Lyrics of A Song: Cycle I

By: M14Mouse

Summary: Rean keeps getting packages from Elliot's sister.

Disclaimer: Don't own them.

At first, Rean picked up the package in front of his door. He thought that the package delivered to the wrong person.

It had no name on it.

He didn't sense anything wrong with the package. It wasn't from his sister and he didn't order anything.

Oh, it was probably one of Elliot's packages. He smiled softly. Elliot's sister loved to send him packages…It was kind of sweet much to his friend's embarrassment.

He took the package and went down the hall to Elliot's door. He knocked.

"Elliot…it is me. I think one of your packages made its way to me," He said.

Elliot opened the door and sighed.

"Another one? Thanks, Rean," Elliot said with a laugh.

Elliot took the package from his hands.

"Not a problem. See you at dinner?" He said.

"Of course."

He waved then headed back to his room. He needed to finish his reading for class tomorrow.

Once he was settled into his desk, he heard a knock on his door. He frowned in confusion as he got up and open it.

Elliot was standing at the door with the package in his hand.

"Turns out…the package is for you," Elliot said.

"Huh?" He said in confusion.

"My sister…sent you a package…" Elliot mumbled.

Poor Elliot. His face was turning bright red…even the tips of his ears were turning that color.

"I can ask…why?"

If he didn't know any better, Elliot's face was turning a brighter shade of red.

"I might have…talked about you…just a little."


"And…that might have meant that she made you a package too," Elliot said as he handed him the package.

He frowned.

He still didn't get where this is going or why he has a package from Elliot's sister.

"When…my sister likes one of my friends…she tends send them package too."

"Oh…that is very nice of her. I will be sure to send her a thank you note," He said as he took the packages from Elliot.

"Ya…okay….see you at dinner?"

"Of course," He said with a smile. After Elliot left, he brought the small box to his desk. He opened it to find some candy and a note. He opened the note.


My brother has told me a lot about you. Thank you for being such a good friend to him.


"Well, that was nice of her," He said as he looked at the note. He picked up a piece of paper and wrote a thank you note.


Thank you kindly for the candy and the note. Elliot has been a good friend for me as well. He was my first friend that I made here. His kindness has made it easier to be away from home.

Thank you again,


He nodded his head at his note. He copied the address from the package to the envelope. He sent it off with his parents and sister's letters.

He thought nothing of it.


"What did you write to her?!" Elliot said as he opened his door. He saw a larger package in his hands this time.

"I thank her for the candy…and told her that you were a good friend."

Elliot's face turned red again then he sighed.

"She sent you another package."


"She said that you had better manners than most of my friends back home."

He scratched the back of his head. He didn't know what to say….

Elliot gave him the package then left again. He stared at the package. He opened the package to reveal more candies and some snacks. There was another note on top. He set the package down and picked up the note.

He opened it to read it.


Thank you for the letter. How thoughtful of you! I hope everything is going well for you. I hope that you dress for the weather. The rainy season is coming. I don't want you or my brother to be unprepared. I hope that you don't mind if I sent you more treats? I hope that you enjoy them. If you have any favorites, do tell me. I would add them in the next package. My brother has been telling me how often he and you…oh and another boy eat at the little café in town. Gauis, isn't it? My brother wrote me so much about him as well. Is he really from Nord? He had quite the journey to get to Thors.

The three of you make quite a trio. It makes me so happy.

Anyway, enjoy the treats.


He almost laughed. Fiona remained him so much of his sister. It made his heart ache.

He got a blank piece out and pen. He pressed the pen against his lips and started to write.


Thank you again for the package. It is wonderful to try different snacks from different parts of Ebonia. If I had to choose a favorite, I like the chocolate balls covered in crushed hazelnuts. I have a confession to make. I have been sharing your snacks with Gauis as well. He said that he enjoys the dried pieces of fruit coated in powdered sugar the best. Apparently, in Nord, they are a rarity.

To be honest, the rainy season doesn't bother me too much. If we were talking about snow, on the hand, I might have a different opinion. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.


He nodded his head as he read back the letter.

Maybe…he should write his own sister too.


"Gauis now too?!" Elliot said as he handed him another package.

"You talked about him in your letters. I told her that he liked those dried fruit candies that I shared with him. So, she might have passed it along to Gauis."

Elliot sighed.

"I knew that this will be a problem."

"Elliot?" He said in confusion.

"It is nothing. I mean that it shouldn't bother me. It is great that you two get along. She doesn't get along with all of my friends. I mean…she isn't mean or anything. She is just nice to them. It is really weird. Oh, crap…I am rambling again?"

"If you want, I can tell her to stop."

"No No no…then she will get mad at me. It is so stupid."

He put his hand on Elliot's shoulder. He never seen his friend so upset before. He felt terrible.

"Elliot….you don't have to tell me if you don't want too. I can really write her back and tell her to stop."

Elliot shook his head no.

"It's really with me and not with her. One day, I will tell you…I promise."


"Thank you for understanding. You are a really good friend, Rean. Thank you."

"You're a really good friend as well. I hate to see you this upset."

"Don't worry about it, okay…even if I know you are."

He scratched the back of his head.

"Guilt as charged."

Elliot grinned.

"How about we share my box? I know that she puts a lot of snacks in mine," He said as he opened his package.

"Sure. Hehe…my sister does like you more. You got hard cameral candies…I thought that you hated those," Elliot said as he looked inside of the package.

"Uhh…I might have shared them with Jairus. Might have told her that Jairus liked those best."

Elliot laughed.

"Never change, Rean. Never change."

End of Cycle I

Next Chapter: Cycle II

A/N: I did that bonding event with Rean and Elliot. This bunny popped up. The resolution will come in Cycle II (during the field study)…then Cycle III will be totally Elise and Elliot chapter because I must do it. I sort of did something silly. The next chapter was supposed to be an Elliot and Rean making pizza. I kind of messed it. Oops. Anyway, read and review if you wish.