Finding You

Chapter 1. Missing Puzzle Pieces

A/N: A new story that came to me over the holidays yay! But it also kinda sucks because that means my other stories will have to be on pause. Sorry.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight nor Originals.

Rated: M for violence, abuse, and much later lemons.

Elijah's POV

"Why the hell would I desire to go a small town named after silverware?" Niklaus was irritated with me as always.

Sighing and repeating for tenth time today. "Because my dear brother the witch said "the missing puzzle pieces to our family" were hidden there."

"Fine, but I swear Elijah if this does not prove to be useful or at the very least amusing to us all I'm killing that damn witch!" Hissy fits from Nik are a usual occurrence.

"Are the two of you done I would like to find dinner in this lifetime, not that I don't have forever of course I just don't want to wait half a fucking century." Kol complained, Nik and I glared at him he just shrugged us off.

"Oh, Kol hush you'll be fine until we get there." Beks trying to be the voice of reason, she was only slightly better with her temper than our brothers.

"Tell me in detail why are we headed to this dreadful place." Nik was growling now something I knew to be cautious of.

"Theres a girl there age fifteen she needs us our witch Gavin told me she is not only powerful, but she needs us and we need her. He said she would help you break the curse.. how I don't know. There was a mention of either imprinting or mating."

Nik looked a little more calmed down about the situation now. Then shook his head and sighed out. "How do meet this annoying little girl."

"She'll wearing a black jacket with grey wings stitched on the back, has long brown hair, and brown eyes. He also said she would be walking with someone we were once very close with." His eyes narrowed.

"Everyone get in the damn car." Nik was not happy at all, however I felt whoever this girl is... was about to change our existence.

Klaus' POV

Deep in thought over this teenage brat, did the witch really expect me to bring this slip girl whom I have never met into my family and my life?

The witch has finally lost all his marbles...I swear. We've been in and out of this fucking car for two whole days now, we just reached Forks over sixteen hours ago.

"Did the witch say what day or evening we would find her?" Elijah sighed as he shook his head. I couldn't help, but roll my eyes.

"Let me guess you forgot to ask such a crucial detail didn't you brother." He had the grace to cringe at his mistake. "Oh lovely..." Though I was being quite sarcastic he deserved every moment of it.

Just as I was about to make another nasty remark a voice I hadn't heard what seemed like forever broke off my rant.

"Bella I know when you're upset with me right now, because whenever I piss you off you call me by old name Henrik instead of Henri. Come on you can't just go home to that asshole father of yours."

Elijah hit the break quite fast due to shock, Beks was shaking so hard I could feel it from the backseat, Kol was grabbing Elijah's hand for support I just sat there, jaw to the floor.

Our youngest brother was alive...again. "Look, I know that going back to that damn house isn't ideal for me at this point, but Henri I have no choice right now not until Caleb gets back."

Upon glancing towards Henrik's company I saw that it was the teenage girl from the witch's description. Unable to see her face though strangely I wanted to know what she looked like from front to back.

"GODDAMNIT! Bella you have a choice, come live with me at the Rez." Shock would be an understatement at how I felt hearing Henrik curse for the first time. The girl just shook her head.

"I want too, very badly but... Listen we'll talk tomorrow Charlie needs his cigarettes and if there not on time then my ass is grass." She hugged him and hurried away. Henrik stood there watching her.

"They have sibling bonds." Kol stated he could see things like bonds and abilities as well as spell casting ability. Being part witch and vampire had it's benefits.

"H-how is he alive Nik? You carried him out of the woods that day, I was with the two of you." Beks was really shaken up. Elijah gripped the steering wheel.

"We'll have to follow him and get the answers." Words I never thought would pass my brother's lip let alone thought process.

"For once Elijah I agree with." Finally speaking my opinion on the matter.

Kol's POV

Seeing Henrik was painful and a joy all in one. At first it was painful because I thought he was just a figment of my insane mind, then when I saw Nik's reaction I knew it was all very real.

I've never gotten over his death so to be able to see him again made me truly grateful. Whoever that girl he was with was very important to Henrik, but only in a sibling bond existed between the two.

Elijah surprised us all by following our youngest to where ever he was headed. When we pull into the driveway of the little house he was we noticed there was only one light on in the entire house.

"Should we just knock?" Beks was very nervous. Amazing we all had lived for over a thousand years and we couldn't get out of this car and go knock on a door.

Nik watched the house for a few more minutes with us then finally after taking a breath he got out of the car and strode to the door.

Before he could knock the door opened swiftly to reveal Henrik smiling, "I knew you guys would find me eventually."

Nik was speechless. Grabbing our youngest brother into a tight hug. "Henrik.." For the first time in centuries his face actually softened. "How?" The emotion in our brother's voice was almost too much for even myself.

Henrik cleared his throat obviously choked up at Nik's unusual display of affection, you could tell he happy to see us all. "Come on inside, it's a very long story." We followed him in, he gestured a hand for us to sit where ever.

Henrik seemed in thought of where to start.

Henrik's POV

Looking at the all I realized just how much I had really missed them. Nik seemed to have changed in a way that I was proud of, but sad about all at the same time.

Kol wasn't acting his usual silly self which made me feel a little uncomfortable. Beks seemed shaken however no one could blame her for that. Elijah stared at me as if I wasn't real.

All this was overwhelming and on top of that I was more than sure right at this moment, Bella was being beat the shit out of by Charlie over a pack of smokes.

"When I died I was sent to the ghost realm, I watched all you for over a thousand years.. it was torture for me because no matter how hard I tried to talk with either of you no one could hear me. I think I watched you the most Nik. One day I decided to travel see the world..

It was about two years ago I was depressed and bored so I came here to Forks and was just walking around town when this girl asked me if I was alright. At first I ignored this voice until she sighed and yelled at me of course then I looked up and met warm brown eyes. When I stared at her for a few minutes she got a little irritated, rolled her eyes and asked me and I quote.

"Do you need a doctor?" She was so sarcastic, she reminds a bit of you Kol. We started talking and after she found out I was a ghost she just shrugged it off like it was no big deal that she was seeing a dead person... let alone talking with one.-"

"Is that the girl you were walking with tonight?" Beks interrupted my story, not that I minded I preferred her to talk.

"Yeah Beks, Isbella Swan is quite a unique girl. She is actually why I'm alive again. We talked about our families, she knew how much I missed all of you. So Bella began to research spells from her uncle's house, the books however were her great grandmother's.

One day she came to me in the woods and started telling me of things she had found. Bella even contacted a male witch. It was sometime in July that she preformed the spell it took a lot out of her. And now here I am."

"Why would she help you? What's her price?" Nik ever the suspicious one. "Nik, I love you, but do not talk about Bella that way. She wants nothing from me or any of you!"

"It's all too selfless Henrik! so yes I am going to question her intentions!" Now pissed off, I did something I never did with Nik. I yelled at him.

"HER HOME LIFE IS SHIT, HER DAD BEATS THE FUCK OUT OF HER, AND HER BROTHER ISN'T THERE FOR HER!" He at least had the grace to look a little ashamed.

"How badly does he hurt her?" Beks sounded worried and curious.

"Some nights she's bloody and bruised, sometimes I find her knocked out, other nights she's kicked out of the house for a couple nights so she stays here. He's worse than Mikael was." Nik paled now.

Elijah looked sick as well, Kol was grinding his teeth, and Beks was just shook her head in disbelief.

A knock at the door made us all pause.

Rebekah's POV

Henrik looked through the blinds before rushing to the front door. When he opened the girl he was walking with was standing there leaning against the door frame.

"How long this time hun?" She smiled at him, rolled her eyes and sighed "He didn't say, so I may have to try and read the man's mind. Hey you've got company should I come back later? I can go to Paul's." She whispered.

"No, Bells come in, eat, shower, change, and rest. How bad are your injuries?" She bit her lip, avoiding his gaze and mumbled.

"Henri...I don't think right now is a good time for us to talk about this." Henrik seemed displeased with her reply. They glared at each other.

"Don't look at me like that Henrik! I brought you back into this world I can take you back out!" Our little brother sighed.

"Fine! Bella Swan we are so talking later." We all noticed Nik watching her intently I was on edge over it until I saw a softness to his gaze.

"Nik what's wrong?" I asked him so quietly only he would be able to hear me.

"That damn witch was right. Only he forgot to mention I would do both imprinting and find my true mate in one teenage girl." He growled and followed Bella into the kitchen.

Klaus' POV

This is why I hated witches they never told the whole truth. Bastards, don't get me wrong I was overwhelmingly happy that I had imprinted and found my true mate.

Immediately as she walked through the front and I caught her scent everything fell into place. I found what I had so desired for over a thousand years. Simply put I'd found her. The soft aroma of peaches and chamomile it was intoxicating.

I was only angry at the fact that she was being treated so poorly by her father.

She looked inside the fridge then turned around and glared straight at Henrik. It was damn adorable.

"Henri how the hell do you eat an entire roast all by yourself? I just made that yesterday!" He looked anywhere but in her eyes.

"Paul and Jake came over, we were hungry and-"

"Never mind I'm not even really that hungry... so fucking tired. Next time that store owner doesn't have those smokes I'm smacking him." Upset that she wasn't feeding herself I decided it was time I took care of her.

"Why don't I call in a pizza? I'm sure everyone is quite hungry." When she ignored me completely something happened that I thought impossible before today. My wolf whined for her attention.

I haven't felt my wolf form's presence in over nine-hundred-years. "Bells you want some pizza?" Henrik asked and she nodded her and smiled at him.

Understanding dawned upon me at that moment, Bella trusted Henrik she knew nothing about me or my siblings. Although even if I understood it to some degree I was very very jealous of my youngest brother.

"I'm gonna go shower while we wait. Henri can I borrow some clothes?" Henrik rolled his eyes at her.

"Why is it, if you already know the answer you ask me anyways?" He sounded annoyed.

"Because it would be rude if I just put them on before asking." She said so sarcastically Kol chuckled. Then she was walking away.

"Henrik where does she usually sleep?" Beks' question had me quite interested. In a very k-9 like gesture he turned his head to the side.

"My couch, it has a pull-out mattress why?" The feeling of relief this answer gave me, made it so easy to breathe I couldn't tell you.

"Good. She will be borrowing my clothing." Now all three of my brothers looked at me as if I had lost my mind. Beks just giggled.

"She's my true mate and imprint so I am very much on edge." Kol's eyes widened, Elijah looked pale, Beks shook her head muttering about me being stupidly possessive and Henrik was smiling.

"This is great, now I know Bells will be okay." Thankful that he was happy I went and got my bag out of the car gave him the clothes she would need and prayed that she wouldn't notice the switch.

She would think it very strange if I insisted she wear my clothing. After about ten minutes I heard the shower switch off.


Bella's POV

There was no way in hell I was going to be able to fit in these large clothes. So naturally I yelled at Henri, then went in search of clothing that actually would stay on my frame.

After finding a grey long sleeved shirt and some sweats with ties in the front, I was happy. Before dressing in them however I checked the bruising on my side that Charlie had left.

Knowing Henri would flip if saw it, I had to somehow avoid him asking about the issue. Which meant no matter how much it hurt tonight there could be no complaining nor any pain killer taking.

Walking into the living room proved to be an error on my part, Henri was waiting for me on the couch...ready to lecture me as usual.

The blond man next to him was watching me quite closely which was unnerving to say the least, something was about these people in his house set me on edge.

"Henri you keep strange company you know that right?" He raised an eyebrow then glanced at the blond beside and nodded his head.

"Um hey guys can you give us a few minutes." They went inside the kitchen. The blond seemed reluctant. "Look right now we need to discuss how your gonna get your shit and move in here, I can ask Paul and Jake to go with you tomorrow."

He had the determined look on his face, but still I shook my head in the negative.

"No way, what happens if Caleb comes back and I'm not there?" Henri sensed my unease.

"Bella swear on everything that when and if your brother comes back you two won't miss each other. Paul and Jake will surely help me make that possible." I sat on the couch and leaned against him.

"Fine you win, you, Paul and Jake can help me tomorrow Charlie works until four-thirty so if we go over by like eight we should miss him completely." His tense posture eased a bit.

"Would you like to meet my guests or are too tired tonight?"

Thoughtful for a moment I ponder if I was in the mood at to meet anyone. "Maybe later I'm gonna sleep for a bit." Hugging him I left walking toward his room with every intent to sleep get away from reality...for a few hours.

Elijah's POV

Still shocked that the young girl was Nik's fated mate and imprint, I couldn't help my curiosity. "Nik, how can be so sure that she is your mate let alone imprint as well? I mean she is so very young..." He looked thoughtful for a moment before answering.

"All I can tell you is that the second I saw her I just knew she was home to for me. I've never wanted to know someone like I want to know her. I'm also getting jealous over things I normally wouldn't give a damn about, my wolf is starting to awaken as well." With those last words I knew that this was all very real.

"She's going to a wonderful addition to our family." Kol stated this with such certainty, then he continued. "She is very powerful but she's a type a hybrid I just can't figure out what." Our interest was peaked at the statement.

"Hmm.. it seems she perfect for you Nik." Beks giggled. Nik of course just smirked at that.

"Yes, Henrik will have to deal with constant visits from me. Though I suspect trying to get near Bella will be hard. She has after all suffered from abuse." Nik could hardly hold back the growl in his chest. A few minutes later Henrik enter the kitchen.

"Did you order that pizza?" When Nik shook his head he continued on. "Bella went to sleep so maybe could you call them in like an hour so she can get some rest."

"Of course, is she alright?" Nik's tone held concern which was very new for all us to hear. Henrik sighed. "Yeah, her dad just kinda kicked her ass a little harder than usual tonight and I think she's really worn out from that and the stress of getting her stuff from his house tomorrow. Hey um do you guys think you can come along just in case he comes back and tries to hurt her."

"You know the answer to that little brother, we'll be there." Although I didn't know the girl personally she was important to both my brothers which meant that she going to have the whole family's protection.