A/N: Last chapter! This one is rated 'T' as well.

With a flash of light Rem and Philo were back in River's house.

"Boys!" River exclaimed. "What happened?" Her eyes took in the blood on Rem's face and the smears of blood on Philo's shirt.

"Vanmore wasn't quite dead Mrs. Song. But we dealt with it. We are ok." Philo smiled.

The Doctor bounced down the stairs – finally fully clothed. "Rem! Philo! Woah. What happened to you guys?"

"It's ok Sweetie." River turned to the Doctor with a smile before turning back to the two young men. "They just need to go get cleaned up. Hmmm?" River pushed them towards the stairs. "The bathroom is the first door on the left. Don't take to long and try not to get distracted." River smiled cheekily.

"What? What? They? Together?" The Doctor stuttered, confused.

"Oh, I don't know. But they are cute together aren't they?" River smiled.

The Doctor smiled and took a step closer to River, "You know what else is cute? No. Not cute…"

"Sweetie, you're getting distracted." River smirked draping her hands over his shoulders.

"Right! Beautiful. You know what is beautiful?" He mumbled, bringing his lips down to hers. "You, you are." He paused before kissing her again.

Solomon, embarrassed, took his tea and made his way to the living room.

The Doctor and River didn't notice as they lost themselves in each other's mouths.

The Doctor's hands began to wonder. First, over her clothes but then they slipped under her shirt. Brushing his fingers over her ribs and down to her hips before settling on her lower back. He moved to pull her closer, pushing their hips up against each other when she grunted in pain.

Confused, the Doctor let go and stepped back. Looking at River intently, he placed a gentle hand on her arm, "River. River, what's wrong?"

River just bit her lip and stepped away. Turning her back on him she shook her curls and mumbled.

"No, River. Please tell me." The Doctor circled around his wife. Carefully, he lifted her shirt and saw bruises all across her torso and coming down from her chest and poking up from beneath her pants. "May I?" He asked gently. At River's small nod he gently placed his hands between the waistband of her pants and her skin. With the utmost tenderness, he pulled her pants down mid-thigh. A gasp broke through his lips as he looked at her skin. There wasn't a single piece that was clear of damage. The overlapping bruises wrapped around her thighs and hips.

The Doctor carefully pulled his wife's pants back into place. He could feel her clenching in pain and tears sprung into his eyes. "Who?"

River shook her head. "It doesn't matter. It's over now."

"Who?!" He growled, anger pouring out like poison.

River dropped her head, "Craig. If I didn't do as Vanmore told me… It was a taste, an example of what he would let Craig do to me."

The Doctor's eyes shut as he tried to regain his composure. "I'm so sorry…" He mumbled.

River looked up at her husband, "Sweetie. We are alive, the boys are alive. Even Solomon made it. In fact, he's the one who made it possible. I didn't think he even had that in him. We are alive. That's what matters."

"But River-"

"No. Shhhhh. Just hold me please." River held out her arms to her husband.

He took a step toward her and carefully wrapped his arms around her. "River…" He tried again.

"Shhh, shhhh. It's just some bruises. It's ok." River snuggled her head into the Doctor's chest.

The ancient Time Lord held his wife as tightly as he dared and rested his chin atop her head, not willing to ever let her go. The mysteries that wrapped around the two young men still upstairs could wait. Right now, it was just him and River. She was his whole world, his whole universe.

A/N: Wow! I finished it :)

There won't be many more (if any) stories for a while because I'm back in school but I hope you enjoyed the story, even if I did finish it off a little bit angsty.

Have an awesome day!

Jelly Beans