Principals of Magic – A Walk in the Country

Yes I am re-posting this, I did a re-read of the story I'd initially put up and found a few errors. I was happy with the initial story until I found some errors and I think this is a bit better. Apologies if I did miss anything in the editing as this is un-beta'd.

If you haven't read "Principals of Magic" I've created a Harry Potter cross over following a conversation with Wrose who suggested a cross over – not this one but credit where credit's due, I wouldn't have considered the initial cross over without it.

In this world Ianto's secret rather than a cyber Lisa in the basement, is being a muggle born wizard working for Torchwood and Lisa never made it out of Canary Wharf. I have taken some liberties with the timing of events as this is an AU/cross over and I borrow from Torchwood overall where it suits the story, not just on an episode by episode basis.

A Walk in the Country picks up after Principals of Magic and is the next installment in this cross over journey.

Warnings - deals with the cannon TV episode Countrycide so there are cannibals, and Gwen gets a bit of a slap... It was mentioned she didn't really get enough of a talking to in the previous story which was a conscious decision as I have plans. The journey Ianto and TW are taking in this will start to move away from cannon and more into AU as suits the direction I want to take this.

And a huge thank you to everyone who reviewed Principals, I'm hoping I can keep up the momentum as I play in this whole new sandpit. Lala