Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers Prime and any of its characters. They all belong to there respective owners.

A/N: Hey guys(and girls). Apologies for the dumb name, but I couldn't think of a good one XD...

This is my first story so sorry if it's not that great. I've been planning something like this for a bit now and really looking forward to it. Let me know if you enjoyed and tell me what I could to make it better if I need to. But without any more the delays, here's the prologue of Broken Mirror!

During the events of 'Darkest Hour'

After just witnessing the raw power of the Omega Lock, Optimus Prime was beginning to dread what Megatron had in store for Cybertron. But right now, he wanted to get the children as far away as possible.

'You have what you wanted, Megatron.' Optimus said. 'Allow us to return the children to Earth'. As he heard this, a very unsettling smirk appeared on the warlords face.

' I wouldn't suggest that Optimus'. He warned. 'They'll be much safer here. Soundwave, is the space bridge locked on target?' He asked turning to his communications officer. Soundwave merely nodded slowly.'Exelent.' He said, the smirk becoming more of a smile, making Optimus become even more unnerved. Then, a space bridge opened above the Omega Lock.

'Why rule one planet, when I can rule two?' Megatron asked looking towards the Autobots. The Omega Lock then fired into the space bridge. Optimus then realised where the blast had been aimed for. As had the others.

'If the Omega Lock can repair Cybertron, it'll do the same to Earth, right?' Miko asked, a hint of fear in her voice. The fear she could be wrong.

'No. It will cyberform your planet if favour of its new matrix.' Optimus said, confirming the young girls fears.

'I wonder what I shall call my new domain.' Megatron teased. 'New Kaon, or perhaps Killled Earth?'

'No!' Came the cry's of the children. 'Leave our planet alone!' But, hearing this, the Decepticons just laughed. Megatron, Starscream, Knockout, all of them.

That was what pushed Optimus Prime over the edge.

Shifting his hand into his blade, he sliced through the Vehicons in front of him, and made a beeline for the Star Saber. Grabbing the sword, he charged towards the Omega Lock. Megatron then drew the Dark Star Saber from behind him and ran forward to block his foes path. The result was a clash between the two blades.

Stunned, Megatron staggered back, and Optimus took his chance and swung his blade again, slicing off Megatron's right forearm. As the stollen appendage of a fallen Prime fell to the ground along with the Dark Star Saber, Megatron collapsed, holding his arm in pain. Optimus continued his charge, Starscream attempting to stop him. Instead, the Seeker took a foot to the face as Optimus used him to jump above the Omega Locks control panel. Using all his strength, he slammed the Star Saber into the control panel causing it to explode, along with the rest of the Omega Lock.

As the dust cleared, Optimus stared at the ruins of the Omega Lock, when something caught his optic. The space bridge that had been above the Lock was now a larger, white vortex, lighting crackling around it. The vortex then began pulling, parts of debris flying into it, causing it to become even more unstable.

Eventually, Optimus found himself caught in the pull. He did everything in his power to remain on the ground, digging the Star Saber in to the floor. He then saw the terrified looks on the faces and faceplates of Team Prime as they came running towards him. As he looked up at the vortex, he knew what would happen when he passed through it, and he wasn't going to let that be their fate.

'Fall back!' He yelled over the lightning.

'Not without you' Arcee yelled back? At that moment, he knew what had to be done. He knew this was the last time he would ever see his friends . At that thought Optimus remember all the good memories they had shared, and through all the pain that should have broken them apart, it just made them stronger then ever. Optimus then looked up at them, and removed his battle mask. He then and knew he could rest peaceful knowing that his family would carry on the fight against the Decepticons. And he let got of the Star Saber, then was lifted towards the vortex.

'No!' The whole team chorused. Optimus felt guilty for leaving his family, but he had become so proud of each on of them. As he slowly drifted towards the portal above him, he made on last speech.

'Over the course of the past two years, you have all given me something worth fighting for: a family. Each of you has made me emencely proud. Thank you, Autobots, for standing by me throughout this long war. And thank you Jack, Miko, and Raphael, for teaching us the true meaning of compassion. Of family. My only regret is leaving you behind so soon, but I have faith that the war will end after my demise. Goodbye, my friends. It has been an honour.' He turned away, not looking back as he passed through the portal. Feeling his vision start to blur, Optimus closed his optics, waiting until he was one with the Allspark.

'Till all are one' he though as he felt himself enter the a never-ending sleep.

Little did Optimus Prime know, what lay beyond that portal was by far the furthest thing from what he imagined. It was something much worse...

So, what did you all think? Sorry If it's not worded so well. Like I said: first time writing a story like this. Please let me know what you all think, and would love some ideas on how to improve.

Until then... have a good one you lot;)