I've gotten a couple requests for Rory-related fics, so I decided to just lump them all together in one series called Sugar and Spice, a collection of drabbles about Leonard and Sara's daughter

This prompt (Len doing Rory's hair) was requested ages ago because of something I wrote in another fic a while back. It might have been Mickey Mouse, but I might also be wrong.

"Len," Sara called from somewhere in the house, "I'm running late, do you mind getting Rory ready for gymnastics? You just need to get her into a leotard and do her hair."

"Sure." Leonard. He found his four year old daughter Rory lying halfway under her bed.

"Whatcha doing, kid?" Leonard asked, sitting beside Rory.

"I'm battling the monsters," Rory replied, her voice muffled.

"Well, you're gonna be late for gymnastics if you don't get ready, so how about you wrap up your battle?"

Rory shimmied out from underneath the bed.

"Why isn't Mommy helping me get ready?"

"Because Mommy's running late, and she wants to get you to gymnastics on time."

"Why's Mommy running late?"

"She overslept." Leonard lied.

Sara had actually been helping Rip with a mission and had just returned from Cairo, 1000 A.D, but she and Leonard had decided when Rory was born that they wouldn't tell her about that part of their lives until she was older and they could ensure she wouldn't go around telling her friends (or, more importantly, her friends' parents) that her parents were time-traveling superheroes.

Leonard waited for Rory to pick out a leotard — she opted for a shiny purple one — and helped her put it on. He then grabbed a hairbrush and some elastics from the top of Rory's dresser and sat down on her bed.

"How does Mommy do your hair?" Leonard asked as Rory climbed up on the bed and sat in his lap.

"Up," Rory replied simply.

"Yes, I know that," Leonard chuckled, "but how?"

"She does it different ways. Some days she does a ponytail, and some days she does a bun or braids or somethin' like that."

"How do you want me to do it, then?"

"I like that braid that goes all the way up my head." Rory pointed to a point on the top of her scalp. Leonard thought for a moment about what she could be referring to.

"A French braid?"

"Yeah, that."

Leonard picked up the hairbrush and began running it through Rory's blonde hair. "You know, when Auntie Lisa and I were younger, I used to do her hair for school every day."


"Yeah. I got pretty good too." he began to braid Rory's hair, weaving the three separated strands across each other. Rory leaned into his touch, resting her back against his torso and tipping her head down so he could reach her hair. "So what's going on at gymnastics today?"

"My teacher's gonna decide if she wants to put me in the big kid class instead of the one I'm in now," Rory replied.

"You're getting that good, are you?"

Rory shrugged. "Last time I got bored, and the big kid class on the other part of the room looked more fun so I went there instead."

"Rory, honey," Leonard chuckled, "you can't just leave your class if you get bored."

"But they only do easy stuff," she whined. "I can do somersaults already, but we only do those. The big kids do hard stuff like handstands and backbends."

Leonard decided to drop the matter, both because there was no sense stopping Rory once she got her mind on something — she was like her mother in that way — and if she was wanted to get into the older gymnastics class, she would not rest until it happened, but also because he'd finally finished Rory's braid. He tied an elastic around the end and clipped back any stray hairs.

"Done," he said.

"I wanna see," Rory said. Leonard lifted her up to the mirror hanging over the dresser. Rory tipped her forehead down to get a better look at her hair. Slowly, her mouth spread into a wide smile.

"You do braids better than Mommy," she commented, running a hand over her hair.

"What does Daddy do better than me?" Sara asked, appearing in the doorway.

"I want Daddy to do my hair every day!" Rory exclaimed, bounding over to her mother. Sara looked over Leonard's handiwork.

"Wow, Len," Sara said, looking impressed, "Good job. I officially resign. The job's all yours."

"Now you get to do it, Daddy," Rory giggled.

"I'm honored," Leonard smiled.

"Ready to go, Rory?" Sara asked, tipping her head towards the door. Rory nodded. "Okay, go get your shoes and wait by the car. I'll be there in a second, I just want to talk to Daddy."

Rory nodded again and bounded enthusiastically out of the room.

"It sounds like she's inherited our distaste for rules." Leonard said, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I'm sort of surprised the gymnastics teacher can tolerate her so well." Sara shook her head.

"She's a good kid."

"Yeah, she is."

Hope you enjoyed! Chapter 2 is on its way!