Hawaii Five-0 is property of CBS and its creators.

A/N: Based on a prompt from Fanfiction Fanatics on FB: "It's been a rough week. But I didn't need bail money and I don't have a body count, so it could have been worse." That just screamed Danny and Steve to me. :)

"It's been a rough week, huh?" Danny Williams said as he set a beer down in front of his partner, Steve McGarrett.

"Yeah," Steve said, staring morosely into his beer.

Danny tried to lighten the mood. "But hey, you don't have a body count and you didn't need bail money, so it could have been worse." Danny thought about what he'd said. "Have you ever needed bail money?"

Steve had to smile. "No, Danno."

"Good," Danny said. "And you know why? It's because you've got me around to keep your sorry ass out of jail. I swear, if it weren't for me, you'd be arrested for half the stunts you pull, and you're head of the Governor's task force."

Steve's smile widened just a tad. It was almost imperceptible, but Danny noticed. "Yes, Danno. I owe it all to you."

"Damn straight," Danny said, banging his glass down on the table in emphasis. The two men sat in silence for a moment. Danny felt himself relaxing in the presence of the warm body next to him, and hoped Steve was feeling the same. Yeah, Danny could—probably should—have sat on the other side of the booth, but he needed his best friend's steadying presence. Sure, it was maybe a little too close for platonic friends, but this was them, and personal space was a concept they didn't know. Besides, this way maybe Danny could pretend for a few hours that they weren't platonic.

The feeling only last a few minutes. Steve shoved at Danny. "Move. I have to go to the bathroom."

Danny slid out and let Steve past, then slid back in. He nursed his beer for a few minutes until a man about his age appeared at the table. The man had sunstreaked brown hair and well-developed muscles accented by tight jeans and a tighter t-shirt that strained to cover his pecs. He flashed an oily smile that was supposed to be charming at Danny. "Hi, mind if I sit down?" Without waiting for an answer, the man slid into the booth next to Danny, much to close for Danny's comfort. Danny tried to put a few inches between them, but the man just scooted closer. He flung an arm across the back of the booth, almost, but not quite, resting on Danny's shoulder.

The man was clearly full of himself, and Danny wanted him gone. Now. "Actually, that seat is taken."

The man made a show of looking around. "I don't see anyone."

"He went to the bathroom. He'll be back."

The stranger gestured to the other side of the booth. "There's plenty of room. Besides, there's no other booths free. You wouldn't want me to have to stand, would you?" The man's arm dropped onto Danny's shoulder. Danny glared at it pointedly, but the man either didn't notice, or, more likely, ignored him.

"Why don't we get to know each other? I'm Erik." The man took his hand off Danny's shoulder and held it out. Danny breathed a sigh of relief.

"Danny." Danny didn't offer his hand. Erik dropped his, instead resting it on Danny's thigh.

Danny had to put an end to this. He firmly removed Erik's hand and scooted as far as he could into the corner of the booth.

Erik didn't take the hint. He just scooted closer and put his hand back. "So, Danny, come here often?"

Danny removed his hand again. "Look, Erik, you seem like a nice guy-" not- "but I'm not interested," he said, politely.

"Aw, come on, babe, give me a chance," Erik wheedled.

Fuck polite. No one was allowed to call Danny "babe" except Steve (although usually it was Danny that used the endearment). Certainly not this self-styled god's gift to women—men, whoever. Danny was about to shove Erik out of the booth when a hand grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out. "The guy said he's not interested," a voice growled.

Danny looked over and was surprised to see Steve. Or maybe not. This show of muscle was definitely typical Steve. Danny wondered why he was doing it, though. Steve knew Danny was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.

Erik drew himself to his full height and confronted Steve. "Who are you?"

"I'm his boyfriend," Steve snarled.

Danny was shocked to hear that. Part of him was elated to hear Steve say that, but more of him was pissed at Steve's behavior. "Steve. . ." Danny started, a warning note in his voice.

Erik clearly didn't know the danger he was in. "Why don't we let Danny say who he wants to be with?"

"Look here. . ." Steve drew back an arm as if to punch Erik. This was getting out of hand. Danny scrambled out of the booth and grabbed Steve's arm. Steve reluctantly dropped it.

"What's the matter, don't think you can take me?" Erik taunted. The guy clearly didn't know when to quit. He and Steve were pretty evenly matched physically, but Danny was willing to bet Erik didn't have SEAL training. Danny mentally counted down to the explosion. Three, two, one. . .

Steve's fist collided with Erik's face, sending him reeling into a nearby table.

Danny got right up in Steve's face. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, you Neanderthal?"

Steve was unrepentant. "He was hitting on you, Danno."

"I can take care of myself! I don't need your help!"

Steve honest-to-god pouted. Danny couldn't believe his nerve. "But Danno, I'm the only one allowed to hit on you."

Danny would have been flattered if he weren't so mad. "Punching a guy out is not the way to declare your love for me, you idiot!"

Steve was about to reply when Erik pulled himself up and launched himself at Steve, landing on his back and wrapping his arms around the SEAL's neck.

Steve threw him off and sent him crashing into a different table this time. The patrons sitting there, several large, burly natives, took offense and started towards Steve.

In a matter of moments, a full-scale bar fight broke out. Danny tried to stay out of it until one of the natives came at Steve's head with a chair. Danny let fly with the right hook that had knocked Steve over their first day as partners. It didn't work as well on this guy, probably causing more damage to Danny's hand than his opponent, but it did get the guy to drop the chair. He rounded on Danny and was just about to punch him out when the police waded into the fray.

Two uniformed officers Steve and Danny didn't know—rookies, by the look of them—stepped up to Danny and Steve and motioned them to turn around.

"Hey, we're Five-0," Steve protested. "We have full immunity and means."

The cops were unimpressed. "I doubt that applies to bar fights," one of them said as he and his partner cuffed the two men.

"Well, so much for not needing bail money," Danny quipped as he and Steve were led none-too-gently out of the bar.

What a week.