After his fifth blood withdrawal, it occurred to Bellamy that he was probably never getting out of Mount Weather, that when he finally did succumb, it would not be surrounded by friends and family, but by sterile medical equipment and caged grounders. He supposed there were worse ways to go. He could have been killed by one of the many grounder traps in the woods. He could have died from the sickness that had past through the camp many months ago. He could have been Finn, killed by someone he loved to save him from an even more brutal fate. So as he hung upside down, feeling dizzier by the second, he reminded himself that there were worse ways go.

He originally didn't even think he'd make it this long, but that psycho Cage and his pet lady doctor Tsing realized that his blood seemed to heal people faster than the grounders' blood. They drained him enough to lose consciousness and then the'd start back over a couple of days later. He didn't know how long he'd been there, but it seemed an eternity since he had last seen Clarke Griffin, her sunshine hair blowing in the wind. He thought of her last words to him.

"I was being weak."

He held on to her words, Octavia's smile, Jasper's jokes, Raven's quick wit, to Monty's compassion. He missed them fiercely. He wondered if they missed him.

He knew trusting Lincoln was risky, he had been too raw from the withdrawal. He didn't blame him of course, he just wished things had worked out a little differently. He hoped he'd returned safely to Octavia, that she was nursing him back to health, not worrying about her big brother. He wasn't worth that concern. Bellamy liked to think that this punishment was some sort of penance for the innocent deaths he had caused. He killed his mother, all those people on the ark, Wells was his fault too. Maybe this is what the Universe decided was fair for him. To die; alone and broken.

He hadn't even realized Cage had entered the small prison until he hit the button that caused the machine holding him to unceremoniously drop him on the ground. Before the guards that had followed Cage unstrapped him, they stuck a needle in his neck, releasing a flood of drugs into his system. They'd done this before. It burned and made him weak and made him see things. Horrible, horrible things. He remembered the mushrooms that had caused him to hallucinate Jaha and all those other people he had murdered. They sat him up against a wall and his head lolled to one side. Cage motioned for the guards to leave as he looked down at Bellamy without feeling. Perhaps if he pretended someone wasn't human, it's easier to do the horrible things he did. He knelt down to get on level with Bellamy and turned his head so the drugged man could make eye contact with him.

"How are you feeling?" Cage asked him.

Bellamy would have snorted if he had had the energy so instead he glared.

"I see. Dr. Tsing was wondering, as you know, you are very special to her."

"She has a funny way of showing it," Bellamy let out a hoarse whisper.

"Ah, so the young man does still have a fierce spirit. I'm sure you'll need it in a few hours. Dr. Tsing has decided to do some more experiments with you. It seems you are even more resilient than the 47 we already have, it is quite impressive."

At the mention of the 47, Bellamy felt rage and worry surge in his chest. Were they okay? Were they being spared? He couldn't bare the thought of them suffering this fate. It was too awful and they were too young.

"You...leave...them-" Bellamy tried to gasp out but the drugs were starting to burn even in more, causing him to shudder.

"Oh please, enough of the hero talk. You can barely move. What will you do, huh? You are weak. Weak Bellamy Blake."

Bellamy looked up, Cage had never used his name before. How did it he even know it? Cage must have sensed Bellamy's confusion because he sneered and stood up, facing a wall of cage of grounders who shrieked at the sight of him, back towards Bellamy.

"Surprised aren't we? Well while You were out, I brought one of your little friends down here to identify you. It seems you're their leader? Well at least the second in command, we both know who is really in charge."

"Clarke," Bellamy whimpered.

Cage turned to face him, sneer still on his face, "That's right Bellamy. She's much more important than you, much smarter, your people need her, you, on the other hand, are just collateral damage. Jasper didn't even bat an eye when he saw you; shoved in that tiny cage, drugged and bloodletted. I don't think they'll mind if we keep you at all."

Bellamy tried to pretend that didn't hurt. He knew Cage was lying, Jasper and him had become friends after a while. He'd saved Jasper's life and the kid reminded him of it often. No way he'd be okay with this.

"You're lying."

"How could you know Bellamy? You've been here three weeks and no one has come for you. Clarke won't come for you. She doesn't care."

"That's not-"

Cage bent down quickly again and slapped Bellamy across the face. Bellamy felt his lip split and looked up dazed at Cage.

"Do not argue with me. Nobody cares about you Bellamy. You are a murderer. I do what is best for my people, but you? You do what is best for yourself. You killed hundreds on the ark. Why would anyone care about you?"


"You talk in your sleep. You scream about it every night. All those people dead. How do you even sleep?"

Bellamy tried to shake his head, tried to blink away the tears that had formed in his eyes, but he could them slip down his cheeks. This was humiliating. Cage was manipulating him and it was working. He was making him weak. He could not be weak. He looked up at Cage, defiance in his eyes. Cage looked unaffected.

"Tsing is going to perform a series of tests on you. I suspect they'll will be extremely painful. I hope they are at least. Maybe I'll even bring some of your little friends to watch. In fact, I know just who."

Cage stood up once more and suddenly, his foot slammed down on Bellamy's hand. Bellamy let out a pained gasped as he heard his fingers shattered. The burning drugs were nothing to the white, hot blistering pain that coursed through his throbbing hand. He felt himself start crying again and he didn't even care. His whole body ached. Cage shouted for who Bellamy guessed were the guards. They lifted Bellamy roughly off the ground and shoved him back in his cage. He clutched his hand tighter to his chest and watched as Cage came closer to him.

"Sleep tight Bellamy, I can't wait to see you in the morning," and one last evil smile, he had gone, guards trailing behind him.

Bellamy was surprised to find the room almost silent, save for his heavy breathing. The grounders had all stopped their screaming and if Bellamy had to guess, they were all staring at him. He looked out and was unsurprised to see Clarke standing in front of his cage, her body covered in blood, tears streaked down her face. She and Octavia were often the hallucinations that appeared to him. Cage always stayed right until they were supposed to kick in. Bellamy liked to think this was some game he played with Bellamy. It was awful and cruel and it was just like Cage to do this to him.

Clarke was banging on his cage, screaming at him.

"Why didn't you save me Bellamy! You killed me! You killed Wells! You killed everyone! You're a monster!"

Bellamy pushed himself to back of his cage, shaking his head and covering his ears.

"You're not real. You're not real. You're not real."

"You killed me! You're a monster! A monster!"

"Please stop," he begged her, he just needed her to stop screaming at him, just for a moment. He needed just a moment of relief.

"She's not there Skaikru. She's a vision."

Bellamy looked to Echo, the grounder who was caged next to him. She had a look of sympathy and gentleness on her face. She gestured to the front of his cage.

"She is not real. That man, he's playing tricks on your mind. You should sleep. You'll need your strength for... tomorrow."

She told him this every time he had one of these hallucinations. She'd always tell him to sleep. This time, it seemed she really even meant it, which made his stomach crawl at the thought of what Tsing wanted to do to him.

"I don't think I can sleep. I just see her there too," Bellamy said, gesturing at the screaming girl who wasn't even there.

Echo nodded in understanding.

"Lay down Skaikru."

Bellamy did his best to contort himself into a semi comfortable lying down position. Echo reached her hand through the bars and rested it on top of Bellamy's head. She dragged her fingers through his sweat slicked curls, soothing him. She hummed a soft melody, somehow overpowering the imaginary Clarke's shrieks. In this moment, Bellamy allowed himself a moment to fully break. He sobbed quietly as Echo hummed for him. Tears rolled down his cheeks and into the cage below, but that grounder generously made no sound of complaint. He thought of the real Clarke and her last words to him.

"I was being weak."

He wondered how she'd think he was if she saw him that moment.

Hope you guys enjoyed that! Leave reviews please!