Death: Now that things have calmed down in this story, let's get down to sweet moments. And maybe throw in some crazy with a dash of jealousy. Yep, things are getting weird.

Chapter Five Courting


Leading up to the first expedition with the fresh recruits and a titan shifter among them, there was nearly nonstop courting between Levi and his alphas. He never showed favor of one over the other. He had remained true to his word that he was his fair with his partners, for as long as they were interested in him, then he didn't need to create tension by playing small games most omegas did just for the fun of it.

However, it was starting to feel like the alphas were trying to outdo each other as time went by.

One morning he was about to make himself a cup of tea, only to find his favorite kind had run out. He made a comment about it, of which Erwin had overheard as he was making himself coffee. Then the next day, the cabinets were stuffed with enough quantities of his favorite tea to last a year. He stared into the cabinet, dumbfounded, unsure what to make of the extreme gift.

Eren must have caught on it was from Erwin, and decided he wanted to make the captain's first cup.

"Brat, you don't have to - "

"But I can't buy anything that expensive to make you happy! At least let me do this, captain." Eren pouted, possible mate or not he disregarded his alpha status and saw Levi as above him.

How is it an alpha can pass off being cute? I can't deny that face.

"...Fine. Just this once. But, you don't have to buy anything expensive to get my attention. I'm not like those pampered bitches in the inner city." Levi gave in, only because he felt sorry for the young alpha.

I'm not favoring him, just helping him feel better about himself.

"Then what do you think of the commander pulling a move like this?" Eren blinked as he began to heat up a teapot.

"While I find it endearing for the thought, he didn't need to get so much." Levi stated honestly.

"Hey, they're all different variations." Armin pointed out, as he had a closer look at the containers.

"Serious? Is that why my nose is messed up right now?" Levi picked up two containers to read them more carefully.

He's right, they're all slightly different by just one ingredient.

"Well, that saves my taste buds from dying of boredom, I guess." The captain commented.

"How do you sweeten your tea, captain?" Eren didn't want to risk messing up the tea.

"Two spoons of honey. With a dash of milk." Levi answered, and a moment later he was presented with a cup.

He accepted it, fingers around the top edges like usual, and took a sip. Levi knew it was the same amount he had always done, but this tasted different. It tasted better, somehow. It took him a moment to realize Eren was awaiting for his approval of the tea he poured his heart into.

That's why it's different. He put his love into it, it even tastes better than Farlan's teas.

"It's good. You're making my teas every morning from now on. Now, I believe you have some chores you've been slacking off these last few days to take care of." Levi smirked as the brat scrambled off to get to work, and he caught sight of tanned cheeks blushing.

Just because he's courting me doesn't mean he will get special treatment from me.

"You know, I never thought he would find someone who would have him whipped. Growing up, he seemed like he would have his future mate to be more caring and adoring. It's weird seeing him like this." Armin commented, and he resisted the shiver when cold eyes glared at him.

"I'm just saying it's a good change, it's helping him to be a little more humble instead of hardheaded." The blonde instantly elaborated, his voice shaking a little.

"Hange said one chemical added into an equation, it changes everything. Maybe because he's sharing with a high alpha is bringing out this change." Levi relaxed, remembering as a high omega, he had a little more power to even make even alphas cower underneath him.

"I was thinking it's because of your status of high omega. And, since you're still captain in the Survey Corp, he's not one to ignore ranks after years being drilled by a high beta." Mikasa added her own opinion.

"Shardis? I remember him as the commander before he retired and stepped down." Levi knew who she was referring to.

"What was he like as commander of the Survey Corp?" Armin blinked, curious.

"While he did have the makings of a good leader, he was horrible with strategy. He understood how things worked, and didn't think outside the box. That reflected bad on his career as commander. I pitied him for it, as he had the ability to make anyone follow him to their deaths, similarly to Erwin. But he recognized when it was time to stop the mass suicides and stepped down when Erwin had proven he could be the leader the Survey Corp needed." Levi explained, brutally honest.

"Was he loud and obnoxious in those days?" Jean groaned as he worked on the dishes.

"Sounds like he hasn't changed one bit. About the only time I saw him quiet was when he was testing how the three of us Erwin brought out from the Underground City were mentally strong. He, of course, managed to frighten the other two. But he took one look at me, and without even saying a word he headbutted his bald ass onto my forehead, then proceeded to walk away." Levi snickered at the memory.

This earned him a few chuckles from the others at the mental image.

"That's the first I've heard you mention the other two that came with you from the Underground City." Petra didn't mean to make him flinch for pointing out an observation, and she bit her lip as the beta grew nervous.

"I'm not upset at you, just the memories hit hard when I recall them." Levi assured her, and she calmed down.

To avoid anyone from pestering anymore questions, he left the kitchen to finish his breakfast somewhere else. A part of him wanted to head straight to the commander's office, but he felt it best he let the alphas come to him. No sense in getting anyone's hopes up, in his opinion. So he went for the stables and happily ate in front of his mare's stall.

What am I going to do if those two get out of hand?

He had to admit, he enjoyed the attention and affections he was getting from them. But he didn't want them to start getting jealous and start going overboard to grab his attention. Levi was a simple man, he grew up with little luxury, as he grew up in the Underground City where clean clothes and food was a luxury.

"So what are you doing out here, for?" A voice interrupted his thoughts, and Levi glanced up to see Mike.

"They're starting to feel threatened by each other's advances towards me. I think soon they're going to start fighting each other if they don't calm their shit and realize I don't need extravagant gifts." Levi stated, knowing he could trust this alpha.

"And you're trying to figure out how to nip this problem at the bud, right?" Mike concluded, he could see how that would become a problem arising between two alphas sharing.

"Yeah, I suppose." Levi took a sip of his tea.

"I knew you were an omega the moment we met. But because of your attitude, I was too scared to bring it up. In a way, it was probably better off, for those two would see me as competition for being a close friend who knew your secret before anyone else." The blonde said as he fed his horse.

"An alpha scared of an omega? That's some shit I don't hear everyday." The short captain scoffed.

"And we have every right to be scared of a high omega. High omegas have the potential of even making high alphas kneel, if some stories of old can be believed. And I have to say, I think you can give the commander a run for his money if the two of you ever fought." Mike reasoned, dumping the dirty water from the bucket into the dirt with a splash.

"You really think so? I mean, I used to hate him, when we first met. Back then I didn't see alphas in a good light, and it didn't help when he was cunning and easily anticipated my moves. There has been only one person who can anticipate my movements, so that tells you how much even Isabel and Farlan knew of me." Levi shrugged.

"And now what do you think of him?" Mike inquired, refilling the bucket before placing it inside the stall.

"I respect him. He's a good leader, and knows how to execute near flawless expeditions. There are still lives lost, but not in mass numbers compared to when Shardis was commander. He's the only person of authority I would put my trust in without question. And it takes a lot to earn my trust and respect to those with high positions." The little omega explained.

"And now that he's a potential mate?"

The captain debated for a moment before answering.

"...I care for him deeply. Eren, too. I just want to cut the drama before anything serious happens."

"Well, I might be able to help with that. It might be a little unconventional, but it might make them stop focusing on which of them is getting your attention best." Mike was smiling.

"...What are you planning? You never smile, you sly alpha." Levi stared, unused to seeing him smile like that.

"It might be best you don't know. Don't worry, it will be harmless, but it will grab their attention." Was all Mike would say on the matter before walking away.

I hope this doesn't end bad.


Two days later Levi received a bouquet of flowers. There was no name that came with it, but it was delivered from one of the best florists in the inner city. Levi walked into the kitchens like usual, and he stopped short at the sight of the flowers. He didn't like flowers, but he felt his heart flutter from the tender thought behind them.

And somehow someone knew what his favorite flowers were.

He stared at the perfect condition of the pristine white roses, bright lavender, surrounded by a large number of forget me nots. The bouquet was mostly made of the lavender and forget me nots, with seven white roses in the middle. It was well thought of and put together perfectly, and Levi was stunned.

"Hey, captain, this arrived for you this morning. The delivery guy didn't mention a name, and the card wasn't signed." Petra handed over the small note that came with the flowers.

Levi stared at the short message, even more dumbfounded at the tender words written in perfect calligraphy.

"Please accept my token of adoration"? This doesn't sound like Erwin...

No, the commander would have said his declaration in person. He didn't resort to little notes. Eren didn't have the money to order such an extravagant bouquet, let alone afford one from one of the best florists. And suddenly he realized who had sent them. He resisted the urge to smirk.

That sly alpha. So this is what he's doing. Anonymously sending me gifts to make them feel insecure.

Levi silently hoped they never found out who sent the flowers, for Mike would be a dead alpha.

"Who sent the flowers?" Eren frowned, immediately tense.

"Don't know. There was no name mentioned in the card." Levi stated, handing it over to the young alpha.

"Was it the commander? That's from a very expensive florist in the inner city." Jean saw the name of the shop on the other side of the card.

"Somehow, I doubt Erwin would resort to the cliche use of flowers after he bought a years worth of tea." The captain pointed out that it was too much of a change of tactic for the high alpha.

"What about me?" Erwin entered the kitchen then for his usual round for coffee, and stopped to stare at the bouquet. He didn't even have to ask who they were sent for, as Levi was admiring the flowers closely.

"Who sent those?" The commander growled possessively, knowing full well Eren couldn't have ordered them.

"There's no name on the card." Eren handed it over to the commander, and blue eyes read it.

After a moment of reading it, the commander raised his gaze to the captain. The little omega was still busy studying the bouquet indifferently. Levi sneezed, and he remembered why he didn't like flowers often.

"Are you going to accept this token of adoration?" The high alpha growled.

"Well I can't just throw the flowers away. But I'm not taking this to my room, I have allergies. What I'm curious about is how this person knows what flowers I preferred." Levi shrugged.

"Those are your favorite flowers?" Both alphas were appalled.

"I don't know about you, but that's just creepy." Eren stated flatly.

"And that's details that even I didn't know of you." Erwin added with clear distaste in his voice.

"Well, now you know. And please don't send me a hundred flowers. Or flowers in general. Unless it's something like an anniversary, then I can't throw them away." The little omega informed them.

"Then what are your plans with these?" The commander near growled, his scent invading the kitchen.

A few alphas immediately left the kitchen to focus on other chores. The only one who remained behind was Eren, but he wasn't afraid of Erwin. He was thinking along the same lines as the commander on the flowers.

Levi sensed it, and sighed.

"Fine, we can throw it away if it settles your nerves, calm your shit." He rolled his eyes, carelessly picking up the vase before dumping it. "There, done. Now can you two drop it?"

They eased at the gesture. Inwardly they silently thought to themselves not to get jealous of what the other got the omega when there were more pressing issues. One of them being other alphas trying to buy his attention.


Later in the week, Eren had bought his gift. He was elated, and he had some help from Erwin when he debated which ones. He happily hummed as he carried the little box in his hands.

What made him extra happy was that this wasn't just for Levi, it was for all three of them. Eren wasn't one to just get a gift for one person, he had to ensure no one was left out in events. And he felt that this would be better to bring them together, especially when the captain is receiving flowers everyday since the first vase.

Although Levi threw them out, it was becoming an annoyance that each set of flowers became more extravagant than the last. The stress this was causing was starting to get to all of them, so Eren felt now was the best time to hand his gift over.

And his eagerness was noticable.

"You seem chipper all day. What's gotten you to grin like that?" Levi inquired, curious.

"You'll see later! It's a surprise." Eren beamed, happy to see the confusion on the captain's face.

Eren was grateful when Levi left it at that. The titan shifter was too afraid his excitement would ruin the surprise. He continued eating dinner, stuffing his mouth with food.

"Eren, it's your turn tonight with dishes." Mikasa reminded, as she and Armin also had kitchen cleaning duties.

"I know! I wasn't going to bail out on you guys. Oh, captain, can you wait with the commander while I do my chores? I promise it won't take long!" Eren wasn't going to allow his duties to dampen his mood.

"All right, then. I expect every dish to be spotless." Levi stated as he carried his plate into the kitchen before heading up to the commander's office.

I wonder what Eren's surprise will be.

He strolled into the office without knocking. Levi then promptly stood behind the commander, who was hunched over paperwork. Slowly he began to work on the knots on the aching neck and shoulders. Erwin groaned as he melted like putty.

One of the knots was really close to the scent gland.

Levi found himself drawn to it as the heavy scent of Erwin filled the air. Without hesitation he leaned over to gently press his lips against the scent gland, breathing in the strong smell of pristine lemon soap and rosemary. He felt and heard the deep growl from Erwin, and it was the only warning he got before Levi was shoved against the bookshelf behind him. Erwin held him there, their bodies pressing against each other.

"I have been waiting for you to make that initiative. Now I can finally give attention to yours." Erwin's voice was deep, laced with lust and possessive.

"Such a romantic." Levi smirked, but his mask gave way when an expert tongue found one of his many weak spots on his throat. The short captain whimpered, his body relaxing into the much larger body in front of him.

Deep blues stared into pale grey, silently challenging him to make an objection. Levi arched his neck to better expose it, his back arching at the growing need to feel more of the wonderful body before him.

Taking that as the omega accepting him, Erwin quickly switched the smaller body around. Levi was panting as his chest was pressed against books, his hands held onto sturdy shelves to better steady himself. He could feel the familiar member pressing against his ass begin to harden, and he almost started drooling.

Levi shrieked a tongue licked at his scent gland. The slick muscle pressed against it with enough pressure to send the omega shuddering, as whimpers and soft moans escaped his throat. In a way this was a marking, Erwin was marking him without the use of his teeth.

A minute later of the torture that made Levi pant heavily as he writhed helplessly, Eren entered. The omega caught the other alphas gaze, surprised the younger wasn't hurt. Instead Eren was eager. He stepped closer and nuzzled at the captain's throat, tanned hands mindlessly exploring.

I swear these two are going to be the death of me.

Levi stilled when Erwin finally pulled away, finally able to breathe. His reprieve was short when Eren leaned closer with the same ministrations the commander had done. Being unprepared the omega released a high pitched shriek as he came in his pants, his body shuddering violently.

"Alphas...!" Levi whimpered, panting as now both were using their tongues on that one spot. It was driving him insane, and his entrance became wet with need.

A pair of fingers entered his awaiting mouth, and Levi did his best to give them attention. It was hard when his body was being toyed with, every sensation of pleasure imaginable made him shudder to the point he couldn't even think. All he could do was melt under them, his tongue lapping at the digits as he moaned. He didn't even care as saliva dripped down his chin.

"Promise that we're your only alphas." Erwin growled dangerously close to one of the captain's ears.

"I...ah!" Levi tried to relieve the pressure building up to press against the commander's hardness, and he found talking difficult with the fingers in his mouth. Erwin removed his fingers, as he growled once more.

"Promise, swear to us we're your only alphas."

The demand was higher this time, a large hand gripping the captain's hip so tightly a gasp was released. Levi then felt his breath hitch at the feeling of soft lips press affectionately against his neck.

"Promise, captain. We swear to be your alphas. Now swear to us you're ours." Eren breathed, hardly able to contain his excitement.

"I promise! I swear...from now on I'm yours...only ah alphas!" Levi writhed, wishing one of them would finally grant him his release.

He groaned when they both pulled away. But hands began to work on his pants and straps. Levi was a panting mess as he helplessly stood where he was, using his alphas and the bookshelf for support.

Once his ass was bare, Erwin began to work with Eren's. Surprise was exchanged between the young alpha and omega. This was Erwin's first time allowing Eren to enter first. It was his way to show he cared for Eren, too, and the commander was willing to throw away titles and levels.

Eren was delighted, and Levi felt his chest swell when the younger alpha initiated the first kiss between alphas. Erwin accepted it and returned with a passion. They all knew this was a monumental moment between the three of them. It was a major step of showing their trust and budding feelings.

And as much as he wanted to watch his alphas get it on with each other, Levi whined, wiggling his hips to entice them. He needed it so bad that it was beginning to hurt. He heard the kiss break and it was the only warning before his entrance was fully breached.

Levi moaned at the pleasure mixed pain of Eren's length inside of him. Not even a second later the young alpha set a brutal and fast pace. Once again fingers entered his mouth, and he greedily sucked on them. Levi was a mess and he loved every minute of it.

He shivered as teeth grazed against either side of his throat. Levi arched his neck to allow them both better access. A hand reached for his hardness, and Levi released. He bit down on the fingers, not hard enough to bleed, but enough to leave a mark. He then gasped when a set of teeth nipped down on his throat.

Mate mate mate mate.

Levi tried to speak, and the fingers were removed.

"Erwin...Eren...mark me, please! Please!" The captain pleaded with so much need in his voice neither couldn't ignore. It was also the first time in a while since he called out their names so sweetly in their adventures of taking the captain's ass whenever and wherever a chance presented itself.

"You sure, Levi?" Erwin grazed his teeth, and he silently appreciated Eren not to bite, the boy was good at fighting his primal instincts.

" mates...please...!" The little omega begged.

Erwin growled as he entered, causing the omega to scream. It was painful, but he enjoyed pain, it only served to add more pleasure. His hands reached behind him to grasp brown and blonde as he came once again. The alphas bit hard on the omega's neck, marking and claiming him as theirs together.

Levi reached a new level of pleasure filled high.

He calmed down minutes later as his now mates cuddled with him in the middle of Erwin's large bed. They were gently massaging his body as they planted soft kisses where they could, patiently waiting for their smaller mate to calm down from his high.

Levi blinked as he stared at them, expecting to feel regret. Instead he felt hope and for the first time love. He didn't regret allowing them to mark their claim on him, he wouldn't want anyone else in the world.

"I don't regret this." He assured them, earning relieved kisses from his alphas, no his mates.

Levi could hardly believe it either. But after the flowers began arriving, the three focused only on each other instead of outside sources perceived as threats. They were still considered threats, but nothing will tear them apart now.

Just when Levi couldn't think it was any better, Eren pulled out a small box. He grinned widely at them with sheer happiness.

"So, it took me a while to get these, but I feel it was worth it." Eren opened the box to reveal three pendants. One was the Survey Corp Wings of Freedom, the other two single black and white feathers.

Eren placed the Wings of Freedom around the captain's neck. He then handed the white feather to Erwin while the titan shifter put on the black feather pendant. Levi and Erwin both stared, confused.

"Levi, you're what brought us together. So think the wings of us being with you, even if we're not. While we each get a feather to represent our bond." Eren elaborated, feeling nervous.

"I know it's stupid, but when I saw them I knew I had to."

"Brat, they're not stupid. In fact, I like the symbolism in them." Levi scoffed, running a hand through soft brown hair.

"Really?" Teal green eyes stared with adoration.

"Yes, it suits us well." Erwin agreed, putting his pendant on.

"Thank you, Eren." Levi pecked the young alpha's cute nose, making him blush brightly.

"Yes, thank you." Erwin pecked a bright red cheek.

"You're welcome, guys." Eren pulled them into a tight hug.