Hi there! I'm going back and editing some of the earlier chapters (about time, right?), fixing spelling/grammar and errors in the plot. I hope this makes it easier to read this fic!

Chapter 1: Departure

Stormy looked around herself. The gross bus stop was crammed with the loved ones of the smashers, who had already begun to board the bus. She turned to face Sabine, who was waffling on about how lucky she was to be able to compete in Smash Bros. Yeah yeah, she got it. Only the top of the tops could compete, it appeared. Everyone else was so jealous when she received the letter.

Finally, Stormy was called aboard the bus. She stood in the aisle, looking for a place to sit. There were not many options that appealed to her.

In the front was a fox polishing a gun or blaster of some kind. He was sitting next to an ugly fat man eating garlic. Nope.

In the middle were a man and a woman. Twins, probably seeing as they had the same black robes and the same ice crystal coloured hair.

The back seat on the left was thankfully free so she slid down next to a girl with blue hair and observed the rest of the bus.

On the other side were two angels, one with a white toga and one with a black one. The black one was next to an older man wearing a skintight suit that showed his nipples off in the worst possible light.

Directly in front of Stormy was a woman with blonde hair held back in a high ponytail.

Outside was a green-clad elf man hugging a girl with the tallest leg-torso combination ever seen on a living being. She had orange hair and a long black robe. She was so tall that every hug she had with the elf automatically turned into a boob hug.

Black Angel and Nipple Guy were fighting.

A pink puffball was busy inhaling somebody's fried chicken.

The whole bus stank of garlic.

A girl with long brown hair and a regal white and purple dress called out, "Link, time to go!" The elf reached the bus in two flying leaps and seated himself just as the bus began to move.

Everyone was waving.

Stormy, on the other hand, carefully opened the window, wrapped her legs around her seat and dangled her entire upper body out the window. She grinned, waving goodbye to Sabine, Ezra and Zeb as people noticed and started laughing at the ridiculousness.

Suddenly, she felt two hands grab her skirt and pull her back in the window. She was suddenly greeted by the angry face of the blue haired girl.

"What do you think you're doing!?" the girl yelled. "We only just left, and already you're begging to be killed! Am I seriously the ONLY sane person on this bus.."

Stormy simply tuned everything out, one of the few things she was good at.

"Stay on YOUR side of the seat!" yelled Captain Falcon.

"I will if you stay on yours," Dark Pit replied, not sounding remotely bothered at all.

Captain Falcon responded with a shove. "Move!"

Dark Pit lifted his foot and jammed it hard against the racer's jaw. "That better?" he smirked.

Captain Falcon would have thought of a sick comeback, but Ike slipped his hands between them, separating them.

"You," he nodded at Pit, "come sit next to your clone."

Dark Pit twitched with anger at being called a lowly 'clone'.

"And you," Ike tuned his attention to Captain Falcon, "go sit in Pit's seat." They obliged,

Captain Falcon mumbling profanities under his breath.

Ike dusted off his hands and turned to Marth. "Easy peasy. Now, what were you saying…?"

"Hey!" Sonic shouted. "Kirby! Stop eating my chicken, you little piece of…"

Duck Hunt was bored and restless. His ears hurt from the two Italian men arguing about pizza, whatever that was. Duck quacked as Hunt stood up and trotted away from the two noise-makers.

Hunt trotted up the aisle before something caught his eye, and stopped abruptly.

A girl was looking down at them from her seat. She was wearing a long black robe and she had a nice face with a wide smile. But what struck Duck Hunt most was her hair. It was a weird colour, like an icy pink. It hung in two pigtails down her shoulders. There was someone else, a man, too. Same robe, same coloured hair.

The girl leaned down and stretched her arms. Duck stared at them nervously before walking into her outstretched arms. They were promptly lifted up and placed in the girl's lap.

"Awwww, Robin look, a dog!"

The man turned. "And a duck." he smiled and scratched Duck behind his head.

"Yeah! Aren't they just adorable?" the girl said as she scratched Hunt behind his ears, which was a refreshing change from the bus driver who was now yelling at the two Italian men. He lay down in her lap and listened as she introduced herself to the man in front of her.

"I'm Beebs," she said excitedly. "What's your's?"

"Uh, Wario," came the reply, swiftly followed by a loud burp.

"Pineapple does not-a belong on pizza! The very thought of-a it!" Mario's face was red and flushed.

"Of course it-a does! The salty and-a sweetness work-a perfectly together!" Luigi had a good point, but Mario was having none of it.

"It-a does not! It's a disgrace to Italian cuisine-a!"

"You're a disgrace to Italian cuisine-a!"

Suddenly, the bus ground to a halt. The driver stood up and faced the brothers. "You know what else is a disgrace to Italian cuisine?"

Luigi trembled, fearful of the bus driver's menacing tone of voice.

"Canned tuna on pizza." Then the bus driver sat back down as Mario and Luigi both began to retch at the very thought of canned tuna on pizza.

They can continue their pineapple-on-pizza argument another day.

Pit liked sitting next to his doppleganger, though he probably wouldn't admit it to anyone. He felt safe next to him. He hoped Dark Pit wouldn't catch him staring. Luckily he was busy reading a novel. Pit couldn't help himself. Black hair and red eyes go so well together!

The hideous green and yellow but pulled into a gas station a few hours later. As soon as the doors were opened, everyone was already involved in a mad dash for the bathroom. No one wanted to be last in, and no one wanted to go in after Wario, for obvious reasons.

Unfortunately for Captain Falcon, he was last of all. And right after Wario, who had just finished eating ALL the garlic available on the bus.

No more will be said on this matter.

It was 11:06 pm and everything was quiet, apart from the steady rumblings of the engine and the snores of those who had passed out where they sat. There were only three people(not including the bus driver) who were still awake.

Dark Pit couldn't sleep. And he didn't see why he couldn't. He wasn't stressed. He wasn't brooding over anything for a change. If anything, he'd never felt more at peace in his life.

Pit had long since fallen asleep, and was now giving a big 'fuck you' to personal space and was resting his head on Dark Pit's shoulder, snoring contently. Dark Pit would normally give Pit a big shove, but for some reason, he wasn't in the mood.

Pit was rather cute when he was asleep. Far less annoying that way. Brown hair and blue eyes go so well together, Dark Pit thought.

Stormy was watching the blonde-haired lady watch a "Curtains of the Mind" parody on MoonTube. She'd been doing this for a while now. Blondie hadn't even noticed she'd picked up an extra audience member.

Well, that was until Blondie suddenly whipped her head around and stared straight into Stormy's green-grey eyes.

"Whadya want?" she growled.

"Whacha watchin'?" Stormy asked, even though she already knew the answer.

"None of your business."

"Whatever." The teenager leaned back in her seat and there was a long pause. A very long pause.

"Wanna watch with me?" Blondie asked, just to break the awkward silence.

Stormy shrugged. "Okay."

Blondie held out her hand. "I'm Samus, by the way."

Stormy looked at the outstretched hand before taking it into her own.


They shook hands, and so was the beginning of a great friendship.