An: Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I am doing something very different with this story when it comes to P.O.V changes, mainly because as the story progresses there are things I'm going to want to show that I can't do unless it's in a specific P.O.V so I figured I'd have you get used to it now, rather than me just throwing it at you 15 chapters in. Let me know how you feel about the P.O.V changes though because they will shift and change differently with each chapter. It's pretty much going to be whatever P.O.V suits my needs for certain things. I do hope you enjoy though, and eventually understand why I'm writing it this way. Anyway, onto the story!
Oh one more thing! Ages. Ages are going to be a little different. I have a teenage niece and I can not, can NOT, write a story about romance and stuff like that involving characters just a few years older than my niece. It weirds me out. Plus for certain people to get with other people I don't feel comfortable with those people being 17.
So, this is before the Tenrou arc:
Laxus, Bickslow, Mira, Gajeel – 25
Evergreen, Elfman, Freed, Erza – 24
Eclipse, Gray, Juvia – 23
Natsu – 21
Lucy, Lisanna, levy – 20
Wendy is still 12! Anyone else whose ages may be adjusted I will mention in the actual story, but for the main people in Fairy Tail, it wouldn't really make sense for me to be all, "Oh, this person is 23 and that one and that one are 24 and blah, blah, blah." I just needed to let you know that I aged people and who, I didn't age them too much, but it makes more sense for the way this story is going to go.
Gajeel 1st person P.O.V
It's been several hours since we saved Eclipse. Since old man Makarov showed up at the forest edge in his giant form. The damned old Geezer nearly had a heart attack when he saw his unconscious granddaughter. Not that I really blame the man. On the walk back, while Laxus carried Eclipse, and I carried Wendy, Laxus told us that she had been gone for eight years. The way he said it though, I could tell that she hadn't up and left voluntarily.
Now, here we are, sitting in the infirmary. Laxus on the left side of her bed, me on the right with Wendy in my lap, the small girl sleeping off her magical exhaustion. Natsu, the dingbat he is, is outside training, saying that once Eclipse wakes up they need to fight. I'm pretty sure it's the flaming douchebags way of coping.
Glancing at Laxus, I decide I need to speak. "She's a dragon slayer?" I gruffly whisper out, trying not to wake Wendy.
Laxus' quickly looks up from his sister and at me. He nods. "Yeah, not a normal one though. She was born as a traveler mage."
A what? My eyes narrow trying to figure out if I had ever heard of that magic. I haven't. "What the hell is that?"
Laxus snorts, "I'm not surprised you don't know. It's a very rare magic. While she sleeps her soul travels. It goes to different places within Earthland, it can travel to different worlds and Realms, and every once and awhile if she focuses enough she can enter dreams. The only thing is, that usually unless she's in a dream, no one can see her. Hell, for all I know she could be sitting in this room right now, watching us, as her body heals."
I can feel my eyes widen in shock. Mavis, she's quite the special woman. I can feel my dragon swell with pride as he internally gloats about how much of an amazing choice he had made with my mate. I agree though, what better of a woman to be my mate than a strong woman who can help protect our young?
Laxus lets out a chuckle, and I'm sure it's because I most likely have some dumbass shocked expression on my face.
"How'd she become a slayer?" A feral anger starts to build inside my chest as I remember the circumstances behind Laxus' slayer magic.
A sigh escapes his lips and he grips his sisters hand, "She didn't become one like I did, I'm forever thankful for that. One night, after the dragons had disappeared, she had traveled somewhere, it was after Natsu came here, she wanted to help him find his dragon. Instead she traveled and found her dragon, one that could surprisingly see her, in fact everyone in the realm that she went to could see her. She went there every night for years and the dragon trained her, and trained her well." My eyes widen as he smiles down at Eclipse, it's weird seeing him smile, truly smile. "She's a very talented slayer, Gajeel. Your dragon picked well."
Disbelief flashes across my face. How is he so calm about this? I expected a full out brawl, one that I'd have to prove myself to him. I mean he's Laxus fucking Dreyar, one of the most powerful mages here. He's also an asshole, and protective of those he holds dear. I mean shit, someone once said something asinine about Bickslows mask and Laxus tore them to shreds, zapped them so much they were in the infirmary for a month. Not to mention the whole Fantasia incident.
"Gajeel, I understand slayer bonds a lot better than most. Eclipse told me about them once she was told about them. She helped me learn about slayer instincts and bonding, and everything that I didn't know because I never had a dragon. I understand. Besides," He gives me a wicked smirk, "Better you than any of the other slayers we know."
I chuckle. He has a point. Can't imagine if she got stuck with Natsu, and Mavis forbid she mated with Cobra.
Eclipse 3rd person P.O.V
She lets a musical laugh leave her lips, as she watches Laxus and Gajeel talk with each other. Laxus is spot on. She is sitting in the room watching them as they watch over her. Happiness radiates within her. She can't believe she's finally home. Finally where she's meant to be.
Eclipse glances at the Iron Dragon slayer and the largest smile she's ever held on her face appears. Gajeel. The name makes tingles spread over her skin. She's finally going to be able to see him in person.
For the last year, ever since she escaped her captivity, Eclipse had been letting her soul travel to her guild, her home. She would have visited every day the whole eight years she had been gone, but if she traveled during her captivity, she never went to places she knew she'd spend hours at, she had been too afraid of what would have happened to her physical body while her soul was absent. So, she would travel sporadically to see her dragon, and her dragon would warn her when she needed to head back to her body.
Once she escaped though, she would go to Fairytail every night, and sometimes during the day when she wasn't able to move on from her location. That's where she first saw him, Gajeel, the iron dragon slayer. She could feel a bond start to form the moment that she laid her eyes on him. Over time, the more she visited, the stronger the bond became, until finally, she felt it, the mating pull. She had never been so happy before in her life than when she felt that pull. She had found him. She had finally found her mate, and it was such a thrilling thing, that she had to move faster to get home. She had to be near him.
Even though Gajeel hadn't been aware of the forming bond, it still formed, he just couldn't feel it, and if he did, it was easily brushed off because he had yet to see her, it was the bond that was formed one way, because only Eclipse was aware of what was happening, so it was no surprise that once Gajeel had seen her the bond solidified so quickly. Usually it wouldn't have done so.
Eclipse lets her gaze fall to the sky maiden. Her heart surges with love as she looks at the soft sleeping features of Wendy's face. The poor girl completely wore herself out. Walking to be directly in front of Gajeel and the girl sleeping in his lap she kneels down, and places her hand against Wendy's cheek, against the cheek of her young.
Wendy shifts slightly under her touch. "Momma…" The young slayer mumbles, causing the older slayers in the room to glance down at her, and tears to leak from Eclipses eyes.
"I'm hear sweet one." Eclipse whispers, though no one can hear her.
She let the memories of the first time she saw Wendy flow through her mind:
When she felt herself become whole, Eclipse opened her eyes, she blinked once, then twice, she was not where she had expected herself to be. There was Natsu, who she had focused her mind on, but they were not inside Fairytail like she had thought they would be. Instead, as Eclipse looked around her. She noticed, Natsu, his partner Lucy, Erza and Gray, along with several familiar and unfamiliar mages. The ones that stood out the most to her were Jura and Ichiya. She recognized them from when they had come to the guild to help toss out her father, after he had hurt her brother, by shoving a slayer lacrima in his damn head.
Eclipse walked around the room, studying each mage intently. There was a serious aura around Jura and Erza. Something was wrong and it made Eclipse very anxious. So she waited and watched, taking in the words that everyone spoke, trying to piece everything together. So far all she gathered was that the ice mage that came with Jura was Gray's rival and his name was Lyon. He was a rather handsome mage in Eclipse's opinion. Not that he really had anything on the Iron Dragon slayer that she couldn't stop thinking about.
She also noticed a small rivalry going on between a woman who spoke highly of love named Sherry and Lucy, the always cheerful celestial spirit mage that was always around her old friend Natsu. It was very amusing; the blonde mage was quite quickly become a true Fairytail mage. It warmed Eclipse's heart knowing that her old friend would be surrounded by the positivity and kindness that the blonde constantly projected.
As she watched everyone, her nerves on edge, she let her senses wonder. Taking a deep breath, she smelt something that she hadn't before, it was coming towards the building the mages occupied, and it was heading there fast. Eclipse focused her sight on the building doors, and took another breath, it smelt like air, mint, and dragon. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she continued to watch the doors for the dragon slayer about to break through.
Once the door opened Eclipse eyes focused harder as the light entering the building obscured her vision of the form that had just walked in, at least until the door slammed shut, and a small child with beautiful, long, blue hair, started running towards the mages that were staring in shock at the girl.
"Sorry I'm late!" She shouts, as a white exceed scolds the child for apologizing.
Eclipse grinned widely as her heart burst with joy, and a thick bond rapidly started to form with the small dragon slayer. Before any of the other mages could say anything the girl tripped.
Eclipse let out a squeal as her heart caught in her throat, and she rushed to the girls side, completely forgetting that no one can see, hear, or feel her. She let out a frustrated groan when the exceed helped the girl up, instead of Eclipse being able to. She couldn't believe it, but she was jealous of the cat.
Eclipse decided to stick around, and even though her original plan had been to keep her eye on Natsu; she decided to stick close the small dragon slayer, whose name she found out was Wendy, and she is the Sky dragon slayer from Cait Shelter. She really was just the cutest damn thing. Eclipse could feel an extreme protectiveness towards Wendy, she wasn't sure what bond was forming quite yet, but she had a good idea. Eclipse would bet all the Jewels of Fairytail that Wendy…that the young dragon slayer was going to be her young.
Looking at the sleeping sky maiden, Eclipse tried to push the old feelings from the mission against Oracion Seis away. She doesn't want to remember the helplessness she had felt while poor Wendy had been taken by Brain, and how much it hurt the girl to realize Jellal wasn't how she remembered him. She had wanted so badly at the time to be able to hold and comfort her, but of course she hadn't been able too. Now…now she'd be able to.
With a sigh, Eclipse stood back up and gazed over to Laxus, her eyes narrowed slightly, "You and I will have to have a long talk soon, Laxus-nii." She mutters even though he can't hear her.
She had been at Fairytail, watching the festivities for Fantasia, when Laxus made his move to take over the guild. It had broken her heart. She can remember following him to the cathedral, he had nearly lost his mind, shouting about how he needed to be stronger, the guild needed to be stronger and how had they been stronger, he never would have lost his sister. It was gut-wrenching, the amount of pain he had been feeling, and it had been all her fault. She couldn't stop feeling guilty over Laxus' reasoning's for the attempted hostile takeover. Even though a part of her knows that Laxus would never want her to feel like it was her fault, she still couldn't help it.
With a quick glance down at her body, she nods. "It's time to wake up now I think." She closes her eyes and lets her magic falter, snapping herself quickly back into her body.
Gajeel 1st P.O.V
Laxus and I drifted back to silence, neither of us really the talkative bunch, but both of us knowing we'd have to end up socializing at least for the sake of Eclipse. Still can't fucking believe I have a mate. I had felt the bond slowly starting to create itself over the last year, I was never sure who it had been to though. I thought it was the shrimp, which is why I hung around her so much, the bond never got stronger though. I had to have, in some way, been able to sense when Eclipse let her soul travel to the guild or else it wouldn't have done that. There wouldn't have been any formation on my part.
Looking down at Wendy, I can't believe how much things have changed over the year I've been at Fairy Tail. A lot of it is because of Wendy. For fucks sake I almost tore the flaming prick and ice princess apart when She came back injured on a mission they took her on. A mission I didn't know she was going on! We had to develop a set of rules after that. Wendy had told me she had to go on the mission because of how expensive it was to live in Fairy Hills, I made her pack her bags right then and there and she moved in with me, she's been living with me for 6 months now. I've gotten softer because of it. I feel like a damn father, and as much as it freaks me the fuck out, Wendy is my young and I would do anything to keep her safe. We even have rules! Actual rules that a parent would give their kid! She isn't to go on missions without me, unless she has my permission, and I need to know who she's going with, and even though she has Carla, Pantherlily has to go with her because he has a battle form.
She had been so excited about actually having rules, said it made her feel like we were a real family. And damn it if that didn't melt my fuckin heart, not that anyone needs to know that.
I let a small smile slip out as Wendy curls up tighter against me. She had bonded with Eclipse the same way she bonded to me, it's amazing really. The fact that my young is Eclipse's as well.
I feel a shutter go through my body at one very specific realization. Had she seen what I did to her family? We may have formed a bond but that doesn't mean she won't try to fight it. Panic sets in and my breathing starts to become harsh I can feel my chest tighten.
I look up and see that Laxus is looking at me with wide eyes, the panic must be clearly written on my face. I try to calm down but I can't. What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't change what I did! If she saw….if she new, there's no way she'd ever want to be my mate, she wouldn't complete the bond and we'd both be alone for the rest of our lives. It'd be so hard for Wendy, like having divorced parents. I can feel bile starts to rise in my throat, but I try to swallow it down.
What have I done? I'm clutching onto Wendy harder. I don't even realize that she had woken up, or that Laxus is now standing in front of me. His hands gripping my shoulders as he tries to get me to focus on him, or on Wendy or on anything else, but I can't.
I hear a rustling sound, but I ignore it. I can't seem to think of anything other than I have lost my mate as soon as I found her and made life on Wendy so unbearably hard because of it, because of my shitty actions. No wonder Ryo's ran from me, I had completely ignored him, I had been so damn hard on him, I had ignored what my dragon was trying to tell me. I fucked Ryo's up, and I fucked Wendy up, all because of how much of an asshole I had been then.
Before I can speak, I feel a set of arms wrap around me from behind, my muscles immediately relax as a face nuzzles against my neck and the scent of coffee and cherries permeate my nose.
"Calm yourself, Gajeel." My eyes widen and my breathing regulates, as the most beautiful voice I have ever heard enters my ears.
I take deep breathes, listening to the woman, before I turn my head, my body being held in place by Wendy as she clutches onto me, I can smell her tears and it makes me feel like even more of an asshole.
As my head turns, I see her, her beautiful blue eyes and an earth shattering smile on her plump lips. My heart catches and I give Wendy a small squeeze letting her know I'm alright.
"You're okay, Gajeel." Eclipse whispers before pressing her lips softly against my temple. I close my eyes and feel my entire body relax. I'm okay. Everything is okay.