
Five players with talents you would only see once in ten years, the Generation of Miracles. They were the strongest team ever in Japan. But there was strange rumor, that there were two more persons that the 5 acknowledged. The phantom 6th and the tensai 7th.

Chapter 1:

"Aren't you interested in rugby?" Someone shouted from one of the booths.

"Did you ever play Shougi?"

"If you're Japanese, then you should play baseball!"

'Man…Seirin is bigger than I thought.' A young girl with long brown hair thought to herself I she tried to navigate through the people at the club fair. 'Shuu-nii was right about there being a lot of people in Seirin. Maybe I should go visit him at the tennis table before I sign up for basketball.' Her cerulean blue eyes looked at all the tables.

The young girl continued to walk forward, avoiding everyone who was trying to get her to sign up for the clubs. She continued walking until she saw the boy's tennis table.

"Ahh! Shuu-nii!" She exclaimed as she rushed over to the table.

A boy, who was about a head taller than her, looked over with closed eyes. "Manami-chan!" He exclaimed as he opened his arms and hugged the girl as she ran over to him. "It's been a while hasn't it?"

She smiled up at him innocently.

"I hope you remember all the members on the team!" He said happily as he let her go.

She turned to look at the 3 other boys in front of her.

"How are you all doing?" She asked nicely as she smiled at them.

"Hoihoi~ it's Manami-chan!" The red head exclaimed as he jumped over to hug her.

"Ahahaha." Manami laughed lightly as she hugged the boy back. "Eiji-nii! It's been a while!"

Eiji let her go. "Man you grew up! I haven't seen you since we graduated middle school!" He said as he patted her head.

"You all grew too!" Manami responded as she looked up at the boys. "You all are at least 6 inches taller than me!" She exclaimed.

"Alright Eiji, move over." The egg-head boy said as he pushed Eiji over lightly. "It's been a while!"

"Oishi-nii!" She exclaimed as she hugged him. He hugged her back.

After a few seconds he let her go. "Don't forget to give Tezuka a hug too."

Manami just laughed and went over to hug the stoic boy. "Tezuka-nii, it's been a while!"

The boy looked down at the girl and smiled softly as he reciprocated the hug. "Ah, it has, hasn't it?"

After all short reunion:

"Good luck this year! I heard that the old team is back together!" Manami exclaimed.

Her brother smiled. "Even Echizen is back from America."

"Well, I have to get going, I'm gonna go sign up for the basketball club!" She smiled as she walked away. "I'll see you later Shuu-nii!"

"Jana!" Fuji said as he waved goodbye to his youngest sibling.

"Basketball club? Teiko Middle School?" Eiji started. "Was she that girl?"

"Saah." Fuji started as he opened his eyes to watch his sister walk towards the basketball table. "Who knows?"

"I would like to sign up for the basketball club." Manami stated to the brown haired girl and black haired spectacles boy in front of her.

They looked quite shocked. Suddenly the girl snapped out of it. "Well, that's a first, a girl wanting to join the boys' basketball team."

Manami just chuckled. "You guys weren't the first to say that to me." She said as she sat down. "So what do I fill out?"

The girl put a form in front of Manami. "Just write down your name, student ID number, middle school, and your goals."

'Sounds easy enough.' Manami thought to herself as she started filing out the form.

"If you have any questions about the team, feel free to ask." The girl said.

"Nope, not at all. I'll see you guys at practice." Manami replied as she gave the form to the girl. She stood up. "Oh, I also think you guys forgot to pick up this registration paper." She said as she pointed to the paper. Manami walked away after that.

"Well, that makes around 10 I guess." The girl (Riko) said as she counted the forms filled out. "Let me see that form." She said as she held out her hand to the boy next to her.

The boy handed over the form. "Let's see, Fuji Manami, ID, wait…WHAT?" Riko exclaimed.

"What? She's coming from Teiko's basketball club?" She shouted as she stared at Manami's paper.

"Wait, coach, look at this one!"

Riko looked at the other paper given to her. "WHAT? ANOTHER ONE FROM TEIKO? On top of that, if he is a first year, doesn't that mean he was from the generation of miracles?" Her hands ruffled her hair. "As well, Fuji Minami, is she related to that genius, Fuji Shuusuke? She must be a genius as well!"

On the other side of the club fair, a certain brown haired girl just sneezed. 'Is someone talking about me?' She thought to herself.

"Alright, I think everyone's here." Hyuga stated. "All the freshmen, come this way."

"Hey isn't that manager cute?" One of the freshmen whispered to the other.

"She's a second year, right?" His friend whispered back.

"But, that's true, if she was just a bit more sexy…"

Hyuga came up behind both of them, and smacked both of them on the head. "You idiots, you're both wrong."

Riko turned to look at the new members. "I'm the boys' basketball club's coach. Aida Riko, nice to meet you!"

"EHHHHH?!" All the freshmen exclaimed.

"This is our advisor, Takeda-sensei." Riko introduced.

"WHATTT? Is that even allowed?" One freshman exclaimed.

"Well then first," Riko started as she narrowed her eyes. "Take off your shirts."

"EHH?" They all exclaimed as they all stood half naked in the gym.

Riko went around looking at all of them "You." She pointed to one of them. "Your instantaneous strength is weak. I guess you must be around 50 steps for 20 seconds on the quick ladder training, right? If you want to play basketball, you'll want to improve that a bit." She moved on the the next person. "You, your body is too stiff. Train your flexibility after getting out of the bath! As for you…"

"Are you kidding? It's right…" One of the freshman said as he was amazed at Riko's ability.

"What the hell?" Another said. "Just by looking at your body?"

"Riko's father is a sports trainer." Hyuga explained.

Riko kept going down the line until she saw a tall, red haired boy. And she just kept staring at him.

"COACH!" Hyuga shouted. "How long are you going to daydream!"

Riko snapped out of it. "Sorry!"

"You saw everyone, right?" Hyuga asked. "That guy was the last."

"Ah, really? Was Kuroko-kun and Fuji-chan here?" Riko asked.

"AH! The two from Teiko?" The boy who was there at the fair with Riko exclaimed.

"Eh? Teiko?" Hyuga exclaimed.

"I guess they're taking the day off today, well then, let's start practice!" Riko exclaimed.

"Err, excuse me." A voice started. "I am Kuroko." He said as he appeared in front of Riko's eyes.

"KYAAAAAA!" Riko screamed as she freaked out about the guy suddenly standing in front of her.

Suddenly, the doors to the gym slammed opened, revealing a brown haired girl who was breathing rather hard. "Sorry! Ha…ha…" She panted out as she leaned on the door. "My brother needed me to help him bring some things…ha…ha…over to the tennis courts."

Riko just looked shocked. "What's with all the freshmen these days?" She exclaimed.

"Oh, Manami-san it's you." Kuroko said calmly.

Manami looked up, saw Kuroko, and her eyes lit up. "Kuro-chan! I knew I saw your form when I was signing up!" She ran over and hugged the boy. She looked up at him. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" Her eyes got a bit teary as she smiled at the boy.

Kuroko smiled softly. "It has, hasn't it."