(HI GUYS, SLYTH HERE! Okay so, after asking a few of my dear reviewers on whether they would like to see a longer version of G-O-N-E-R composed as a series of oneshots based on the short events, here it is! It shouldn't take me long to post all chapters, probably around a week since I'll be posting two chapters a day. Hope everyone is having a good start to the New Year! Enjoy!

P.S I shan't lie and say that I own Harry Potter because I must not tell lies, however I solemnly swear this may touch some feels)

"Crucio!" She closed her eyes expecting pain, hearing the screaming, wondering where the pain was. She opened her mouth to retort that he was a very bad Dark Lord if she didn't feel any pain, but then she realized.


"STOP IT! LET HIM GO!" At her scream Harry abruptly stopped screaming, and she turned slightly, watching him fall limp on the ground. Merlin please someone help them, someone get them out of there. Like always, help never came. Harry's green eyes looked up at her, begging, pleading, and then a green light the color of their eyes washed over them both and she woke up with a scream.

Bolting up panting, she pressed her cold hands against the silk of her velvet green nightgown. Listening quietly, only silence greeted her and she was glad she had the forethought to put silencing charms on her curtains, she didn't want to wake her roommates up for the third time this week. Instead of the normal tears that rushed down her face after dreams like this, she only felt numb. It had only been 3 days, yet she had no more tears to spare. She was a Slytherin after all. She had lost everything else, but she would not lose her pride.

Grabbing her 10" dogwood wand, she silently cast the tempus charm, watching as the time danced across the air in front of her.

2:15 am. Letting out a soft sigh, she slid out of bed slightly, grabbing her dressing robe and putting it over her nightgown. She suddenly felt claustrophobic, she needed to get out of the building before she had another mental breakdown. She didn't think that the castle could take it. Quietly sneaking out of the dorm into the common room, she winced slightly, knowing the alarms in Snape's room would go off the moment the common room door opened. Still, she would sit through the lecture in the morning. For now, she needed to go. Sneaking out of the common room was easy, as was making out of the castle. She let out a soft sigh of relief as the coldness of the dungeons disappeared as she made her way closer to the doors, her eyes lingering on the stairs that led up to the 7th floor, her body absently starting to go towards them before she forcefully corrected herself, practically running out of the school. The cold immediately stung her like sharp knives, and she shivered at the comparison to the curse that she had been forced to endure. She didn't realize it was snowing until a big fat snowflake slapped her in the face and she felt the cold wetness. She should have expected it, it was late February after all. Brushing her hair out of her eyes, she slowed her pace, walking slowly.

The snow crunched underneath her bare feet.

14 year old Xanthe Potter stood on the Quidditch pitch, watching as her breath connected with the air, the breath dance between the two causing steam to rise. Her Slytherin scarf hung loosely around her neck, her auburn hair falling around her as she stared forward with misty eyes. She watched him quietly, her arms wrapping around her side, careful of her still bruised ribs, an injury she had sustained during Voldemort's rise. The person she was watching suddenly whipped around, his pale blonde hair glowing in the moonlight as they made eye contact. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something, and then his mouth closed as he turned and disappeared into the forest, leaving her all alone on the Quidditch pitch. She let out a soft sigh, wishing he would just tell her how he felt, it couldn't get any worse than that, but she knew why he didn't want to. Hell, if she was in his position, she wouldn't do it either. She'd flee far away from the situation, distancing herself as far as possible. Which is of course why she was a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor like H-Harry. Wrapping her arms around herself, she sank to the ground unaware of the tears streaming down her face until the taste of salt danced across her chapped lips when her tongue danced out to moisten them. She remained unaware of the two people watching her, Albus Dumbledore, the one she blamed for her brother's death, and Draco Malfoy, the boy that she was confused about and made her wish that for once in her life she would be normal. She didn't know how long she stayed out there, but eventually the sun began to rise and she stood up, wandering aimlessly back to the school. It was one thing to be caught out of the common room after hours, but to know that she had been out all night? That just wasn't something she could deal with right now.