It Followed Me Home

Chapter 10

The Catalyst

The decision was final. If there were any doubts nothing could change the course of our path. The beacon was sent. Our time would be spent counting down the days. I was awaiting the arrival.

According to Seelah it may take upwards of a year for her mother to find us. That means we need to ration our supplies and prepare for the worst.

In all honesty I am hopeful things will turn out in our favor. Putting our future on hold until we deal with her family is disconcerting but not an impossible feat. Anything may be overcome so long as we have the drive to press onward.

Seelah told me her mother was staunchly territorial around her children. Although, even she had her limits. To me, her mother was a paradox. How can she be so protective when she has cast aside her own blood? Or she would do everything possible to defend her own flesh and blood but as soon as one of them disobeys the family, it is suicide or else.

All I know is what Seelah tells me. That alone gives me reason to tread lightly among her clan. I will speak when spoken to and avoid as much conversation as possible. Seelah discussed very little when it came to the topic of her mother. She would become standoffish and distant whenever those words exited my mouth. She claimed she was over her family. I didn't believe her after seeing the way it bothered her just by the mere mentioning of her people.

I believed in her and I believed in us. That was more than enough for me to trust her decisions. Nevertheless it does make one truly wonder what happened? Maybe it is best left unsaid?

It is possible I will be attacked the moment her mother lands. That is a risk I am willing to take. I signed up for this and I will not cower now. In the face of adversity I will stand strong for her.

As each day passed we gathered more food supplies and merely waited. If fortune was on our side a scavenger might land here and we can 'relieve' them of their ship. While that is unlikely, I will still look to every attainable option outlined for us.

If there is one thing I have learned in my travels is that everyone is out for themselves. There is no coordinating structure of working together. This galaxy is violent. It is filled with hate and misery. As I stated at the encounter against Tlel I am no longer the same person anymore. My travels have molded me into something that no longer resembles who I once was. In some ways I feel like a monster and I hate it. My lack of empathy for the galaxies inhabitants outside of Seelah is due in part because of what I have gone through. What they have done to me is unforgivable. I cannot bear to give them the benefit of the doubt. And if I am to be damned for my choices, then I will see them all in hell and I will kill them again. She is all that matters to me anymore. She is the one being I will protect. I can't make this galaxy better. It is ill. But I can carve my own peace and joy in it with Seelah at my side. That will make all the difference. She is the difference.

Everyday I witnessed her walking around the landing bay repeatedly. She was pacing as usual. With each day gone she grows more distant with me. I can only imagine the pain she is facing. The thoughts running through her mind are quite possibly driving her to the brink of insanity. There is nothing I can do except stay out of her way. It is how it must be for now.

Having gone for so long without sustaining an injury meant I could finally recover from the ones I already had. Energy reserves slowly returned while each day that passed I grew stronger. Even though some of the damage I faced was life threatening, somehow I made it through. Time was kind to me. I would recover entirely. I was healthy again for once. Living in a state of constant pain certainly wasn't my ideal lifestyle.

Four months from the the day she activated the distress beacon I was lying on a piece of rubble watching the stars in the night sky. The bright glow of the stars was a soothing sight. Oh how I longed to be off this planet for good. I have been here enough for a lifetime. I had started stargazing the past couple weeks. It was a fine reprieve from the boredom I faced or the verbal fights we entered. Our position was tense and I wanted to keep the problems to a minimum.

In some ways having all this free-time was abysmal. I knew not what to do with myself. I picked up exercising once again. Sprinting around the landing bay and weight lifting became my main focus.

I sat up and began stretching. That was my normal routine I performed before I left. I was getting ready to stand up and head for bed but a glimmer of light caught my attention. It moved along the darkened night sky. What could that be? And then it hit me.

A massive star-ship descended upon the landing bay. Gusts of fire emblazoned the ship as it passed through the atmosphere. Once the vessel drew close enough I realized just how huge it was, dwarfing any personal ship in modern human spaceship design. It had to be a military fighter, but the alien design told me just exactly what we were facing. It started shining lights into the area. Some of them locked onto me, robbing me of my vision with their blinding brightness. They were planning on landing. I had to get to Seelah now!

# # # #

Maybe it was premonition? Or perhaps it was that aching feeling in my bones I have felt since this morning? Whatever it was I wasn't stunned when James came bursting into the room I was standing in. Mentally I had prepared for this but judging by the shake in my legs I clearly was far from ready.

Physically I was already prepped and ready to go. Armor and weaponry were already equipped. If it were pirates we would kill them and steal their ship. But if it was her...then I would deal with the situation as it unfolds.

With James at my side we rushed for cover and waited. The sound of my racing heart and the descending ship were all I could hear. The adrenaline pulsing through my body was a foreign feeling to me. Rarely did I allow my feelings and anxiety control me. Facing my mother was a feeling of dread that filled my conscious. Why did I let her get to me so much? She holds no power over me. Could it be that I am terrified for his life and what may happen? I cannot bear to lose my mate. He means everything to me. Unlike yautja males he shows so much love and compassion to me. I won't lose him. I won't allow her to harm him.

When the star-ship lowered far enough for me to see its design I knew exactly who arrived. The massive yautja vessel barely fit through the opening. It slowly descended into the landing bay while debris started flying and whirling around the docking area as air was forcefully blown from the engines.

I left my cover behind and stood in front of the ship while the lights immediately shined upon me. James followed suit as the ship landed and made the obvious sound telling me the engines were being shut off.

The landing gears cranked to life as the ramp to the ship opened. A few final noises wheezed out as the landing procedures concluded.

"James remain quiet unless you are spoken to directly. Do not show the faintest signs of aggression, and keep your weapon holstered. Please allow me to do this."

The pleading tone my voice uttered was enough for him to understand and nod reassuringly. He uttered not one word.

Fog exited the interior of the ship from the ramp and down into the landing bay. Four female yautja walking in rows of two exited the ship. Each one was armed with a pointed spear. They were not dressed in the usual metallic armor I wear. Instead, they were wearing ceremonial cloth garbs with black and green colors along with oceanic blue inner lining. Their bodies and faces were obscured by the robes and hoods they had concealing their identity. Undoubtedly beneath their cloaks they wore some form of armor and had firearms hidden beneath their robes.

When they made contact with the ground each of them moved forward until each row turned and faced each other so an individual of importance may walk in between of the guards.

From the ramp appeared someone I wished I would never have to see. The individual in question was fully armored unlike her companions. She walked down the ramp and in between her guards. Each of her arms were equipped with a wrist gauntlet. On her left shoulder was a cannon. Her solid black armor covered every inch of flesh. Her facial features were covered by a mask with a green yautja hand-print painted along the mask. On her back was a spear and other weaponry I couldn't make out. I didn't need to see her face to know who she was. This was my mother. This was Yishara.

# # # #

James looked disturbed by the monstrous entity flanked by its personal guards. He imagined she had to be at least two feet taller than him. He realized Seelah wasn't joking about their height. All five of them even towered over her.

He believe this yautja to be her mother. The mothers armor reminded him of something from the knights era mixed with samurai armor. Although, there was a futuristic vibe that permeated throughout the entire armor set. Either way he noted due to the immaculate detail upon the armor it was most likely a prized position among their people.

The yautja turned to face him only for a few moments, before it looked back toward Seelah. There was an uneasy tingling that spiked through his body as Yishara stared him over. Fear continued to ripple through him until she stood level with Seelah and all remained silent for the moment.

A bizarre cacophony of clicks and chattering uttered from their mouths. It sounded more in tune with animal noises than speech to James' ears. He was left in the dark on what was transpiring before his very eyes.

"Xithala. It is no surprise to see you would summon me. I knew sooner than later you would face something beyond your capability."

She glanced at the human once more then spoke with a heightened sense of anger tainting her words, "Why? Why are you working with a human? What has happened to you since the last time we spoke?"

The yautja removed its mask, revealing a scared and mutilated face from years of trials. She had a deep jade green skin tone. Her bottom left mandible was missing, while a massive scar ran down from her eye to her mouth.

James was perplexed by her features. She had a far more pronounced forehead. Her features were more hardened and less feminine than Seelah's. He considered the possibility of it being due to age but that was quickly ruled out. The more he compared the two the more he realized just how far different they were. Seelah's features were softer. They looked appealing to his eyes. She looked like a female to him. Her mother on the other hand was nothing but ugly to him. He realized this is what she was talking about, when she claimed she looked different than her own people. It wasn't just in color but looks too.

Before Seelah could voice her own defense Yishara continued her questioning, "Or do you go by that one name now? What was it? Seelah?"

Seelah's aggravation rose beyond her normal threshold. In many ways she despised her mother. There was no hiding that.

"I haven't seen you in years and this is the first thing you have to say to me? Have you come to lecture me on everything I do? I can assure you if there was another way I wouldn't of resorted to you. The rift between us will never heal, mother. He aided me when I was near death. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have survived to see today. So I chose to keep him alive."

Yishara's mandibles twitched. "Your choices are your own Xithala. I have come to accept that. Distance between us is the best option going forward. I pushed you from me. Our disagreements are rooted too deep. But do you really consider me to be so blind to the circumstances? That human was the one you were sent to kill those many years ago. I remember the file on him. Why is it that you two are the only ones left in this rotting catacomb?"

Seelah started to panic as sweat dripped from her face. "As I stated, he protected me and saved my life when I was shot by another human. Without him I would have died. I want to return the favor and spare his life. He is an honorable human."

Yishara sniffed the air then her daughter as well. "So he means nothing to you? You have no obligation to him other than what you stated?"

"Correct." Voiced Seelah.

"Then you won't mind if I take his life."

Yishara lowered the blade on her left gauntlet and made a beeline for James. James had no idea what was happening as he backed away. His face was panic stricken as he unholstered his firearm and took aim. This merely made matters worse.

Yishara's bodyguards were on him in moments. Their hoods were lowered as their mandibles bared. Each one of them were gripping long staffs with serrated pointed ends pressing against his chest and neck. James trembled while his hands shook and fumbled with the firearm.

"Stop!" Xithala screamed.

Her mothers face was stone cold, lacking any sign of compassion. She commanded her guards to lower their weapons. James holstered his moments later.

"See? Lying gets you nowhere Xithala. You almost killed me and him. I can smell his scent all over your body, while your scent reeks on him. I feel ill knowing what you have done. I am gravely disappointed in you. Whether he saved your life or not doesn't mean you bed him. Sure some bad-bloods or clans lax in rules will overlook something like that but not the Voindtoula bloodline. If it was up to me the rules would be harsh but you would be lucky to be alive. I would see to it we never see each other again. You have tainted our name and I would expunge you from our clan. Why! Why would you mate with a human?"

She was met with Silence as Seelah chose neither to speak or react to her questions. She stayed close to James and listened.

Yishara shook her head. "It is useless to reason with you. Since you have broken a major rule among our clan this cannot go unpunished. I am forced to take you through the trial. You are to go before Sinesh. She will decide your fate."

Xithala's eyes widened as she got on her knees and pleaded to her mother, "Please! If you have any feelings for your daughter left in that mind of yours then you will not force me to face her. You are sentencing him to death! Allow us to leave and you will never see the daughter that failed you ever again! I promise!"

Yishara looked unperturbed by her daughters pleas. "Get up! Are you a yautja or a human? Living among his kind has made you soft. You do not understand Xithala. I ignored your distress beacon. It was Sinesh's request that I find you. I would have left you to die here, like you deserve. So tell me, my daughter, how do you expect me to let you go? How can I do that when it was she who requested I go on this mission?"

# # # #

I was sitting in a holding cell on the yautja star-ship. The doors were unlocked. They allowed me to move freely on-board this vessel. Most of the time I preferred to stay in here. I wasn't stared at constantly like an enemy. The way they stared at me when I walked by, the way they watched me when I ate food, and the way they observed me with disgust told me everything necessary to survive here. I was an inferior species. I was weak. I was frail. They could crush me in a moments notice and it would never faze them. The way their eyes prodded my features like probes dissecting me made me feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

Seelah gave me an idea of what was ahead for us. We were to have an audience with the head of their family or clan. Her name was Sinesh. The way Seelah spoke about her made me ponder on our future. I mean just looking at her when she was on her knees told me this was an uphill battle with boiling hot tar being poured on us. I believe she will make it through this. As for me, I wouldn't be surprised if this was my end. In my heart I know all that I may do is be by her side. Fate will decide exactly what happens to us.

I can't help but blame myself for the inevitable destabilization of her and her clan. Either way all I can do is support her like I have done.

I was driven from my thoughts as her mother Yishara entered the cell and walked towards me. " true? You daughters life?"

Her human language skills were certainly lacking compared to her daughters. Still, it was understandable.

I nodded an affirmative. "She took three blasts from a shotgun. I killed the human that harmed her then used medical supplies to bring her from the brink of death. She was going to kill me a while ago. I cannot remember the date for I have lost track of time. I was near death when I crashed my star-ship. She saved my life. I was no threat to her. She could have killed me after hunting me for so many years. Whether you despise me for this or not, I love your daughter...I will protect her anyway I can."

Yishara laughed coldly at my words. "Love? That is a form of endearment you oomans say between each other. I am grateful her. Your place isn't among our kind. You should have gone back to your own clan ooman."

As we continued to speak she grew closer to me until she had me backed into the corner of the cell room with nowhere to run.

"How can I when I have no clan to return too? My family is dead."

Her eyes examined every detail of my face. She gripped my arm and squeezed it tight enough to hurt.

" The clan-less life is not easy. You are the last one. Your species is so fragile. Your language is...hideous."

The pain continued to heighten as signs of discomfort shone along my face. She then gripped my face and turned my head. She examined every feature. From my eyelashes to the color of my lips.

"Yi...Yishara are you going to kill me?"

The moment I finished my sentence she let go as our eyes locked. "No...but I want too."

I took a deep gulp of air just as Seelah entered the room.

"I specifically told you to leave him alone. What is the meaning of this lie! We have enough issues to contend with let alone you harassing him. What benefits you to speak to him? Did you do that to each ooman you killed? Did you talk to them before you snuffed out their lives? If you harm him I'll..."

Yishara made haste towards her daughter. In a split second she had her by the throat and raised in the air with one hand. "You'll what? Kill me...for this pathetic excuse of a male? You might as well have laid with an unblooded. His kind is weak and consumed by emotions. Look at his soft skin. They are easy to throw around. The fact you would even consider laying a hand on the one who birthed you shows how far you have fallen."

Seelah tore at her mothers grip as she gasped for oxygen and choked on her words. "You have never stood by me! In anything I do you have always cast doubt, and when I succeeded you measured it by chance and not my skill! If oomans are so weak then how is it some have killed us throughout the centuries? They beat us in sword fights before they had firearms and even back in the jungles years ago there was that one who was foolish and tricked by an ooman. The trap was sprung and he was crushed by part of a tree. There are many stories of our kind being killed by these 'weak' oomans. You have never supported me mother! I did more than all your daughters combined but due to my visual defects you'll have me thrown aside like the animal I am. I matter not to this clan and this clan matters not to me. I dragged this name to glory while my sisters failed in every aspect. Unlike my clan and unlike the males who saw me as some trophy for their harem, this male ooman chose me for who I am."

Seelah took advantage of her mothers loosening grip and kicked off of her with all her might. Yishara lost her grip. Seelah took advantage of the chaos and rammed her mother into the wall. She then gripped her arm and twisted it backwards.

"Listen! If I see you so much as wish ill intent upon him I will kill you. I cannot escape from my past. I know who I am. No matter how many aliases I use will still be Xithala Voindtoula. Unlike you and this disgrace of a clan I will carve my own niche without the approval of this family. How does it feel knowing I took one of your mandibles? I hope every-time you see yourself in the mirror you think of me. Maybe then you will feel the pain you gave me...Yishara."

She let go of her mother as I stared on, perplexed by the scene before me.

"So be it Xithala. I will not stop you...but she will."

Her mother left the room soon after. We stood together in silence until she broke it by gripping my hands and said, "I am so sorry James. I never wanted you to get involved with my family. They believe in the old ways. You might have thanked me by getting you off that planet, yet by the time this is over you may wish you never left there."

I squeezed her hand gently. "We are a team. Wherever you go I will follow. You are my world. I will never leave your side."

She smiled at me. This wasn't your regular grin. Her face was beaming with joy. "You always know what to say James. You're the best at making me feel better. I'm sorry though, I didn't mean to lie about my past. I'm sure you see now why I did that."

"Yes I do. I once used different names just for the sake of anonymity. You are who you are Xithala. My feelings for you will remain the same no matter what happens between us. I am here till the end."

When I finished my statement she gripped me into a bear-hug. "James you are the boulder to my stormy coast. No matter how bad, no matter how violent things become, you are constant. You never leave."

"And I never will Xithala. Now let's finish this. We have a future ahead of us. One not filled with the pain we have gone through."

It turns out that future was going to wait. We spent many uncomfortable days on that ship. The situation was tense but nothing I couldn't handle. When I heard one of the yautja speak over the intercom in their native language I knew the time had come. We were landing.

At this exact moment in time I was standing in the equivalent of their kitchen, debating about what to eat. With the next part of our journey underway my hunger dissipated quite rapidly. Their food wasn't very appealing, and with the notion of us landing soon erased everything else from my mind. It was now or never. I headed for the nearest window while we descended through the atmosphere. Unlike human vessels and Xithala's ship entry was buttery smooth.

When I made it to the closest window my eyes were filled with wonder. A vast endless tropical jungle came within view through the window. It stretched along the horizon with no end in sight. A city cradled around the jungle was the next thing that caught my attention. The architecture was far removed from anything created by humans. It blended in with the jungle and almost looked like it was part of it. Trees grew within the streets, and even on top of some of the buildings. The large structures were aesthetically pleasing to the eyes when compared to the hideous human designs. Some looked like skyscrapers with other extensions to the buildings jutting out in different directions. Others were oval shaped and low to the ground with see through walls. Fountains of water flowed from within and out into lakes around the city. Human cities were bland and the buildings were always square shaped jutting straight up. But this was entirely different. It was magnificent.

Among all the the things I witnessed so far, none of them captured the shock rocketing across my face when I took note of what sat in the middle of the city. A titanic pyramid was nestled around the city and jungle. It dwarfed the pyramids back on earth by a massive margin.

Ours were pointed directly upward, but theirs were different. This one had rows toward the peak that jutted out. At the the top there was a defined sharp point. At the front of the pyramid were two large curved obelisks. The sight was simply breathtaking.

I was ripped from my thoughts when Yishara entered the room and commanded me to follow her. We walked through the alien vessel until she stopped at the exit ramp. For a time we waited until her guards and Seelah arrived. Yishara clicked a button on the console near the ramp. As it opened two of her guards walked behind me and two stood in front. I was flanked on both sides.

As the ramp stopped Yishara took the lead. The two yautja in front of me followed after her. One of them behind me pushed her fist into my back forcing me to move along. Xithala noticed the discomfort on my face when I stared at her.

"Am I hostage?" I asked.

Seelah shook her head. "No James. My mother designated them to do but one thing, and that is to protect you. You see, they are concerned, concerned that you will be killed before we make it to the trial. Our clan is staunchly against your species."

I inhaled a long, deep breath while the ship finished its landing procedures and the ramp began to open.

It's a pleasant thought to know that the populous is planning on murdering me. This is but one more reason to get off this world as soon as possible. It couldn't come soon enough.

As I started to examine my surroundings and take in all the scenery was when I realized how hot and humid this land was. The stars rays bore down upon my flesh with no mercy. The muggy, humid air tasted like burning embers with each breath I sucked in. I had no doubt in the back of my mind the temperature was no lower than 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Within a matter of moments sweat poured from my forehead while my skin moistened with perspiration. Each step I took felt like I was traversing through hell. The desert back on the other planet wasn't nearly this hot.

We were standing on an outdoor landing pad in the middle of the city. Star-ships landed and departed with no sign of stopping. The yautja were coming and going on their daily business just as us humans would on one of our worlds.

The titantic pyramid was within my sights. It towered over every other construct in this alien city. It made me contemplate just how long it took to build this structure.

Yishara led us to a stairwell. Once we followed that down we entered the center of the city streets. Adults and children turned my way. Some of them examined me with curiosity, showing no signs of aggression. Perhaps they were torn with confusion over the situation? A couple looked at me with nothing but utter disdain. I have seen enough yautja body language to know when they hate something, or want to kill it.

Hundreds or maybe thousands walked past us in their day to day lives. The next thing that caught my attention shocked me in some ways. I witnessed a group of humans chained from their neck down to their legs. They were slaves. The group followed a yautja leading them into a building with a sign over it glowing brightly to draw others attention to it. When one of them caught sight of me before they entered the building I was taken aback by the sight. There was no life in his eyes. It was a boundless emptiness like the scenery of a desert or dark space. There was no hope or joy in his dead eyes. No future, just misery. It was something I would never forget.

There were more signs I saw written in yautja script. Maybe they were more like characters. The lines were certainly nothing like the alphabet.

We continued to walk for some time until it occurred to me where we were headed. Yishara guided us straight to the pyramid. When we got closer to it I tried to find a visible sign of entry. There was nothing. How are you supposed to enter it? Don't tell me...

Like a blade in the back Yishara took the first step toward the top. When I observed skyward and saw how many steps we must take I was convinced I wouldn't make it. From this damn unbearable heat to the large steps with wide gaps not designed with humans in mind led me to believe I had nothing to worry about when it came to this meeting. I would be dead from a heatstroke before it came to that.

A good two hours passed before we made it to the top. We hadn't actually reached the peak, although we were close. At the end of the stairwell there remained but one door. Beside it was a console. Yishara tapped one button. The ancient opening creaked to life while dust fell to the floor as it went into its base inside the wall.

We were granted passage as we went inside. It was quite dark but considerably cooler with a damp taste in the air. We were standing on a circular platform. There was nowhere to go lest we fall to our deaths. Suddenly and unexpectedly the platform descended. With no railings I had no interest in staring over the edge and seeing how high up we were.

Silence was our friend as we stood motionless. Nobody said a word. All I could hear was the quiet vibrating of the mechanism bringing us downward and the soft sound of those around me inhaling oxygen. It was honestly an unsettling feeling that left cold chills spiraling across my body. Where exactly were we going? Seeing these tall alien beings standing around me didn't help the atmosphere at all. It made it that much more comforting Seelah was with me on this final trial.

When we drew closer to the bottom I spotted large torches hanging high along the walls. The bright glow of embers shone brightness in the interior. Two gargantuan yautja statues were now within our view. The statues were illuminated by the light from the fire. Each statue was kneeling with a spear in their left hands. All the while the further down we went more torches were lining the inside of this old pyramid.

Once the platform touched the ground I got a better look at the statues. The duo were facing each other. Witnessing such a grand view before me was awe inspiring. These creations were majestic. When compared to me and my own accomplishments I felt inferior to the grand spectacle before my widening eyes. In between of the statues was a grand opulent stairwell leading to where I imagined this Sinesh would be.

Two very large and imposing doors left the entrance sealed. I followed Xithala toward the stairwell. These doors in question were made out of what I imagined to be some form of wood. It wasn't unlike human doors but there was an air of ancientness to its design. The beautiful gems inlaid within the frame of the doors merely added to the wonderful scene before me.

Whoever this individual might be, it was clear they were the puppet master of this clan.

Yishara's guards pushed forcefully on the doors with all their might. They creaked to life until it was wide enough for us to go through. Xithala, her mother, and myself entered.

The center of this room was illuminated. Confusion coursed through me as I looked around for the source of the light. There was no trace of its whereabouts. Once we entered, the doors behind us closed.

All around in the circular room torches ignited. At the higher levels sat rows of yautja. They were dressed in what I pictured to be ceremonial garb. There was no evidence of them being armed. It was quite obvious none of them had any armor underneath that clothing.

At the highest seat sat none other than the one we came to meet. Sinesh was flanked by two heavily armed and fully armored guards. Not one inch of flesh was shone on them.

Sinesh wore no mask. Her face was visible for all to see. Her skin was a deep gray with splotches of green. On her forehead was a circlet lined with ornamental jewels of multiple colors. Along her neck was a necklace. A human skull was dangling at the end between her breasts. Her fingers were covered with rings detailed with beautiful gems. In her right arm was a razer sharp bladed staff. Her legs were armored with greaves, while her feet were wearing what looked like those metallic boots Seelah wears. What looked like a skirt covered her privates while the usual metallic bra covered her breasts. A long loose fitting open robe completed her attire.

Her deep crimson red eyes never left my gaze once I entered this throne room. It was impossible to read her features. Whatever crossed her mind certainly wasn't in my favor. Moments passed until she spoke in her own language. I had no conclusion over what any of it meant but I was able to pick out one name in between of her words, Xithala. Now I wait.

# # # #

I mean it when I say I never wanted to put James through this. It took everything out of me to signal for assistance and now that I am standing among her I regret my decision. We should have just waited until someone showed up. A thief would have arrived sooner than later to loot the corpses. I wished there was an alternative but I saw none presented at the time. We should be far from this planet, not in the chambers of my clans leader.

I could hear the faint sound of someone speaking to me. No matter how hard I tried to focus on them my mind delved deeper into my doubts. When my mother nudged me I pulled myself from my thoughts and realized what was being said.

"I am fine Sinesh."

Her eyes grazed over my face, looking at each and every single detail. I knew she was watching me in case I might slip up when speaking. I must be careful with her. I cannot allow this to fail because of my carelessness.

"Are you fine Xithala? Are you really? The evidence surrounding your life dictates otherwise. You fled your clan to hunt a human across the galaxy. I told you to forego this useless charade. You have a bright future ahead of you, but you dare not listen. You cut contact with many of us just so you may prove a point. You wasted years of your life to kill him. As time passed you continued to distance yourself from your clan."

I listened to every word she spoke. It was my duty to speak my case. Now would be my only chance.

"I chose to alienate myself from this clan because it isolated me. No matter how many accomplishments I achieved, nobody acknowledged them. When others would do half of what I have done and they were cheered on in glory, it tells me there is something ill with this clan. If anything you would think I would be applauded for leaving. I have been abused verbally and physically by my 'clan' so what benefits me to stay inside the Voindtoula's borders? Nothing."

Sinesh nodded. "I'm not challenging your loyalty to the clan. It is your life and you are free to go as you please. You felt you had no other options but to go away. I have seen the potential in you and I offer my condolences. You had to take such drastic measures to go away when it should have never come to that. Now we must move onto the most important piece of this trial. He is the one you hunted across the galaxy which adds an even greater layer behind all this. I have to ask; why a human?"

I knew this was coming. I was ready for this moment.

"I will counter with why not? Let's look at the facts; has this clan and the surrounding clans around us been a great role model for me? Most males look at me as a prize to be flaunted, or a tool to be utilized for their own gain. James is an alien and while our ideologies clashed in the beginning, we accepted our differences for better or for worse and united lest we share an equal fate in death. He saved my life. I guarantee if anybody else among my clan would have been in his shoes they wouldn't have come to my aid. He did. A human who we kill for sport protected me. Do not forget the fact I hunted him for years. The courage flowing through his veins in the face of all odds stacked against him shows what kind of a man he is. Some of you might claim that he is weak, even weaker than our males but I will state his qualities blot out any deficiencies he has. Like me, I cannot control the way I am and yet I have been cast aside. He loves me and treats me like his mate. That matters to me more than any physical strength he may be lacking in. I do not expect any of you to understand my feelings. There is no feasible way for the whole lot of you to comprehend what I have seen and felt unless you went through the exact same trials I fought, and even then there is no guarantee you will see how I see. You all must understand there is one thing I will stress. While my lungs draw breath if any of you touch one hair on his head I will kill and kill until I myself am put down. Are we clear?"

Sinesh twitched her mandibles and shifted in her seat. "Duly noted. Speaking of killing, we have something important to discuss concerning you and a certain male yautja. We know what you did."

How! How could she know!

"You weren't there. You wouldn't understand."

She smiled grimly. "Oh but I do. I understand the entire situation and how it escalated into a fathomless pit. This is no witch hunt against your character. Maybe the others in here wish to taint your image? Nevertheless I do not care about trivial issues. No matter what happened, killing one of our kind mustn't go unpunished."

The crowd roared into a vociferous applause that thundered with violence and ire. The situation grew dimmer with each passing second.

"It was self defense." I retorted.

"It was." Countered Sinesh. "Where in that path of self defense did you feel the need to bash his skull in after you had gained control of the incident? I know you hated him, and rightfully so might I add. He was a disgrace. I have written testimony stating when you gained the upper hand he pleaded for his life. You snuffed it out before he could be properly judged. I would gladly have set a fight to the death between you two then your problems would be solved. I am at a lost for words Xithala. You are without a doubt one of our greatest huntresses. Maybe this is why I am so utterly baffled you went against us. You have so much potential. I am gravely disappointed in your actions."

I merely shrugged, "I have nothing to say for my choices. You covered all of it. It would be useless to voice my opinions over the matter. It was my decision and now I must live with it."

"Your right it is, and now you must pay for those consequences. Now, if the male yautja was left out of the equation I would have been more lenient on you. The situation dictates otherwise on what I must do. If there were no fight between you and that male yautja, and you killed him in cold blood, then I would have put you and your human to death. Still, I am kind and I believe there is a bright future ahead of you Xithala. So this is my ultimatum; kill James and you will be set free of all the charges set against you. You can begin again."

When she finished her demands I felt a black hole fill my body. It was an emptiness that seemed like it may last an eternity. I knew deep in my heart this was going to be my punishment. Shock and fear tore through my conscious. Her demands were far from just. Then again, with the charges placed on me I am lucky I'm still alive. Why must I choose him or my clan? Why must they always complicate matters?

I turned to face him. His face glowed at me with the telltale signs of hope. He was left in the dark while we spoke our native language. I won't harm him. I promised to protect him and I mean to keep that promise. If I must take that to the grave with me then so be it.

"You cannot demand this of me! I will not lay a finger on him! James is my mate! Why are you doing this to me! Is this some sick game for the lot of you to get off to my agony? All you do is punish and enslave those who go against your code of ethics! I imagine the majority of you do not even follow the code!"

Sinesh let out a low garbled laugh. "But I can. I can demand anything from you. You are not at liberty to judge my decision Xithala. You should be grateful I am letting you live. If anybody else spoke to me like that I would put them to the death myself."

"At what price!" I screamed.

"Make him go away. Put him among human civilization and leave him be but don't harm him. I will accept losing him forever long before I see his demise and at my hands at that. I can't do it!"

I screamed to the sky as tears welled in my eyes. My voice quivered with pain and fear. The crowd laughed at me and said horrible remarks about me and my 'pet human.' It didn't matter to me how far I have fallen. The only concern that existed in my mind was him. He was my life.

Sinesh raised her hand to quiet the masses and myself. That only made matters worse. Some in the crowd snickered and belittled me. Others spoke about claiming James' skull as a trophy. The large chamber grew louder as their laughter filled the room.

Sinesh roared to the crowd and slammed her spear into the ground. Silence immediately took hold. "This is my decision! If any one of you fledglings dare so much as breathe loud enough for me to hear it then I will beat you to death in front of the others. Did I ask any of you for your opinions? No? You will remain silent and listen!"

With her composure regained she continued, "Because I care for you Xithala I will admit begrudgingly that there is another way."

My hysteria crumbled while a glimmer of optimism shimmered along my eyes. "And what might that be?"

Sinesh breathed deeply. Before she was able to discern her plans to me my mother cut her off, "You can't! This is an outrage! The fact you would grant her another option plays into the favoritism role. If whatever you offer is lenient in even the slightest way we will be looked down upon by the other clans! We will look weak! How can you, being the leader of our clan, turn against the well being of your people for a human and a female yautja who has no desire to be part of our clan anymore?"

Sinesh stood and cracked the bottom of her staff against the floor. The ground seemed to quake from her display of power.

"This is my decision and it is final!"

"No it's not!" Screamed Yishara!

"You have turned against your own people! You are no longer fit for leadership!"

Sinesh walked straight for Yishara while her guards followed behind. James was caught in the middle of this as he stood still.

The crowd murmured with mixed emotions. Some agreed while others showed little interest.

Sinesh pointed a finger into Yishara's chest. "You best choose the next set of words carefully Yishara. You are treading on hollow ground with no hope to return. If there must be a meeting to determine my capabilities then we will have it and I will quell any form of heresy today. But as for the present nothing will be done until my business with Xithala and her mate is concluded. If you wish to challenge me in combat for this title Yishara, you may do so. Know this; you will die."

Sinesh turned to face me as I listened. "This is my offer Xithala. I will allow you and your human safe passage out of this planet, completely unharmed. In fact I will supply you with a ship and enough gear to last you a considerable amount of time. Now here is the other part. You will be banished permanently from our clan. You will no longer be allowed to walk freely among your people here. You will be clan-less. I won't mark you as a bad-blood. You wouldn't last long if I did that. Before you get your hopes up, it doesn't end there. If you choose this path there is no return. When you leave I will place a bounty on you. At one point in your journey together we and others will come for you. At that point you both will die. It may be tomorrow. Or it might years from now. No matter how long it takes, you will never be safe. Together you both will live with the fear of the unknown. Every-night you sleep very well might be your last. There will never be a happy future for the two of you. You will toil. You will struggle and you will perish. So what will it be Xithala? Do you choose your family? Or do you choose him?"

# # # #

My hands trembled on the controls of our new ship. Did I have the heart to tell him the truth? All I wished for was a better alternative for him, not me. It was the only viable option and yet in my heart I know both options would kill him. When I accepted the terms presented before me I was left in a pool of uncertainty.

Would it have been better if we died on my home planet? I could have made it quick for him then I would have taken my own life. What a peaceful end for two not allowed to have peace. But then I recall when he came to me with that blade stuck in his hand. I remember the shock on his face. Every feature on his face was warped with pain. It has haunted me since that fateful night happened to us. I cannot allow that to happen to him ever again. No matter what I think I must know that this was the right choice.

If I can offer him even two months of happiness then isn't that what matters? Even if it is a short amount of time it will still be a life not filled with the horrors of this galaxy. Doesn't he deserve that? Don't we all... Why? Why am I tearing myself apart over this?

"Xithala...Xithala are you there?"

I looked in his eyes but no words left my mouth. The voice made no noise. The utterance of my tongue was silent.


"...Please...Please don't call me that James. I wish not to hold a piece of that lineage with me any longer. You may call me Thala or Seelah. I want that name and clan to be expelled from my history permanently."

"That is fine. You will no longer hear me say that. I feel like I am firing shots in the dark with you concerning what happened on that planet. You have granted me silence whenever I mention the trial. I still have no clue what will happen to us. Why do we have this ship?"

The sincerity in his voice and the sparkle of life in his eyes brought me to tears. "We will be...I mean I have been exiled from the clan for choosing you. I am no longer welcomed among my family. I don't care about them though. So don't worry about that. I just want a future for us. I want you to be happy. I have paid the ultimate price for choosing you. I hope you will always like me and not go away."

I laughed uneasily while James lowered his head in shame. "Wa...wasn't there another option?"

I gripped his chin and leveled it with mine. "...No. I have accepted that. I have you. That is all that matters."

James exited his seat and gripped my hand. He pulled me from my chair and into his arms.

"You have done more for me than anybody else could dream of. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I believed I was going to die on that planet. I even accepted it. I figured my time had finally come. Instead, we made it. It is all because of you. I'm ready to build that future with you..."

His lips met mine as I felt the heat of our flesh warm one another. "James why don't we set this thing to autopilot for the time being and get some rest together? I know you are exhausted from that trial. If you'd like I will even give you a massage. Our hands aren't just good for killing."

He grinned cheekily at me. "Oh I know that all too well Seelah. Believe me, I do."

He winked at me as we headed to the bed for some well deserved rest.

# # # #

I woke before Thala. I felt refreshed and ready to start my new life with her. She lay naked next to me. I watched her breasts slowly move up and down as she inhaled and exhaled. Her breathing was a calming sight.

I never pressed the subject yet I can't help but wonder if there was more to that meeting than what she told me. Sure it's true I couldn't understand what they were talking about. It didn't take a genius to realize their demeanor and the way they bickered and fought through the signs of their body language told me otherwise. A lot happened that I am completely oblivious too.

Really though, that should be the least of my concerns, but it's not. We need to find a place to stay. The human colonies would capture her and use her as a guinea pig to run experiments on. I must consult her on this matter. We can't live in space permanently.

A few hours passed when she woke. I gave her some time to truly wake up and become cognitive. We had more than enough time before I pressed the issue. When she started to make food for the both of us was when I decided it was now or never.

"Seelah...I am going to ask this once and only once. When you tell me your response I will never ask you to tell me about this subject again. I will accept it as fact and move on with my life. So tell me, what happened on your home planet? Are they really willing to give us a ship and send us on our merry way without any consequences? Your mother is bloodthirsty and would sooner see me dead than see us leave unscathed. Nothing can be as simple as this. Banishing you from your clan is terrible and I am sure the consequences behind that is severe. There was a deep rift among you and your people already and it seemed like there was schisms among the populous as well. Exiling you seems very weak in judgment when it comes to the warrior species your people are. There was no great battle to the death nor my life as a sacrifice. What am I missing?"

Her eyes darted from mine to every object in the room we were standing in. She avoided eye contact as much as possible. Her hands trembled while she loosened her grip on the knife she was using to cut meat.

"James it is over, can't we just forget about it?"

I shook my head. "I want to so bad but no matter what I do it is constantly on my mind and driving me insane. I want to believe everything will be fine but it isn't, just look at the way your hands are shaking. It is a dead giveaway. You even refuse to make eye contact with me. We are a team Seelah. I am with you no matter what happens. If our lives are in jeopardy you cannot withhold knowledge like that from me because it puts not only me but us at a disadvantage if something terrible were to happen."

Silence was her gift to me. I waited as she struggled to speak. Her words were caught in her mouth as her mind whirled, fighting a lie and honesty.

"James...I wanted to keep this from you for your sake. I wanted to offer you happiness even if it were for a short time. If you insist I mustn't keep it from you any longer. I was forced to choose your life as a sacrifice to atone for my destabilization with my clan. I begged for an alternative and they granted it. Exile. You know I wouldn't harm you ever again. I sacrificed my freedom by banishing myself from my clan. Sinesh allowed us to go freely only by paying the ultimate price.

We have been branded James. My ex clan will choose at an unspecified time to send my people, even mercenaries after us until we are both lying face down in pools of our own blood. By choosing you I have become a disgrace to my clan. I have written them off. They are no longer my family. I do not recognize them anymore. They are a threat, and the threat must be exterminated like the insects they are. For you see James I am completely at peace with this. They chose their rules and code of conduct over their own blood. They will pay dearly for what they have done. If I die in combat then I will take many of them with me. Still, we face a new trial ahead. It may be tomorrow. It may be a few years from now, but sooner than later we will be hunted. Time is against us. I for once am at a loss for words. I don't believe we will come out unscathed through this final test."

And so the catalyst has been revealed. This is what it has come too. I knew all along it would never be so simple. I sat down next to her and gripped her hand gently. Slowly I pulled her into my chest. I beamed a warm smile down at her as she pressed against me.

"Seelah have you forgotten our accomplishments? Two adversaries diametrically opposed in every possible way come together against a greater threat. We survived explosions, star-ship wrecks, fights to the death, gunshots, and all manner of ways to kill and maim. We survived every near death catastrophe sent barreling toward us. Every trial, every goddamned tribulation that crossed our path never stuck. We persevered through the worst of it. Maybe we have some scars through the chaos we went through but we are still breathing. I am still here holding you in my arms. Just like everything before we will succeed through this."

My hand squeezed her cheek gently. "I am deeply sorry you were forced into that situation, no matter the differences between your people, they were still your family. Are you truly willing to go through with this? Can you harm them?"

She proceeded to look through the wide glass window that covered the entire left side of our bed, making everything outside visible to us. Her eyes looked across the darkness of space.

"They might have been my family along time ago. As of now they haven't played the role a family is supposed too. They don't turn their back on their children. They turned on me. I feel no remorse, only hatred coursing through these veins. I would denounce my name a hundred thousand times more just to prove my point. When they come for us, and they will, I will resort to lethal force with not the faintest sign of remorse."

Her tone reflected bitterness and rage. There was no doubting her commitment. Now there was only one final issue at hand.

"Seelah where do we go? Humanity won't accept us. I bet you my life other yautja clans won't be too keen on aiding and abetting a human fugitive. Where does that leave us?"

Seelah caught herself at the last moment and refrained from speaking. Contemplation wracked her brain.

For the next half hour she said not one word to me. She paced around the ship and covered every inch of the vessel while I sat in the bedroom debating about what to do.

When she came to me there was a manic look upon her features. She was onto something. "James follow me. There is something you need to see."

Her voice trembled with excitement. Whatever it was it must be good. I followed her into the cockpit. She took the lead sit, I sat in the copilots seat. Lights flickered in all manner of colors while displays with yautja words on it listed what I figured was diagnostics.

Seelah pulled up a panel and clicked a few buttons on it. Right above us lit up a very large digital 3d image of the milky way galaxy. It slowly moved in a spiraling pattern while the light of stars gleamed like tiny dots on the floating holographic display. It covered the entire room. A flashing red blip in the northeastern side of the map indicated our position.

"As you may see with your own eyes James we are at the outer limits of both of our species influence. I have heard rumors and even met others of my kind whom claim there is a community where yautja welcome both our species. They thrive with whoever helps them build a better tomorrow. They are outcasts. Or others who rejected the code of our people. Bear in mind each code is different among different clans but the core tenants generally remain the same. These people who were cast from society made a new home far away from the prying eyes of civilization. This very well might be a waste of fuel and time when we should be finding a settlement to start. Think about it James; can we really start a colony from the ground up? We don't have enough hands or resources to support something so costly. If this location exists, whether it be a planet or space station, then we run a better chance of thriving among a community until the hour of combat strikes."

"I agree. But the question remains; where is this place? Flying around in the middle of nowhere in hopes of finding something isn't the best option. We need a plan."

Seelah stretched her mandibles and yawned. She drew a circle at the northern fringe of the map. "We call this particular location in my language zivith which roughly translates to 'Nowhere.' As you probably concluded that is because there is nothing out there. It is more interesting than any of us have been led to believe."

Seelah pulled out a small metallic device from her shirt pocket and put it inside a compartment at the bottom of the panel. It started to read the data file while she started speaking once more, "You see James before I started hunting you I was adventurous. I would go anywhere that seemed remotely interesting. On one of my voyages years ago I picked up a multitude of strange readings while I was close to Nowhere. See for yourself."

As the data finished compiling another blip emerged far north of us at the edge of the galaxy. Suddenly my ears were assaulted with an audio frequency erupting through the speakers above and below us. It was an eerily bizarre noise. The distorted signal shrieked a high pitched tone while a low droning hum echoed behind it. In between the crackling there was a sound reminiscent of screaming. That might be due to the audio distortion but it was impossible not to notice. It continued on for a few more seconds until it squealed into a pathetic whine that carried on repeatedly until the audio suddenly died.

My blood froze while I listened to the entirety of the audio log. What the hell made that noise? What is out there?

"James...are you okay? You went a few shades whiter. You look like death crossed paths with you."

I nodded. "I'm...fine. That signal gave me cold chills."

She narrowed her eyes. "Are you scared?" Her words hissed outward like a snake.

"No, just nervous."

"Don't worry I will protect you." Her snarky comment was laced with humor.

"Thanks mom."

Her head cocked sideways. "Was that sarcasm?"
I nodded. "Yes."

Her tone became serious once more. "Look, all joking aside, do I believe there is something at that exact location? No I don't. The signal was heavily distorted as you heard with your own ears. It would have been impossible for me to get a proper reading. Also bear in mind this was years ago. It was before you and I had our first encounter. But remember, that doesn't change the fact I picked up something where no stars exist. Something is out there James. It might be our ticket to salvation, or an early grave."

The seriousness in her voice forced me to take a deep breath while I registered all the possibilities in my mind. It whirled with countless questions. There wasn't enough time to list them all.

"Okay I will say I am unsure about this place, especially after you played that unsettling message. If something bad happens or it's not what we thought it to be then we get out of there immediately. If others have claimed its existence to be true then this is the best lead we have. I have reserved feelings about this but honestly it is really our best choice as of right now. I say let's do it."

Seelah looked back at the spiraling galaxy around us. She gripped it and zoomed into the sector we were destined to go.

"We are fugitives on the run James. Our futures aren't guaranteed. While uncertainty is our master, we still have each other. That is what matters to me more than anything else. I know you trust me James but I need even more of that trust now. If I led us into the arms of danger I wouldn't forgive myself. We have enough problems to contend with right now. There is no reason to add more heartache."

I placed both of my hands on top of hers. "Quit worrying so much. I'll protect you."

We both laughed at that. "I'm ready Seelah. Together we will be unstoppable. I have placed my life in your hands. I have given you all the trust I have. I support your decision."

Our faces came close together as our mouths touched. We shared one long, intimate, kiss. It seemed as if all our problems would die once our lips parted. Sadly, as I have learned, life isn't so simple.

"If we try it and it doesn't work out we will do something else."

"And if that doesn't work?" Countered Seelah.

"Then we try again. I could even hide among your people on another world while you acquire food and water for us to continue on. We'll find an alternative. Until then we stick with the plan. I love you Seelah. I love you more than anything in this entire galaxy. You have brought me more happiness in my life than all the pain combined. I am thankful I have you."

She squeezed my hand tightly. "The feeling is mutual James. We will always be. My feelings for you can only grow."

I smiled then looked at the flashing blip on the galaxy map. It was truly at the outer limits of the charts. From the way it was angled it seemed to be at the outer rim of the milky way, right near the edge of dark-space. Whatever was out there wouldn't be a mystery for long, because we were headed right for it.

# # # #

Divided they were weak. United they were powerful and capable of overcoming any challenge thrown at them. Fear and hatred separated them. Under certain circumstances they were forced to unite. Before long a bond would form and their futures would forever be intertwined.

With one final glance at James, Seelah set the coordinates towards their next destination. The engines roared to life as the thrusters propelled them forward. They set off on their new course in view of an endless black canvass and a backdrop of a sea of stars into the great unknown.

And there we have it. My second novel has officially come to a close. I highly recommend any of you that have not followed or favorited me as an author to do so now before you forget, only because if I upload a sequel you may never think to come back to my page on here. There is a chance I may someday write a part two of their journey. If I don't, consider this the end.

I hope the ending lived up to what I wrote and I hope the entire journey was a fun ride to read and review. Speaking of reviews I really appreciate all the time any of you took to follow, subscribe and review my work. To see how well it was received by this community has been quite a charm.

Moving on. So Some of you might be interested to see what is going on with me now. I have finally uploaded the prologue and first chapter of my original story titled "Order of The Five" You may find it on this websites sister site known as fictionpress. Wattpad was a bitch to upload on. I will do it eventually but as for right now it will have to wait. I cannot edit anything on wattpad.

When you head on over to fiction press type my name in under the author category 'SJKANDIL94' you will find me and my story on their. I have also copied the link of my account on my profile on this website. Just click on my profile on here and copy and paste the link. I look forward to seeing some regulars and also let me know what you thought of this story? I really am interested in hearing some final reviews.

Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind comments about my material. It means so much to me. Have a wonderful day my readers. This is S. J. Kandil signing off.