Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight

Chapter 1: Lost Child

Annie's POV

Who would've known that one decision. One little decision could have a huge impact on your life. An impact so huge that it would change your life forever?

I wasn't talking about big decisions like going to college or getting married. No. I had already done both of those things. I had started college as soon as I graduated high school at the age of 18. Now here I was about to get my masters degree in social work at the age of 25.

I had gotten married at the age of 22 and had a baby boy at 23. I was already pregnant with my second child, a girl, who was due in just a few months.

I was certain that there was nothing else that could happen to change my life so dramatically. Not now anyway. I certainly never would have guessed that a simple walk with my dog was change my life.

Ellie was a five month old German shepherd puppy that my husband Paul was trying to train to for search and rescue work. Key word 'trying' as the puppy was more interested in playing then learning how to locate missing people. Paul had just recently joined the NYPD's search and rescue canine unit. The only problem is that he lacked a canine partner right now.

Paul had selected Ellie from a breeder a few months back. I chose the name Ellie because of the book A Dog's Purpose. My husband thought I was nuts but I didn't care.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized that Ellie had stopped walking. I didn't realize it until I had walked so far that there was no more leash room.

"Ellie come on" I said. She looked anxious for some reason.

"Come on girl" she whimpered and started to shake.

"What's wrong?"

She looked in the opposite direction. She looked really anxious. I decided to do something crazy. I let her off of her leash.

She ran and I ran after her. She led me to a small building that was on fire. She barked like crazy. There were no fire trucks or anything so I assumed that no one had called 911 yet.

Ellie surprised me when she ran through an open door. She came back a few minutes later with a small, extraordinarily beautiful little girl. She had bronze curly hair and the palest skin you had ever seen. There were large tears streaming out of her chocolate brown eyes as she clutched onto Ellie.

I ran to the little girl.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

She coughed.

"Jacob just left me there. He said he'd be right back but he didn't come back. Then later the fire started!" she cried.

So someone named Jacob had abandoned her here?

My maternal instincts took over and I took the small girl into my arms and comforted her as she cried.

"What is your name? Where are your parents?"

"My name is Renesmee and I don't know where my parents are. I don't even know where I am!" she cried.

Not long after that day my husband and I adopted that little girl. We couldn't leave her alone with no one. We refused to leave her alone.

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