Lyrics of A Song: Motif
By: M14Mouse
Summary: Elliot worries for a good reason. His best friend is going give him a heart attack before he is 20.
Disclaimer: Don't own them.
His sister liked to call Elliot a worrywart.
She said that it wasn't a bad thing that he was one. She pointed that Dad was one. It just showed that he cared. He always thought perhaps…it was too much because he has seen Dad worry. It was a little…excessive.
It drove him and his sisters nuts but it does know that his dad loved him.
Even if it hates the comparison, even if it was true. He doesn't worry all of the time either. It just happened from time to time. The thoughts would overtake him.
He worried about his instruments.
He worried about his family.
He worried about his friends.
He worried about going to Thors.
He worried about being good enough.
Then he realized that he wasn't the only one having the same thoughts. Everyone in Class VII was having the same thoughts. Some of them had different ways to express it expect Fie.
Fie…well, she was kind of hard to figure out.
He would think that she would worry too.
Now, he had more to worry about now.
School…training…their field trips…the old schoolhouse…his best friend.
But most of all, his best friend is likely give him a heart attack before he was 20.
It took him by surprise that Rean become his best friend. They were really opposite in terms of interests and backgrounds. While Rean wasn't musically incline, they can talk about music for hours. While he couldn't tell a dagger from a knife, Rean made it easy for him to understand about his Eight Leaves training. They just clicked.
"You don't have to cover us. We can protect ourselves," He said as he casted Tear on Rean's arm. He got hit from another monster's attack. Rean just shrugged off the injury like it was nothing. He always doing it too. Rean would check on the others before he would check on himself.
It was touching.
But it made him and the others worried because Rean rarely take care of himself. Laura and Gausis have pointed out that Rean was holding back. He couldn't really tell in that situation but he could tell in other ways.
There was the stomach virus that he failed to tell them about.
He caught Rean throwing up in a trash can.
Oh, the time that he fell asleep at the dinner table after running errands.
Towa felt so guilty about it then Rean felt even more guilty which cause him to make it up to her in some way.
He thought that Machais was bad at stop working.
"I know. I'm just giving time for you guys to cast."
"I realize that maybe the case but you make us worry."
Rean blinked for a moment. It was almost shock by that he said that then Rean started scratching the back of his head.
"Sorry about that."
"You know that we are in this together, right?
"I realized that," Rean said.
"I don't know. Sometimes, you push yourself pretty hard," He said.
Rean shrugged.
"Habit, I guess. I always had the habit to push myself."
"I notice. We all notice. It isn't a bad thing since all of us do it from time to time. Or most of the time…" He said.
Rean laughed.
"Machais can give us a run for money in that department."
"I don't know. You can do it too. You are kind of our fearless leader here," He said thoughtfully.
Rean groaned. He pat Rean's good shoulder.
"I didn't want that title."
"I know but you kind keep everyone balance. We need that."
"I know. I know," Rean said with a sigh.
"Are you done you two? We need to get moving," Fie's voice rang out.
"We are good, Fie. Ready to go?"
"I'm ready." He said with a nod.
Rean got up from the ground and started walking toward the others.
Time for the next battle…the next step to find out about this creepy schoolhouse.
Maybe…one day, he will stop worrying.
Just like one day, Rean will trust them.
End of Motif
Next Chapter: Modulation
A/N: To be honest with you, I have no idea where this idea come from. I'm just going to roll with it.