Hey, there! It's...whatever my username is when you read this. So, before we begin, I must mention that this fanfiction is a bit different. So, the characters are human and have actual names, like ones you'd find in a classroom. Also, since they are human, they don't have powers. Thought I should mention that before the story. Cause it'd be pretty confusing if I didn't.


Sonic jumped over a hurdle. He jumped over many hurdles, in fact. The cheering fans didn't matter at the moment. The opponents didn't matter. All that mattered was the wind blowing through his hair and the techniques he used as he sailed over the last hurdle and over the finish line. He finally looked up at the crowd and flashed them a smile as the other runners crossed the finish line. He heard the people from his home town scream with delight. He had won another meet, as usual.

First, second, and third places got their medals and everyone was free to go. Sonic turned to second place, who looked to be only a middle schooler, and said, "You gave me a run for my money, kid. Keep practicing and you may even beat me!"

The kid smiled at Sonic, panting in breath. "Y-You think?!"

Sonic nodded and shook the kid's hand. The kid gladly shook Sonic's hand.

"My name's Cody!" the kid said, an excited look on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Cody! Name's Sammy! Good meet today!"

They let their hands fall to their sides and congratulated third place before Sonic headed over to his friends and family, who were smiling, like they did after every meet. His sister, Sonia, brought him into a bone-crushing hug, congratulating him. After she released Sonic, Manic gave him a supporting pat on the back. Congratulations were spread all around before everyone headed to the van. Tails, Sonic's best friend, sat with Sonic in the very back while Manic and Sonia sat with a friend of theirs, Espio.

Their mom started the car and drove off. Sonic leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. He was just plain worn out after running that meet. It had lasted three hours with an hour long practice, which was followed by an hour long race which was then followed by hurdles. That's also not to mention that they had to be up at five in the morning and be driving there half an hour later. And, they had to be there, in a different state, by nine.

It was barely past one and Sonic was ready to pass out on his bed and not get up for a day.

He opened his eyes slightly when he heard a notification on his phone. He reached over and grabbed it, reading what it said.


Hey, man! How did it go? Last place as usual, right? XD


Haha. Real funny, Knucklebrain.


You...didn't get last place, right?

Sonic chuckled at his friend. Knuckles was defenitely not the brightest bulb in the box.


No, Knuckles. First place, as usual. :p How about you and your kickboxing? Doing good at that?

Sonic remembered that Knuckles had a kickboxing tournament today, so he decided to bring that up.


Of course I'm doing good at that!


First place?


The match isn't over, dummy!


Sorry. Let me reword that:

Do you think you'll get first place? :p


Of course I will!


That's the spirit!


So, how do you feel after running for so long?


Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm bushed.


You're a bush?!


No! -_-

I'm tired! My lungs feel like collapsing!



That's even worse than getting turned into a bush!


I swear, Knucklebrainā€¦

Now remember, if you don't come in AT LEAST third, I'LL be the one whipping you ass!

Got it?


Yes, sir!

Gotta go! Talk to you after the tournament!


See ya!

Sonic put his phone in his pocket after checking the time.

It was 1:57 pm.

Sonic leaned back again, closing his eyes, still taking deep breaths. He was still completely out of it.

"Anyone need to stop at the gas station?" everyone heard the woman say from the front.

"I do!" Manic yelled.

They pulled over at the gas station and everyone got out, stretching. Someone looked at Sonic and ran up to him. The person had an apron on with a pin that said Louis.

"Oh my gosh!" 'Louis' spoke. "You're Sonic! The person that wins every single track meet! It's such an honor to finally meet you!" Louis shook Sonic's hand excitedly, while Sonic technically just let his hand be shaken. Even if he did try, he wouldn't get anywhere. Louis was too excited.

"C-Can I get your autograph?!" Louis shouted, pulling a pen and paper out of God knows where and handed it to Sonic. Sonic grabbed the pen and paper and signed it, handing it back to Louis. Louis gasped and squealed like one of those girls you find obsessing over One Direction.

"Thank you so much!" Louis squealed, running back into the gas station.

Tails walked up to Sonic, giving Louis a weird glance as Tails saw him running in, freaking out as if he just got engaged to Selena Gomez.

"Who's that?" Tails asked Sonic as they both got into the very back.

"Some fan named Louis," Sonic said. "He asked for an autograph and I gave him one."

Tails laughed a little. "Now it makes sense."

The others came back, questioning who the guy freaking out was. Sonic told them about what happened and they had a good conversation about it. Fifteen minutes into the conversation, Sonic had leaned back and closed his eyes. Tails had to keep shaking him to see if he was awake, which he was, even though he kept slowly dozing off every now and again. Tails was only shaking Sonic because he knew that Sonic wouldn't want to sleep just yet.

They arrived home a few hours later. By then, Sonic had passed out and no matter how many times Tails shook him, the closest thing Tails would get were a few unconscious mumbles.

"Uh, guys.." Tails said and pointed to Sonic. Everyone turned around and looked at them. Manic and Espio laughed.

"How are we going to wake him up?" Sonia asked.

"I'll slap him!" Manic shouted.

"You are NOT going to slap him," his mother said.

"Don't worry, Elana," Espio said. "Manic won't slap him. I"ll be the one to slap him."

Manic laughed and they high-fived. Sonia rolled her eyes at the boys.

"Nobody is going to slap anyone!" the man said, getting out of the car and slamming the door shut.

"Sorry, Eddie," Espio said, getting out of the car with Sonia. Elana got out, and Manic was going to get out, but he suddenly whipped around and dumped what was left of his Mountain Dew onto Sonic, who shot awake, looking at Manic.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Sonic yawned, rubbing an eye. Manic laughed and rushed into the house. Tails laughed a bit and climbed over the seat, Sonic following him in a half conscious state. Tails helped Sonic into the house. When Elana saw her son all wet, she went into question mode?

"Why are you all wet? What happened? Who got you all wet? Do you want a towel?"

Sonic walked by Manic and backhanded him on the arm. Manic backhanded Sonic's arm back. Sonic collapsed onto the couch, not answering any of his mother's questions as he fell once more into a deep sleep.


Poor Sonic! He's a bush! XD

Anyway, if you liked that chapter, please grab a cookie as you go to press that vote button!

And I will see you in the next chapter!
