Title Taking Hermione - Rating M

Chapter 01 – The Yule Ball

Summary Hermione Granger is on a date at the Yule Ball with Drumstrang Champion Viktor Krum. What happens when he suggests that she join him for a nightcap and why does she never want to go anywhere near Krum again?

Pairings Viktor/Poliakoff/Hermione, Harry/Hermione

Warnings Contains mentions of rape and Ron Bashing.

-Taking Hermione-

The Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland

25th December 1994

Hermione came over and sat down in Parvati's empty chair. She was a bit pink in the face from dancing.

"Hi," said Harry. Ron didn't say anything, but instead growled at the female member of the Golden Trio.

"It's hot, isn't it?" said Hermione, fanning herself with her hand. "Viktor's just gone to get some drinks."

Ron gave her a withering look. "Viktor?" he said. "Hasn't he asked you to call him Vicky yet?"

Hermione looked at him in surprise. "What's up with you?" she said.

"If you don't know," said Ron scathingly, "I'm not going to tell you."

Hermione stared at him, then at Harry, who shrugged. "Ron, what — ?"

"He's from Durmstrang!" spat Ron. "He's competing against Harry! Against Hogwarts! You…you're…" Ron was obviously casting around for words strong enough to describe Hermione's crime, "You're fraternizing with the enemy, that's what you're doing!"

Hermione's mouth fell open. "Don't be so stupid!" she said after a moment. "The enemy! Honestly…who was the one who was all excited when they saw him arrive? Who was the one who wanted his autograph? Who's got a model of him up in their dormitory?"

Ron chose to ignore this. "I suppose he asked you to come with him while you were both in the library?"

"Yes, he did," said Hermione, the pink patches on her cheeks glowing more brightly. "So what?"

"What happened? Trying to get him to join spew, were you?"

"No, I wasn't! If you really want to know, he…he said he'd been coming up to the library every day to try and talk to me, but he hadn't been able to pluck up the courage, especially as he knew Harry and I are friends!"

Hermione said this very quickly, and blushed so deeply that she was the same colour as Parvati's robes. 'Although if a certain green eyed hunk would ask if I wanted to be his girlfriend, I wouldn't say no!'

"Yeah, well that's his story," said Ron nastily.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Obvious, isn't it? He's Karkaroff 's student, isn't he? He knows who you hang around with! He's just trying to get closer to Harry to get inside information on him, or get near enough to jinx him!"

Hermione looked as though Ron had slapped her. When she spoke, her voice quivered. "For your information, he hasn't asked me one single thing about Harry, not one!"

Ron changed tack at the speed of light. "Then he's hoping you'll help him find out what his egg means! I suppose you've been putting your heads together during those cosy little library sessions and we all know that he and you are together"

"I'd never help him work out that egg!" said Hermione, looking outraged. "Never. How could you say something like that! I want Harry to win the tournament, Harry knows that, don't you, Harry?"

Harry nodded at Hermione in agreement, having spent sleepless nights with Hermione, tying to work out the clue to the egg.

"Anyway, I don't fancy Viktor. I…I am in love with someone else, someone who I know loves me too…"

"You've got a funny way of showing it," sneered Ron whispering something under his breath that Hermione or Harry didn't hear, calling her a Mudblood whore.

"This whole tournament's supposed to be about getting to know foreign wizards and making friends with them!" said Hermione hotly.

"No it isn't!" shouted Ron. "It's about winning!" People were starting to stare at them.

"Ron," said Harry quietly, "I haven't got a problem with Hermione coming with Krum. In fact, I was going to ask her, but Viktor spoke to me and I said that if he wanted to go with Hermione as friends, it was alright with me."

But Ron ignored Harry too. "Why don't you go and find Vicky, he'll be wondering where you are," said Ron.

"Don't call him Vicky!" Hermione said, jumping to her feet and storming off across the dance floor, disappearing into the crowd as she saw Andrei Poliakoff, a friend of Viktor's. Ron watched her go with a mixture of anger and satisfaction on his face.

"Are you going to ask me to dance at all?" Padma asked him.

"No," said Ron, still glaring after Hermione.

"Fine," snapped Padma, and she got up and went to join Parvati and the Beauxbatons boy, who conjured up one of his friends to join them so fast that Harry could have sworn he had zoomed him there by a Summoning Charm.

"Vare is Herm-own-ninny?" said a voice. Krum had just arrived at their table clutching two glasses of punch.

"No idea," said Ron mulishly, looking up at him. "Lost her, have you?"

Krum was looking surly again. "Veil, if you see her, tell her I look for her." He said, turning around to the sight of the girl who he was looking for.

"Viktor. I was just asking Andrei if he knew how long you would be!" Hermione said, taking a sip of the punch that had been handed to her, unaware that Krum had spiked it with a date rape potion that he had got from his headmaster.

After seeing Ron storm off, Harry gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek and left her with Viktor alone as he had trusted Krum based on his sincerity. Little did Harry know what Krum and his friend, Poliakoff, would do to the object of his affections

Krum looked at the receding figure of the Boy-Who-Lived and smiled. 'Nakraya az imam, che Mudblood na Potŭrs do sebe si. Moga da napravya tova, koeto iska na direktora i slozhi kraĭ na Potŭr liniya zavinagi (Finally I have got that Mudblood of Potters to myself. I can do what the Headmaster wants and end the Potter line forever.)' Krum thought in his native Bulgarian, the plan that he had since the announcement of the Yule Ball coming together.

"Vell, if your friends have finished, I offer you a…how you say…nightcap?" Viktor said, smiling as he watched Hermione looking in the direction of his fellow TriWizard competitor. Squeezing her rear, Hermione frowned at him, but was unable to fight his advances, having finished the punch, the potion taking affect in her system.

As Hermione felt herself following the Bulgarian Seeker, she was unaware that his friend, Andrei Poliakoff was right behind her, and that her heading to the Durmstrang ship would result in something that would change her life, forever.

-Taking Hermione-

Coming up in ... Chapter 02 ... Hermione suffers from the aftermath...

Disclaimer I don't own the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. Any text used from the Harry Potter series is used under the fair use allowances of various copyright acts

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Type Multi-Chapter - Status In Progress

Distribution FFN, AO3, GryffindorTom Online

Story ID 245 - Publish Date 08/01/2017