Hey, everybody, I'm finally back! This has taken a lot longer than I'd expected for a number of reasons, the foremost one probably being me going back to uni for my final year (I'm so close to graduating, someone help me). And we are here, at the last oneshot in this little anthology. I really hope you've enjoyed it; these were the first stories I ever wrote by myself with smut in, and now I know just how much I can do when I write. And special thanks goes to my bestie, CCNilesBabcock, aka "L", for reading all of this as I send it to her and just generally being the best person to fangirl with ever.

Seeing as I'm trying to get back into writing more again, be on the lookout both for the next chapter of Personal Guardian Demon, which I'll be going back to, and also for either of the two new stories I'll be putting on here, depending on which one I feel should come next. It'll either be a Roman Empire AU called Amor et Quod Servitus, or a Wizard of Oz sort-of AU that is currently untitled.

Anyway, please enjoy this final oneshot!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Nanny, any of it's characters, settings, etc.


Or: "Home"

"Oh, God, Niles!"

The bliss broke out and washed over her powerfully, each and every single pulse its own tidal wave. She continued to rock her hips back and forth as she rode it out, bringing her husband to his own peak and sending him over the edge. He cried out wordlessly beneath her, eventually emptying himself into her. As they both came down from the high, she collapsed onto his chest, panting and heart hammering from the exertion.

His heart was beating just as hard as hers. She could feel it, and as he regained the energy to move some, he wrapped his arms tight around her back to hold her. Grinning, she planted a kiss on his lips in return.

"That was wonderful," she breathed, pulling away from his lips to just recline, enjoying the feeling of him still inside her.

Niles chuckled, and ran one hand up and down her spine, "Nothing but the best for my dearest wife."

C.C. pretended to pull a face at him, "Hm, I never said 'best'…"

Her husband smirked, and rolled them onto their sides, "You don't have to, my dear. You make your satisfaction known well enough to me."

She moved her hips away, slipping off him with an unimpressed look, "Arrogant ass."

"And yet you love me all the same," he reminded her, raising his eyebrows comically.

"For some reason known only to God, yes, I do," C.C. laughed, and propped herself up on her elbow. "But don't let it go to your head. That's already big enough."

He propped himself up on his own elbow, and grinned cheekily, "Not that you've ever complained about anything about me being too big."

"That's because some large things about you just so happen to be of use," she told him with a knowing look and a slow nod, stroking his cheek condescendingly. "Most of the rest of it, however…"

"Is still useful, because it cooks and cleans, and keeps our house looking nice," he retorted, chucking her gently on the chin. "Like I said, nothing but the best for my beautiful wife."

"You said 'dearest' last time," C.C. pointed out, gesturing to him with one finger.

Niles slid his hand away from her chin, across to her shoulder, down her arm and rested it on her waist.

Once it was there, he pulled her closer, "Can't a man think of more than one adjective to describe the woman he loves?"

She leaned in for a kiss, "Smooth talker."

"Only for you," he replied, meeting her lips with his.

His lips were warm and soft, completely welcoming and loving. She'd never experienced that kind of feeling with any man before him. None had ever taken care of her so well, been attentive to the point of devotion, wanted to share themselves and their lives with her.

And she hadn't wanted to do any of those things with them, either, in truth. She might have tried to force herself into being comfortable with them, but it was like fitting wrong jigsaw puzzle pieces together. It wasn't right, and she felt like she wasn't where she was supposed to be.

That's how she had come to know that Niles was the one, and that this was the life she was supposed to have.

Because with him, she was home.

And being at home had certain intimate advantages.

"You wanna go again?" she stroked one hand down his chest, caressing as she went. "If these old bones of yours can handle it, that is…"

With the grin he reserved only for her, he slipped both of his arms around her and rolled them again, so that he was on top of her, "I'll handle anything you want me to, my dear…"

She smirked up at him and shifted her legs so that he'd fit comfortably between them. Just like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.

"Bring it on, Butler Boy."

He bent his head to start kissing her again, and she reached her arms up and around his shoulders to pull him in as it deepened. She lightly scraped her nails over his skin, feeling him shiver, and he responded by bringing his lips to her neck as one of his hands travelled southwards.

She knew where he was going. He knew ways of making her shiver, too…

At least, he would have, if a loud cry from the room down the hall hadn't halted them both in their tracks.

Sighing and giving an accepting smile, she pulled away from him, "Typical."

"Indeed it is," Niles agreed, moving off her and preparing to get out of bed. "Shall I get her?"

C.C. stopped him, and swung her legs out onto the floor. They both knew their little girl would be hungry, so it was easier if she went.

"No, I'll do it," she said, reaching down to pick up her discarded silk robe. The one she'd surprised Niles with earlier. Then she leaned back towards him and briefly stroked his cheek. "Once she's fed and asleep again, we can pick up where we left off. If her Daddy doesn't follow suit and start snoring, that is."

Just before he managed to press a kiss to her fingers, she got to her feet and put the robe on, tying it around the middle.

"I'll be right here, ready and waiting," Niles rolled onto his stomach, propping his chin in her hand and watching her eagerly.

Stifling a laugh, C.C. turned for the door, calling out to their daughter as she went, "Okay, darling, I'm coming!"

She heard her husband make a noise of interest behind her, "I'm getting a little déjà vu."

C.C. finally let out the bark of laughter that she'd been holding back, "Oh, shut up."

She padded away down the hall, towards their daughter's nursery, entering it soon after. She didn't mind the interruption, and she knew Niles didn't, either – she was going to feed their little one, the actual physical proof of their love, and a tiny life that they had adored from the moment they'd found out about her.

Having a family of her own was something she'd often dreamed about when she was younger, and now that she had one…well, she wouldn't have it any other way. And that feeling would only grow through the years, as they lived their lives and more children came into the world for them to hold in their arms.

Just as she was doing to their first, bringing the baby to her breast to start feeding as the little one's cries faded to whimpers, and then went entirely as she drank.

Soon after that, C.C. heard footsteps behind, coming into the room, and felt a pair of strong (robed) arms wind around her middle. Niles rested his chin on her shoulder, and she closed her eyes, resting her head against his.

It was peaceful. A kind of peace she wondered if she'd ever have. A dream that had come true, after years of them fighting and insulting one another. They'd made so many mistakes and slipped up so many times, it had nearly looked impossible at more than one stage. But they'd come through it, just as they had with so many other things, and now that they were married and living a new life in a new state, they were stronger for it.

Their still-growing family was stronger for it.

And she truly wouldn't have her family, or her home, any other way.