Happy November everybody, so I decided to rework some prompts I got from past wasn't planning on writing smut, but this happened. I'm not sure why this chapter is so long, but I hope you like it

AchippedCupFullofRoses: Gold & Belle have a When Harry Met Sally moment. They talk about fake orgasms & Belle's "fake" orgasm with Gold is brought up. (had to look this one up on youtube and OMG)
Brokensoul: How about next sex scene they have one of them "forgets" to put on the harness.

*Prompts are in the order as they appear in the story.

"Is it okay if we ride and talk?" Nolan said over the hum of the battery powered golf cart.


Gold took a hold of the handle and got in the cart, glancing over himself to make sure all his limbs were in the vehicle. Nolan pulled off, turning a corner hard with his foot on the gas, instead of the brakes. He was hoping for a chance to talk to Nolan when he wasn't in so much of a hurry, but he knew that Nolan was a very busy man for that to happen. Production and directing occupied all of his time. But what Gold needed to speak with him about was important, and he was glad for a moment's time alone with his director.

"So what can I do for you, Gold?" He asked, taking a sip out of his stainless steel coffee mug. And from the smell of it, coffee beans weren't the only ingredient in the murky brew. "I'm all ears."

Gold pulled out a script from his jacket pocket that had been folded a third of the ways in. "This." He said, showing him the page the script was folded to. "Is this really necessary?"

Nolan glanced at the script, seemingly unperturbed by what was on the page before turning another corner. "I'm trying to stick to the book as much as possible."

"And I commend you for that. But are you sure another sex scene will be appropriate for a movie like this?"

"This isn't a children's movie, Gold. It has an R-rating." Nolan said. "Besides, the audience needs to know that Calum and Nábila had sex."

"The baby is enough to prove to the audience that Calum and Nábila had intercourse." He said, tucking the script back into his pocket. "We don't need to show... it."

"The sex is what's going to sell this movie," Nolan said flatly, sounding more like he was quoting someone else.

"What about the audience?" Gold said, using all the resources from his book of How to get Your Director to Listen, hoping it wouldn't backfire on him. "I thought you wanted the audience to sympathize with Calum. They aren't going to sympathize with him while watching him crawl into bed with another woman."

Nolan shrugged. "That's why he has PTSD. There's your sympathy."

"Maybe you're confusing sympathy with pity." Gold said, and Nolan glared at him. "How can you be sure that pity alone will be enough?"

Just as Nolan made another sharp turn, a group of actors from another movie stepped out into the road, causing Nolan's foot to slam hard on the brakes. Smoke and dust trailed off from the golf cart's tires and into the sky. "Okay Gold. Just tell me what this is really about."

He couldn't give him the straightforward answer. Nothing good would come from telling his boss that he didn't want to film a sex scene with another actress other than Belle. He tried to think about how other actors would feel if placed in the same predicament. Probably overjoyed. Most men would be ecstatic about jumping into bed with multiple women, even if the sex was for pretend. If not for the pleasure, then for the experience. Actors loved putting how many intimate scenes they were in on their resume. Egos worked both ways.

He had to come up with something quick. Anything to not have to crawl on top of a woman who he had no interest in and pretend to have sex with her. Nothing against Milah. It just wasn't going to be the same. More of a chore than enjoyment. He tried to remember how it was before he met Belle. Awkward and exhausting. It made him shudder just thinking about it. But when he shared a scene with Belle it was fun and compassionate. He didn't have to act like he was enjoying it because he really was. Gold loved staring into her eyes while she whispered his character's name softly. Loved her soft skin, the gentle way her fingertips grazed over his skin. He even loved tracing over the raised whelp marks on his upper arms and sides when he stepped out of the shower just before bed. He cherished that feeling, and he didn't want to feel that way with anyone else.

He also didn't want Belle to have to endure watching her character's husband cheat. And yesterday, it was clear to him that he never wanted to see her run away from him with tears in her eyes again.

"In a movie like this, with no clear antagonist, it would be a bad idea to make Calum the bad guy." Gold explained. "As of right now, Calum is a grey character. He's made mistakes with good intentions. If you show him willfully committing to infidelity with a lovesick woman, you'll destroy his whole character arc, and even post-traumatic stress won't save him, nothing will, and this movie will flop."

Now that the actors were now on the other side of the street, Nolan took his foot off the brakes and continued down the road. He had a look on his face that meant he was in deep thought. Low, furrowed brows, and his nose and mouth were almost in a scowl. "I told her the same thing. But she never listens to me. None of them do."


"Regina, and the rest of the producers," Nolan said, taking a sip of his spiked coffee. "It's out of my hands, Gold."

"But you're the director."

"And thank God for that. And for Director Cuts, am I right?" Nolan chuckled, nudging Gold in his arm. "Did you know that most straight to video Director Cuts do 20% better than what's shown in theaters, but do they listen to me, no. More sex is all they say."

Nolan gave Gold another idea. "If sex is what they want, just give it to them then."

"Am I missing something, Gold?" Nolan said, sitting his coffee mug into a cup holder. "I thought you didn't want to do another intimate scene."

"I didn't say that." Gold retracted. "I said we don't have to show the sex scene between Calum and Nábila. We can fade to black after the kiss."

Nolan huffed defiantly. "That won't be enough to satisfy Regina and the rest."

"Regina isn't the only consumer, so is the audience." Gold said, pleading a very reasonable case. "How about instead of a scene with Calum and Nábila, we give the audience what they want."

"Which is?"

"Lacey and Calum." Gold answered. "Regina gets the intimate scene she's looking for, and Calum comes out looking more like a good guy who really, truly loves his wife."

Nolan's eyebrows climbed to the top of his head, consciously aware that Gold's idea was probably the best idea he'd heard since the start of filming. "Have you ever thought about directing, Gold?"

He smirked. "It's crossed my mind once or twice."

"Well, whenever you're ready, I'll teach you everything I know." He said, pulling over to a curb in front of an office building and gets out, leaving the keys in the ignition and the cart still running. "I'll send you a newly revised script."

"What color should I be expecting?" He asked just as his boss headed towards the office building.

"Fourth revisions are gold," Nolan replied, without turning around.

Gold smiled and scooted into the driver seat and pulled off in the direction of his, no, their trailer.


The sun was setting when he made it back to her. He could smell the home cooked meal even from the outside of the trailer. It would seem that getting Nolan to agree to a script revision worked up an appetite, and whatever she was cooking smelled heavenly, and made his stomach growl something awful. He pushed his key through the tumblers, turning it until he heard the familiar clink and entered their temporary home.

"Nicholas, is that you?" Belle said, leaning from their tiny kitchen.

"It's me, sweetheart." He replied, wrapping his arms around her as she stirred a pot, kissing her insatiably on the neck and making her giggle. "How was filming?"

"Really well," Belle said. "Our son is adorable and so much fun. Probably the sweetest guy I've ever worked with."

"Oh, so now I have competition?" He asked jokingly.

"You might." She said, watching Gold stubbornly fold his arms across his chest. "Oh come on Nicholas, worried a 4-year-old is stealing your spotlight?"

"No, just my leading lady."

"Don't be silly. There's plenty of me to go around." Belle said, placing a plate in front of him. "Maybe Nolan will let Lacey and Calum have another child."

Gold shrugged, picking up his utensils. "Perhaps."

Belle still hadn't completely read the book, and he didn't know how to break it to her that she will have another child, though she wouldn't birth this one. Damn his character's weakness. Calum could learn a thing or two from Gold about coping with loneliness.

"Sweetheart, how far have you gotten into the book?"

Belle pinched a piece from her bread and chewed on it thoughtlessly for a moment. "I haven't gotten past chapter 5, but I decided not read the rest."


"I mean, what's the point, we're filming it." Belle sighed ruefully. "Maybe at some point, after we've wrapped, I'll finish reading it."

Gold placed his hand on top of hers. "Belle-"

"I know. I know Lacey and Calum aren't us." Belle said, shifting some food around on her plate with a fork. "I just feel this connection with Lacey, and I can't bear to see her hurt."

"What Calum did was deplorable, and loneliness doesn't excuse his actions."

Belle looked up from her plate. "So tell me then, what would you have done differently?"

Gold wiped the corners of his mouth with his napkin and placed it back on his lap. "Well, first of all, I would have met with Nábila in an open setting, a noisy place with tons of people instead of her home. And the picture Calum has of Lacey-" Gold said, extending his hand out to her. Belle took it with a soft smile present on her lips. He led her around the small table and pulled her gently into his lap, nuzzling his arms around her waist and pulling her back onto his chest. "I would stare at it every day to remind myself that I wasn't alone. That I had this beautiful, irresistible woman at home waiting for me."

"And what would you have done once you got back to me?"

"I can show you better than I can tell you." Gold said, making Belle giggle at the overly familiar line. He padded his palms under her blouse, caressing her belly and waist. Maybe it wasn't such a cliché line as Gold had first thought. It definitely served its purpose at this moment.

Just as dinner was turning into a nightcap, a knock came from their door.

"Hold that thought," Belle whispered, getting up and flatting down her blouse. She headed towards the door, glancing over her shoulder to confirm that Gold was watching her walk off.

"Ms. French?" He said in a way that was more of a question than a greeting.

"Good evening, Mr. Nolan. What brings you here?" Belle said, trying to keep him from asking why she was in her co-star's trailer. "Would you like to come in? I can make you a plate of something to eat."

"No, I'm afraid I have a few more scripts to pass out before everyone goes to sleep, but since you're here, I suppose that's one less stop I have to make," Nolan said, taking two gold copies from under his arm and handing it to her. "Here are your's and Gold's revisions."

"Another revision?"

"Yes, he didn't tell you?" Nolan asked suspiciously. "I spent the better half of a day begging the producers to let me write your characters another intimate scene."

"Let me guess, Nicholas's idea?"

Nolan smiled. "Well, I'll let you get back to your evening. Read over the scripts. You two will be filming tomorrow at eleven hundred hours."

Belle dropped the gold packet on the table and sat opposite of her co-star. "Care to explain this?"

Gold picked up the script and stared at it foreignly. "Looks like a revision to me?"

"Clearly," Belle said, rolling her eyes, huffing and slumping down in her chair. "Another evening rehearsing. I was really hoping for a night off with you."

"There are only two more months of filming, then we wrap, and then I'm all yours."

Belle picked herself back up and slid her script to the far end of the table. "Well, I'm not reading anything until I'm done eating. I haven't had a proper meal in months."

"Suit yourself." Gold said, picking up the script, and skimming through the pages. The Calum and Nábila scene was gone and in its place, was something new.

Gold had not known he was smiling until Belle cleared her throat. "What's it say?"

Gold hugged the script to his chest, hiding its written content. "I thought you wanted to finish dinner first."

Belle took another huge bite of her dinner and pushed the plate aside. "Okay, I'm finished. Now let me see." She mumbled with a mouth full of food. Gold chuckled and handed her the script. She began at the top of the page, her eyes darting from left to right as she read. The color in her cheeks began to rise until they were a bright crimson.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" She pulled the script down from her eyes and beamed at him. "You. You're going to go down on me?"

"I believe the correct term is Cunnilingus."

"So this was your idea."

"I merely suggested to Nolan that another intimate scene between Lacey and Calum would make him more likable with the audience. I had no idea that it would lead Nolan to write my character performing oral sex." Gold explained, and Belle glared at him again. "Scouts honor."

Belle continued to read over the script and groaned. "It says in the director's notes that the camera's focus will be on Lacey's face and body."

He took a sip of his champagne. "I don't see the problem. You're beautiful. "

"The problem is, I don't have a good orgasm face."

Gold snorted. "I beg to differ."

"Well, it's different when the camera isn't on you." Belle tried to explain. "There's no way I can look pretty while trying to look like I'm having a believable fake orgasm too."

"I don't think you give yourself enough credit, Belle. You're an amazing actress, and no scene is too difficult for you." Gold said, but it wasn't enough to lift Belle's spirits about her close-up scene tomorrow. "How about this? Show me your best orgasm face, and I'll be the judge of it."

Belle gave it a thought. "Okay, fine. But only constructive criticism."

"You have my word." He said, placing a hand on his chest. "Now, show me."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Biting one side of her lip, she searched her mind for those past encounters with her co-star that could aide her in getting her aroused. She started with closed mouth moaning. Soft humming in a steady rhythm, while mentally reminding herself to keep a pretty face and not clench her eyelids too tightly.

She assumed she was off to a good start. He hadn't stopped her yet, so she decided to add more effort into her acting and put her body into it. Using one of her hands, she trailed from her collarbone up to her neck and then back down, even slipping a hand down her blouse and into her bra to kneed softly at her breast. Drawing pleasure from her own hands, heat begins to pool in her stomach, making her hips buck in her chair.

Her mouth dropped into a perfect O-shape as moans drifted from her mouth and into Gold's ears. His trousers were becoming increasingly tighter, and his cock throbbed every time she cried out. He was hoping that in Belle's mind it was his hands teasing her breasts, his lips on her neck that sent jolts of pleasure coursing throughout her body, and his voice in her ear that was telling her how good she felt.

Belle took hold of the edges of the table with both hands, arching her back into it, and what started out as moans began to turn into pleas. "Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh God yes. Please Calum, don't stop." She moaned with hitched and rapid breathing.

For a second, it almost felt like he had stopped breathing and that he was solely living on the energy that was radiating off her, like Belle was the only thing he needed to survive. He's read books of how throughout history, men served and worshiped women and regarded them as goddesses and watching Belle get herself off on her own like this, made him understand why.

An incoherently amount of words flew from her mouth that consist of: ten Oh Gods, a couple of Harder and Faster, and one very demanding Don't stop. Don't you fucking even think about fucking stopping, all while she thrashed and squirmed in her chair. He wanted so badly to reach across the table and pull her on to his hard cock. He had to do something quick, or he would be in for a very awkward visit to the campus dry cleaners in the morning.

Belle tossed her head back and continued to ride out her orgasm. "Oh fuck, Cal. Your tongue is amazing." She managed to say in a wild jumble. "I- I'm- I'm coming-"

"Come for me, sweetheart." He said, feeling his own pre-ejaculation seeping from the tip of his cock, and dribble down his shaft.

Belle slumped back in her chair, settling her breathing and adjusting herself back into reality. Mindlessly, she felt around the table for her glass of champagne and drunk from it desperately. He still hadn't said a word about her performance. That's was until she heard the slow hand clap coming from across the table.

"It may not look like it," Gold said. "But I'm giving you a standing ovation."

Belle giggled. "So it looked believable?"

"Believable? Belle, I checked under the table just to make sure you weren't hiding anyone under there." Gold said. Belle smiled, pleased with herself. "I think you're more than ready."


The next day, the bedroom set was back, and from the look of the children toys scattered around the room, this scene was after Calum returned from the war. But Gold couldn't place if it was before or after Lacey found out about Calum's secret child. So he wasn't sure if this was makeup sex or more reunion sex.

Belle has never been camera shy, even being completely naked didn't have any effect on her. Given, she's only been naked on set a couple of time, and both times were with Gold, but something just felt different about having the camera's focus entirely on her.

She stared timidly at the bedroom set and watched them adjust the boomstick into place. Nolan was serious about this close-up. He even placed a camera above the bed to get a top-down perspective.

"Still nervous?" Gold asked, noticing that she wasn't speaking.

The sound of his voice brought her back to her body. "A bit. Just can't seem to get rid of these butterflies."

"You're going to do fine, sweetheart." He said, placing a bottle of water in her shaking hands.

"Belle. Gold. Take your places please." The director said.

They took off their robes and took their place on top of the bed. It always felt surreal climbing into bed with him with 20 other people in the room, watching and paying attention to every detail.

She had this nagging feeling in the back of her mind that something was wrong, or rather something was missing, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. It wasn't until Belle saw the nude cock harness Gold was wearing, did she realize that she forgot to wear her own.

"Lights!" Nolan said, and someone behind the set killed the lights, placing the studio in pitch darkness before a spotlight kicked on over the mock bedroom set.

"Nicholas,-" Belle said trying to get Gold's attention before it was too late.

"Rolling!" There was always feedback whenever Nolan pressed the talk button of his loudspeaker, like when a microphone gets held to a speaker. "And action!"

Gold rolled over in bed towards her to recite his lines, but when he saw the worriment in Belle's eyes as she clutched the covers up to her chin, Gold became concerned. He'd never seen her this nervous or shy before. "Belle, is everything okay?"

"Cut," Nolan shouted through the loudspeaker. He sounded annoyed already. "Gold, your line is I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"Thank you very much, but I know my lines." He said condescendingly.

Belle sat up in bed, with the covers still gathered up to her chin, hiding her body from the camera and the observing crew members. "Can we take 5, Nolan?"

"Belle we just started, can it wait for a few more takes?" Nolan said over squeaky feedback from the speaker.

Belle laid back on the pillow. Just great, just fucking great. Everyone, including the set crew and even the other actors who were spectating, was going to see the most intimate area of her body.

"Are you sure everything is okay, Sweetheart?" Gold asked.

It was now or never. "It's fine. I just forgot my-"

"Take Two." Nolan said, cutting her off with that got damn loudspeaker again."And action."

Gold turned over in the bed. Following his cue, Belle does the same. Calum swept a few strands of hair off her shoulder and cupped her cheek in his palm, softly brushing over her lips with his thumb.

"Lacey, I don't know what I did to deserve you." Gold said, reciting Calum's lines. "Out all of the mistakes I made in my life. I'm glad I did this one right."

"Can you make me a promise, Cal?" Belle asked, channeling her character's insecurities.

"Of course, anything."

"Promise me you won't leave me again."

"Oh sweetheart," Gold said, producing some acting tears, but then again, nothing was truly acting when he shared a scene with Belle. "Yes, I promise. "

Gold shifted his hand to the back of her head and neck and pulled her in for a kiss. Belle closed her eyes, instantly becoming intoxicated by the taste of him. That familiar coffee and mint flavor that sent hot blood rushing from her chest to her core. She knew by the time the next cue came for them to move into the next position, she would be drenched.

"Cut," Nolan said, and then whispered something to Archie, the camera guy. Archie pressed a button, and the camera above the bed lowered a few inches closer. "Belle, your angles look great. Take 3. And action."

They picked up at the kissing. Belle was thankful for that. She could use it to get lost in her character. And besides that, Nicholas was an amazing kisser. His tongue painted a picture in her mouth, using smooth and effortless strokes.

Absentmindedly, she began to moan in his mouth, forgetting that that was his cue to move into the next position. Gold moved over her, soft thin lips traveled down her jawbone to her neck and then to her collar until he reached his first stop before his final destination. He teased her breasts, paying close attention to each one. Sucking and flicking at her nipples until they were erect. She could feel his bulge on her leg. His cock sock never did the job it was supposed to do thanks to him being a girthy fellow.

Belle ran her fingers through her hair and over the slick spots he left on her neck, and she felt herself become wetter between her folds. Even though the set was cold, thanks to the industrial strength air conditioner that was supposed to keep boners down, Belle found herself sweating and breathing rapidly as if she were in a sauna.

Gold nibbled on her breasts and worked his way down to his second stop, her stomach, making Belle's back arch off the bed at the new, sudden sensation on her mid-drift.

"Stop messing around, Cal." She moaned, half-forgetting that she was filming a movie. "Give it to me."

That was the last cue to move into the final position, which was between Belle's legs. It wasn't until Gold started moving closer to her bare and exposed sex, did Belle remember that she was bare and, well... exposed. After kissing both of her inner thighs repeatedly, she heard him chuckle lightly between her legs. Belle sat up on her elbows, watching him spread her legs and the urge to close them took over.

"Don't you dare think about hiding this from me." He said, pushing her legs back open, wider, wrapping his arms around her thighs so she couldn't close them again.


"Shhh." He said, hushing her and kissing her inner thigh. "Laid back, sweetheart."

Offstage, Nolan and the others were impressed by Belle and Gold's impromptu performance. He didn't write anything about Belle being shy of receiving oral sex, but he liked it and wished he thought of it first. To him, it showed the audience how nervous Belle's character, Lacey, was about having sex again after a four-year celibacy while her husband was in Vietnam. He also liked how Gold took control. It showed the soldier side of his character, Calum.

Belle fell back onto her pillows, biting her lip and looking towards the ceiling, trying not to break the fourth wall and look at the camera like some bad episode of The Office. Oh fuck. Everyone was going to know that she forgot her panty harness, and they would never let her live it down. Or worst, what if Nolan fired her for indecency?

Belle closed her eyes preparing for the most embarrassing moment of her life. But what she didn't prepare for was Gold's tongue sliding through her wet folds. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt it. She looked down speechlessly at him and watched him devour her to the very last drop.

"Cut," Nolan said. Gold stole one last taste before popping his head up from between her legs. "Belle, keep your head up. We need a shot of Lacey's face when she climaxes."

Belle was too weak to speak. She only nodded and tossed her head back onto the pillow with her face up towards the camera. Look pretty, she reminded herself.

"Take four." Nolan said, signaling to the camera to get ready to roll. "And Action,"

Gold submerged himself back between her legs without hesitation. Unknowingly to the crew members, he flicked her clit, sending Belle spiraling into ecstasy. Using circular motions, he made sure he left nothing untouched by his tongue.

Belle arched into him, throwing her arms over her head and clasped the cast iron bars of the bed's backboard. "Yes, oh yes, Calum." She moaned breathlessly, resisting the urge to look down at him and her face towards the mounted camera above her. "Oh fuck, don't you ever leave me again."

She worked her body, rolling and matching his tongue movements. All that shyness was gone, and Belle even wondered if she was the type of girl who liked it when people watched her during sexual acts. Gold opened her legs even wider, and pushed her backside upwards, reaching spots that weren't part of the script.

"Cut." the damn asshole said. If she weren't stark naked, Belle would have gotten out of the bed and strangled him with the wire of that accursed loudspeaker. "Belle, you've missed your cue."

"Oh screw the damn cue." She mumbled under her breath. Between what Gold was doing to her and Nolan stopping them every damn second, missing cues was the last thing on her mind.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"Nothing. What was my cue again?"

Nolan rubbed his temples. "When Calum opens Lacey's legs wider, Lacey needs to climax. Loudly."

"Anything else?" Gold asked, sounding just as agitated as Belle was.

"Emphasis on loudly," Nolan answered.

"Got it." The couple said in unison.

"Take 5. And action."

Gold picked up from the same spot and opened Belle's legs wider. His cock was painfully hard, and it felt like his harness was close to tearing open if he didn't take it off anytime soon. But that was the least of his worries. He wanted Belle to have the perfect orgasm face, so he inconspicuously took one of his fingers and relocated it inside her, pumping it deep against her tight walls.

"Oh fuck, Cal right there. I'm so close. I'm-I'm-." She said fumbling over her words as intensely charged waves of pleasure swept her up in its tide, then cradled her softly in velvet arms.

Not only did Lacey climax, but so did Belle. As she rode out her orgasm, she did the inconceivable. She opened her eyes and looked straight into the camera. She knew any second now, she would hear Nolan's irritating voice shout Cut. Fuck, she didn't have the strength or energy to do another take after that climax. But to her surprise, Nolan didn't say cut.

Instead, he said. "And scene."

Belle grabbed the sheets in a mad dash and tucked them around her body, shielding her nudity. Gold got up and sat beside her on the edge of the bed just as the studio lights flashed on, blinding both of the actors. Once their eyes adjusted, there was a prolonged applause from the crew members and spectators. It looked so real, Belle heard one of the women say. Nolan had the same indescribable scowl he always wore, making it impossible to tell if he liked the scene or not.

"Nice job you two," He said. "That scene is sure to get Regina off my back."

"But I looked into the camera." Belle said.

"You did, and it was perfectly done. We'll clean it up in post editing and fade the scene around your eyes. Maybe add some special effects to really make your blues pop."

Nolan ordered everyone to take a twenty-minute break, and the cast and crew trickled out of the studio one by one, still praising the scene as they left, until Belle and Gold were the only ones left on set.

"I'm so sorry," Belle said putting her face into her hands. "Earlier, I was trying to tell you that I forgot my harness."

Gold chuckled. "And here I thought you just wanted to make your orgasm look as real as possible."

Belle groaned, feeling even more embarrassed than before. "We should probably go before someone comes back and sees that I don't have my harness on."

Gold cupped her chin and kissed her on the lips. "What's the rush? We have a bed and twenty whole minutes all to ourselves."

Belle giggled and pulled Gold down onto the bed. "Trust me." She said, pulling his cock harness down past his hips, licking her lips. "It won't take me that long."

This movie is basically a legit blockbuster *cough*porn*cough*, ( just go along with it) XD
Thanks for reading and let me know what you think.