the right, enter, new corridor, turn left at fouth painting, stairs right behind the corner.

It took her a couple of minutes, maybe, to find them: the mansion was huge but she'd run like crazy.

After two flight of stairs she found herself in another corridor, with few doors on both sides. No indication on which room was used, and no rumors at all. A Point me spell told her that the room she was looking for was on her left and recalling the position of the lit window, she went right for the first door. Remaining at one side of the door, out of spells or items reach, she murmured an Alohomora and the door opened. Silence. She recast Homenum Revelio and when the spell didn't detect a presence, she stepped out of her hiding spot, braced herself and entered the room.


The door of the basement exploded and Harry, Terry and Neville entered, shoulder to shoulder. It was empty, but that was the only good thing it'd be said about. The walls resembled Hogwarts's potion dungeons more than the Experimental spells department, with their large blocks of grey stone and shelves covered with stills, ingredients and small containers. Cauldrons of various sizes were scattered all across the basement, some of them with their potion still fuming. Out of four walls, one consisted in a library with peculiar contents; on some shelves Harry recognized papyrus scrolls and... clay tablets? Yep, clay tablets.

Then he noticed a floating glass-made pool in the center of the room, big enough for a child of Teddy's age. Harry averted his attention from of the library and rushed to it. The water (if that was water, and he doubted it) was stained with blood, and he almost crushed his wand. All around the pool were wooden tables covered with parchment, potions he couldn't recognized, bandages and other medicines. Among them, the same disinfecting potion he and Ginny used when James was hurt and he felt a bout of nausea. Disgusted, he approached the table at his right and found painkillers and sedatives, all doses suitable for children. What the hell were they doing here?


"Harry, Terry, come here!"

The urgency in his voice made Harry turn with his wand ready for a curse, but he realized they were still alone.


He ran straight to him, to the wall covered by the library. Neville was standing near another table and was holding pieces of parchment, his hand trembling. Few seconds and Teddy joined them, another parchment in his hands. When Neville realized they'd come he quickly tossed it at them, like he was holding poison.

"Read it, read it yourself, or I'll believe to be hallucinating".

As if all of this isn't looking horrifying enough.

The first sheet was a monthly schedule for… magical surgeries? Near the dates were noted the exact required quantities of a potion whose name he didn't recognize. It seemed the thing had to be introduced into the body through open wounds and the subject had to be conscious to be effective. He'd never heard of such a practice, it was barbaric. The second sheet, where he found his answers, made him shiver. The surgeries were needed to increase the magical potential of an individual. An ancient technique, it seemed, so that every single spell cast had the highest power, to made the subject a sort of super wizard. The notes went on about how magic flowed in the blood and adding a certain components into it would have… oh God. Human lives were one of the required components.

"This… it's almost the physical equivalent of an horcrux! Sacrifices and artificial manipulation not to live forever but to create a magical powerhouse" Harry felt the desire to laugh hysterically "What the hell is this? A plan to create a super wizard? How is that even possible?"

"Behold the dark wizards" Neville answered full of sarcasm "They figured out how to split the soul, go figure what they can do with the body, but go, go on"

Harry did. He did it, and, this time, he almost throw up.

"They did this to a four years old!?"

"Nope. They started when the child was four. Look at the dates: it's been ongoing for four years, they must be eight or nine now".

God almighty.

"I'm sorry mates, but I'm afraid there is worse" said Terry "I found this and two shelves of notes by the same hand. Looks like years of research worth of content but, to the point... I recognize the writing" he added handing it over.


No, no, no, no!

Harry grabbed the parchement and studied every word. He knew those "f", "a" and "h", the inclination of the writing, the middle age looking style. He had met it first at twelve and, years later, he'd spent months recognizing it in Death Eaters libraries.

"We need to call Kingsley. Now."

There was a child living in this house, Hermione was absolutely sure. The room she had found herself in had a floor covered by clothes, toys, stuffed animals and lots of books. And the sheets on the bed were pulled back, as someone had turned them up moments ago, ready for nightime.

Euphemia Rowle have no children. Who lives here?

There! A noise of agitated bushes, right out of the open window, distracted her. She ran up to it and leaned, just in time to see a little figure jump out of the ivy trail and run away, right in the grove.

Why run?

Oh, she wasn't liking any of this. At all. Ex Death Eaters, hidden houses and secret projects were enough to give her a horrible feeling, but elusive children who had no reasons to be in said house? That was much worse. She grabbed her broom from the enchanted bag and flew to the ground. Here, she stuffed it back and drew her coin. With a tip of her wand on her forehead and on the coin she sent the message "Granger, heading to the groove, I've found a child. Send others" and, for good measure, two talking Patronus with the same message were sent to Kingsley and Harry. Hermione faced the dark grove ahead, her wand out and ready. Dumbledore knew how all of this could turn out to be a trap. She murmured "lumos" and marched in after a brief rush. It looked like it was just a small, dense stand of trees, with very few spots for a dangerous beast to hide. Finally a good news.

If they've dared kidnap that child, then, I swear to Dumbledore…!

Child that was nowhere to be found, truth to be told. Great, just great. This is getting worse at every minute.

She cast a simple tracking spell. and a thin, translucent gold line set off form the tip of her wand, reached the ground and went to her left, guiding her. Remaining alert of her surroundings, Hermione followed it through the trees, until she found herself in the open. She halted, unable to process what was in front of her.

The child was there, right in the middle of a small clearing, surrounded by a sort of luminescent bubble, a magical shield without doubt. She was hugging close what looked like a glowing stuffed owl, her head turned the other way and visibly shaking in fear. But that wasn't all, oh no. All around the shield there were snakes, lots of them, and they were facing Hermione hissing furiously, as they were protecting the child.

It can't be.

She lowered her wand and stepped into the clearing, careful to approach very slowly and without sudden movements. "Little one" she called "I don't want to hurt you. I don't even know who you are. There is no need for the shield. I just want to know why you ran away"

It was the child's turn to shake the head.

"Please, go away. I've done nothing".

It's really a girl. Like Rose. She can't be older than ten.

"But you'll be alone" she said "It wouldn't be really nice of me to leave a child alone, would it?"

This seemed to resonate with her, and she finally turned to face Hermione. Long, curly black hair, dark eyes full of distrust and fear, fair complexion. She seemed well taken care off, overall, but, still, something was off.


"It is not? Euphemia leave me alone a lot and I don't mind. I've got them, after all" she said, gesturing at her owl and the snakes.

Oh, God.

"There's just you and miss Rowle, then? No other children? No grown up?"

Let's see if she's allowed some company.

The girl shook her head again "Nope. Just the two of us. Damocles three days per week, he's my teacher and help with the rituals. And the House elves. They're kind, I like them, but Euphemia say I shouldn't take animals into account" she paused and looked troubled "Whenever she find me with them she get really mad. I'm "disgracing myself", you see. And she usually doesn't scream at me".

Hermione was somewhere between anger, horror and amusement. Not that she expected Death Eaters to treat House Elves any differently, she had just saw how those were being abused, but at least the girl didn't seem to have inherited the attitude and once the ice had been broken she was quite the chatting type. That comment about rituals worried her, tho. Before she'd make another question, though, the child prevented her.

"No one ever come here. Are you… with the Ministry?" she was bracing herself, almost crushing the plush.

"Yes" she answered quietly, taking another step closer "Someone saw this house and miss Rowle putting a lot of dark spells around it" she lowered herself and tried look in the child's eyes, her wand raised to illuminate them both "This house is like a ghost. An unregistered, illegal ghost. We had to investigate".

"You weren't hunting for me, then?". Her relief was so evident that Hermione felt a painful sting.

Hunting?! What in the universe have they told this child!

"We didn't knew about you, dear. The House Elves we've met mentioned a young miss, but we knew Euphemia Rowle had no children. I feared she could have kidnapped you... she's not exactly a very good person…" Oh, she had no idea how to introduce the subject "Well, do… do you know what a Death Eater is?"

The girl's eyes dilated and she retreated "Yes" she whispered "That's why I'm being hidden away. Mum was one. She was important. Euphemia always say I must remain hidden, or Potter will come. He…" she paused, and the shaking worsened

"He'll come and…" she was ventilating "and he'll kill me".

Rowle! Hermione restrained her rage. She had to stay collected and calm, she had to. And no matter what, this child wasn't going to stay with the Rowles a day longer. She took another step closer to the girl, the snakes around them quiet.

"Look, I know Harry. Personally, I mean. Since we were 11. He will never, ever do such a thing. He is a dad himself, you see" It wasn't working "And… his godson, Teddy. He's almost your age. It'll feel like killing Teddy and Harry would rather sacrifice himself thousand times over that".

"There is more, than a high ranked Death Eather mum" she murmured, and Hermione braced herself.

Oh, who am I kidding? I knew it from the second I saw the snakes. Let's try take this from another point.

"Is it about your surname?"

"I don't have one. It should be… Lestrange, but I don't think it is. I overheard Damocles, one day. And he said... he said no Lestrange could ever…" she went quiet.

It was Bellatrix, then. Of course it was her. Hermione had no idea what to say. She sat down, letting the child know she was staying with her, and waited.

Then, an almost imperceptible hiss came from the girl and all the snakes turned to her. Another hiss and all of them bar one retreated into the grove. She stretched a hand and that one crossed the shield straight to her, head up. The girl started petting it and looked up to Hermione.

"No Lestrange can talk with snakes" a pause "And I know what this mean. What Parseltongue mean. Potter will want to kill me. To even things out".

Hermione was shocked, she wouldn't dare say she wasn't. But this was pure, unulterated bullshit. Oh, she saw what the Rowles were trying to do here. Raise her alone, in fear and hate for Harry Potter and then unleash her into Britain. Monsters! And if she had only half the power her parents had had… a second enraged Riddle wasn't something Britain should have to face ever again. She tried a different approach.

"What is your name, dear? We still haven't introduced ourselves, have we?"

"Delphini. Delphi".

"Nice to meet you, Delphi. I am… Hermione Granger"

The girl left out a little scream and hugged her plush closely, distancing herself from Hermione. The snake rolled up unto the child's shoulders and hissed at Hermione. Thank God this one is nowhere Nagini's size.

"No, no, look. I just want you to look at this and listen to me for few minutes, I promise. If after that you'll still be scared, I'll leave you alone and we'll find a different solution. Alright?"

"Yes" a murmur, but it was just what Hermione needed.

"Look at me, please"

When she had her attention, she open her gear a little, enough to show her neck.

"Can you see that little scar? Just right there" she said pointing it. Delphi looked confused but nodded, leaning closer to Hermione.

"During the war… your mum did this"

And Delphi jerked away again. She really believe I want to hurt her. Poor child.

"Please, just hear me out. Yes, she did, and yes, saying I didn't liked her would be an egregious misunderstanding. But here I am now, right in front of her child. And I don't want to hurt you, revenge, or "even things out" at all. I want to know if you are happy here, and if you are not, take you away. Give you a home, a real one, with people who will love you".

A long silence.

"But I am their child, am I not?"

"Do you know who my parents are?" A mute no. Perfect. "They are Muggle Healers. And I work in the Ministry, I take care of Magical Creatures and their rights. Pretty different, don't you think? No child is a copy of their parents".

The child lowered her head and quietly petted her plush. The bubble protection became less solid looking, as it was about to dispel. After a while, Delphi raised her head, her expression one of mild hope.

"You don't… want to kill me?" she asked.

Hermione sat upright, presented herself as resolute as she could and looked right in her eyes. This moment was crucial.

"I do not".

Delphi's shoulder relaxed, she was actually believing her!

"You'll take me away from here?"

"I will".

Hermione saw tears forming in her eyes. Few seconds later the shield was gone and she was being hugged as strong as a child could. Hermione sighed with relief and hugged her back. She noticed the snake (when had it get out of her shoulders?) was eyeing her, wary and protective, but not hissing anymore.

Seems like I passed the test, uh?

Muffled sobs made her attention shift from the snake to the girl. Hermione started pet Delphi's head quietly and murmur soothing words, repeating "It's alright, it's over, we'll take care of you" over and over. It was quite surreal: she, the Mudblood, comforting Voldemort's child, in the middle of a night, with dozens of snakes lurking around. She raised her head and admired the starry sky for few moments. It was new Moon, but here, away from the cities lights and under the protective spells, countless stars were illuminating the clearing. Now that she had time to notice, it was a beautiful night. Fitting to find a lost Black, she chuckled.