Ahhhh I'm sorry for taking so long to upload this. School got busy and I rewrote chapters three and four, but I have tied down my muse to a chair with Hello Kitty duct tape and plan to get a few chapters out of them before they blue skiddo away. I thank everyone that has reviewed this so far. Here we goooooooooooooooooooooo
The amount of attackers steadily grows throughout the day. Sportacus and Robbie, soon return from clearing the perimeter with blood all over them and a fear in their eyes.
"Did you kill them all?!" Ziggy excitingly asks as he looks up at his hero and role model. Sportacus wants to scream, or at least do backflips until all of his frustration and fear melts away, but he doesn't. He must stay strong for them.
"Of course we did!" Sportacus blatantly lies as he forces the biggest smile that he can. Stephanie can tell that something's off and crosses her arms, but says nothing. Pixel and Stingy have managed to set up one of Pixel's video games on Robbie's tv and are fiercely playing it.
"Hey Sportaslayer, help me move this" Robbie commands as he struggles to life some sort of crate up the ladder.
"Sure thing, Robbie!" The hero happily replies as he flips over to him, this gets him and eye roll from the villain. Sportacus is more than relieved to get away from the children, he hates lying to them. The two of them manage to get the crate up the ladder with little injury and cursing, and are soon on the platform behind the billboard. The sun is beginning to set and the town has become completely swamped by the infected. All around them is the horrible, incessant moaning, which will surely drive them mad.
"Care to explain why you lied to them?" Robbie demands as he flips open the lid of the crate. There's a loud bark and a metal dog, with fluffy purple fur comes wheeling out.
"You can answer me, or I'll have Sugarpie run you off the platform" Robbie threatens as he leans down and strokes the dog. The metallic dog growls at Sportacus.
"I couldn't tell them." Sportacus finally replies as he crouches down with Robbie, trying to call the dog over to him. Sugarpie growls even louder and his eyes seem to flash red with hatred.
"Couldn't tell them?! Do you WANT to have them watch as their friends and themselves get eaten?!" He yells, there seems to be a dark purple energy like veins almost running up and down Robbie's body as he twitches with rage. Sportacus immediately knows that Robbie isn't human, he can tell by the magic that's running wildly through his body. He decides now isn't the best time to tell Robbie that he isn't human either.
"They're young. So young. I-I can't let them see what their world has become." Sportacus explains and takes a seat behind the billboard. The large billboard, which marks the entrance to Robbie's lair, somehow muffles the moaning out. All of Robbie's anger seems to float away into the night. This is the most serious he's ever seen the hero, it's also the longest that he's seen him sit still.
"So we need to protect them" Robbie replies and joins Sportacus behind the billboard. Sportacus looks surprised; Robbie is sitting next to him and isn't trying to get him to go away?!
"Protecting them is my job. Isn't that what makes me the hero of this town?" Sportacus questions with a slight smirk. Robbie rolls his eyes, even though he's pleased to see the blue kangaroo starting to come out of his funk. The tension between them begins to grow even more as it finally becomes night, and realize they are alone.
"Um….Y-you have very nice e-eyes.." Robbie mutters, staring awkwardly into Sportacus's bright blue eyes. His eyes are literally glowing, like an alley cat. Sportacus smiles kindly at him as a light blush spreads across his face.
"Thank you! You have very nice eyes too, Robbie!" The hero replies to the villain, cheerful as ever. Robbie quickly looks away, so no one can see the bright red blush on his face. What is this feeling?! This warm, happy feeling that's spreading throughout Robbie and making him feel strangely happy. Is Sportakook using his elf magic to make him feel this way?! It's not a bad feeling, just strange and Robbie is determined to figure out what this is.
"Are you okay, Robbie?" Sportacus asks when he notices the several expressions flash across his face.
"I'm fine, Sportasnoop!" Robbie snaps at him, blushing even more. The elf smiles at Robbie as a scream suddenly interrupts their moment.
"Someone's in trouble!" Sportacus cries out as his crystal begins to rapidly beep. The hero flips away and into the lair, without giving Robbie a second glance. The villain is grateful that he doesn't have to stare at Sportacus's muscles or his beautiful blue eyes….Robbie shakes his head, trying to get rid of this feeling and all thoughts of Sportacute. Sportacute?! Did he really just call him that?! Oh no, this feeling is going deeper than he thought. The screaming continues and Robbie realizes that now is not the time to go in depth with his gay thoughts for Sportacus.
"Will you stop screaming?!" Robbie demands as he enters his lair. The lair is in absolute chaos and the screaming still hasn't stopped.
"Robbie, up here!" Sportacus screeches, he's on the platform next to the Disguise Time tubes and is currently fighting the infected Mayor Meanswell and Mrs. Busybody off with his Elvish arm sword. Stingy, Stephanie, and Pixel are all screaming and clinging to each other in fear. Ziggy is being tossed between the two attackers, like some sort of horrific rag doll. His arm is missing and it's clear as Sportacus's crystal that he's dead.
"How did they get in here?!" Robbie yells, not even noticing Ziggy as he ducks under the mayor and avoid getting bitten.
"I don't know!" Sportacus snaps as he misses Mrs. Busybody once more. The both of them are creeping up the stairs to the platform, where everyone has gathered. Robbie screams along with the children, as Mayor Meanswell cracks his neck and sends Ziggy flying towards them. Ziggy has come alive as one of the undead and is snapping his jaws at them. Time seems to slow down as Sportacus leaps forward, does a flip and slices Ziggy in half with his arm sword. The children and Robbie stare in horror at the bloody mess that was once their close friend. Sportacus then takes care of the other two attackers and detaches his blade, letting it fall to the floor with a loud clatter.
"Robbie, are you okay?!" Sportacus calmly asks as he carefully picks the remaining children up.
"I'm okay….I-I'm always okay…" Robbie replies and passes out.
End of Chapter Three