Arthur sighed at what he considered to be a poorly written romance novel, detailing what a seemingly perfect Alpha and Omega relationship were.

The British Beta just wished that they could look beyond class and see romance as it truly was.

He didn't enjoy his days off whenever he was home alone without Francis as the other made him unbelievably happy despite what he often told his husband.

Some days, he was tempted to write a story himself detailing what his love was like despite the fact that it would never be published and never be read by anyone else.

Arthur smiled as he remembered how the morning had went despite being unwillingly awoken by Francis getting up for work.

Francis had upon discovering his husband's wakefulness had given him a good morning kiss and made breakfast for two.

Arthur wondered though why others assumed that this relationship was not loving.

He may be a stubborn Beta and a fairly dominant Beta, but that never meant that he couldn't have a loving relationship with an Alpha.

He loved him and his relationship with him.

Arthur loved the routines that were slowly developing for them.

The British Beta couldn't help how hopeful he was for their relationship and their future.

Arthur hoped that they would have children mostly since Francis really wanted kids though he did too.

He never felt prepared for having kids and being pregnant though he knew fairly early on based off of his preferences that he'd most likely be the child bearing one in the relationship.

Arthur smiled as he cuddled up in a blanket and longed for his husband to return from work soon.