Chapter 7:

I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

Marinette's Pov

Marinette placed both hands on each side of her body, her grip flailing to latch onto the smooth leather seat of the limo. Her legs were going numb, her stomach lurching and her heart racing. Never in her whole life had she been as terrified as she was right now. Even the battle with Stoneheart seemed easy compared to this. Nothing could match the heart-wrenching fear she was feeling riding in a vehicle for the first time. Marinette could even hear her own breathing, rapid and shallow, and her head was pounding like a drum. The speed of the limo, the sudden stops, and the swift sharp turns made her feel confused and dizzy.

Now that Marinette thought about it, she had never ridden in any transportation up until now.

No bus.

No boat.

No airplane.

She couldn't even ride a bike!

Miss Antoine wasn't much of a motherly figure. Every time Marinette had been assigned a job, her guardian would make her walk. Sometimes she would be forced to travel to the opposite side of Paris just to deliver a postcard. Luckily, being ladybug had a few perks, especially when she needed to get somewhere fast.

Surprisingly, Miss Antoine was very anti-technology. An email, phone call or a text message wasn't sufficient. Her guardian liked to do everything old fashioned because apparently, it was more romantic and thoughtful. Maybe her guardian was right, but that didn't make Marinette's life any easier.

Marinette could feel Adrien's incredulous gaze on her, his presence intoxicating. He smelt of honey and sugar, and she was aware of every movement he made; when he blinked, when he fidgeted with his nails, the steady rise and fall of his chest and his minty breath tickling the skin on her neck.

The limo turned the corner sharply and Marinette's lost her balance, her body falling onto Adrien's lap. Marinette's cheeks burned hot, the colour beyond an attractive rosiness. While shocked, Marinette couldn't help notice how comfy her head felt resting in his lap. Quickly vanquishing the thought, she cursed under her breath. Marinette was annoyed that she had already managed to show how socially incompetent and notoriously clumsy she was. Marinette turned her head to the side to avert Adrien's gaze and slowly lifted herself off his body and resumed sitting stiffly beside him.

"Sorry" Marinette murmured, fixing her gaze straight ahead.

There was no response.

Marinette was too afraid to look at him. Would his eyes be masked with disappointment?



Instead, she felt his hand slide over the leather and curl around her fingers, his touch strong and kind. To Marinette's surprise, his touch reassured her that she would be safe. While Marinette's whole world was about to change for the next month, his hands let her know that she could count on him. And maybe, just maybe, it worked both ways. Marinette hoped that the warmth and softness of her hands would let him know that she would be there for him too.

However, there was one question nagging at her brain that she needed to ask to him.

"Adrien?" Marinette hesitated.

"Yes?" he responded quickly, his grip on her hand tightening.

Marinette licked her dry lips and fiddled with one of her earrings. "How did you know where I lived?"

Marinette looked at him, his whole body and expression frozen. He looked like a trapped animal in a cage desperately trying to find a way out.

"Um, I looked up the foster homes in Paris and from there Natalie was able to narrow it down. Natalie is very skilled at her job."

Marinette nodded. That sounded truthful, right?

Marinette switched her attention to the changing scenery outside. The car went past blocks of house, parks and even the famous Dupain-Cheng bakery. Marinette had always wanted to go there and try their famous macarons. Maybe Adrien could take her in the next few weeks

Marinette liked to study people. She spotted a planter on the 2nd level of his house, hanging out the window as his watered his flowers, happily bobbing his head up and down to a tune playing on his phone. She saw an overweight middle-aged man walking three dogs, his hands wrapped tightly around the leash while sweat dripped from his nose and splattered onto the concrete, leaving a path of droplets behind him. Marinette even laughed out loud when a cat walked along the footpath with a strong confident stride, brushing up against every pedestrian that strolled past

Marinette couldn't place how she was feeling. Was this what it was like to be happy?


Marinette was relieved when she finally stepped out of the car. The mansion loomed proudly in the chilly autumn wind and once again she speculated over how big it was. The place seemed to appear more beautiful every time she saw it.

She was currently standing at the car's boot, gripping the handle of her luggage tightly. Mustering up all her strength and power, Marinette attempted to heave her bag out of the trunk. Nevertheless, her bag remained in the car.

"Would you like some help?" Adrien asked, coming up beside her and brushing his arm against hers.

Did he do that on purpose?

Adrien's efforts were almost as pitiful as her own. He struggled, sweat forming on his forehead as he frantically tried to lift her stuff out of the car. After taking out his frustration by kicking the car's bumper relentlessly, Adrien looked at her, his cheeks darkening with colour from embarrassment. Marinette giggled, which gradually turned to laughter. At one point she even snorted, sending her into another fit of laughter.

Adrien scratched his hair. "Well, that didn't go as I had envisioned it."

"No, it didn't," Marinette agreed.

They both looked at each other and then at the car and her stupid luggage lying there. She could imagine her bag having an annoying smug face and cackling at her evilly.

"This is stupid. What on earth is in that bag?" Adrien asked.

Marinette looked at Adrien. "Only my clothes. I have no idea why it is so heavy."

Marinette smiled, knowing all too well what was in that bag. Miss Antoine had packed a stack load of items that she had gathered from around the house. These included clocks, jewelry pieces, cups, bowls, and chocolate.

Marinette had officially become Miss Antoine's wingman in which her guardian had formulated a ridiculous plan. Marinette knew that this was one of the main reasons why her guardian had allowed her to stay at the Agreste mansion.

Marinette's mission:

Get Mr. Agreste to fall in love with her guardian.

Marinette had orders to place the objects in her bag around the house. Mr. Agreste would then start to realize all the items and become suspicious. It would then be Marinette's job say something to him like, "hey, I think I've seen that object before in my foster house. Maybe you should go check with Miss Antoine to see if it is hers?"

However, Marinette knew that there were two flaws with her guardians "amazing" plan.

1. Mr. Agreste would wonder how the objects got into his house

2. Mr. Agreste might just give the objects to Marinette so she could ask Miss Antoine instead

Suddenly out of nowhere, Natalie was at the trunk, pulling out Marinette's bag and plopping it down with a loud smack next to Marinette. Natalie then proceeded to walk away, up the grand steps and through the mansion's doors.

Adrien began to dust his hands together like he just done a huge job and flexed his muscles. Marinette rolled her eyes, an action that she had mastered after years of being around Cat Noir.

Would this be a regular thing with Adrien as well?

Contempt and happiness flowed through Marinette as she grabbed her bag and rolled it along the marble floor, up the steps, and through the house. Marinette stopped, her breathing suspended as she gazed at the high ceilings, the chandeliers and the massive staircase leading upstairs. Overwhelmed and exhausted, Adrien took her up the stairs, through a narrow hallway, and into a small room tucked away towards the back of the mansion.

The room was like something out of a perfect magazine cover. Marinette was afraid to sit or touch anything in case she wrinkled the fabric or stained it. The floor was free of dust and clutter, a polished dark wood. The curtains were linen and in the middle of the room was a soft green rug. Towards the back of the room was a single bed, untouched and lit up by a small window above the frame of the bed.

Black and white photographs hung on the wall, not casual family snaps, but arranged to look professional and artistic. Many featured Adrien as a young boy but many also contained a young woman. There was a beautiful sadness to her as she didn't seem to smile. She appeared physically there, but mentally far away.

Adrien saw her staring at the woman. "That is my mother. This was her room when she was young"

Marinette nodded. "You've got her eyes."

Marinette watched Adrien as he looked at the picture. A beautiful sadness also masked his features. Marinette was going to ask what happened to his mother but she quickly stopped herself. She didn't want to appear rude on her first day. She had plenty of time to ask.

Instead, Marinette walked over to the bed and reverently rubbed her fingers along the silken matters. She pressed her face to the cool, green velvet pillows. The comforter was thick and irresistibly soft. Marinette fell back into the bed, her dark hair spread out around her head like a halo.

"I hope the room is alright. My room is just down the hall if you ever need me," Adrien said.

Marinette closed her eyes. "It is perfect."

"There is also a bookshelf in the corner, so help yourself to it if you ever want to read something."

Marinette opened her eyes and stared at the roof. "Thank you."

She heard Adrien's footsteps making their way to the door. "I'll leave you to get settled in."

Marinette listened to the retreating footsteps as warmth and darkness enveloped her. She soon succumbed to the call of sleep.


Marinette had dinner with Adrien and Natalie. Mr. Agreste had been pulled away to a work meeting in London and would not return for a couple of days. From the look of things, his absence seemed to be a common occurrence.

Marinette had roast chicken and vegetables. It was the best chicken she had ever tasted. At her foster home, the food would usually come from a fast food joint as Miss Antoine didn't know how to cook. The only reason Marinette wasn't overweight was due to all the exercise she gets when she is Ladybug.

Natalie went over Marinette's school and model schedule for tomorrow. Marinette would be attending the same school as Adrien but they would be placed in separate classes. She would also have a photoshoot with Adrien.

Marinette spent a little bit of time after dinner in the lounge room talking to Adrien about the school before she headed up to her room with the intention of sleep. Tiki was already asleep, curled up on a pillow snoring softly

However, Marinette had already slept in the afternoon and instead found herself drawn to the bookshelf where she picked up a handmaid written book.

Marinette looked at the title on the cover. The Story of the Peacock.