I'm Not a Sidekick


Author's Note: Things you should know about this story. Naruto is not the Child of Prophecy neither is he the container of Kurama, his little brother Menma is. He raised Menma with a little help from the Third and Kakashi, so he is smarter and more mature than his canon counterpart. He will still have his clones and most of his Rasengan techniques but a different Sage mode. He's not Godlike but he will be stronger than or on even footing with some members of the Justice League. I think that's it for now let's get started.


"Foreign Language"



Scorched earth, blood and death. The air was thick with all three but what else could be expected from following a worldwide war. The Fourth Shinobi War to be exact, the means to an end for a power hungry madman with delusions of world subjugation. Laying on this desolated battleground was a young warrior, His usually spiky and wild blonde hair was matted down with blood, sweat and dirt. His amethyst eyes were half open and staring with a slightly unfocused look at the moon hanging above him. He could no longer feel the ground beneath his back or the wet blood pooling around from his multitude of wounds, the most damaging of which was the gaping whole near his heart.

This young man is Naruto Namikaze, oldest child of the late Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and the late Elite-Jonin Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze. He didn't show any signs to indicate that he heard the slow approaching footsteps or even acknowledge that there was someone standing above. Not until that someone fell to their knees next to him, their shoulders shaking in grief and their head bowed.

Naruto's lips twitched as if he wanted to smile but didn't have the strength. Naruto's eyes gained some of their focus back as he stared at the free flowing red hair that was usually kept in check by a shinobi head band and a ponytail.

"Is it over?" Naruto rasped softly.

"Aniki!?" The redhead shouted in surprise.

"Is it over?" He repeated. "The war?"

"Don't try to talk! Save your strength." The redhead said urgently. Then yelled at someone over Naruto's head. "Sakura get over here I need your help! You're going to be okay aniki, Sakura's the best medic in the world."

"The war Menma? Is it over?" Naruto asked for the third time.

"Yes it's over, no more Madara, no more Kaguya no more Zetsu." Menma said as he tried to staunch the blood with his hands. "Stop talking, Sakura's on her way."

Naruto thought he managed to smile upon hearing that, he sent the signal to his brain to make himself smile but he couldn't feel the movement of his face. "I'm so proud of you Menma."

"Damn it Naruto, stop talking you're wasting your strength. We can talk about how awesome I am later."

Naruto ignored the advice. "Mom and Dad would be proud of you too kid."

Menma was silent for a moment before he said. "They wouldn't be proud of just me. They would be proud of you too."

"Yeah, you think so?"

"I know it." Menma noticed the blood flow slowing down, so he pressed down harder on the wound. "Naruto you're slipping away, you have to keep fighting. You can't leave me alone you're all the family I got left." Menma said desperately.

"Sorry little brother. I promised to be there when you made Hokage. I can't keep that promise now. Look after Hana for me. In a few months you'll have all new family members to look after."

Menma looked up in shock at that. "Nee-chan's pregnant?"

Naruto definitely felt himself smile this time. A smile full of pride. "Watch over them for me."

"I will, I'm going to be the greatest Uncle in the history of the Elemental Nations." Menma promised as he took his hands away from Naruto's wound. "Dattebe yo."

Naruto choked out a laugh. "Man I'm glad that skipped a generation." He joked even as his vision started to dim around the edges. "Goodbye, baby brother."

"I'm not a baby."

"Always my baby brother."

"Always my big brother."

"Love you kid."

"Love you Aniki."

It was a part of their bedtime rituals growing up when Naruto tucked Menma in at night. By the time Sakura arrived hands glowing with healing chakra, Menma was hunched over crying on his brother's unresponsive chest.


Naruto never expected to open his eyes again after everything went dark. He certainly never expected to find himself laying down in the lap of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Another tally went into the 'what the hell is happening?' column when he registered the fact that she was smiling down at him and stroking his hair.

As a trained and experienced ninja Naruto was no stranger to finding himself in unfamiliar situations at the drop of a hat. So like he was taught, he adapted quickly to the situation he found himself in.

He folded his hands over his stomach and relaxed somewhat into her touch. Then he smiled up at the beautiful stranger. "Hello there."

The beauty smiled even more, showing off perfect straight white teeth and Naruto got a warm feeling through his entire body. The last bit of tenseness left him in an instant. He was utterly captivated by this woman and completely defenseless.

"Hello Naruto-kun. How are you feeling?" She asked softly.

If Naruto wasn't already putty in her hands her voice would have clenched it.

"Great." Naruto said with a satisfying sigh. "Especially for someone who has recently died."

"Naruto-kun, you're in the private garden of Kami-sama. All your aches, pains and ordeals are over. At least for the moment." She said.

The recently deceased ninja ignored that last part. He turned his head and finally took notice of the greenest grass he had ever seen. Running his hands over it, it felt as soft as silk. Besides the grass there was also sakura trees as far as the eye could see. "Are you Kami-sama?" He asked when he looked back at her.

"I'm Nadeshiko her hand maiden. It's a pleasure to meet you, Naruto-kun." She said never losing her smile.

"It's pleasure to meet you too, Nadeshiko-chan." Naruto closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her fingers combing through his hair and sometimes massaging his scalp. "Does everyone get this treatment from a handmaiden of Kami-sama?"

Nadeshiko never stopped her ministration. "Not at all. This time in Kami-sama's garden is part of your reward for a life well lived and thanks for what you helped achieve in your lifetime."

"I don't understand. Yes I lived as honestly as I could but there is blood on my hands and I don't think I did anything truly extraordinary." Naruto said with a furrowed brow.

"Not true. There isn't any innocent blood on your hands and you are aware of the toad prophecy given to Jiraiya?" Nadeshiko asked.

"One of Jiraiya's students would either save the world or damn it." Naruto replied instantly. "Jiraiya taught me a few things but I was never a true student that was Menma."

"True. But you were the deciding factor. Without your endless love, support and protection growing up, Menma would have turned out completely different and doomed countless lives instead of saving them." She explained patiently.

Naruto disagreed whole heartily and said so. "Menma would never have wound up as some kind of conquering tyrant. Regardless I didn't do any of that for some kind of reward in the afterlife."

"Kami-sama knows this. She knows you've always been completely selfless in regards to Menma that is precisely why you're being rewarded."

"I don't suppose there is a polite way to decline a reward from a deity is there?" Naruto wondered.

There was a long pause before Nadeshiko answered. "No." she said simply.

"Alright what else is involved with this reward?"

"Be patient Naruto-kun and relax, you have plenty of time." Nadeshiko smiled down at the blonde shinobi and continued to run her fingers through his hair.


(Watch Tower)

Like most nights when he was wasn't patrolling his home town of Gotham City the caped and hooded figure of disguised billionaire Bruce Wayne was typing away at the Justice League super computer searching the world for injustice. Among the many searches he was conducting at the moment, he was looking for a lead on the new unaffiliated figure that had popping up recently. This person was described by witnesses as most likely male, just over six feet tall, athletic build, dressed in black combat pants, a black multi pocket vest over some kind of rubber upper body armor, a balaclava and a pitch black goggles over the eyes.

So far this male figure dressed in black has been harassing the criminal underworld all over the U.S. He's been connected to the disruption of several drug labs, muggings, bank robberies and even retrieved two kidnap victims from Mexico, he never appeared more than a handful of times in several cities. The reason for Batman's constant diligence in searching for this person is because of his methods. More often than not the people he stopped are often left barely clinging to life, disfigured, dismembered or disabled for all time in one case.

This person was an unknown and Batman didn't like to have unknowns especially ones as dangerous as this one appeared to be. No one, not one person among the League or even any of his underworld contacts could give him a viable lead on where this person came from, who they were working for or who they could possibly be. At first he thought it could have been a wayward acolyte from the League of Assassins. The lack of restraint when dealing with his foes was there, the stealth, the ninja theatrics, even the weapons retrieved from the crime scenes, the shuriken and throwing knives were reminiscent of his old mentor Ra's al Ghul.

But even the League of Assassins angle turned out to be a dead end.

"Batman?" A voice recognized as The Flash said through the computer console.

"I'm here Flash, what is it?"

"I think we finally got a break on that unknown you've been looking for." Flash said. "We're down in the conference room."

Three minutes later when he entered the designated room, he found out what 'we' meant, Dinah Lance aka Black Canary, Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman, J'onn J'onzz aka The Martian Manhunter and Victor Stone aka Cyborg.

"I don't think this subject is important enough to merit this kind of gathering." He said after taking his seat.

"Anything that has you obsessed like this is usually enough to warrant a full founders meeting." Flash said with a smile. "Considering we still don't have so much as a name for this guy and he's still below the general public's radar, I want to throw some more people at this and hopefully get a handle on it before that happens."

"Before you say you don't need any help." Black Canary cut in before he could retort. "Let me remind you that this is exactly why there is a Justice League in the first place. So we all could pool our resources and skills toward a common goal."

Batman man narrowed his eyes and ignored her smug tone. "Are we going to get on with this?"

There were several satisfied smirks around the conference table at Batman being so effectively shut down, at least for the moment.

"Alright, this footage came from a traffic cam about four hours ago in Washington D.C." Flash began as the lights dimmed and a holographic projection appeared in the center of the table. It was gray and as clear as it was going to get. From the starting point, it showed a possibly blond girl in a dark dress puffing away on a cigarette and talking on a cell phone while walking to a Porsche convertible parked at the curb.

Diana spoke as they all watched. "The girl is Katrina Uminov, the Russian ambassadors only daughter, she was leaving a night club at the time it was taken."

In the footage Katrina was happily puffing away on her cigarette as she circle around the rear of the car, she flicked her butt into the street and was about to get in when she paused and looked back in the direction she had just come from. A man appeared on the footage and started talking to her. He was wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses and even a scarf. After a brief exchange Katrina shook her head as if dismissing what had been said and made to get in her car. That was when the man pulled out his phone and showed her something on it. Whatever he showed her, stopped her in her tracks. That was when a panel van pulled up behind her and she was pulled inside.

It was a clean grab, know apparent witnesses, no opportunity to scream for help, not even the guy distracting her could be identified, the van didn't even seem to be in a hurry as it began to drive away. That's when the vehicle swerved for no reason that could be seen on the footage and hit a parked car.

Once the van was stopped a figured dressed head to toe in black landed on the roof of the van, pulled a short sword from a scabbard strapped to the center of his back, cut a hole in the roof and dropped inside. Moments later there was a slumped over figure half hanging out of the driver side window and the back doors of the van burst open and two more bodies came tumbling into the street.

The man in black followed them a second later being tackled out of the van by another passenger. The fourth member of the snatch team was a burly fellow so he ended up on top in a position of advantage that didn't last long. The goon reached forward in an attempt to strangle the man beneath him, but his arm was caught and he was dragged into an arm bar submission, only the man in black didn't wait for him to tap out, he raised his hips where the pressure from the arm bar was vital and broke his arm at the elbow without the barest hint of hesitating, a well-aimed kick to the temple and the man was out of the fight.

From start to finish that small skirmish was less than five seconds, by the time the man in black kipped back to his feet, the other two kidnappers were pulling their guns.

Batman's eyes narrowed when there was instantly a knife protruding from each man's hand causing them to drop their guns. 'That was fast, faster than the cameras could follow.' He thought.

The man in black confidently approached the now howling men, one of them pulled the knife from his hand and stupidly tried to throw it back. The only effect that had was an immediate return of said knife only this time it was stuck in his leg just above the knee dropping him to the ground.

The last man had worked the knife out of his hand and rushed the dark figure. He took several amateurish swipes that were all easy avoided. After another wild swipe, the man in black moved into his guard, a brutal elbow to the jaw that completely turned his head almost to the breaking point followed by a perfectly thrown left hook to the temple put the thug down.

Walking away he casually kicked the guy on the ground still trying to work the knife out of his leg.

According to the timer on the footage from snatch until that moment 3 minutes and 47 seconds had elapsed. The man in black approached Katrina who was now standing at the back of the van looking dazed and holding a sword of all things. They had a brief exchange before the man in black took his sword turned and ran out of video range. Katrina stared at the scene around her several long seconds before collapsing in a faint.

"And that's that." Cyborg said into the silence.

"You said this is four hours old? Why wasn't an attempted kidnapping reported, it should have been all over the news? Especially an ambassador's daughter." Batman asked.

"Because the Russian ambassador doesn't want the world to know that not only was his daughter somewhere she wasn't supposed to be, he also doesn't want the world to how vulnerable she was and by extension himself. I was lucky to even get this. This is actually a copy, the original footage has already been seized and I'm sure has been destroyed by now. According to the nice Russian guards at the embassy gates, Katrina walked through them safe and sound not a hair out of place at 11:49 pm. Well before her curfew." Flash responded.

"What else do you have?" Batman said even as he rewound the footage.

"I got the preliminary crime scene forensic you can read for yourself. But in short he left nothing behind that can be used to trace him." Flash said sliding a manila folder along the table towards the Dark Knight. "I also got something on the kidnappers, from the one that can speak it has been determined that they're Chechen Nationals, but they weren't carrying I.D.s, the only thing he said was he wanted a lawyer."

"The only one that could speak?" Wonder Woman asked with a raised eyebrow.

"According to the medical report, between the four would be kidnappers, there are multiple cuts and lacerations, 3 concussions, 7 broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, two broken arms and a shattered jaw all on a sesame seed bun. Two haven't woken up yet, one is speaking in slurred gibberish and the last one is again only saying he wants a lawyer."

There was silence as everyone digested that bit of information.

"Thoughts anyone?"

"He's trained and trained very well." Black Canary said immediately. "While I can't pinpoint a definite style of martial arts, he didn't hesitate in any of his movements, it was muscle memory, and thing's he has done a thousand times before."

"I agree with Black Canary. There was no posturing, no banter." Wonder Woman chimed in. "Each criminal was dealt with quickly and efficiently. That shows he is quite serious about what he is doing."

"What I'm wondering," Cyborg said "is how he cut through that roof? Was it the sword or was it pure strength? Could brute strength do something like that or a new piece of tech? A piece of tech that can be traced possibly."

"I'll try to get you a closer look at the van but don't hold your breath on that" Flash said.

"This is his first sighting in D.C. so that means if he holds to his pattern he'll stick around for a while." Batman said. If he were the type he would be rubbing his hands in anticipation. But he's not the type so he just narrowed his eyes at nothing. "He's never been spotted during the day, so if we stick to rotating shifts around D.C. criminal hotspots someone will run into him."

"And if we do run into him?" The Manhunter said finally speaking.

"Detain him by any means." Batman said straightaway.

"Do you think that's the smart thing to do?" Wonder Woman questioned.

"Are you suggesting we let him roam around continuing as he is?" J'onn asked.

"I'm assuming you've read what I've compiled about him before now. You've just seen what he is capable of unarmed." Batman said.

The Princess shook her head in the negative. "Not at all. What I'm suggesting is a more diplomatic approach. As you've said we've just seen what he's capable of, but that could only be a small portion of his talents. There is no benefit to making him an enemy with so much about him being unknown. He did just save a young woman from a kidnapping even if his methods are harsher than what we would have done."

The man from Mars inclined his head in agreement. "I would also suggest a neutral approach, with the addition that he not be approached alone."

They were nods of agreement from all those gathered in the room.

"Then it's settled, we'll keep watch on rotating shifts for the next week or so. Anyone spots the target follow but do not approach and wait for back up. Meeting adjourned." Batman stood abruptly and left the conference room.

"His sunny disposition is infectious." Flash joked once the Dark Knight was out of hearing range.


(Gotham City 5 weeks later)

'What a waste of my time.' Naruto thought to himself as he ducked under a sloppy haymaker and drove his elbow into the guy's kidney. The guy let out a pained wheeze and collapsed to the ground. Naruto shook his head even as he bounced the guy's head of the concrete floor of the warehouse to make sure he was out.

Even holding himself back, these civilian thugs were way too easy to handle. He was getting bored and frustrated at the lack of challenge these criminals presented, never once coming up against one of the true rogues who could cause him to dip into his bag of tricks. That's the way it's been since Kami dumped him in this world with her only instructions being to be himself.

He dragged the unconscious thug into an out of the way corner of the warehouse, then kept to the shadows to wait for the right opportunity to intervene.

It didn't take long being on this world of costumed heroes and villains for Naruto to understand why Kami had said to just be himself. She knew after seeing the atrocities these villains committed and the so called justice doled out that I would have to involve myself. Raising Menma almost on his own ingrained in him a very strong protector mindset. So after only a few months of being in this new world and with some knowledge and the hefty bank account from Kami he set his mind to protecting those who couldn't protect themselves.

That's what he was doing in this warehouse in Gotham, he had it on very good authority the local mob was planning to buy a shipment of military grade weapons. And if you follow the simple trickle-down effect, from the mob the weapons would then go to street gangs and from the street gangs, they went to want to be tough guys, from the tough guys to a desperate bullied kid and from the bullied kid to an evidence locker after he either commits suicide or shoots up his school or maybe both.

In between the mob and the evidence locker, each gun would have taken at least twenty lives. Even thinking about it Naruto promised himself that not a single weapon in the warehouse was going to make it out of there in proper working order.

Keeping to the shadowed corner, Naruto slowly climbed the wall backwards to give himself a higher vantage point of where the most activity was being carried out. He was just in time to see the mob man direct one of his men to put two large silver cases on a folding table. Just as the weapons dealer was approaching the table two oddly shaped shuriken struck the suit cases before the entire area was covered in smoke.

From his vantage point he could see three familiar figures drop from the ceiling and engage the now panicked bunch of criminals. Naruto was truly impressed with their team work, he could tell they all trained hard to work in such a flawless manner with each other. While they were busy Naruto decided to complete his self-assigned mission.

Dropping from his position he quickly made his way over to the semi-truck that carried the weapons. Crawling under the vehicle he quickly scrawled the formula for a high grade explosive seal at the center of the trailer. Rolling from beneath the trailer he was just in time to see a straggler come up behind Batgirl with a crowbar. Springing into action he caught the crowbar by the hook just as it was swung back causing the man to turn in surprise and feel his face explode in pain, fortunately he was unconscious before he hit the floor and wont realize he lost four teeth for another six hours when he woke up.

Batgirl hearing the body thump behind her spun around, already in a defensive stance. Her eyes widened when she looked from the prone thug to the walking shadow holding a crowbar. She knew who this was, the guy giving Batman the slip for the last few months, no affiliation, no restraint and absolutely no idea where he came from. Again she looked from the thug to the shadow and said nervously. "Uh…Thanks?"

Naruto mutely nodded his head, mildly amused by her nervousness.

"Batgirl, who are you talking to?" An adolescent voice who could only be Robin asked as he rounded the trailer.

Still a little nervous, Batgirl simply pointed.

Robin stopped in his tracks and immediately looked ready to fight. It might have had something to do with Naruto waving the crowbar at him in greeting.

"Oh wow. It's him." Robin stage whispered to his team mate.

"Yes, I can see that. Also we're less than ten feet apart, he can most likely hear you." She said with a little irritation in her voice.

"Who are you?" A gravelly voice demanded from behind him.

Naruto knew he was there, he heard him moving to get behind him even before Batgirl thanked him. Naruto turned around dropping the crowbar on the goon near his feet and looked into the white eyes of the famous bat themed caped hero and something clicked.

He knew bone deep that he and Batman were not going to get along. Naruto knew how to read people, he had to. He had to learn fast and early who he could trust and who he couldn't no matter if the wore a Konoha head band or not. He knew by that one question in that tone that demanded complete obedience and expected it, he knew that he and the Bat were going to bump heads.

Naruto tilted his head slightly as if confused. "I'm a man in a mask, who are you?" Naruto responded in what would be Japanese in this world.

Batman narrowed his eyes. "What is your name?" he asked in the same language but still using that same tone that had Naruto's hackles rising.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first? It's only polite." Naruto said still sidestepping the answer.

"I don't have time for your games!" The Bat hero growled stepping closer.

Naruto took a step closer as well. "I'm not playing any." Naruto's voiced dropped to glacier levels.

"Whoa, whoa! For those of us who only speak English what's happening?" Robin asked approaching the two warily.

"If I had to guess Batman is being his normal charming self." Batgirl chimed.

In another situation Batman would have glared a hole in Batgirl's head for such a flippant answer but he wasn't about to take his eyes of the person in front of him.

"Is there a plan or are you guys going to glare at each other like a couple of UFC fighters at the weigh in?" Robin asked sardonically coming along-side the two of them.

Batman backed up half a step knowing things could get out of hand quickly. Even though technically the man in black was out numbered, having seen his skills, he knew Batgirl and Robin could get seriously injured if it came to a fight at the moment. "Now isn't the time or place. But I want to talk to you about your…methods in how you've been dealing with the criminals you've encountered."

"Fine." Naruto relaxed minutely. "I'll meet you in Gotham Park in one hour. Now you might want to clear out of here, the explosives I set will level the entire building." Naruto casually dropped a smoke in front of him. When he was completely obscured by the smoke he used the body flicker technique to quickly make his escape. He didn't go far, using the double concealment of the dark ceiling as well as the Toton jutsu Naruto watched as the Bat family of heroes dragged every criminal they could find out of the building and as far away from it as possible.

When he was sure they were clear he also left the building using the skylight and then the river. Once he was far enough away he detonated the weapons truck and didn't even turn around to witness part of the building collapsing into the water. He had an appointment to keep and a possible battleground to rig in his favor.

An hour later Naruto was lounging against a tree in an overgrown section of Gotham Park, when he saw a shadow moving around a dried up and half destroyed old fountain.

"I know I didn't say to come alone but it was implied. Would you mind asking your companions to join us?" Naruto said when he and Batman stood out in the open across from each other.

Two figures moved quickly through the sky and landed on either side of the Gotham hero. Both easy recognizable as Superman the most powerful and most well-known hero of Earth and Wonder Woman, Princess of an island of immortal Amazon warriors.

"Bringing in two heavy hitters as intimidation is no way to build trust Batman." Naruto chided.

"As you pointed out, you never said to come alone and they just happened to be in the neighborhood."

"Fine, I suppose I'll give you this one. Now you said something about discussing my methods."

"Wait. First what do we call you, what is the name you go by?" Superman asked also in Japanese.

"Shinobi, no thrills, no frills, just Shinobi."

"Okay Shinobi where are you from?" Superman asked in a friendly tone.

Naruto chuckled and shook his head lightly. "The good cop, bad cop and eye candy distraction isn't going to work on me. Why don't you ask something that I might actually answer like, why I've been doing what I've been doing?"

Before the Bat and Boy Scout could speak Wonder Woman stepped forward threateningly "Did you just call me 'eye candy'? I have castrated men for less offenses."

Deciding not to temp a sudden bout of 'Feminine Fury' Naruto formally bowed to the Amazon Princess. "My apologies Hime. My mouth tends to get away from me in tense situations."

Wonder Woman held on to her glare a little longer before nodding in acceptance.

"Now that we're all friends again. We, as in the Justice League want you to stop what you're doing." Batman said. "Your methods are not what being a hero is about."

Naruto looked steadily at the so called Dark Knight before shrugging his shoulders. "Okay. Is that all?"

The three original Justice Leaguers were caught off guard by the easy compliance. Before Batman narrowed his eyes. "You're not actually going to stop are you?"

"Of course I'm not. I can't believe you actually expected me too as if you have some kind of authority over what I do." Naruto said scornfully. "Also I never claimed to be a hero. I'm stepping in when and where I can."

"Wait! Before things can get out of control." Superman said stepping between the two would be combatants. "I understand, you want to help those who can't help themselves, but the way you're going about it is not the way we do things."

"'We' meaning the Justice League?" Naruto shook his head in exasperation. "You're assuming that I'm trying to emulate the Justice League." Naruto turned to regard the silent Amazon. "I'm going to talk to you now, Warrior to Warrior."

Naruto ignored the slight bristling from Batman and Superman at the casual dismissal. "As one Warrior to another. As someone who most likely started training as soon as they could hold a weapon. Tell me why you joined the Justice League? Tell me why you joined an organization with a catch and release justice system instead of doing what you're training prepared you for, ending your enemies once and for all?"

If Wonder Woman was unnerved or surprised by the question it didn't show. She answered without preamble and with full conviction. "I joined the Justice League to serve a different kind of Justice, one that is not always delivered at the end of a sword. As you've said, since the time I could hold a sword I've been trained to show no mercy to those who oppose me on the battlefield. I've done so on multiple occasions in the protection of my home and people. Once I joined the League I saw that there were other ways of serving justice to the wicked, others ways of protecting those who can't protect themselves without killing."

After hearing Wonder Woman speak with such passion he gave her another bow, this one deeper of utmost respect. "Thank you Hime, for answering me honestly. I believe we have a much in common and much to talk about. Would you care to walk and talk with me?"

Wonder Woman only thought about it for a second before agreeing. 'This isn't the way it was planned but progress is progress.' She thought to herself. "Very well Shinobi."

As the two walked past the visibly stunned Son of Krypton and the narrowed eyed Dark Knight, Superman had to quickly place and hand on the shoulder of his friend to keep him from doing something to break the tenuous accord that had just been reached.

"Let it go Batman, it's something. Not what we wanted but it's something. At least he's willing to talk to one of us."

The two of them were surprised when they heard an honest to goodness belly laugh from the Amazon.

"I swear! Painted the whole thing in broad daylight. Tell me something Hime, do you like ramen?"


Toton jutsu-Transparency escape technique

An: And that's chapter one. There's no pairing at the moment but there will be women, haven't decided if I'm going to try my hands at lemony goodness or not but we'll see what the fans want. By the way I was going for a Snake Eyes type of look for Naruto.