A/N: So I was going to publish this as a one shot - but upon starting to write it I realized it was going to be very long; so therefore I am splitting it into a few parts.

This story idea came to me, like most others when I really wasn't thinking of writing it; but once it got in my head, I couldn't not write it.

So for this you have to think future, future of the "So No One" verse - Rachel is 39 and has been married to Puck for seven years now; and when Jayden asks about her mom, and why she doesn't know her; it makes Rachel finally curious enough to actually maybe decide to get to know her.

The part where you have to suspend disbelief, is the age that Shelby would be; because obviously she is a lot older in this fic, then what of the gorgeous Idina Menzel is in real life at the moment, and being that Shelby is 60 years old.

Anyway, I hope to have some more of the up soon, a lot of it for the best part wrote; and I am just splitting it up to make it an easier read.
If you like it, please leave a review and also drop a follow or fave on it so you will know when a new chapter of it is up.
Thanks for reading,
Love KJ xoxoxoxo

Puck sat down at the kitchen table with his 12 year old son, Jayden, who had asked him for some help on a homework assignment that he had gotten from school; a family tree.

"Okay" said Puck, looking at his son. "Let's do this thing"

"Yeah okay" replied Jayden, and Puck looked at the family tree template that the class teacher had provided all the students with.

"You're not going to be having enough room on this one buddy" said Puck, looking to his son. "It only has room for mom and dad; so you won't be able to put on Rach and your sisters and brother"

"Can I do like two then, and tell people I have two families" said Jayden.

"Well you could" replied Puck. "Or we could draw up our own, and you can tell the teacher that this one is stupid"

"I can't tell the teacher that it's stupid" said Jayden. "She would give me a detention"

"If she did that, I would go down and call her stupid then" said Puck.

"Dad" said Jayden, with a laugh.

"Well it is buddy" replied Puck. "Because this idea, of each child having just a mom and dad; it's a ridiculous notion"

"Yeah" said Jayden, with a nod. "Because I've got you and Momma, and then Mami, and Mom"

"Exactly" replied Puck, standing from the table. "Be back in a moment, just going to go and grab some paper from the study, so we can draw up our own tree"

Jayden nodded, as Puck headed away from the kitchen to the study to grab some paper; as Rachel walked into the kitchen.

"Is your dad helping you with the family tree assignment?" asked Rachel, as she washed out the sippy cup that she had bought down from Sophia's room.

"Yeah" replied Jayden, looking at her. "He's gone to grab some paper to do another one up on, because he said this one is stupid"

"Stupid" said Rachel.

"He also said the teacher was that as well" said Jayden.

"You know your teacher's aren't stupid" said Rachel, as Puck came back into the kitchen.

"This one is babe" said Puck, as he sat down at the table again. "There is absolutely no room on that stupid laid out one that the teacher gave Jay, for you or even Dani to be included; not to mention siblings"

"Hmm, well that is a little silly I will admit that" said Rachel. "But don't go telling Jay to call his teacher's stupid"

"Like you didn't think we had any stupid teachers when we were in school" said Puck, with a laugh.

"No, I thought all my teachers were lovely" replied Rachel.

"Your mom was a suck in school" said Puck, looking to his son with a smile. "Complete teacher's pet"

"I was not" replied Rachel, but couldn't help but give him a smile as well.

"Okay, so let's do this buddy" said Puck, looking at his son. "We need three colours, one for married, one for divorced and the other for offspring"

"What's offspring?" asked Jayden, as he chose three marker colours.

"Children" replied Puck, with a laugh. "So for instance you and your brother and sisters"

"Okay" replied Jayden, with a nod. "Red for marriage, black for divorce, and kids be blue"

"Alright, let's get started" said Puck. "So did you want me to do this one up, and then you can copy it later on?"

"Yeah" replied Jayden, with a nod, as Rachel sat at the table with her husband and son.

"Need some help" asked Rachel.

"Sure, you can help Mom" said Jayden.

"Thank you" replied Rachel, looking to him with a smile.

"Okay, so we start with you, down here at the bottom" said Puck, grabbing the blue marker and making a few lines and then writing Jayden Lopez Puckerman under it. "Then there is me, Noah Puckerman and Santana Lopez"

"And you and Momma are divorced" said Jayden, and grabbed the black marker. "So black for your names"

"Exactly" replied Puck, with a nod and took the marker from his son, writing his and Santana's names and then drawing a black like between them. "And the red one, bud"

"Red marker" said Puck, and Jayden handed him that colour. "Dani then next to your Momma, over here"

"And then Mom next to you over there" said Jayden, as Puck drew out some longer red lines, and wrote the names of Rachel and Dani down.

"And blue marker, then for your sisters and brother" said Puck, as he grabbed that colour, and drew lines down from him and Rachel and wrote in Elisabeth, Aaron and Sophia.

"Would Paige be blue as well?" asked Jayden, looking to his dad, as he finished writing the names down.

"She would be, yes" said Puck, with a nod. "Even though she's adopted by your Momma and Mami, doesn't mean she's any less theirs"

"I can see now what you mean about this one being stupid" said Rachel, as she looked at the one the teacher had given out.

"Now she agrees me with, huh" said Puck, with a laugh, and gave Jayden a smile who nodded.

"Okay, so Paige over here then" Jayden, tapping under Santana and Dani's name.

"I'm getting there" said Puck, with a laugh, as he moved over to that side of the tree and wrote in Paige Lopez Sanchez; who Santana and Dani had adopted when she was a few months old, nearly five years ago. "So what do you think we need now?"

"Your mom and dad" said Jayden.

"Right" said Puck, with a nod and still with the blue marker drew a line up from his name, and then grabbed the black one. "So Bubbe and Pop are divorced, and then there is also Aunt Sara as well"

"She's blue though" said Jayden.

"Yeah, I know" replied Puck, with a laugh as he grabbed the blue and marked his sister in, in blue.

"We'll have to give Dani a call, as I don't know her parents name"

"Okay" replied Jayden, with a nod, as Puck grabbed the red marker and wrote in the names of Santana's parents, which he did know.

"Right, we can finish that side off later" said Puck, and moved over to the side with Rachel on.

"So Rachel, who do we have for her?"

"Opa and Saba" said Jayden.

"Yep" replied Puck, with a nod. "Opa is Hiram and Saba is Leroy"

"What about your Mom, Mom?" asked Jayden, looking at Rachel.

"My Mom?" asked Rachel.

"Yeah, what's her name?" asked Jayden.

"I'm not sure" replied Rachel. "I've never met her"

"Why not?" asked Jayden.

"Well because my Dad's used what they call a surrogate" replied Rachel. "And that is essentially a woman, who decides that she would like to give a couple a biological child, and in this case, I am biologically Opa's and my mother's, whom I have never met"

"Do you not want to know her?" asked Jayden.

"Jay, buddy" said Puck, looking to his son. "Enough with the questions, huh"

"Noah it's okay" said Rachel. "I don't mind, he's just curious that's all"

"Okay, I just know you've never really spoke about it that's all" said Puck.

Rachel looked at him and nodded, and then looked back to Jayden. "I have wondered over the years what my mother, may be like. But the desire to want to know her, I never really had, because my dad's; your Opa and Saba are wonderful and they gave me the best possible life"

"Okay" replied Jayden. "I'd be sad not knowing though"

"Never needed to be sad" said Rachel. "Because I have a great family, and that includes you; even though I am technically not your mother either"

"But a family, isn't always blood related" said Puck, looking to Rachel and then his son. "And we are definitely a good example of that"

"Yeah" replied Jayden with a laugh. "Where do we put Aunt Mikki and Uncle Blaine?"

"We'll keep this just immediate family, buddy" said Puck, with a laugh. "But it's very sweet that you want to include them on her"

"Where would they go if they did go on?" asked Jayden.

"Well, Bubbe's sister is Aunt Mikki's mom" replied Puck, pointing with his finger on the piece of paper that they had drawn up. "So Aunty Midge, would go next to her with a blue line, Uncle Eric would be next to her in, which colour?"

"Red" replied Jayden.

"Yep" said Puck, with a nod. "And then Aunt Mikki, Aunt Kitty, and Uncle Ry are their children; so they would go underneath them"

"Aunt Mikki, Aunt Kitty and Uncle Ry would be blue then, and Uncle Blaine would be next to Mikki with red marker" said Jayden.

"Exactly" replied Puck, with a laugh. "You've got the hang on this now"

"Yeah" replied Jayden, with a nod.

"And I think if you were to take that to school to show" said Rachel. "The teacher would be very confused"

"I think they're going to be anyway" said Puck, with a laugh.

"Can I go ring Mami?" asked Jayden. "And ask her about her parents, their names"

"Sure, buddy" replied Puck, with a nod. "You know where the number is in the phone for them?"

"Yeah, I remember" said Jayden, standing from his chair. "I'll write down what Mami says"

"Okay" said Puck. "Ask her to spell the names for you so you get the correct"

"I will" replied Jayden, and walked out of the kitchen to call Dani and Santana.

"Sorry about him asking questions about your Mom" said Puck, looking to his wife.

"It's okay" said Rachel, with a smile. "He's bound to be curious, and I'm sure when they are older Elisa, Aaron and Sophia will be too"

"What are you going to tell them?" asked Puck.

"Just the same thing as I told Jay" replied Rachel. "That my mother was a surrogate and I've never met her"

"Dad" yelled Jayden, from the other room. "Momma wants to talk with you"

"Okay, coming bud" replied Puck, and stood up from the table. "Wonder what Satan wants this time"

Rachel looked at him and laughed. "I'm sure it's just about the summer holidays, and Jay going to visit them"

"Yeah" replied Puck, with a nod, and headed to where Jayden was on the phone to Santana.

Rachel turned the family tree that Puck and Jayden had been working on around, so she could look at it; and the multitude of colour that was on it.
Grabbing the red marker, she made a unbroken line next to that of Hiram's name; and wrote 'mother unknown'; and whilst writing that down, it made her think that maybe she did want to finally discover more about the woman who bought her into the world, and so selflessly gave her a life.

End Note: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of "Mommy Dearest" and the next one will be up soon.

Once again thanks for reading, and I will catch you all again soon!

Love always,

KJ xoxoxoxo