Author's Note: Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a good day and is plenty drunk when reading this. So… about that final season. Yeah, it was pretty shit. I could go into a detailed list of every single thing that was possible wrong with the entire season, but I don't feel like boring you or recounting that miserable experience of watching how the butcher that show. Instead, let's retrofit a bunch of smut into the series and masturbate over what could have been. Well, that's what I'm going to do anyways.

This is going to be a somewhat continuous set of chapters. I'm hoping to have a couple done for Christmas with the others following in the future. Given the nature of the story's setting, there are naturally plenty of opportunities for characters to have some fun, so I'll be capitalising on plenty of them. And for fans of Game of Thrones smut, look forward to the new year. I've got some plans.

Chapter 4: The Eve Of War

The bitter chill in the air was damnable. Not to mention the tension bubbling amongst the men. As the Unsullied marched dutifully in formation, the Northerners huddling close for their final night before the Night King arrived. The castle bristled with life yet seemed so uneasy at the same time. Uncertainty and uneven prospects. Those who could muster it found themselves a partner for the night, retreating to experience one last moment of bliss before inevitable death at the hands of an unfathomable enemy. Keeping a watchful eye from the battlements, there was one person whose gaze was not kept on the thick line of trees on the horizon, but instead on the bright white furs of the unmissable Dragon Queen. Her silver hair tightly braided, bouncing against her back as she moved through the men, her guards close to heel. And before she even knew that someone was watching her, that someone had moved, darting through the shadows with unnoticeable precision and elegance.

"I'm going to retire for the evening. Keep minimal post outside my quarters. Any men you don't need guarding me need to be out and ready to fight," Daenerys ordered as she entered the main hall, watching as Jon turned his cheek away from her with uncertainty before marching in the opposite direction. She moved to followed, but decided against it, turning and winding her way through the tight castle corridors, the dim light of the candles guiding her way. The strange place was beginning to feel homely in a way as she traced the corridors with comparable ease to her first wayward night beneath these stones. Before she knew it, she pushed into her quarters and breathed a sigh of relief, only to immediately be put back on the spot as a rounded face stared back at her with a smirk, "You do realise these are my chambers."

"Yes. I am entirely aware of where I am. It's why I'm here," Arya smiled softly as she sheathed her dagger into its place, slipping the whetstone she had been wielding back into her pocket, before rising to her feet and meeting the blonde in the middle of the room, their eyes piercing into each other. Despite her attempts at diplomacy, both Stark sisters appeared to despise her. The moment grew more intense, all before Daenerys met the smile with her own, glancing her head to the side.

"Wine, Lady Stark?" she offered, to which Arya nodded curtly, watching the woman as she turned and moved towards the table, pouring two goblets of wine. The one thing that Arya could never quite understand, and frankly looked down upon, was Daenerys clothing. Sure, it was furs, but it was the tightest dress that could be fashioned from such a robust material. No doubt it was somewhat warm, but she lacked the layers to keep truly heated. Though, Arya would complain about the view as the blonde bent slightly over to pour the wine, her arse framed perfectly by her choice of outfit. No doubt it was the singular source of the men's morale and approval regarding the Queen, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, Lady Stark?"

"Arya, if you don't mind," the brunette replied, taking the wine and drinking deeply, unable to quite hide the slight shake in her hand. She may have been the steadiest girl in Winterfell, but even the words that churned in her head were becoming difficult to force out, "This may well be our last night in this world. And… Well, I wanted to know what it feels like."

"What, what feels like?" Daenerys asked, sipping softly from her own goblet, confused as to what Arya was implying. Truth be told, had anyone else in the castle said what Arya had said to her, the exact details of what they were suggesting would have been obvious; yet the Stark siblings were naturally confrontational. They were hardly about to play ball and stoop to that level of diplomatic camaraderie.

"To lay with a woman," Arya said simply, the hurdle having been crossed and her confidence reaffirming itself. Straightening her back, she watched as Dany's eyes widened, her hand slowly bringing the goblet away from her lips as she looked the brunette up and down.

"I'm sure there are plenty of women looking for exactly the same thing," Daenerys replied, discarding the proposal as some joke; some way to alleviate the tension building in the castle grounds. Setting her goblet down, she turned and marched across the room, busying herself away from the brunette, only to have her attention once again returned as Arya tactfully interceded.

"And yet, I came to you," she called out, stopping Daenerys in her tracks. Of all the people to go to in the castle, there were few that she could picture Arya going to for pleasurable relief. Perhaps she had been overzealous in her initial judgement. Turning back around, she glanced at Arya. Slim, slender. Not one for revealing her feminine nature yet wearing quite tight leathers beneath her heavy furs and cloaks. A little boyish in her cheeks, yet beautiful in her own northern charm.

"And yet you came to me…" Daenerys smirked, moving back towards Arya and taking her goblet of wine back from the table, topping it up. She paused a moment with the jug in her hand before boldly adding to Arya's goblet, the smile on the brunette's face, curling slightly as she looked at the red liquid, "I didn't think I gave people the impression that that was my preference."

"You don't," Arya responded simply, raising even more concerns in Daenerys mind. Gulping down one last mouthful of wine, Arya set her goblet down and looked at Dany expectantly, obviously having expected to get past the fruitless chit-chat rather quickly.

"So why did you come to me?" Daenerys asked, unable to let the question sit in her head without an answer, though she wasn't exactly thrilled to hear Arya's response.

"You've been married twice; spent time with Dothraki horse-lords, fabled mercenaries, wealthy merchants, and slaves alike. And now my brother," Arya listed, causing Daenerys to take offence as her previous sexual conquests were paraded around as if they were some kind of badge of honour.

"You think me some kind of whore, then?" Daenerys snapped, placing her goblet down and staring furiously into Arya's dark eyes, receiving only a steadfast smirk in response, one that she was dangerously close to slapping at the mere insinuation that she was some common-street-slut.

"No. I think a woman like you must have learnt a thing or two going through all that," Arya started, finishing her wine and setting the goblet down on the table, all before moving towards the door and starting to open it, "Perhaps I thought wrong."

"Wait…" Dany called out, causing the smile on Arya's face to stretch even wider as she closed the door and Daenerys began to top both their goblets of wine up. Strange as it seemed, Arya had won her interest. At least for the time being, "You're certainly more agreeable than your sister."

"I'm not going to bend the knee if that's what you want," Arya responded, taking both her and Daenerys' goblets of wine out of their hands and setting them down. Emboldened by Dany's agreement, Arya saw no further reason to pussy-foot around the situation at hand. Planting her hands on the blonde's hips, Arya felt Dany's tentative hands land on hers, the blonde smirking.

"You've definitely never been with a woman," she said in response to Arya's words, only for their eyes to meet and their lips to lunge forwards. Clashing together, their soft lips pressed firmly together as their hands began to wander. Arya's eagerness made itself profound and completely known as her hands curled around from Dany's hips and sank into the soft furs that covered her ass. Her lips parted in a moan as she felt the divine softness of the blonde's ass beneath the clothing; meaty, juicy, and full to the touch. That moan was enough to cause, Dany to pull back slightly, Arya's hungry lips chasing her down, only to see the slight hesitance. Not entirely out of the moment, Dany hooked a finger in Arya's belt, pulling her towards the bed, the two of them crashing against the soft furs, Arya straddling Dany's hips as the brunette's hands began to unfasten her buckles, "I should admit it has been quite a while since I last lay with a woman."

"Who was it?" Arya asked as she allowed her lips to leave Dany's, her hands beginning to pluck the strings that held her dress in place. They were tightly strung, but her nimble fingers made short work of them. Bit by bit, she unfastened the strands as Daenerys lay there, somewhat nervous by the forward nature that Arya was taken. Tugging apart the front of her dress, Arya revealed the creamy white flesh of the older woman, her body plumper than she would have guessed. Her chest was sincerely done a disservice by the furs she wore and her stomach rolled around into sumptuously curvaceous hips; all of which were framed by delicate undergarments of silk, satin and lace, neatly embroidered with her family crest.

"Missandei. Ever since she and Grey Worm were together, she's never wanted to," Daenerys mused, her mind travelling to the orgasmic nights she and Missandei would spend together, their equally talented tongues managing to drive orgasms beyond measure through their writhing bodies, their glistening forms gleaming with sweat by the time it was all over.

"She chose a eunuch over you? Perhaps I was wrong to come to you," Arya joked as she threw Daenerys' dress to one side, leaving her in her underwear, the brunette's hands beginning to work on her own clothing, pulling away her heavy furs and revealing her tight-fitting leathers.

"It was love. You could do a lot worse than a Queen," Dany laughed as Arya pushed away from the bed and unceremoniously peeled away her leathers, revealing the unflattering shirt and breeches she had on beneath. Unable to see the girl's curves beneath the clothing, Dany's eyes widened as she pulled them off, revealing her soft delicate skin, athletic body and sumptuous sexual assets.

"Queen. Commoner. I imagine class has very little to do with it," Arya stated as she stripped herself naked, her small pert breasts hanging perfectly on her body, her nipples hardened in the cold air. Her lightly toned stomach led into her pinched waist and hips, her ass rounded and taut, yet with enough meat that there was a distinguished bounce. Between her muscular thighs lay her pussy, slightly wet in anticipation, her arousal hidden behind the layer of lightly trimmed hair, her cunt still flaring with typical northern ferocity.

"I didn't think you an expert on the matter given your lack of experience. What does matter then?" Dany asked as Arya once again straddled her, the warmth of their near naked bodies sending shivers through both their spines. Leaning down to Dany's lips, Arya smirked before she responded. She could see the slight hesitancy still in her eyes, the uncertainty as to whether or not she should lay with her lover's sister. However, what Arya said next was enough to quell those fears and incite true lust and desire in the blonde's neatly shaven pussy.

"Tongue…" she simply smiled, pushing her lips against Dany's and melting into a passionate, blissful kiss. That was all that Daenerys needed to let her guard slip away, her hands reaching up and pulling Arya against her body, their chests writhing back and forth as their tongues plunged into each other's mouths, the hot warmth of their skin setting their hearts ablaze. Pushing upwards, Dany forced Arya to sit on her lap, her hands reaching around to pull at the soft flesh of the young girl's ass cheeks as Arya's hands busied themselves unclasping the brassiere that held Daenerys' breasts back. Pulling the garment to one side, Arya's hands grabbed at the blonde's plump breasts, squeezing her tits and sinking her fingers into the handfuls. Her nipples hardened beneath her grasp, prodding and poking into the palms of her hands as their tongues intertwined, intermingling with one another, their lips clumsily bouncing back and forth as light smirks stretched across their faces. As the heated passion claimed them, their lips slipped away from each other, the thin outline of their lips glancing against each other's cheeks, the faint glimmer of saliva glistening as they pulled back, their chests rising and falling. Letting Daenerys breasts bounce back into place, Arya looked down at their tits, their chests now pressed together, the juicy flesh of their tits squeezed firmly together, spilling over itself. The sight was tantalising. Her own rock-hard nipples were now pinned against Dany's breasts, disappearing amidst the soft handfuls. She had held herself with a modicum of decorum, being somewhat playful in the lead up, yet now that they were entirely naked, passion quivering in their lips and their tongues mere moments away from dancing deliciously amongst the sensitive havens of each other's bodies, Arya was met with a little confusion. She knew the intimacies of laying with a man as it was all rather simple, yet as she quickly began to stammer, her mind was somewhat blank on how to drive endless pleasure through one of her own sex, "I… I don't… I don't know where to…"

This time, it was Daenerys that claimed the silence in the room, pushing her lips firmly against Arya's as she rolled the brunette over and onto her back, pushing her down against the bed and taking her place astride her hips. Her lips once again found Arya's but only for a fleeting moment before she slipped slightly lower, grazing against her jawbone as she trailed downwards. Sliding slowly downwards, her lips drew a line along the young brunette's body, beginning at her neck and slowly working down. The coolness of the room and the bitter chill of winter forced Dany to keep as close to Arya as possible, dragging her breasts along the pert girl's body, desperate to keep as much of the warmth between them whilst she drank in the sumptuous sight of her naked body. They could have course duck beneath the covers, but the glorious sight of the bodies sandwiched together was more than worth the layer of goosebumps that bristled upon the skin that Daenerys was tenderly kissing, slick saliva lingering where she kissed. Sliding her body downwards, Dany found herself face to face with the pert handfuls that were Arya's breasts. Before the brunette could steady her breath, the blonde's hands had grasped the soft mounds and gently began to massage them, squeezing them tenderly as her thumb ran softly across the rock-hard nipple that capped her breasts off. The tingling sensation of her nipple flicking back and forth was only intensified as Dany lunged forwards and hungrily took her sensitive nub into her mouth, latching her lips around the pink bud and letting her tongue loose, shattering the silence that she had previously claimed and driving a moan from between Arya's lips, the young inexperienced girl arching her back as the subtle pleasure drove her incessantly wild.

As she devoured the young girl's nipples, Dany lifted her hips slightly upwards, allowing her to slide a hand down between their bodies. With her hand working its way downwards, she quickly pressed their bodies back together as one, the heat and excitement of their close proximity being all that could stop them from shivering. Shifting across from one nipple to the other, Daenerys curled her tongues down towards Arya's growing slickness. The movements of the blonde's tongue combined with the arousal borne of the salacious circumstances, Arya's pussy was growing slicker and slicker by the second. So much so, that as soon as Dany's fingers pressed lightly against her quim, her digits were immediately soaked by the dripping with juices of Arya's delectable pussy. The warmth of the brunette's pussy sent shivers through Dany's body and ultimate coaxed a moan from between her pink lips, that vibration tingling through the rounded puffy crest of Arya's nipple. Ultimately, as she wove her fingers in amongst Arya's folds, the warming heat of her depths and the constant increase in her wetness did nothing short of encourage Dany's lips to glide further and further south. She could tell that Arya was waiting for it. The writhing pleasure that Arya had displayed from the blonde's attention to her nipples had subsided, with only hoarse inclines in her breathing coming from her continued licking of those sensitive little nubs. Planting two firm kisses on each of her nipples, Dany glided her mouth downwards, tracing the toned muscular form of the young girl's stomach and weaving a single finger through the wild nest of hair above her cunt, sinking further and further along her body until her lips came face to face with dripping wet and hairy pussy.

Having lost the heat from having their bodies pinned together, there was little more that Dany wanted than to bury herself between the slick and silky folds of the young Stark girl. Pushing forwards with her tongue, Daenerys betrayed her previous slow and methodical approach to pleasure, simply pressing her face against the slick dripping folds of Arya's cunt. Gasping, Arya's body was aflush with warmth, heat and pleasurable satisfaction as the most sensitive aspects of her anatomy were flooded with pleasure. Dany's tongue had plunged itself deep inside of Arya's pussy, crawling, wriggling and stretching as deep as possible, writhing back and forth and bounce about her insides in search of sending orgasmic bliss through the girl's toned form. The heat of her juices cascaded across Dany's face as she sandwiched her lips against Arya's pussy folds, pushing them right into the deepest cracks of her slit, her nose thrust deep into the wild tufts of brown hair that crowned the girl's delectable pussy. Moaning into her cunt, she sent more shuddering vibrations through her anatomy with each guttural groan of her own satisfaction, her hands spreading Arya's legs as wide as possible in order to get her tongue properly deep. The ravenous and almost animalistic approach was quite unbefitting of Dany, who had always opted for a slow and tender approach to love-making, taking it methodically and allowing the winding embrace of intimate sexual delights enamour her and her partner into new reams of delicate orgasmic heaven. Yet, here, when posed with a desire to remain warm as well as fuck hard, she found herself devouring Arya with as much hunger and eagerness as her plump juicy body could muster, all the while feeling her own pussy dampen and grow wetter, the wet slurps of her tongue encouraging her own arousal.

Fortunately for Dany, the cold was also affecting Arya, with the brunette being a more practical woman under such circumstances. As such, she lifted Dany's slick arousal covered face way from her pussy and guided the blonde back up along her body, bringing their lips together in a tender embrace, the brunette tasting the absolute deliciousness of her own pussy, prompting her to desire nothing more than to devour her own anatomy in such a feverish way as Dany had so intimately displayed. With only Daenerys' pussy to satiate her, Arya pulled their bodies together, trapping as much heat as was possible between the two of them as they wrapped their soft skinned bodies amidst a pile of warming furs, their desire to see one another's naked flesh no longer being prudent given the fact that they both knew what was coming next. Just how they found themselves in that position, neither of them could tell, as they simply shifted as they wove themselves in furs. Ultimately, Arya remained sprawled on her back, with Dany quickly finding herself back between her muscular thighs, yet this time they kept their bodies pinned together, with Arya being offered the delectable slick expanse of Daenerys Targaryen's neatly shaven pussy. And what a treat it was. Lifting her hands up to Dany's ass, Arya found herself distracted by the soft and squishy pliability of her juicy arse cheeks. How the Queen managed to hide such a round and plump posterior beneath those tight-fitting clothes, Arya would never know. However, she found herself enamoured by it nonetheless, constantly fondling and squeezing those round cheeks as she eyed up her true prize. Arya had found that her nerves and uncertainty towards having sex with another woman -or rather, how to have sex with another woman- utterly dissipated the more thrumming heated pleasure was driven into her. With Dany busying herself with a more measured exploration of her pussy, Arya found her desire to plunge her tongue into the blonde's hairless pussy to grow more and more until the lust for such an action became decidedly unbearable and palpable irresistible.

Slowly and nervously, Arya abandoned her confident temperament and took a tentative approach, leaning forwards and simply kissing the fringes of Dany's pussy, feeling the responsive moan tingle through her own pussy. With her tongue, she began to run along the outside of her lips, slowly getting a feel for it as she tasted more of Dany's sweetness, finding it to be remarkable how much of a contrasting taste there was between her own quim and the blonde's. Brushing such thoughts aside, Arya ran her tongue right down the centre, watching as Dany sprawled open like a flower, her folds gently peeling away to allow the brunette move avenues to explore. Eagerly, she ran her tongue along move of the folds, feeling the heat of her pussy beginning to grow, more slickness coating her tongue as she traced the outlines of her delectable entrance, weaving back and forth. It was somewhat similar in shape and form to her own pussy which she was infinitely well-versed with after many countless lonely nights on the road, and thus was able to discern her clit from the various folds of slick flesh that curled around it. Instantly flicking her tongue across the bead, Arya felt the reaction in the form of a deep and guttural groan vibrating from Dany's core through to her own. The subsequent tingle of pleasure was nothing short of intoxicating, bringing Arya to lap and lick at that sensitive nest of nerve-endings, yet all to no avail. Whilst Dany quivered with pleasure as a result of her ministrations, nothing quite compared to that initial blistering reaction that had shaken their bodies together in a moment of delicious unity. Regardless, Arya didn't allow herself to stop, never letting Dany's pussy go more than a second without her tongue running across it or carving back and forth in some form or another, right up until the moment that Arya found the tight depths that were the entrance to her pussy. Even curling around the dip that was the actual entrance gave Arya shivers of anticipation in terms of what bliss could be derived from further exploration; a sentiment that Dany shared as she brought not only her tongue, but her fingers down to Arya's hole.

Arya's breath caught in her throat as she felt two fingers nestle against her entrance, the very tips curling inside of her entrance, sending shivers of anticipation through the brunette's delectable body. Her moans fell silent for all of a couple seconds, before she let out an immense groan of satisfaction, perfectly driven from her lips by the slow and steady plunge of Dany's fingers. Feeling her pussy tighten and clench around her digits, Dany was infinitely enthralled by the reaction of the girl's cunt. Her insides tightened and loosened, spasming and clenching in the most delightfully sensational way. All Dany could imagine was how pleasurable it would feel if she sported a cock and it was being bathed in all the delightful sensations that were rushing across her fingers. It didn't stop her from continuing to attack and delight Arya's clit with her tongue, never relenting for even the slightest second when it came to providing the steady bursts of pleasure that the brunette craved. In turn, Daenerys felt her body tightening and quivering in the most delightful way. It had been a while since she had had her pussy devoured in such an animalistic way. The eagerness of the virgin tongue was something she never failed to savour as she remembered the first time she ever ate a pussy and the immeasurable pleasure that she brought to Doreah's bronzed body. Not to mention the experience that blossomed her into orgasmic bliss when she and Missandei first laid with one another and she brought her handmaiden's inexperienced lips to their first taste of a woman's nectar, igniting in her the carnivorous desire to lap and lick until she had tasted every last morsel of deliciousness Dany could offer; that same desire that claimed Arya's mind and brought her hungrily ravish every fold of Daenerys' pussy, sending reams of pleasure surging through the blonde's plump and juicy body.

Yet, whilst it was pleasurable, Dany was used to more. She was used to laying with men, to which this form of oral passion was but a mere starter to the main course of powerful animalistic sex. And so, Daenerys, feeling the impending thrum of Arya's first orgasm, decided that if she was to feel that orgasm in tandem with her own, she'd have to encourage a massive burst of pleasure to bring her in time with the brunette. Plucking the two fingers from Arya's pussy, Dany flattened her hand against the girl's folds, drenching her palm in her juices before reaching behind herself. Grabbing one Arya's hands, Dany encouraged her to stop playing with her ass cheeks for a moment. Prompting her to extend two fingers forwards, Daenerys clasped those digits in her palm, running her hand back and forth and lubing them up with the brunette's arousal. Curious as to what the blonde intended, Arya quickly discovered what she wanted, when Dany angled those two fingers between the round plump cheeks of her ass, perfectly and effortlessly guiding them towards her tight and puckered asshole. Once she was confident that Arya had gotten the message, she returned to pumping her fingers into Arya's snatch, eager to feel the pleasure of those digits pounding into her ass. It was one of Dany's greatest shames and biggest perversions: her affinity for anal. It begun years prior in the early days of her marriage with Drogo. During their more… uncommunicative beginnings, he had staggered in drunk, bent her over, and plunged his sizable manhood into her ass, mistakenly. And for the first time with Drogo, she came, and came explosively. Something about the fucking and toying of that entrance was orgasmic. Not to mention he did it with such powerful ferocity that would break any other woman to tears, yet caused Dany's thighs to drip and become drenched with the aroused satisfaction of a thousand orgasms. And so began her secret affinity for anal. A quiet passion of hers, openly shared with only two other people: Doreah and Missandei. Now, she had given the slightest hint of her true desires to one more; one who was fortunately for her, too pleasure drunk to make any connections or clear-cut assumptions.

The advent of new perversions for Arya to explore with a willing participant brought about thrilling excitement in Arya as she felt Dany's asshole flex at her touch. Knowing most people prefer to take anal adventures slower, Arya was tentative in probing the tight and clutching entrance. However, as she lightly pressed into her entrance, she was surprised and delighted by how easily her hole peeled apart, allowing her to curl her fingers inside. Slowly, but surely, she dipped her digits inside, feeling the tight and warm embrace of her arse swallow her up right to the knuckle. Feeling the groan of satisfaction muffled against her own pussy, Arya began to rock her fingers back and forth, lightly fingering the blonde's delectable arse in tandem with the movements she felt within her own pussy. Not wanting to push Dany too far, Arya soon discovered that whenever she did move a little too fast, the blonde responded with nothing short of encouragement. Drawing her fingers back to her entrance, she plunged them insides with a swift and sudden plunge, hearing a muffled plea for more surging through her own pussy. Not quite willing to launch into a barrage of wild finger-fucking, Arya instead opted to test the waters, occasionally driving her fingers In a little faster, or sinking them as deep as possible with a writhing wriggle adjoined to the deep plunge. And in response she got nothing but moans of desperation, begging for more, begging for it harder, begging to have her clutching Queenly arse demolished by Arya's fingers. Ultimately, Dany's only regret at that moment was that she didn't lube up and encourage Arya to finger her with four fingers instead of two.

However, the intimate embrace and the warm surge of their hot flesh writhing together in unison was ultimately enough to drive delicious realms of pleasure into their bodies. Their orgasms brimmed on the edge of bearing fruit, with Arya leading the charge due to her inexperience driving her forwards. Ultimately, within the warm embrace of their furs, Arya let out a muffled squeal, relishing in the thrusts of Dany's fingers and the lapping of her tongue. Not wanting to allow her orgasm to detract from her constant devouring of Dany's pussy, Arya willing muffled her sounds of pleasure amidst the sopping wet flesh of the woman's folds, allowing the surge of pleasure to reduce the careful measure with which she thrust the fingers into Dany's ass, all to the blonde's ultimate enjoyment as she writhed and wriggled with pleasure. The spasms of pleasure thrumming within Arya's body, let to twitches in her wrist, giving Dany a brief burst and surge of sudden impactful thrusts from her fingers, slamming and hammering her digits into her convulsing asshole. Lifting her lips, Daenerys made sure her moans and lustful expressions of satisfaction were heard loudly and proudly about the small confines of their swathes of furs as she pushed her fingers back into each pounding thrust of Arya's hand against her clapping ass cheeks. Smothering the young brunette amidst her folds, Dany shrieked with audible delight as her orgasm overcame her, sweeping through her body and claiming every shuddering sense she had, her holes tightening and spasming around the brunette's tongue and fingers, all ultimately mellowing out in the slow tender burn that followed a deliciously satisfying orgasm. Relaxing in place, Dany lay against Arya's body, cradling her for warmth and resting her cheek on her glistening thigh. Ultimately, she made the brief sacrifice of upsetting their delicate balance of heated furs so that she could clamber around the right way and intertwine her body in amongst Arya's delectable body, resting her head in Arya's neck as their shiver chill was replaced by a tender warmth, "So… Did that meet your expectations of the well-travelled foreign Queen?"

"I'd just about say as much. Though I don't really think I'm one for this cuddling…" Arya smirked, begrudgingly sweeping her arm around the Queen's waist, tightening the embrace between the two of them, enjoying the warmth and feeling of her skin against hers, but not enjoying the intimacy.

"Well, I'm afraid that comes as standard with many, many women. And if you expect to fuck girls a second time, you had best make do," Daenerys smirked, speaking more like a schoolgirl than a Queen, cradling herself in the arms of that night's choice of lover. However, what she said did ultimately pique Arya's interest.

"And should I expect to fuck you a second time?" Arya asked, keen to explore and expand her sexual repertoire. It may have a foolish endeavour given how long they had left to live, but she would have liked to die knowing that she could reliably make another woman cum and cum hard.

"I wouldn't write it out. I do enjoy the ravenous hunger of the youth. Every now and again," Daenerys clarified, not wanting to appear like a whore despite her rather voracious display of sexual deviancy and the insistency she displayed in having her ass plugged with fingers.

"So, should I expect this second round in a couple minutes or is it reliant on us still breathing when morning comes. A victory fuck?" Arya asked, keen to understand exactly where she stood with the curvaceous blonde Queen and all the sexual antics, she would permit between them. The taste of cunt still lingered on her tongue acting as a slow-pace aphrodisiac to Arya.

"You are desperately focussed on going again, aren't you?" Dany said with a smile, silently thrilled by the young Stark's sheer eagerness to fuck. It was exciting to have something new to play with in the world of sex, and given the circumstances, she found it to be somewhat… relieving.

"Well… What can I say… Oh, I… Well, I would really quite appreciate a second round because…" Arya smirked, a thought suddenly overcoming her, prompting her to immediately roll out of the bed. Gasping at the sudden rush of chilled air that flooded over her, Dany watched the young girl strut across the room unabashedly.

"What… Ah, it's cold…" Dany breathed as she clutched the furs to her body, shivering just from poking out her head. Glancing after Arya, she watched the young girl's taut ass jiggling from behind as she went across the room and begun to search through a satchel-bag that she had tucked away prior to having arrived.

"I have this…" Arya declared proudly, producing a strange apparatus and rushing back to bed, the cold beginning to affect her. Ducking back beneath the furs, she brought it to Dany's eye-line, the blonde tentative to pull her close due to her chilled skin. However, what was in her hands drew her attention immediately. It was a strap-on. Ten inches long and shining black; glimmering the candle-light of the room. Attached to a leather harness, with a silk inlay, the cock was unmistakable in its material. Everyone was all too familiar with it.

"My, my… Is that dragon-glass? Please tell me you intend to ride into battle wearing that? You can fuck the Night King to death," Daenerys joked as she took it from her, running her fingers along its length, marvelling at the tapered shimmer.

"If only. I tried to see if they could make one out of something else, but… dragon-glass is about the only abundant material they had going. I had to grind it and sand it down myself. It looked like a torture device before I did that," Arya smirked, quite proud of how she had done with the tool. It was quite a resplendent item to say the least.

"And which way are you hoping this would play out? With me wearing it or you?" Dany asked, her sultry voice taking over the astounding shock and letting Arya take the toy back, the brunette eager to feel and caress it herself, running her slim fingers along its length.

"Well… I had hoped you would. I always wanted to know how it feels you know. To have one inside you that is attached to someone else," Arya mused, holding the device quite dearly, with a even wider and more lecherous smirk stretched across Dany's lips.

"Well, there are thousands of men about. You probably didn't have to go to the effort," the blonde chuckled, reclining into the soft furs beneath her, comfortable and content in the haven of warmth, yet with lingering thoughts in her mind, brought about by Arya.

"I'm not exactly into guys… And well, this is the next best thing. So… Would you?" Arya asked hopefully, the look on her face speaking to complete and eager sincerity. It was quite appealing to say the least. Gone was the flirtatious seducer and here was a young teen looking as if she wanted to have her first kiss before she died.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline on that front due to a lack of inexperience. I fear I'd be just as disappointing as prepubescent virgin boy. And just as pleasurable with that thing…" Dany smiled, bearing the bad news as Daenerys moved to go get changed.

"Ah… But we could still…" Arya said hopefully, pulling the woman back into bed whilst discarding the toy, her hands running across the gorgeous Queen's body and dipping down to her slickness, running circles across her clit and drawing out a moan from her supple soft lips, "Round two?"

"Tell you what… I'll give you a round two, but on one condition. That you bring someone else to join us…" Daenerys smiled with such a lecherous look in her eyes, causing Arya to look at her with newfound uncertainty. She didn't expect the Dragon Queen to be so horny.

"You want to expand this into a threesome?" Arya smirked as Daenerys rolled out of the bed and immediately rushed for her furs, pulling them swiftly on and thrusting several logs into the fire, warming herself up as best she could as Arya remained in the bed, swathed in the warm covers, clutching them to her chest as if protecting her modesty from the Queen.

"Last night alive? I'd expand this into an orgy if I could," Dany giggled, pulling gloves over her fingers and layering over another cloak for warmth. Sliding into a seat by the fire, she looked expectantly towards Arya, a coy smirk on her lips, "So?"

"You've certainly changed your tune from the comely and reserved girl I had to seduce," Arya chuckled, not wanting to say no to the possibility of a threesome with the Queen. Rolling out of the bed, Arya did the exact same and pulled on her leathers.

"Queen you had to seduce… And what can I say, you won me over," Daenerys purred, sliding out of the seat and approaching Arya as she donned her gloves, pulling the brunette around to face her, "And, I'll even afford you a suggestion. If you're looking for someone to fuck you with that strapon, go and find Missandei. The only reason I am so inexperienced with it is simply because she would never let me be the one that wore it… She has a thing for them."

"And what do you plan to do? Sit here and play with yourself in silence?" Arya joked as she grabbed the Queen's hips, loving that she could be so forward and firm with the woman, pulling her crotch towards her own with a single pull, their bodies once again pinned as one, both of them wishing for the chance when their bodies wouldn't have fur and leather between them.

"No… I have some other matters to attend to Lady Stark. Let's just say that you've inspired me," Daenerys chuckled, seeing the confusion in Arya's eyes. Not letting it linger too long, the blonde leant forwards and captured her lips, pulling her into a deep and riveting snog, their tongues writhing amidst one another before parting with a soft smacking sound. With a grin, Dany pulled away and stepped past Arya, reaching her hand down and playfully smacking the girl's arse, "Round two. Back here. An hour. Go…"

Licking her lips as she went, Arya grabbed her satchel and made her way swiftly out of the room, eager to meet that deadline and quite thrilled to have a tip regarding her personal fantasy and who could supply it. The guards outside the room, startled by someone leaving who wasn't the Queen, the person they suspected was the only one in there, were quickly quieted by the Queen herself striding out and turning the opposite direction of Arya, intent on her own business.

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed that. As much as I like Gendry, I do think that we can all agree this would have been a better alternative to that scene. Regardless, I suppose we've got to take what comfort we can in the small flashes of Maisie Williams' tits and arse.

The next chapter is uploaded alongside this one and follows our buxom blonde going and acquiring her own addition for this 'threesome' of theirs. Go read that and enjoy!