It was about a week before it started to go down hill. A week of healing. A week of resting. A week of making friends and perhaps more. It's was a week of laughter and smiles, of learning about others past. Telling stories and cook-offs, roasting marshmallows and watching tv. There were, of course, the dark moments. Arthur began having night terrors then not remembering what scared him enough that his screams woke almost everyone. Merlin flinched at the gentlest of contact, and when questioned refused to talk about it, laughing it off as not important. But for the most part, it was a great week and I really wish it hadn't ended. It was a Sunday when the Winchesters got word of a new hunt. Something was killing things in Boston, leaving hollowed out corpses deep in the forests for hikers to find. The police are blaming it on wildlife but no one really believed it. The Winchester's brought it to my attention, wondering if it would be okay for them to leave for a while for the hunt. I reminded them of their Promise to Castiel and that seemed to slow down the thought train pretty fast. Dean was the one who suggested taking him with them but Merlin wouldn't go and leave Arthur alone for longer than 10 minutes at a time. I was game to go as well so it all came down to Arthur. Weather he was ready to go out and meet the world or not. That evening at dinner was when we posed the question. Arthur had just scooped a large helping of scalloped potatoes with extra cheese onto his plate when sam asked.
"Arthur," he glanced at Dean and I before continuing, " we got a call that something has been killing people over in Boston. We can't leave Merlin here and Merlin won't leave you alone. We were wondering if you felt up to going. If not we can pass the job on to other hunters." He stated, looking intently at the king. Everyone else peered at him as well, unintentionally raising the pressure. Arthur looked rather like a deer in the headlights, one hand poised to scoop up the potatoes. His eyes darted around to Merlin's then mine before sinking down to his plate. He placed his fork down gently then folded both hands in his lap. After a beat Sam added "it's alright to say no. I probably would if I were you." Arthur nodded.
"It's hurting people?" He finally asked timidly.
"Yeah." Dean replied.
"Then I guess we should go put a stop to it huh." He stated, looking back up at them with a small grin. To be frank I felt a smile twinge at the corner of my mouth as well but it was nothing like the full blown grins of Merlin and Dean.
Merlin had to admit that when he was hearing stories from Sam, Dean, and myself he fell in love with the idea of hunting along side Arthur however he would want to talk first, try and get them to stop instead of just killing them right away. Arthur thought it sounded like a whole lot of fun to get out there and help but he wouldn't want to do it forever. He really just wanted to settle down with some one somewhere out of the reach of time and watch the sun set, casting the world in gold for a few seconds before the stars began their dance across the night sky.
That night we packed our bags, each getting one little shoulder bag for our stuff. Merlin had taken to sleeping in Arthur's room and it seemed to help with the nightmares. I was in a little room off away from the boys. It was my own choice plus it was right next to the library. When I woke up the next morning I walked in on Sam and Dean trying to figure out how to get all 5 of us, our bags and the hunting gear in the car.
"Guys, we can use my car." I stated from the doorway making them both jump. I always was a rather quiet person. Once he regained his composure, Dean raised an eyebrow.
"You have a car?"
"Yeah, she's a beauty. 1965 mustang. Black with leather lining, blue rims and stitching. I've had it for 60 years. Did all the repairs myself." I boasted, crossing my arms smiling till an awful thought meandered it's way to the front. "Oh crap she's with the demons." Dean nodded his sympathy.
"I am sorry for your loss. She sounds like a great car"
"I'm getting her back. And if there is one scratch on her I'm going to dissect each and every demon who laid their corrupt paws on her." I snapped. Dean held his hands up in defense.
"I would do the same for my baby." He assured. I nodded my understanding just as Merlin and Arthur walked in, carrying their bags. Arthur looked better, not as pale or gaunt as he had been at the beginning of the week but he still looked like if the breeze got to strong it would blow him over. Not to mention the stab wound in his side aching if he moved wrong. Merlin on the other hand looked happy if not a little concerned. He was slightly paranoid that Emrys would take over again but when Arthur's hand brushed his he grew calmer. Ahh, they were so in love. If only they would take the time to figure it out, everyone else had. Or I had, which is basically the same thing. Dean was still in denial over his relationship. Sam and I had sat and talked about that late into the evening one night. I have to say I am a firm destiel shipper. I, of course, told him about Merlin and Arthur and he is now one of the most fervent merthur shippers I've met. He is also the only other Merthur shipper but those are details. So when Merlin's shoulders visibly relaxed after Arthur's hand brushed against his, Sam and I shared a knowing look. At about 3 am that night we had proposed locking the would be couples in a room till they admitted their feelings. At first I had thought it was a crazy idea born of sleep deprivation and too much to drink but now it seemed like a really good thought.
And so, with all this on our minds we loaded into the car. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Merlin was in the middle with Arthur behind Dean. I was onMerlins other side and the bags were strapped to the top of the car. Arthur asked why the bags couldn't go in the trunk. Dean said accessibility. This answer did not help Arthur but he strapped the bags where Dean told him to after an explanation of what bungee cords were. After a little grumbling and squeezing with minimal swearing we were on our way.
By the 6th hour in the car everyone was getting a little antsy. Meaning we were shoving each other. Hard. For an inch more space. Dean was yelling at us to sit still when Merlin, in his most whinny and childish voice, asked for a bathroom. Arthur then, in the same sort of voice, asked if they were there yet. And kept asking it. Over and over and over and over. Sam had his head in his hands and Dean was muttering angrily under his breath something about children. I decided now would be a great time to yell 'he's touching me' really annoying like and start poking Merlin to get him to move over.
"I will turn this car around if you guys continue! Do you hear me!?" Dean exploded. There was silence for a moment before sam just started laughing early hard. I began to giggle and soon we were all laughing really hard. We did stop at the next motel we saw and got 2 rooms, one for Sam and Dean, one for me, Merlin, and Arthur. Merlin and Arthur shared a bed while I got the other. It wasn't a bad blade either. The rooms were clean and breakfast was included in the room. Plus it had a bath tub. It was rather enjoyable to sit and soak for a while. The beds were comfy but had nothing on the beds at the bunker. A place couldn't have everything I guess.
Sam and dead did a little bit of research, trying to figure out what sort of creature hollows out its victims but came up empty. It didn't occur to them to ask either Merlin or myself about it. I was pretty sure it was the love child of a vampire and kelpie. Nasty things though very rare. It's almost as rare as a werewolf and centaur getting together and having a kid. Their offspring were surprisingly nice, shy away from humans, help the environment and, you'll never believe it but they photosynthesize their own food. I thought they were pulling my leg when they told me but no. Unfortunately they also have a short lifespan, One moon cycle. Back on the vampkie (named them myself cause there is no record of them anywhere.) I've only encountered 2 others. They were siblings and I'm guessing this one is from the same litter. They live in water, able to transform like their kelpie side into a horse, person, or sea foam. They lull you into following them away from civilization then do the thing with you. It's during that that they kill you, usually right after you climax so I guess you go out on a high note. They split you open then eat your innards and weave you back together again like a piƱata. That's at least what the other two did. Super disgusting. The next morning once we were all in the car I told the guys this and it was Dean who asked how I knew that. I shrugged.
"When you've been alive for as long as I have you figure things out." I stated nonchalantly.
"I'm as old as you are and I didn't know that." Merlin countered. I squinted at him.
" yeah well you didn't go looking for trouble like I did. Plus I'm a hunter. Double the searching for trouble."
"True." He admitted, shifting back to face the front.
Besides Deans crazy, lawbreaking driving, the rest of the trip was rather uneventful.
Alright so I'm slowly trying to make up for that long time of silence. I did in fact make up both creatures in this story cause I was in the middle of a 13 hour flight and I didn't want to stop writing. I love you guys.