So here is my first dabble into the new world of fanfiction for Man in the High Castle. Not many stories have yet to be written on this pairing, but I wish that it will grow, because i want to see what all you others out there will write for Joe/Juliana. I have only watched the first four episodes of season 2, so no giving away anything you might have already watched in that season in your reviews please ;)
Do leave a review at the end. Ta!
Juliana Crain sat with her knees curled to her chest between the chest of draws and the wall. It was her usual place, her safe place. A chair was dragged into its constant rest against the handle of her front and only door. The bed was too soft for her, and from it she had been able to see the face of the man who started it all, looking coldly and disapprovingly at those forced to admire his portrait. She stayed there for most of her first night drowning in his stare and the unfamiliar cotton mattress, before she retreated to her corner. Her shoulder length hair veiled her face as she buried it into her knees, drawing them close to keep out the biting chill only she could feel.
Juliana thought back to better times... Perhaps not better, but she had been more at peace back then than she was now. She thought of Frank and his touch, his smell. How it felt to lie beside him, knowing how the day would play. Wake up, work, dojo, shop, home, food, sleep. She missed the ignorance.
Juliana's fists clenched and blood dripped from her palms. The smell of cigarettes and old worn leather and pine, filled her memory like a slow welcomed fog blocking out everything else. Frank slipped away, and a face, a less haunted face appeared. Less haunted maybe, but no lesser the feeler of pain. She thought. He had shared her pain, and she his. In such a short time, she had felt and experienced more things with the pine smelling, leather wearing, and cigarette smoking man. Within just over a week, she had been through more with him than she had had with her supposed lover in years.
Joe Blake...
Her fists clenched tighter. She had turned to the Reich. The Kempetai were after her like snakes, the Resistance chasing her like hounds and she was the frightened fox. She scurried from her den when they lit fires, driving her from home with choking smoke and guns. She had used Joe's name as her shield from bullets. She wanted to see him, to touch him and know he was still real, still alive. People were vanishing; he was not aloud to vanish too. He had held her in strong arms and said comforting words, it had been a lie, but at the time a lie was what she needed. She needed one now. She needed him to cover her shoulders with his leather pine smelling coat, to shield her against the harsh angry world around her. Nazi or no Nazi; he had been more real than any one else since before and after her time with him, since before she saw the film.
"He fooled you too,"
Cursed words! Poisoning her mind of what little clarity it had left, tainting her comforting fog; black tendrils spiralling and sneaking, seeking. She had walked down the steps, a fear of sudden dread... Would she never see him again? No, she doubted she would.
The pain in her clenched, bleeding fists became so much that she had to let go, but a stubborn wilful part of her hung on still. Not to the fear neither the pain in her bloodied palms. No, but to the idea, the wish, the prayer, that he was still alive. Joe was still alive, and he would stay that way... And she would see him again. She had too.
The muscles of her stomach clenched and twisted. She wanted to be sick, but she was tired, too tired to move from her corner and wretch into the sink. Instead she leaned forwards, resting her feverish forehead against the side of the chest of draws. She breathed in the smell; pine. She breathed again, letting the faint scent wash over her like a soothing ripple on a troubled beach. She breathed again... And fell asleep.
There we have it, short I know but it was typed up late at night as I was falling asleep. tell me what you think and that if you want more :) I have a min to do a little Joe POV for the next one it you would like? Leave a review!