Seto Kaiba was a very busy man. He had a multi-billion dollar international company to run, and a younger brother to watch over, plus the staff that ran his home to oversee. That meant he didn't always have the time to pick up on certain things in his personal life. Because of this, he never really noticed her at Domino High. Rather, it took him until he was twenty and they quite literally ran into each other at a coffee shop. It took him another year and a half to notice his growing attraction towards her and ask her out on a date. It then took an additional several months to realize that expensive outings made her uncomfortable and to correct that by changing for the simpler. Two years later, he asked her to move in with him and Mokuba. Now, after living together for a year, the busy twenty-five year old finally began to notice something odd about Miyuki.
Every so often, when he finally dragged his exhausted body home from the office, he would pass by the TV room to see the auburn haired woman curled up on the white sofa, watching a movie and crying quietly. He had never seen her cry before, so it really surprised him the first time he noticed. As the behavior repeated itself every few weeks or so, the young CEO began to notice something else that was strange. The movies she was watching weren't always sad.
Most nights, he would just pause to observe for a moment, then shrug it off and head to their bedroom to go over the next day's schedule before she joined him. One of the things that made their relationship work so well was that they largely coexisted. He worked his long days at the office, and she was getting her PhD in clinical psychology and working as a research assistant at a lab in downtown Domino. He didn't know a ton about her job, admittedly, and she had no interest in the business and fiscal details of his job. Of course, he cared about whether she was stressed out about her classes and dissertation, and she texted him throughout the day to see if he was eating and how his stress levels were. They dedicated, at minimum, Friday nights to each other, whether they went out or to stayed in. Some of Miyuki's friends teased her about how scheduled and separate they were, saying they were like an old couple, but it worked for both of them. He didn't have the time to be constantly involved with her, and she didn't like the constant attention anyways.
But one night, he finally decided to put this strange behavior into the "together" category, and stepped into the room. His eyes roamed over her form curled into the corner of the couch. A tear slipped slowly down her cheek from her violet eyes. He glanced at the TV, his confusion mounting. There sat his girlfriend, crying over an animated children's movie. And at a love song, no less. She didn't get all mushy about stuff like this, yet another reason they worked so well. He wasn't very good at emotional social interactions, and her collected, laid back attitude meant he didn't have to be.
She noticed him then, and sniffed, "Seto, you're finally home. How was your day?"
"Fine," he answered absently, still watching the movie to see what on earth had her upset.
On screen were a blonde girl and a guy with brown hair sitting in a boat and singing a love song amidst floating paper lanterns. "And at last I see the light, And it's like the fog has lifted, And at last I see the light, And it's like the sky is new, And it's warm and real and bright, And the world has somehow shifted, All at once everything looks different, Now that I see you…"
"Miyu," he said slowly, "What're you watching?"
"Tangled. It's like Rapunzel," she explained, swiping at her slightly damp cheek.
"So… why are you upset?"
"I'm not," she said, blinking in confusion.
He scoffed and couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I've never seen you cry except for when you watch these movies."
He sighed in annoyance and said, "Every once in a while when I get home, you're in here watching a movie and crying. It's bizarre. Especially when the movies aren't particularly upsetting."
"Okay, number one, I sometimes shed a tear or two when I'm happy. Number two, you've seen me crying before and this is the first time you've cared enough to find out why?" she asked, her eyes narrowing dangerously.
Seto instantly regretted not keeping his curiosity at bay. He shifted uncomfortably and said, "I figured it would be better to let you do your own thing."
He knew that wasn't an answer that pleased her from the way her lips pursed and her eyes roamed back to the television. With another sigh, he took a seat on the couch beside her. The song was winding down, for which Kaiba was vaguely thankful for. As the characters leaned in for a kiss, Miyuki turned to him and said, "By the way, if you had asked any of the other times you'd seen me in here over the past year, you'd know this is what I do when I have my period to take my mind off my cramps. And I admittedly get a little more emotional than usual."
Ice blue eyes widened and he shifted uncomfortably again as she squeezed herself tighter into the corner of the couch, glaring at the TV rather than seeing it. After a pause, he asked, "Do you… need anything?"
They sat in a tense silence, then, neither paying the movie any attention. He had never considered that aspect of living with a woman other than it meant there was a drawer in their shared bathroom vanity that he didn't touch. Hesitantly, he asked, "How are you feeling?"
"Like shit," she snapped. "I have a hormone imbalance that makes my period way worse than normal. That's why I was on birth control long before I met you. It eases my symptoms a lot, but there's always one day where my cramps and nausea are really bad, and that's the day I like to watch a movie while I wait for you to come home."
"I didn't realize that," he frowned.
"It's fine. You're busy."
There was less bite to her voice, but he frowned nonetheless. "You know there's nothing I can do about that."
"I know that; I knew that going into this. But that doesn't mean it never bothers me," she said, turning to face him. "I love having my own life, but I don't like that you don't know certain things about me, or that you don't notice things."
His pride wounded, he automatically retorted, "Sorry I never thought to ask if you had a hormone imbalance."
"It's not just that," she muttered. "I don't want to fight about this right now."
"Look, I'm sorry I didn't ask about the movie thing sooner. If something else is bothering you, tell me."
The auburn haired woman merely sighed and curled into a tighter ball. She felt his eyes on her for a moment before he said, "I may not notice everything, but I do notice things. Like how you curl up when you're upset about something. And how you know my favorite color is blue, so keep your nails painted some shade of blue. I know you aren't really into morning sex, but you don't really let on because you know my schedule doesn't leave us many opportunities.
"I'm not a good guy. I only know how to be a businessman and a brother, and even the latter is hard for me. But I do notice some things, even if it takes a while."
"I know you notice things, Seto," she muttered, moving so her posture was more open. "I'm sorry for getting upset with you."
He shook his head and said, "Don't be."
"I am, though. I know you have an insane amount on your plate. I should be more understanding."
"You don't deserve anything less just because of my life circumstances," he muttered.
Miyu peered up at him from beneath her lashes, a nervous look in her eyes. "I worry about you, Seto. The way you work yourself… It's not a sustainable lifestyle. You're going to work yourself into all sorts of health problems and possibly an early death."
"Don't worry about me."
"I can't just not worry. You're only twenty five and there are days where you wouldn't eat anything at all if I didn't make you. You rarely get a full eight hours of sleep. You haven't given yourself even a day off, let alone a vacation, in I don't even know how long. That isn't healthy." She paused for a moment, as if hesitant to continue. "Mokuba has been asking for a couple years to be given a more substantial role at Kaiba Corp. He wants to be more involved, and it would ease your workload. Why won't you let him?"
He glared at her for a moment, before closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. Violet eyes watched him carefully. Slowly, he turned to look at her again and said, "Because he doesn't have to. He could do whatever he wanted rather than join the cutthroat, no bullshit business world. Can you picture him trying to handle a press conference or making a business deal with a bunch of business moguls?"
"No, but I can picture him behind the scenes leading the advertising department, or crunching numbers. I can picture him organizing meetings, press conferences. You are the face of Kaiba Corp, and the power behind it, and I'm not suggesting that you try and share that role with your brother. That's not what he wants, either."
They sat in silence for a long stretch, eyes locked. Finally, Kaiba shook his head and said, "I still think he should pursue something that fits him better."
"Seto, have you ever thought about what you'll do with Kaiba Corp someday? Eventually, you're going to be old and unable to do this, assuming your inane work habits don't kill you before senior citizenship. If you don't even want your brother involved in the business, I can't imagine you'd be any more willing to hand it over to your son or daughter."
"Unless this is your bizarre way of telling me that you're pregnant, that isn't a pressing concern."
"Well, we're gonna have kids someday. Hopefully after I'm done my dissertation. And what I'm saying is, what do you plan to do? If you can't reconcile how you feel about Mokuba voluntarily getting more involved in your family's business, how could you leave the company to your child? Would you sell?"
He rolled his eyes and reiterated, "I don't have to think about this for quite a while."
"But you kind of do," she said. "Learning to let go even just a tiny bit of control now would be good for your health, good for Mokuba, good for when we do have kids so their father isn't a stranger to the,, good for eventually passing on ownership, and it would be good for us. Now and in the future."
The young man leaned back and heaved a sigh. "If I'd known this conversation was going to be so heavy, I would've just gone to bed when I got home."
"Heaven forbid we talk about something serious," Miyuki snapped. "If I'd known you avoid me when I'm upset and didn't want to have real conversations, I would probably be watching a movie in my old apartment."
"What, are you going to break up with me because I don't want to have this conversation?" he scoffed.
The young woman huffed in annoyance and stood from the couch. "I'm not in any mood to deal with you attitude right now. Forget coming to bed tonight. I'll bring some of your clothes down to one of the guest rooms."
"Sweet dreams," he called after her facetiously, watching her disappear from the room. The CEO shifted so his long body was stretched out across the length of the white couch, his arms crossed behind his head.
"Seto, were you guys fighting?" Dark blue eyes moved to the doorway, finding Mokuba leaning against the wall. He made a noncommittal noise, and his brother asked, "What about? You guys never fight."
"A few things," he answered vaguely.
"You wanna elaborate on that?"
Mokuba frowned and glanced at the TV. "Oh, she's not feeling well today?"
Kaiba shot up on the couch, a baffled expression on his face. "How did you know that?"
Looking surprised at his brother's reaction, Mokuba said, "Because she was in here watching a Disney movie?"
"But how did you know that meant she didn't feel well?"
"She always watches a movie, usually Disney, when she isn't feeling well."
Seto groaned and said, "I think you know my girlfriend better than I do."
"No," Mokuba said. "I know some stuff about her you may not because we're together in the house more often, but you definitely know her in a really different way than I do."
"I'd hope so."
"You know what I mean," Mokuba rolled his eyes. "So what were you arguing about?"
The older Kaiba sat up and said, "Well, first about how I haven't asked her about these weird movie nights until now. Then about our different opinions on your involvement in Kaiba Corp. And then about our communication in general."
"What did she say?"
Seto lifted a brow and asked, "Why?"
"I'm curious. And maybe talking about it will help you in some way."
He gave his brother a slightly more detailed recap of their conversation and waited for him to say something. When Mokuba did speak up, he asked, "You know she has valid points, right? Bro, your lifestyle isn't healthy for you physically or mentally, and it isn't good for your relationship with Miyuki."
"We work because we aren't overly involved in each other," he argued.
Mokuba frowned and said, "I know, but don't you think maybe you could be more involved without being overly involved? Shouldn't you want to know her weird little quirks like the movie thing?"
"It's not that I don't want to spend more time with her. It's that I don't have the time to do it, and she needs to understand that."
"But if you'd let me do more for the company, you'd have more time for Miyuki," he reasoned. Then, before his brother could protest, Mokuba continued, "I know you think that isn't what's best for me, and that it isn't what I want, but this company has been a part of life since we were adopted, too. You got the worst parts of it, and I know that you want to protect me from those things, but you don't need to anymore. I'm nineteen and I've been taking classes at university for a year. I'm not as qualified as you, obviously, but I'm working on it and I want to learn how to fill my role at the company that's changed both of our lives so much."
Seto considered his brother for a moment, his chest tightening. His brother was an adult now. He wasn't the ten year old boy who people kept kidnapping, the boy who followed him around and did tech jobs for him. Their relationship had always been different. They were very close as brothers, surely, but Seto had been his guardian, too. He was caught between feeling like he didn't want his brother to grow up anymore, to remain under his protection, and pride for the man he was becoming. And he was nineteen; Seto had been CEO for several years at that age. Finally, he nodded. "We'll talk about what you would like your role to be tomorrow afternoon."
Mokuba smiled widely and said, "Thanks, Seto. Now, maybe you should go reconcile with Mikyuki."
Slowly, the elder Kaiba nodded. He stood and clapped his brother on the shoulder in thanks. Mokuba smiled in understanding. Seto left the room, making a quick trip to the kitchen before heading to the bedroom he shared with his girlfriend. When he slowly pushed open the door to the room, he wasn't surprised to see Miyuki was still awake, sitting up in bed with Cinnamon, her corgi, in her lap. She looked up from scratching between the happy dog's ears. He held back the comment about not liking her dog in their bed, instead crossing the room and approaching her. Cinnamon, as if sensing her owner's anger, looked at him with a light growl. Miyuki didn't chastise her, letting him know her anger hadn't subsided at all.
"Here," he said, offering her a plate which held a brownie.
"Thanks," she said shortly, accepting the plate and placing it on her nightstand.
Gazing warily at the over-protective corgi, he asked, "Can we talk?"
He shrugged off his suit jacket, placing it back in his closet before sitting on his side of the bed. Cinnamon yipped at him, and he dared not move any closer. "I spoke with Mokuba, and you two have convinced me. If he wants a more significant role at the company, then I'll give him one. It will be beneficial for me, and for us."
"That'll be good," she nodded, though there was still iciness to her voice.
He nodded. "We're going to hammer out the details tomorrow afternoon." She merely nodded and he asked, "Do you want to get lunch before I meet with him?"
"I dunno," she said, patting her dog affectionately.
"Miyu, I'm sorry, alright? I got too used to our separate schedules, and I got lazy. It was easier to go to bed and avoid conversations, and I took the easy way out. I'm in the wrong."
"Seto, I understand. But I don't want to keep falling into this kind of rut. We're young, and this is our time to really just be us together before we start a family and-"
She broke off when a small grin turned her boyfriend's lips. He explained, "I'm happy you see this relationship as being so long term, despite my flaws."
"Of course I do," she said gently. "I have flaws, too, and you deal with them. I know it annoys you that I insist on doing my own laundry despite there being a maid here, and that it bothers you that I won't drive any of the many cars you've offered to me. And I know I'm not the ideal woman to bring to the business parties you have to go to, since I'm so awkward around rich people. But I love you, and can't see my future without you, and I hope you can't envision one without me."
"It's not a future I'd desire," he said simply.
Miyuki picked Cinnamon up off her lap, offering him the tan and white canine. He took her reluctantly, setting her in his own lap as his girlfriend turned to the brownie he'd brought her. Kaiba idly scratched behind the dog's ear, causing the dog to turn and lick his hand before returning to her original position to wait expectantly for him to continue. As the auburn haired woman ate the dessert, the young CEO asked, "You know that I do love you, right?"
"Of course," she replied with a soft smile. She placed the empty plate on her nightstand, noticing that he looked suddenly lost in thought.
"I hadn't planned on doing this now, or like this, but… We should get married."
Miyuki blinked in surprise before she dissolved into laughter. Seto's cheeks flushed brilliantly and he glared at her. Cinnamon looked up at him, curious as to why the scratching had stopped, but he didn't care. He opened his mouth to spew something rude, when Miyuki said, "I'm surprised at the timing, but that was the most Seto Kaiba proposal I could've imagined."
"What's that supposed to mean? I said I hadn't planned this," he spat.
"I meant because it wasn't even a question," she replied with a giggle. He huffed and rolled his eyes, and she chuckled. A grin on her lips, she answered, "Seto, I'd like it if we got married."
"Okay, then we'll do it. When?"
"When do you want to?"
"I don't care. Don't women usually have all the details planned years in advance? I can guarantee anything you want for your dream wedding."
Miyuki shook her head. "No, it's not just my wedding. It's yours, too. My only condition is that I don't want something too extravagant. You know I'd be uncomfortable at some like… several hundred thousand dollar thing."
He couldn't help the small smile that turned up his lips. "Yeah, I know. Okay. How about next spring? Things will have calmed down at work after the post-holiday rush."
"Okay," Miyuki nodded. "Can Cinnamon be the flower girl?"
"Yeah, sure," he shrugged.
With a mischievous smile, the young woman said, "I think we may need to get her a brother so we'll have a ring bearer."
Seto raised a skeptical brow. "Or we could keep the fur all over the house to a minimum. Besides, we have a hard enough time trying to keep the occupancy of this bed to two."
"But maybe if Cinnamon had another dog around, she wouldn't want to sleep with us!" Miyuki reasoned.
Seto let out a sigh and said, "This sounds like a discussion for later."
"Fine," she allowed. "Shall we talk more about all this tomorrow at lunch?"
"Sure," he assented. He gently picked Cinnamon up and set her on the floor, ordering, "Go lay down in your bed."
He was surprised when she actually listened, trotting over to her plush bed in the corner of their room, circling it a few times, before dropping down on it. Miyuki scooted closer, carefully untying his tie and slipping it from around his neck.
"You know," she said thoughtfully as she began unbuttoning his shirt. "The only bad thing about this is that I had always planned on having screw-your-brains-out engagement sex. But my stupid period…"
"I don't care if you don't," he shrugged, letting his eyes wander to the loose neckline of her top.
"No way; you know I can't stand being touched when I'm cramping." She winked flirtatiously and said, "Of course, I always seem to feel extra hot under the collar once all the symptoms are gone."
He smirked and said, "I'll ask again in a few days then."
"Perfect," she smiled.
Kaiba tossed his shirt over the side of the bed, soon dropping his pants as well. He shifted and pulled the comforter down, revealing that Miyuki wore her favorite black sweatpants and a black sports bra. Miyuki groaned, quickly gathering the comforter around her waist despite how it made it harder for her now fiancé to climb into bed with her.
"Seriously?" he lifted a brow.
"You know I'm self-conscious on a good day, but today I'm so bloated…"
He scoffed and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him. "There's no reason to be self-conscious."
She smiled at his usual method of complimenting her in a roundabout way. "Perhaps next month we could watch a movie together."
"Sure. We can do that."
"With our two corgis?"
He sighed. "We'll see."
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! All views, favorites, follows and reviews are sincerely appreciated. The next part is written and in the editing stages, so this should be complete soon.
Also, I own nothing, obviously.