Yuzu was all healed up. When she was, Orihime with her friends ran out to the battlefield when all of it seemed to have calmed down. Orihime was in a frantic all through this whole thing and now it's finally over. All she needs to know now is if her husband is safe.
"Ichigo?! Ichigo, where are you?" Orihime said.
"He's got to be here somewhere." Rukia said.
"I found him!" Renji called out and they all looked to see where he was. Ichigo was lying on his back and the last of the hollow form he had crippled and faded off to dust.
"Ichigo!" Orihime shouted as she ran to him with Kalia in her arms. Ichigo was beginning to regain consciousness and saw all of his friends gathered around him. "Ichigo?"
"Hey guys. Is everyone alright?" Ichigo said. "Sorry if the battle was too much for you or the town."
"Don't worry about that right now." Uryu said. Orihime used her powers and began to heal him. Uryu looked around to see all the destruction that was caused, but there was one body that was missing from this whole thing. "What happened to Aizen?" Ichigo snickered like he wanted someone to ask that.
"He's actually gone. Gone forever." Ichigo said and that surprised all of them that Ichigo actually managed to kill him.
"You actually managed to destroy him?" Rukia said.
"Yeah. The nightmare is finally over." Ichigo said. He looked over to Kalia that was right in Orihime's arms. "Hey, Orihime. Open this up for a minute. I want to see Kalia." Orihime could finally smile and share her first family moment with her new child and husband. She did what he asked and placed her right on top of him. Kalia looked around at him with what seemed to be curious eyes. "It's alright, honey. Daddy is going to be just fine." Orihime was glad she wouldn't have to go through losing more of her family. She opened up the barrier just enough for to squeeze her hand under and grab Ichigo's. It was nice that all of them could share such a sweet moment. Even Grimmjow came, but he just hanged back and kept his distance as he leaned against a tree.
"You're not going over?" He looked over to see Nel standing near him.
"Why? I don't care for that brat of his or any of this garbage." Grimmjow said.
"That's not what I meant." Nel said. "What I mean is why you aren't going to take this opportunity. Once Ichigo is healed up, you can fight him." Grimmjow thought about that, but he decided to just forget it for now.
"No thanks." Grimmjow said. "He's been through enough and all he wanted was to save those two and stop Aizen. By the way, how's Harribel?"
"She already regained consciousness and returned to Hueco Mundo when she felt Aizen's spiritual pressure vanish." Nel said. She got another look at him and actually smiled.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Grimmjow asked.
"I just think it's sweet of you." Nel said. "You cared enough to know if Harribel was unharmed and you don't want to fight Ichigo because you don't want to ruin a sweet moment between him and his family."
"That's got nothing to do with it!" Grimmjow said.
"Then why? You wouldn't let Ichigo's reasons stop you from fighting him." Nel said. She had him there. Grimmjow wouldn't care what reasons Ichigo has. Grimmjow just wanted to fight him, but he chose not to do it this time. He just looked away and blushed. Perhaps this shows that even Grimmjow is capable of change.
"I'm getting out of here." Grimmjow said and just stormed off. He can deny it all he wanted, but Nel could see through that tough guy act and she thought it was cute.
Rukia made sure Ichigo and Orihime got home safely. When she did that, she was in a hurry to get back home. She needed to make sure her captain and her brother were safe, but also because she really wanted to see her son, Ryo.
"In a hurry, aren't you?" Rukia turned around and was faced with Renji.
"Renji?" Rukia said.
"Relax. I'm sure Jushiro and Captain Kuchiki are fine." Renji said. "Well. Your brother's pride might be damaged, but you get what I'm saying."
"I know, but there's another reason I have to get back." Rukia said.
"What is it?" Renji said. Rukia never told him about Ryo and he's the father. She didn't know how she can tell him. Renji saw she was struggling to tell her and it looked like it was bothering her. "Never mind. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"Thanks Renji." Rukia said. Renji didn't want to bother her with something she didn't want to talk about. He opened up the senkaimon for her and both of them headed back. 'I'm sorry Renji, but I just don't know how to tell you about Ryo.'
The Kurosakis
Ichigo and Orihime were finally able to take Kalia home. These past few days have been harder than any new parent has to go through, but they were glad they could. The setting sun shined in their room as they were able to put Kalia in her crib and were happy she was where she belonged.
"I'm so glad that this is all over." Orihime said.
"Me too." Ichigo said. It's been real hard for him. His new daughter had to go to the hollow world and nearly got killed and because she was so young, she couldn't defend herself. Ichigo wasn't sure she could see what's been happening around her and it helped him made a big decision. "Orihime, I've been thinking. I think we should keep the whole soul reaper thing a secret from Kalia."
"Why?" Orihime said.
"Kalia could have gotten herself killed and she's far too young." Ichigo said. "I could also feel that Kalia couldn't even see me from earlier. I'm worried any future enemies I make will use her against me."
"But don't you think she'll be curious as to what is going on?" Orihime said.
"Perhaps she will find out eventually, but she doesn't have any signs of having any spiritual powers." Ichigo said. "Without something like that to protect her, I'm scared on what might happen. Something like this might happen again. That's why I think the less she knows, the better. Do you understand?"
"Yeah." Orihime said as she walked up to him and brought her arms around him and kissed his cheek. "I understand. You only want to do this to protect her. At least until she shows she can take care of herself in a situation like this."
"Exactly. Of course that means we won't be able to go to the Soul Society again." Ichigo said. "I'm also going to have to watch what I do as a soul reaper."
"As long as we can have a happy family, I'm fine with that." Orihime said. She understood what needed to be done and that's what they did and that completed a family's safe return.
With Aizen defeated, Ichigo contacted the Soul Society and told them what he wanted to do. They understood and lost contact with each other ever since that day. Over the years, times have changed. Five years after today, Kalia was kidnapped by a rouge soul reaper that wanted to fight Ichigo. Ichigo succeeded in defeating him and rescued Kalia, but her memory of that day was erased. After another five years, Ichigo mysteriously disappeared after Orihime gave birth to twins, Katie and Kenji. Five years after that, Kalia met Ryo Kuchiki and her powers of a soul reaper were awaken. Ryo gave her his powers and she became the new substitute soul reaper and learned about everything about the Soul Society and her father. Over the years, new captains and lieutenants were formed in the Soul Society that Kalia and her friends, Sai and Michael, fought to save Ryo from the same punishment his mother went through. Eventually, Renji found out about Ryo and came back to be the father Ryo was missing. Kalia also ran across a dangerous hollow, but was able to defeat him. Soon after, they learned what happened to Ichigo. He was kidnapped by a madman named Oromaus who wanted to open the gates of Hell. Kalia discovered her fullbring powers and used them to defeat Oromaus and became reunited with Ichigo. This was the start of a brand new adventure for a new generation.
The End