Death: I don't understand my brain or why I am even doing this. Or just general why. This is my first omegaverse story and...bleh. I don't understand why. And no, this is not the sequel to Too Little, Too Late.

Disclaimer: This isn't my first AoT story, so obviously I don't own it.

Chapter One Alpha Or Not?


"Hey, Captain Levi, can I - "

"No." He deadpanned, walking away without even so much as glancing at Hange's way.

" didn't even hear what I had to say." Hange blinked, shoulders slumped with a pout on their face.

"Whatever form of test or study you want done on me, is the same answer I've always given, shitty glasses." Levi resisted the urge to roll his eyes at them.

"I was just going to ask a question." They caught up to him, trying to take a whiff of his scent.

"Oi, out of my personal space before I punch your face in." He growled low in his throat to make the beta flinch.

"I'm curious about you, that's all. Although you may have the scent of an alpha, and the attitude and strength of one, you have complete control of when omegas and betas go into heat. I'm simply curious what your secret is, so that I can maybe help create a safe environment for the few omegas and betas among the Survey Corp." Hange explained, eyeing him up and down.

Subject: Corporal Levi Ackerman

Age: 34

Birthday: December 25

Status: Unmated Alpha

Hypothesis: Possibly not alpha, could be disguised.

Reasoning: Physical attributes do not match an alpha, except for the strength. Does not seem affected with omegas and betas go into heat. Tends to rely on acting like an alpha to be feared by everyone else.

Conclusion: Inconclusive.

"Are you sure you're not just saying that as an excuse to find me a suitable mate and watch us make babies?" Levi scoffed, and it was hard to tell if he was joking or completely serious.

"Would you like me to conduct such a thing?" Hange all about drooled.

"In your fucking dreams." The captain bristled, glaring at them with cold eyes.

"But really, what is your secret? I mean, Petra keeps rubbing up on you, and there's a few other betas that have their eye on you but you completely ignore their existence unless they're not cleaning right." They could feel that curious eyes were gazing at them, also sharing in the same thought process.

"As if I will tell you shit, bloody four eyes. Now if you will excuse me, I need to take a bath. You're not welcome to join me." Levi walked away, heading in the direction of the men's bathing rooms.

In truth, he wasn't an alpha. He was an omega. Since they currently lived in a world with so few omegas, he disguised himself as alpha to escape the troubles that came with being an omega. Growing up in the Underground City, he picked up a few tricks in order to survive.

He masked his scent gland with a pheromone spray of an alpha's scent. It was a synthetic perfume that had no scent of any particular alpha. Instead, it was meant to mix in with whoever's natural scent it's used on and intensify it, all the while changing the scent into that of an alpha to throw off curious noses.

However, he found that wasn't always enough.

Levi relied heavily on suppressants, and thus far he hadn't any heats in years since before he joined the Survey Corp. To help reduce the amount of heat cycles, he even underwent a rather complicated surgery to have his ovaries removed. To be honest, thinking back on it, he probably shouldn't have trusted the doctor's words, but he was so desperate to disguise what he truly was that he would have done anything.

Since then he rarely had the need to use suppressants. And it changed the chemical make up of his natural omega scent. It was no longer as sickeningly sweet, according to Farlan and Isabel. They told him it was still sweet, but not so tooth rotting sweet. This made it easier to use the synthetic alpha perfume, for he didn't have to make it so strong that it seemed as if he couldn't control his pheromones.

Levi sighed as he soothed away the aches and pains of the day's work. He was glad to rid of the sweat and dirt off of his body. And he was fortunate not too many were in the men's bathing room. And so he was able to enjoy washing himself a little longer. When he was done, he quickly put on his clothes and made a beeline to his bedroom for the synthetic perfume.

While I'm at it, might as well start the suppressants.

That's what he hated most about the perfume. Even though it could survive a little while with sweat, it washed away when he bathed. However, as he passed by the dining room where everyone was having dinner, his nose caught the scents of so many betas about to go into heat it made him feel sick.

Levi was stopped by Eren, who greeted him with a wide grin of a puppy.

"Captain! Have you eaten yet? Here, let me get a plate for you..." The Titan shifter stopped, as he sniffed the air.

"Hey...I wasn't aware there was an omega in the Survey Corp. Who is it, though?"

"Just get out of my way you little shit, I need to get to my room." Levi bristled, as he thought over his options.

If I violently push him, that would only serve to draw attention to me.

"Did someone say there's an omega in the Survey Corp? Strange, I've checked everyone, we're all alphas and betas." Hange rounded the corner with a plate of food and then stopped short, brown eyes staring at Levi.

Shit! I can't fool that one compared to the brat!

Suddenly pain seared through his body, going up and down his spine. Levi gasped as he doubled over, and his legs gave out on him. He could hear everyone turning to see what the commotion was about, and Eren knelt beside him having a near panic attack.

"Captain? Captain! What's wrong?"

Not good, not heat...It came early, it usually starts the week after all the betas go into heat.

Levi could feel his pheromones about to burst, and he willed to hold it in just a little longer. Just a little longer until he reached his room. And then Eren leaned in a little too close and his body shook at the strong spicy alpha scent hit his nose. It was then Levi couldn't fight off his instincts and his pheromones released with full force like an explosion. He whimpered as immediately alphas took notice.

" it your scent that's so sweet?" Eren visibly shook when the wave hit him the hardest being so close to its source. He was fighting his own instincts.

How does the suicidal maniac have the decency to hold back from tackling me?

"Just don't fucking touch me, got it you little shit?" Levi snarled, fighting the urge to jump at the alpha next to him. And suddenly as his pheromones reached the entire dining room and kitchens, Eren's alpha scent extended out with his omega scent in an attempt to warn everyone to stay away.

I will never be owned. I will never be someone's bitch.

"Commander Erwin, we've got a situation." Hange called out, doing their best to fend off the alphas trying to get closer.

"Is it the captain or is it Eren who is the omega?"

"Holy shit so there is an omega here. I thought my nose was going haywire."

"Who's the omega?"

"Why it smell off? I thought omegas had their heat scents so sweet it would make any alpha weak?"

Shit...this is getting out of hand.

"Everyone, stand back. I will not allow anyone to jump on an omega unless they want it." Erwin's voice cut through the crowd, and his alpha scent spread all around to remind he was high alpha.

Immediately everyone moved out of his way, quieting down. The commander rarely used his scent over a large distance, and it was terrifying even for alphas. Being in the presence of a high alpha, essentially the alpha among alphas, was unnerving. And thus why for the most part Erwin reined in his scent to ease the atmosphere.

He calmly made his way closer, eyes studying the situation at hand. Levi nearly choked on the scent invading his senses so strongly he was dizzy from it. And before he could prevent it he whined as he lowered even further onto the floor as if he were praying. Only he wasn't praying, but baring his scent gland in complete submission to the high alpha.

I've never been in the presence of a high alpha during my heat cycle. I can't even control myself.

Levi hated himself. He felt disgusted at how slick his entrance was becoming, and the throbbing in his front side wasn't helping matters at all. His body was trembling with so much need and lust, his nose invaded with so many alpha scents trying to overpower the other to grab his attention. But they were nothing compared to the high alpha.

About the only scent that had his equal attention was the alpha next to him. He wasn't sure if it was because of Eren's titan abilities that immensely intensified his scent, but it was almost as equal as Erwin's. And he wasn't the only one to notice. Levi shook as he heard the high alpha's voice.

"Eren, stand down. I don't intend to mate with him." The commander ordered sternly.

"Then stop overpowering everyone with your scent!" Eren snarled, barely able to hold back from attacking Erwin.

"You stupid brat...don't challenge him if you want to live." Levi gasped out.

"I can't allow that, Eren. If I retract my scent, Captain Levi would be free game to every alpha here. I'm not going to subject him to being forcibly mated and raped by every alpha here." Erwin growled back.

"I can protect him!" Eren stood his ground unflinchingly.

"You are one alpha against nearly one hundred and eighty alphas. Titan strength or not, you won't be able to protect him from all of them without my help." The commander motioned to everyone here.

"Would you two stop dick fighting and just fucking help me already?" Levi managed to breathe out.

"Sorry, captain." The Titan shifter backed down.

"Where do you intend to go?" Erwin inquired as he made his way closer, letting up on his scent just enough so Eren won't go ballistic being so close. Levi felt his body increase in temperature, he was so hot all over.

"Safe...anywhere safe...please..."

Anywhere that's safe from me being raped.

"That doesn't give me a lot of options, captain." The commander was eyeing the large amount of alphas here.

"The shit should I know, then! Just...anywhere safe, please...alpha..." The last bit came out at a pained whisper only the commander and Eren heard his plea.

It had been so long since he allowed anyone to take him. And even longer since his last heat cycle. So this one was hitting him harder than even his first ever cycle as a young teen. His body trembled with need and lust, his head was dizzy from the two heavy alpha scents fighting over him.

"Do you wish help in your heat cycle?" Erwin dropped his voice to a low growl only the three of them could hear.

He would do that for me...? I've never seen him shown any interest with anyone.

"I was the one who protected him first, sir." Eren flashed his eyes brightly in challenge.

"I don't like the idea of fighting. I'm simply offering a truce, if he so wishes to accept it." The commander was somehow still able to remain calm, despite being so close to an omega in heat and a young alpha who could take away his status as high alpha.

"What are you proposing?" Eren blinked, confused, letting up on his scent a little, now curious.

"If he wants help with this heat cycle, he can have both of us. Or one of us, whoever he chooses." Erwin changed his voice to a low and smooth pur that, despite Levi's experience resisting alphas, did things to him.

One or both, doesn't matter to me right now. I just need it so bad.

"I don't give a shit what happens, I only trust you two idiots with my body. Just fucking help me already." Levi whimpered, his brain melting at the idea of having both of them at the same time.

"Then I'm helping you with this cycle. Eren, you're welcome to join, but the extension only goes to you. You're free to follow." Erwin stated the rules as he gently picked up the squirming short captain and made his way upstairs. Along the way he glared at any nearby alphas to dare them into approaching the omega in his arms.

His arms are so strong and warm. So gentle for an alpha.

They all dared not to challenge him. In fact, they all cleared well away from them. Even betas who were super sensitive moved away instinctively. Once again they weren't used to the commander's scent being so overpowering that it was terrifying to them.

Eren followed behind closely. He wasn't going to pass up this opportunity, for it was rare for a high alpha to share. And the fact he may or may not have a crush on the short captain may have played a key factor of him following the commander. As much as he wanted to be Levi's only one, he wouldn't mind sharing with Erwin.

It was never a good idea to challenge a high alpha, and yet Eren just survived such an encounter.

Hange watched them leave, and suddenly it all clicked in their head. Everything was starting to make sense.

Subject: Corporal Levi Ackerman

Age: 34

Birthday: December 25

Status: Unmated Omega/About to be mated between two alphas

Hypothesis: Possibly not alpha, could be disguised.

Reasoning: Physical attributes do not match an alpha, except for the strength. Does not seem affected with omegas and betas go into heat. Tends to rely on acting like an alpha to be feared by everyone else.

Conclusion: The corporal indeed, was not a an alpha. He was an omega disguised as an alpha.

And he's about to score the best mating in a heat cycle between a high alpha and young alpha.

Hange felt liquid flowing down from their nose at the mental image. And they sort of drooled as they felt a wave of jealousy for the captain to have such an experience. Moblit handed them a clean rag, of which Hange gratefully accepted it and used it to calm the heavy flow of blood.

"You all right, Hange?" Moblit inquired out of sweet concern.

"Yeah, just a little jealous of the captain right now. But, I wouldn't want to be caught between two alphas later on, so no hard feelings." The squad leader grinned sheepishly.

Even so, he's about to have the best sex of his life.


Death: My brain melted just by writing this. And I usually don't drool over my own yummy yaoi. And yet there hasn't even been any yaoi yet, just the built up shit before the yumminess.

So, I'm debating between Levi deciding between Eren or Erwin. But I'm leaning more towards somehow making all three of them work. Still working on that part.

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