Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece Or RWBY characters and all credit goes to the one who made them in the first place. Hope You Enjoy!.

[Chapter 1]

Ruby Rose was in a tight situation as the man known at Torchwick had her cornered on top of the roof, she had already took down his so called partners yet he managed to outsmart her. The worst part of this all however was the fact that she had lost her grip on her most prized weapon Crescent Rose as the man launched some sort of dust composed grenade at her. She looked nervously between her weapon which was knocked for off to the side to the man who was smirking in amusement at her while he pointed his cane at her.

"This is what happens when you try and play hero girl" Roman Torchwick would've felt bad for taking someone like her out especially someone so young but he had got used to fighting people ranging from different ages so he was not going to feel bad about this one "Goodbye Red" Roman smirked as he pressed a button on his cane which then launched a dust flamed particle at her.

Ruby widened her eyes as he fired, she would admit that she was scared right now. As the man fired at her she began to think of her family her loving father and big sister Yang and her adorable pet dog Zwei "I-is this it?" She grew tears in her eyes as she see the projectile coming her way, even with her semblance she would not be able to dodge this attack since the guy somehow enhanced it speed somehow making it impossible for her to dodge.

She closed her eyes as the tears started flowing down onto her face meanwhile Roman had his smirk still on, since this pest ruined the dust stealing operation she would pay for it with her life. The bullet was coming closer to her as she accepted her fate while her heart clenched from being the end. She dreamed of becoming a huntress but it looks like that dream wasn't coming true at all "It's over" Roman thought to himself before suddenly a cold gust blew in the area.

"My my aren't we being too dangerous... Ice Freeze!" A voice was echoed out though Ruby was too frightened to open her eyes until she then felt a pat on the head. It made her freeze for a second since the warmth that accompanied that Pat reminded her about one person "Mom" She slowly opened her eyes just to widened them in shock as the fire induced bullet that was launched on her was covered in ice, almost as it was frozen in its thick layer. The layer of the ice captured the bullet as it even covered the ground "Are you alright?" Ruby heard a soft voice and looked to the side.

She then looked up in position and gaped slowly "Oh... My... Oum" She was currently staring at the tallest boy she had ever seen in her life. The boy was an incredibly tall yet slim muscular person, he had curly hair that whirls up in the end while his body held up a long build. His attire consist of a dark blue trench coat that flowed behind him in the invisible wind, he wears white deep V-neck shirt with long stylish black pants. He had a thin mustache and a beard yet Ruby couldn't see his eyes since he was wearing a pair of green round sunglasses that hid his eyes from anyone's sight.

Roman was slightly intimidated by the figure if the boy as he too was gaping at the stranger, not because he frozen his attack that he launched at the girl but because he was taller than him and most people he had seen before "By Neo this guy is tall" He whispered while staring at the man who stopped him from killing the girl.

The use to be warm air in the area suddenly shifted into a much more colder state that made Roman shiver but Ruby was another story. Ruby put the pieces together and realized that this stranger saved her life and even as the air got colder in the area she felt nothing but heat coming onto her cheeks. She shook her head feeling a bit dazy "I think this belongs to you" She heard the stranger say and she looked up just to see the stranger holding out her weapon for her.

She immediately snatches her weapon and rubbed it against her cheek with a pleased smile, her tears were all gone as she felt nothing but joy about feeling alive "I'm never letting go of you again" He started to kiss her weapon and cuddle it some more until she stopped when she felt two long gazes onto her. She looked at the opposite of her to see Roman giving a blank yet weirded out look, she then looked up at her savior to see him looking down at her from his position as well. She does not need super vision to tell that he was also weirded out as well even if his sunglasses does not show it.

"You... are a weird one are you not?" The young man's words were enough to make Ruby fall on all floors with an aura of depression on her.

"I-Im sorry" She whispered out while her suppose criminal on the other hand looked at the tall guy in question "I wonder who the real bad guy is here?" Roman wondered out loud which caught the attention of the stranger.

"Said the man who fired at her first" The stranger blankly stated while Roman open his mouth to retort but closed it when he can not defend himself. Well he did try to kill her so he shrugged in response "Well it was an eventful evening and I love to stay around but... " Roman closed his eyes with a smile as he took out a pellet "I'm afraid this is where we part ways" Roman quickly threw the peeled onto the ground as smoke burst right out of it.

Ruby realized that he was going to get away, she got up with her weapon in hand ready to chase down the villain but stopped when he held an arm out. She looked up at his face from her position in a confused like state which made the man almost want to chuckle since she looked like a little puppy in his s position, he waved his right arm out as a cold gust blew away the smoke to reveal an empty place in its spot.

"He is already gone and besides we have company" He said putting his hands in his coats jacket while Ruby tilted her head, she looked adorable as she looked around but then looked back at him with curious eyes just wondering who he was talking about when suddenly she heard another voice in the area "Hm now what is with all this racket?" The voice was professional and stern at the same time.

Ruby looked to where at the sound of the voice came from then grew wide eyes as she brought her hands to her face "Your a huntress" Ruby gasped in awe and suddenly appeared in front of the unknown blonde woman.

"Can I have your autograph?" Ruby asked with excited eyes. The woman blinked at her slowly just registering what the girl said before briefly ignoring her for a moment to look at the other figure who was Ruby's savior "Kuzan" The blonde woman nodded at his direction which he turned to her and nod in greeting as well.

"Eh?" Ruby glanced at her savior then at the blonde huntress and wondered if they just know each other. The now named Kuzan rubbed behind his head as he stares at the woman "Glynda you are going to take her are you?" He asked which the woman responded by nodding.

It was quiet as Ruby was just eyeing them back and forth, she was going to say something before she found herself hosted up in the air in a purple like aura "I will be taking her with me for interrogation" The woman said, walking way from the man with a bewildered Ruby floating innocently in the air. Kuzan nodded and started follow her as well "You are coming as well?" Glynda asked with her eyes glancing toward the tall young man who shrugged in response to her question. He was following them since he was going to meet an old acquaintance of his "If you are here then so is Ozpin" He said but I noticed by the two Ruby gasped quietly since she remembered that name 'Ozpin' who is currently the head master of Beacon the school that she is trying to get in to become a full trained huntress.

Glynda stared at him with an unblocking gaze then started walking again, without looking back at him she responded "Very well then you may come as well" with that they started walking together towards the nearest station in the place with a curious blinking Ruby.

Along the way Ruby was listening as Kuzan started talking on what happened, it appeared that he was in a midnight stroll when he saw the young red head girl about to be blown apart while Glynda nodded understanding it but she narrowed her eyes at Ruby who flinched back from her gaze "It does not matter but what matters is that you are too young to be put into these type of situations young lady" She sternly told Ruby who responded back to her "But they started it?" Ruby's whine went ignored when they finally reached the station where they proceeded entering a dark room with a single light bulb hovering over the ceiling.

Glynda released Ruby who fell on her bottom "O-Owe" She pouted from her fall before she got of the ground and immediately stood up straight from hearing the blonde huntress start talking again "Sit" She commanded Ruby while pointing at a chair in front of a table in the room with her eyes saying that she would do as she says. Hesitantly Ruby sat down as Glynda left the room, she glanced at her hero who was leaning up against the wall with crossed arms. His face hasn't changed to any emotion at all and so far Ruby could tell that this Kuzan was a relaxed person who doesn't worry about a lot of things.

"So uuuuuuhhhh... " Ruby trailed off while playing with her fingers before clutching her scythe to her chest, shyly she glanced back toward the giant who didn't move at his spot" T-Thank you for saving me" She stood up suddenly and bowed her head toward her hero. If it wasn't for him then she would've been blown to pieces already.

Kuzan open his mouth to reply something but before he could talk the door in the room opened to reveal "Ozpin" Kuzan greeted toward the man who was holding up a glass of milk and a plate full of chocolate cookies. Although it doesn't show it the man named Ozpin widened her eyes from him seeing the tall male "Kuzan?" He wasn't sure about this now and now he realized why Glynda would not tell him about the other person that she brought along with. Ozpin shook his head and looked calmly at Kuzan who calmly met back his gaze "Why is he here if I am correct he has a mission to protect and watch over Winter" He thought to himself because this young man was supposed to be in Vale right now yet why is he here instead of watching the Schnee?.

"Well it has been awhile and you" He turned his direction toward Ruby who was currently drooling at the plate of cookies in his hands, Noticing the looks she quickly wiped her drool away and took on a serious face. She was completely failing in all aspects as she was staring at the cookies with a look of longing towards them "Have silver eyes" Ruby snapped out of it when the headmaster of Beacon placed the plate of cookies and glass of milk onto the table while staring deep into her eyes.

"This is getting quite interesting" Kuzan noted to himself as Glynda came into the room with a scroll, he also ignored the fact that Ruby was slowly inching away from the headmaster with an awkward chuckle. Kuzan stared at the form of the red head girl that he save and couldn't help but feel something strange is about to happen in the future for her.

[Chapter 1 End]

Authors Note: Thank you everybody for reading my story and do not forget to review please also any pairing ideas for this young Kuzan will be highly appreciated and have a good day!.