~~~~~Zatanna's POV~~~~~

I slowly opened my eyes as I removed the Helmet of Fate. It felt good to be back in my own body once again. Standing in front of me waiting was my dad. I smiled right before embracing him.

"Zatanna." my dad said in relief. 'Its finally over! Everything is back to normal' He slowly began to pull away from me. "Remember, I love you." He placed a kiss on my forehead. "Take care of my girl." Dad looked toward the team and Batman. 'Whats going on?'

"You have my word." Batman replied. 'No he's not doing what I think he is' I thought as my dad nodded as he began to lift the Helmet of Fate.

"No! Dad, please this was my fault! Dad don't! Dad!" I cried out to no avail. It was too late. He had put on the helmet. My dad was gone, taken by Doctor Fate. He turned away from me before I could reach him. He flew into the air, bringing along the defeated sorcerers. In a bright flash of golden light, they were gone.

I fell to my knees in despair. 'This can't be happening. He's gone. All because I made a stupid mistake. This isn't happening'

The next day, the team helped me move my stuff from my house to an empty room in the cave.

"My room is right next door." M'Gann said as the last of my belongings was placed here. "If you need anything-"

"Thanks but I...uh...could use a little...alone time right now." I interrupt.

"Of course." Artemis replied. She and M'Gann walked out. Robin reluctantly left after pausing in the doorframe. Once they were gone I sat down on my bed and began to cry.

It's finally hit me that my dad is really gone, and its all my fault. I put on the helmet, and he paid the ultimate price. I should be suffering the consequences not him.

I don't know if I can handle seeing Doctor Fate on the news everyday using my dad like a new coat. It would be a constant reminder of what I caused because I tried to be the hero. Maybe if I wasn't a hero, this wouldn't have happened. If I was normal, I'd still have my dad.

I jumped slightly as one of the boxes fell to the floor. I slowly walked to pick up the contents. I looked inside and see some of dad's charms and magic books.

I nearly start to sob all over again. Memories began to flood my mind of all the times dad helped me with my magic. All those times he was patient with me while training. Now I'll never hear him encourage me or even yell at me. He did it all because he loved me.

I moved the box as I picked up everything. A small charm caught my attention. It was a flat stone with metallic dots. I recognized this charm from one of the walkabouts dad used to go on. He told me this charm would take him to visit a friend of his in another world. He said once I turned 16 he'd take me with him.

A thought began to take form. 'Maybe I could live a normal life in another world. Have a fresh start.' I immediately began looking through his spell books. Finally I found what I was looking for.

The spell needed seemed to be simple enough. This is just what I needed. It wouldn't be forever but, I needed to get away to deal with this and be normal for a while.

I dug around through boxes until I found a backpack. Inside I found a piece of paper and a pen. I quickly wrote out a note to the team. They will probably hate me for this but, I have to do this. I set it on the bed.

I close the remaining boxes. "Knirhs lla eht sexob dna rieht stnetnoc ot tif ni ym kcapkcab!" I chanted as all the boxes became smaller. Once the spell was complete I picked up my stuff and placed it inside the backpack.

"Here goes nothing." I took a deep breath as I focused on the stone in my hands before beginning the spell. "Ekat em morf eht mlaer ni hcihw I eil, ot eno ssorca ecaps dna emit!" I cried out as the stone began to glow. The light began to consume me until I felt myself vanish.

I landed in the middle of a street. Before I could get a better look around, I felt dizzy. Soon I felt the ground become closer as I lost consciousness.

Hey guys! This story has just been on my mind lately and I wanted to try it out here. I know I have another story going that I'm also working on updating but, I couldn't resist. Hopefully, this one will be well received. Anyway please review (no flames please!), follow and favorite if you like. Have a great day!