A/N: Sorry I took so long to update. Here it is, though. The final chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter 9 - Epilogue:


"I have something for you." Leah said as she walked into Bella and Paul's shared bedroom with a breakfast tray and a big smile.

"Bacon and eggs." Bella smiled and sniffed appreciatively.

"Yeah, that too." She shrugged loosely. "But I was actually referring to a letter from Paul." She jutted her chin froward, motioning to the envelope lying next to Bella's breakfast and placed the tray on Bella's lap.

"What does it say?" Bella asked curiously, grabbing the envelope and tearing it open.

"I don't know, silly. I didn't read it. I'l be back shortly so we can start getting you ready." Leah promised and crossed the room to leave, closing the door behind her.

To say that Bella was pleasantly surprised when everyone accepted Bella back with open arms, was the understatement of the year. Every single one of her friends shrugged off the fact that she'd almost married a leech (It couldn't have been easy for them). They filled the void of family these last few months - and did it so much better than her own parents had. She hadn't seen her parents since the night she ran away with Paul - two, almost three months ago. They'd tried to contact her, sure, but Bella ignored their calls without hesitation. Every single one of them. Under Jacob's strict orders, the pack kept her parents from coming onto the Reservation to 'rescue' her from "The no-good Indian boy who is bound to ruin her life" as they put it. She was thankful for Jacob's help. Thankful that their friendship had just taken off where it had been left. Here on the Reservation she had a real family now, one's who didn't judge. They offered love without conditions or boundaries - they were very definition of the word 'family'.

Bella opened the letter with fumbling fingers and a curious smile. Paul had managed to sneak a letter past Kim - Jared's girlfriend - who was guarding Bella like a watch dog to ensure that Paul wouldn't sneak in to see Bella on they day of their wedding. "It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding..." She'd maintained firmly when Bella complained that she missed her fiancé, last night.


Sorry I couldn't get past your 'security' last night. It wasn't for lack of trying. Jacob eventually gave an alpha order just to keep me away.

All I really wanted to say to you is that I love you very much and I can't wait to see you in your white dress later and hold you in my arms as Mrs. Lahote . And make love to you tonight.

I missed you next to me last night, but hopefully that was the last time we spent away from each other.

See you soon.

Love you, babe.

Your fiancé

Bella smiled and folded the letter up again, filing it back into the envelope. She couldn't wait to marry Paul later today. They'd intended to get married sooner, but at Bella's insistence that there was no need to rush (too much) and the fact that Paul had only recently gotten his own business on it's feet, they'd waited just a little longer.

Bella took a bite of bacon, chewing thoughtfully. She'd wondered out loud a few nights ago if she was being cold and heartless, because she didn't invite her parents to her wedding. And that it didn't bother her in the least. Paul had studiously reminded her that they'd made their own bed... and as far as her coldness toward them was concerned, her negative feelings (or lack of any feelings at all) had been carefully manufactured throughout the many years that she'd put up with their bullshit. He always knew what to say. He understood her past very well, having been smack dab in the middle of most of it, right alongside her.

Bella pulled herself from her thoughts and focused on eating all the food that Leah, or more accurately Emily, had prepared for her (Leah was shit at cooking). She knew Leah would be back soon and that she'd receive hell if she wasn't finished yet. They were planning on spoiling her today. There was a supposed schedule that Kim had typed out for today - her OCD nature compelling her to do so. Leah and Emily had both rolled their eyes at Kim. Bella didn't mind so much, knowing that Kim had planned out her day with only the best of intentions.


Paul wasn't a one to cry by any means, but seeing Bella walk down the isle, arm in arm with Jacob made well-justified tears spring to his eyes. They had one hell of a history. A painful and fucked-up past, thanks to Bella's parents. And if he was completely honest with himself, he had to admit that for the last few years, he hadn't thought they would be standing where they were today - getting married at the cliffs, like he'd promised Bella in their pre-teen years.

Paul swallowed thickly as Jacob handed Bella off to him and wiped a stray tear from his cheek with the back of his hand. Bella mirrored him, dabbing gently at her eyes with her forefinger in an attempt to prevent her make-up form smudging.

She looked stunning. A large braid ran from the middle of her head down to the side, getting lost in ebony curls at the back. Small white flowers were eased into the braid. Her make-up was done very naturally - all the girls knew Paul hated too much make-up. Bella didn't need it anyway - she was beautiful without it. She wore a off-the-shoulder, long-sleeved lace wedding dress - simple and stunning. Nothing like the monstrosity she'd worn for her wedding to the leech. Today's wedding was by no means cheap, but it lacked the ostentatiousness of the Cullen wedding. Thinking about the pretentiousness of it all still left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Paul squeezed Bella's hand encouragingly when the time for their vows arrived. He wanted to assure her that he wasn't going to run. And in the spirit of assurances, Paul had opted to say his vows first.

"Bella. We've known each other for a lifetime. We've shared so much together - pain and happiness." Paul caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "And today is without a doubt the best day of my life. It's frightening to think that we almost didn't make it here. But now that you're back in my life, I'm never letting you go. I promised you many years ago that I was going to marry you right here, at the cliffs. And here we are, finally. I vow to you today, in front of our friends and family, that I will love you until my dying day. I promise to be faithful to you, support you and encourage you. I look forward to the rest of our lives together as husband and wife and someday even as parents. Please accept this ring as a symbol of my undying love." Paul slipped a white gold band onto Bella's ring finger and gave her a mega-watt smile. Best day of his life! Without a doubt.

"Paul." Bella gave him a watery smile. "You were there for me when I needed a friend. When I needed family. You were my knight on a white horse, always coming to my rescue when life at home got out of hand. You're still my knight today - but I'm so happy to add husband to the long list of what you mean to me. I promise to love you and stand by your side through whatever life offers us - the good and the bad. And I promise not to nudge you in the ribs when you snore too loudly or get mad at you for not changing out the toilet paper when you were the one to finish it in the first place. I promise to feed that bottomless stomach of yours without complaint and laugh at your jokes, no matter how bad they are. And most importantly, I promise from this day forth never to use the word 'whatever' around you, no matter how angry I am at you." The guests laughed. They all knew about the aversion Paul had to that specific word. "You are the love of my life. The one I could never seem to forget, no matter how much time passed. Thank you for saving me and loving me unconditionally." She practically squealed with glee as she slipped Paul's wedding ring onto his finger.

"You may now kiss the bride." Billy Black proudly pronounced them man and wife.

Cheers erupted from the guests and Quil's voice boomed over the noise. "About goddamn time!"

"You know it." Paul acknowledged with a huge grin and pulled Bella closer to him. "Come here, wifey." He rubbed his nose against her cheek before capturing her lips with his in a gentle, lingering kiss.

Paul pulled back, resting his head against Bella's and looked into her eyes. "Forever." He promised in a private whisper.

Bella nodded solemnly and smiled, copying his words. "Forever."


One year later

Bella's breath hitched in the back of her throat as Paul removed the last item of clothing preventing them from joining their bodies together in ecstasy. "You smell so fucking good, babe. You're so fertile right now."

Bella's eyes widened in comprehension. He always told her when she was fertile. It was the only time they used protection. As far as he was concerned, condoms were designed to be used for sex with random strangers and he hated using them with Bella when it wasn't necessary. She was his wife after all. They'd tried the pill, but for some reason Paul's wolf hated the smell of the artificial hormones that clung to her natural scent - so they ditched the pill and opted for the more traditional form of latex contraception. It served it's purpose well for the two or three days of the month that Bella was 'unsafe' so to speak.

Bella reached over to the nightstand drawer, pulling out a square foil packet, biting it between her teeth and tearing it open. "Here." She said and held it out to Paul.

He took the half-opened condom between two fingers, observing it thoughtfully. "What if we didn't use a condom, tonight?" Paul suggested.

Bella arched a brow at him, like he was being an idiot. "Then I'd most likely end up pregnant, my dear husband."

He flashed her a knowing grin and placed his lips against the base of her jaw, trailing open-mouthed kisses toward her collar bone. "I know." He whispered.

Bella pulled back in shock, sitting up straight now to get a better look at Paul. "What are you saying?" Here eyes darted between his in confusion. Or was it hope?

Paul rubbed his finger over the pucker between her brows and placed a lingering kiss on her lips. "Let's make a baby." He whispered against her plump mouth.

Bella's response was instant and stunning. Her eyes crinkled at the sides and her lips turned up into a dazzling smile. "Yeah?"

"Definitely." He nodded, flinging the unappetizing piece of half-opened latex to the far corner of the room and filled her body with a slow, teasing push of his hips. His wolf howled with satisfaction - it's one true desire was finally being fulfilled tonight.


Bella stood in the bathroom, her heart beating rapidly. Two purple lines on the plastic stick in her shaking hands confirmed her suspicions - she was indeed pregnant. She'd suspected as much when the morning sickness (or more accurately - afternoon sickness) started a little over a week ago. And if that wasn't testament enough, her boobs were super-sensitive, she was constantly beyond exhausted and her period was late. She smiled at her bright-eyed reflection in the mirror. She and Paul had made a baby together - a product of their complete and utter love and passion. She was carrying a tiny baby inside of her.

Bella sat down on the toilet in the small bathroom at the bookshop - her mind going a million miles a minute as she thought about how she was going to tell Paul. She wanted to do something original. Something special. Bella put the test back into the wrapper and stowed it in her purse - evidence for later. She had an idea of how to surprise Paul. Her assistant could handle the customers while she worked on her little project.

Later that evening when Paul arrived home, Bella was waiting anxiously. She'd cooked for them and was going to present him with a hand-sketched cartoon picture of a baby - the words at the bottom reading: "And then all their dreams came true..."

"Hi babe." Paul greeted her with a lingering kiss, pulling her into him and wrapping his arms around her.

"How was your day?" She asked and ushered him to the table. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll get you a beer."

She crossed the room back to the kitchen and pulled an ice cold amber bottle from the fridge.

"It was good, thanks. I managed to secure a huge client today."

"That's great, babe. I'm so proud of you." Bella said as she fished the announcement from a drawer. "So I made something for you today."

"Oh yeah? Let me see." He looked curious. Beer and announcement in hand, Bella padded back over to Paul.

"Here you go." Bella handed him his beer and placed the announcement in front of him. She pulled out a chair and sat down, resting her chin on an upturned palm, carefully observing Paul's expression. It took a minute. He looked at the cartoon picture with a frown, looked up at Bella and then back to the picture again, realization slowly replacing the confusion.

"Your pregnant?" He offered her a careful smile, hope shining in his beautiful brown eyes.

Bella nodded in confirmation. "You're going to be a daddy."

"Get over here." He murmured and pulled her from her chair and into his lap, peppering her face with butterfly kisses. "I must be the luckiest guy on earth."

A/N: Thank you for reading my story. Please check out 'Under my skin' if you're bored. Much love. Mrs. LMB xxx