In a world where superpowers are the norm, there is one class whose stories beat all others on what happened when they got their powers.

(Superpower AU)

Disclaimer: I do not own anything (unfortunately)

When I got my powers I was interrogated by the government.

Now I got my powers when I was young. I'm not sure what was running through my mind at the time, but I guess I just wanted a friend and so I grabbed my stuffed toy which I called Tikki and hugged her hard wishing that I had someone to be with and that's when I received my powers.

The sun's glare shined onto the roof as the bustle of the bakery rose and traveled through the streets of Paris reaching the ears of the 7-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It was another blissful day of summer which left Marinette bored and staring at the cloudless sky that lay above her.

Ever since the summer started her parents have had to work overtime in the bakery which was great for the business but it left Marinette alone and bored having to stay in the house for the long summer days. Her parents did promise that they would hire more staff to help to mean they could spend time with her, but those days were far away and Marinette was left was finding ways to amuse herself.

The sounds of laughter echoed from the park as Marinette stared from the black fence on the roof. The children there seemed to be having so much fun unlike her. There was probably someone at the park who she could play with, a friend she could have to make the long winding summers days seem shorter but her mother said she was too young to go off by herself. Leaving her confined to her house.

"I bet that if you were real Tikki you and I would be best friends" the girl stared longingly at the toy in her hand. It had taken Marinette four months to complete Tikki and was the first thing Marinette had ever spent time and effort on, which usually left her with bandaged fingers, to finish. She was red with a black spot on her head and antennae her mum said it looked like a ladybug but to Marinette, it was just Tikki.

"My mummy and daddy can't play with me anymore cause they are so busy with the bakery and I'm not being mean, but I wish they weren't", she sighed staring at Tikki as she looked over Paris. "I guess I just want, no wait, I don't want someone I need someone to be with". As she hugged Tikki Marinette did not notice the dim light shining around her, nor that the fabric in her grasp was growing warmer.

"Excuse me, Marinette, you're kind of choking me" a little voice gasped through the gap in her arms. "What theā€¦" Marinette uncurled her arms to find two blue eyes and a red face staring back at her.

"Ahhhhhhh" Marinette leaped up flinging the object in her hands and dived for cover behind a potted plant, watching as the red thing flew into the air and approached her.

"Marinette what's wrong it's me Tikki", Marinette peaked her head around the plant.

"But Tikkis a toy I made her you're alive."

"Yes, I'm alive, but I am Tikki, I'm here because you needed a friend so you won't be lonely anymore"

Marinette hesitantly got up from behind the plant and walked towards Tikki.

"You mean I won't be lonely anymore"

"No, silly" Tikki said as she shook her head and went next to Marinette's face, "that's what I'm here for"

The next few days were completely different for Marinette, now that she had someone to play with her days went quicker and were filled with laughter and fun. Her parents had still not been introduced to Tikki, with having to open shop early and then also going to sleep early Marinette never had the chance to introduce them. Though Marinette knew they would love Tikki as much as she did.

Tikki went everywhere with Marinette, helping her and making sure everything was safe to do before they played though Tikki wasn't sure about this.

"Marinette are you sure I can do this," she said, peeking out of Marinette's pocket.

"Of course you are Tikki why wouldn't you be able to we are just sitting outside the bakery mum and dad let me do this all the time."

"Yes, Marinette but what if other people think I'm weird?"

Tikki curled up and tried to shrink down into the pocket, but Marinette was having none of it of picked her up and placed her on the table. She leaned down and rested her arms on the table as her legs swung beneath her.

"Don't care about what they think Tikki you are an amazing friend and anyone who thinks you're weird, well, it's because they haven't taken the time and effort to get to know you."

She watched as Tikkis heads slowly rose giving Marinette a giant grin that made her face seem light up and her eyes glisten.

"Thanks Marinette," she said flying in the hair hugging her cheek.

"Your welcome Tikki" Marinette replied as she petted her head and watched through the windows as her parent served customers. Not noticing the stranger dressed in a suit who, after watching this exchange took out his phone.

"Sir, I would like to report a possible code black user".

The line was silent as breaths and muffled sounds could be heard in the background.

"Let us collect more information, but we may need you to bring them in."

It was a quiet afternoon in the bakery as a summer storm raging outside kept people from coming to the bakery giving both the adults time to relax and spend some time with their daughter. As Tom played a game upstairs with Marinette Sabine managed the front reading a book as she leaned on the counter.

A sudden ring of the shop bell rang, startling her away from the book as she looked up to a man in a suit approaching the counter.

"Hello, welcome to dupain bakery how may I help you?"

"Are you by any chance Mrs. Dupain-Cheng?"

"Yes, may I inquire who is asking?"

The man reached into his pocket, bringing out a lever badge holder and opened it to show Sabine the contents.

"My name is agent Bernard, I work for the D.P.B and I came regarding about your daughter's powers".

"I'm sorry agent Bernard but I think you must be mistaken my daughter doesn't even have her powers yet"

"Mrs. Dupain-Cheng I have not been misinformed, there has been recent sightings of your daughter's power being used, and are witnesses are reliable."

"Even if she did have her powers, why would the D.B.P need to be involved?"

Though she didn't say it, he could see a glimpse of fear and worry in her eyes. Such was to be expected of a mother who was about to be told bad news.

"I'm sorry to say this, but your daughter's powers have been categorized as code black powers and it is important that we take her in for the public safety"

Sabine's face dropped as her eyes started to glisten as her hand covered her mouth, she walked out to the kitchen and called for her husband.

"Tom, could you come down for a minute, it's something important"

As the man made his way downstairs he saw his wife looking at him, seeming on almost the verge of a breakdown and an official looking man at the counter.

"Tom he's saying that Marinette has gotten her powers, but they are code black and they need to take her with him to the D.P.B"

"What do you mean code black powers" Tom directed to the agent as he held an arm around his wife.

"Your daughter has been witnessed to be talking to an animal or creature of some sort and we have reason to believe that Marinettes power is the power to take souls from the body and place them in objects or animals. As you can understand this is a very dangerous power and we would have only acted if we were positive"

Sabine started tearing up and wiped her face with her hand as Tom rubbed her arm.

"But Marinette would have told us if she found her powers wouldn't she?" he questioned, looking at his wife.

"Maybe we should ask Marinette" the agent suggested. They both nodded and called for Marinette to come down. The little girl quickly complied and ran downstairs to find her parents and a strange man standing at the counter.

"Marinette sweetie, come here for a Sec"

Marinette walked to the counter and went to her mother's arm and looked at the tears on her cheek and saw how sad she looked.

"Are you okay mum there are tears on your cheek?"

"I'm okay, but we need you to be truthful with us. Marinette have you gotten your powers recently"

Marinette looked surprised as she turned her head to the side looking at her parents.

"How did you know? I was going to tell you tonight but I guess you already found out. So do you want to meet her," she said, her eyes shining.

"Do we want to meet who Marinette?" her mother asked, almost fearing the answer.

"Tikki, of course," she replied, her eyes reflected her excitement as her parents looked questioningly at her.

"Tikkis a doll Marinette, we've already met her"

"Yeah, but now she talks and flies and eats cookies with me," she said excitedly."I'll call her down".

As she went upstairs to fetch Tikki her parents turned to the agent before them who had stayed silent for the exchange.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng I do hope that you understand that if your daughter does indeed have a soul in her doll that I will need to take her with me to the Bureau"

They both nodded solemnly as they watched their daughter come downstairs and approach them with her hands closed together.

"Mum, Dad, I'd like you to meet Tikki"

A little red figure rose up from her hands as her parents came face to face with Tikki, her stuffed toy, staring at them.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, it's nice to meet you"

Her parents faces dropped as her mother turned to hug her husband who was looking equally sad at the man across from them.

"Mummy daddy what's wrong"

Marinette I'm going to need you to go with this agent here, okay, and be a good girl for him, You can bring Tikki. We just need you to be brave for us okay"

"Why do I have to go with him what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong sweetie just please go with the agent it will all be okay"

And that was the last thing Marinette heard from her mum as she was moved towards the door and into the agent's car. The only noise to be heard was a quiet voice whispering.

"I thought they would be happy".

The room was black and almost padded empty except for a table, two chairs and a mirror on the wall, it seemed to be warm even though there were no heaters in the room. Marinette didn't know how long she had been in the room, but she and Tikki were bored. The silent agent man quickly left them in the room and they hadn't seen anyone else, leaving Marinette wondering what she was here for.

The door suddenly creaked open and in walked a woman in a professional suit, but, unlike the man, she had a smile on her face.

"Hi Marinette my name is agent Bonnet, now I need you to be truthful with me okay so we can sort out the problem. Now first things first, do you know where we are or why you are here?"

Marinette shook her head as she slowly faced the ground.

"Marinette right now you are in the D.P.B which means the Dangerous Powers Bureau, you are here because we have had reports that you are possessing a dangerous magic."

The lady put down the folder and looked Marinette in the eyes as the girl seemed to be confused about what she just said.

"Marinette I believe you brought your doll to life, but we need to know who were you touching when this happened"

"I was only touching Tikki, isn't that right," she said to the red creature in a pocket who nodded in reply.

"No Marinette, yes you were touching Tikki but to put a soul inside of her you had to be touching someone else as well"

"But I wasn't touching anyone else it was just me and Tikki on the roof, see I really wanted a friend so I hugged Tikki really hard and then she became real"

"Marinette you had to be touching someone else for this to happen just tell us the truth you won't get in trouble"

The girl stood up on her chair and looked down at the woman.

"I was just touching Tikki no one else so I did nothing wrong"

The woman just sighed, collected her folders and left the room leaving Marinette standing on the chair.

Marinette was not sure how much time had passed but she was getting tired of the constantly changing agents and the same repetitive questions. She was starting to get hungry and cold, longing to be back in her bedroom with her parents around her,

"I'm sorry Marinette" a little voice whispered from her pocket in the silence.

"What for Tikki"

"If it wasn't for me becoming real you wouldn't have to be here."

The girl lifted up her friend with her hand, bringing her to eye level so she could see the glimmer of water in the corners of her eyes.

"Tikki don't be silly if it wasn't for you I would have been lonely all summer, you were being a good friend it's all my fault I"

Her voice started jerking as tears rolled down her face.

"If I had just been good and told my parents then this wouldn't have happened I could be at home with mum and dad."

The tears kept falling from her eyes as her body slowly curled itself into a ball on the chair as little sobs escaped her mouth.

"Marinette listen, tell me what you need, I can make this all go away but I need you to tell me what you need, exactly what you need"

"My mum, I need my mum" Marinette coughed out through sobs which slowly lightened as she noticed her body emitting a light pink light that soon turned to bright for her to see.

"Tikki whats, whats happening"

"You are getting what you need Marinette".

And as the light slowly faded, through Marinette's bleary eyes she could make out the shape of a familiar person standing opposite to her.

"Marinette is that you? how did you get here no wait how did I get here?"

But Marinette did not catch any words as her mind compelled her to jump into her mother's waiting arms

"After relaying the footage we believe we may have interpreted your daughter's power wrong"

"So your saying, my daughter, isn't dangerous and that she has been locked her for the past hours for no reason"

The agent seemed to flinch at the harsh words of the little french woman in front of her who seemed to be emitting harsh feelings toward the agent yet still seem peaceful to her watching, daughter.

"It was a little mistake and I, on Beha"

"little!." sabine cut in sharply "you took her away from us after saying she had powers that could potentially harm everyone she touches"

"On behalf of the D.P.B., I would like to express my deepest apologies for the events. However Marinette about your powers"

The girl looked up at the agent her red friend sat on the top her head as it messed with hair,

"Your power can bring lives so we need you to promise us that Tikki is the only teddy or object that you will make come alive"

"I promise only Tikki" the girl replied and looked at her mum. "Can we go now?"

"Yes, sweetie let's go."

And they exited the building all while Marinette hid her left hand which held to crossed fingers.

Well, she couldn't exactly mention Tikkis cat friend that went missing now, could she?

So this is basically going to be a bunch of little fics on when each member of the class got their powers and what happens afterward.

Marinette - I gave her the power to summon items she needs as I think that's the best representation of her lucky charm that I could turn into a power