Meow!" Meowth cried, attempting to wake up Sun. Sun woke up to his family pet Meowth kneading on his chest. He grabbed his signature hat from his side table and placed it on his head.

"Good morning, Meowth," Sun said with a yawn. Today was a special day for him. Three years ago today, Sun had become the first champion of Alola. Since then, he had defended his title against many tough trainers such as Kahuna Hapu, Professor Kukui, Plumeria, and even his good friends Hau and Gladion. His friends and family had a celebration planned for him to celebrate his three year anniversary of becoming Alola's champion.

Not all was happy for him, though. It had also been around three years since he had been able to see Lillie. The first year or so was extremely hard for him. He didn't feel the same when he was exploring and battling without her there. Everything almost felt pointless. Sun eventually adapted and got used to Lillie's absence. He for some reason never wrote to her, thinking that she had moved on from him. He knew that she left for the best of her and her mother, trying to see some bright side to the situation.

Before Lillie left she gave Sun a package, along with her childhood Poke Doll. In it, there was a bunch of pictures of their adventures together. There was also some odds and ends that she had collected as well. She had also given him a picture of her and Nebby from the night she left that she had also wrote a little note on. It read:

"Everyone's smiles shine so brightly. Those smiles led us to so many other people. And those smiles will lead us to a bright future. I'm so glad I got to meet everyone. I'm so glad I got to meet you."

Sun had that hung up right next to his bed as soon as he got it so that he could see it every morning when he woke up. He held those words close to his heart and made sure that he just kept smiling through it all, for Lillie, even though she was gone. He finished getting ready and went into his kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning, Sweetie," Sun's mom said to her half-awake child. "Are you excited for your special day? I made some French toast to celebrate!" She asked while plating her son's breakfast.

"Good Morning, Mom," Sun said, visibly looking upset. He pulled up a chair to the breakfast bar and quietly started eating.

"Is something wrong, Sun?" His mother asked, seeing his slouched posture and grim face.

"Yeah… I'm fine. Just feeling a little sick," Sun said in between bites of French toast. He finished up breakfast and headed out to Hau'oli City.

Sun was walking through the city. Some of its residents had noticed him and congratulated him on his anniversary. He passed by the Malasada Shop and to nobody's surprise he saw his friend Hau.

"Good morning, Champ!" Hau said grinning, while his mouth was still chewing on his malasada. Sun waved good morning back and headed over to Hau.

"You ready for tonight, big guy?" Hau asked while pulling up a stool for Sun.

"Yeah, definitely," Sun answered while playing with his thumbs. Hau saw that something was up so he gave him one of the treasured malasadas off of his plate.

"Eat up," Hau said. "You've gotta have energy for tonight. After all, you promised that we could battle!"

"Thanks, but I just ate. I've gotta get going," Sun said while exiting the Malasada Shop.

Sun was kicking around pebbles and saw a family of Pikachu and Pichu. They all looked so happy together.

"I hope that I can have that, someday," Sun thought to himself. He sat himself down at the edge of the Marina and skipped some stones onto the ocean. He was thinking about life and what his future was going to be like. He thought about all of his friends, and what they would do.

Specifically he was thinking about Lillie. He thought about how she was doing in Kanto, if she became a trainer, what Pokemon she caught, if she took on the gyms, if she would ever come back, if they would ever see each other again, If he could ever tell her that-

"Sun?!" He heard a cheerful and familiar voice behind him. He got up and turned around.

It was Lillie.

Sun's face immediately lit up like a Charizard's Blast Burn was he saw her. She was still in her "Z-Powered Form" from when they had last seen each other. Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail and the sun was shining on her green eyes. Sun thought that she looked cute as possible. He thought that her eyes were one of her best features, but never mentioned it because he thought that she would find it weird to think.

She had tried to start talking again, "Professor Kukui told me that you were having a celebration today and he told me to come so I-" She was cut off by the tightest hug imaginable. Sun breathed in her familiar scent as he hugged her. Blushing, Lillie hugged him back and smiled.

"I'm so glad you're here," Sun quietly said, while finally letting go.

"So am I," Lillie replied as Sun gazed into her eyes.

There was so much that Sun wanted to tell Lillie. There was so much that Lillie wanted to tell Sun. At that moment, all they wanted to do was be with each other. They gazed into the ocean and rarely even talked. Just being with each other made them feel amazing.

"Welcome back," Sun said to Lillie softly.