Part 41

The Mountain Kings stood on a balcony they had just constructed to watch over the city below them. Amaterasu stood at the front. To her left was Albion, Nemesis, Fortuna and Hades. To her right was Nyx, Hel and Oberon. She looked down at the world. A world she had not seen for 700 years. A world that was once again against them. What had they done to deserve such hatred and malice? What had they done to spur the human hatred so? She had so many questions. Questions she knew she would never get the answer to. She turned her head and looked at Albion.

They had all heard his words. He had not gone down himself to the city. He had sent a mirage so he had stood beside them when he spoke. He had threatened the king in a last effort to find a peaceful way to stop this. They had all tried to find a peaceful way to stop this madness. They only had two options. Kill everyone who wanted to attack them or let the attack send them away again. It was a hard choice and a choice they would have to make. This was her world too, why did she not have the right to live in it? She sighed. She wished there was a third option.

"Maybe there is", Oberon said and all eyes turned to him. Amaterasu was not aware she had voiced her thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Nyx asked.

"They are attacking, there is no way around it. But who said we had to stay here?"

They stared at him. The thought had not occurred to anyone! Why did they have to stay in the castle? On the mountain? Albion had not been there the last time. He had been spared. Amaterasu looked at her siblings. The thought had never occurred to her. This was her home, could she just leave it? And what about Metatron? Oberon and Wendy had done everything they could and now it was up to him. Could they dare move him? If he was dead could they just leave him? Of course they couldn't. He was their brother. Their leader. They couldn't just leave him here to be banished away on his own. But should they stay and just take an attack upon them?

"Fortuna", Amaterasu said. "If we leave what then?"

"There are too many possible outcomes to say for certain", she said. "I can see a new home for us. I can see a life on the run. I can see a future of us as a danger to the world. I can see a future where we save it. I can see us all together. I can see us divided. I can see us staying and returning. I can see hatred building. I can see compassion showing. There is just too many choices for me to pick out just one possible future for us."

"But there is a future for us?" Hel asked.

"Always my sister."

"Then I say we leave", Hades said and took Fortuna's hand. "Why must we stay here? No one ever told us we must. Let them attack us and think they did the right thing."

"Then we must do it now!" Nemesis shouted and pointed. The spell was already heading their way.

"I'll hold it back", Albion said and spread his wings. "When you are all clear come get me Hades!"

"Like I'd leave you a second time", Hades said and gripped his axe tightly, preparing to create a portal for them.

"Albion be careful", Amaterasu said as he took to the skies and spread his arms.

Albion looked at the spell approaching and clapped his hands together.

"For the family I love and for the friends I choose", he whispered. "Give me strength by night and day and never let me lose!" he spread his arms again and a huge shield appeared in front of him. The spell hit it head on and nearly shattered it at once. He noticed his siblings one by one trying to leave. The spell however was affecting their surroundings, making it hard to move or to make a portal. Albion was not going to let them down, not this time. Not this time! He focused all his energy on the shield. Keeping it up meant his family would be safe. Keeping it up also meant that he would be able to spare his friends and second family the grief of losing him. If he could hold the spell in check until they were all gone he knew he could protect them and would not have to send it back at its caster to cause harm to them. He was going to save everyone. He had no other choice. His shield would not falter. He could feel it cracking. Why was he so weak that he could not hold it!? The blaze from the spell was burning his skin but the light hitting his feet was warm. Wait? What was that? He turned his head slightly to the east and saw what it was. Dawn. Dawn was coming. He smiled. A new day was breaking. A new hope for his family. He noticed that three of them had gone, five remained. When he counted himself that is. He sighed. He could not hold for much longer. He could feel his whole being crack. He needed to hold it! He needed to be strong! Strong for his friends! Strong for his families! Strong for the world!

"I leave you in charge for five seconds and you still end up in deep trouble", a warm voice said beside him and he felt an arm around his waist. "Little brother why do you always get into so much trouble?" He felt his shield getting stronger as he was blinded by warm light. He felt himself getting stronger and he felt the magic attacking getting weaker. He heard his name called and then there was the familiar sense of warmth and calm that washed over him when his older brother teleported. His shields dropped as soon as he was removed.

"NO!" the scream from Evergreen was heart shattering. They had seen the familiar color of Freed's shield when the spell was about to hit the mountain. They had all watched as Freed's shield faltered but then returned. They had all watched the shield cracking in places, but it still held. They had seen the sun finally look over the horizon and hit the castle. They had seen Freed's shield all but shatter until a golden light, stronger than the sun appeared. The gold and the purple had mixed together. The two lights had shone brightly briefly before both just disappeared. The spell hit full force and the effect was instant. The whole mountain started shaking and shining in a way that made it look as if it was on fire. Then it started cracking and piece by piece it started fading away. Until it vanished with a loud bang, just as the rising sun hit the city.

Evergreen collapsed onto the ground, crying and slamming her fist into the ground. This could not be possible. Freed could not be gone! He could not be gone! He could not have been taken from them by their friends! She screamed again and felt a hand on her back, Elfman. She knew the feeling of his hand but she ignored it. Nothing he did could console her. Nothing ever would again.

The whole guild was grieving this loss and one look from the king told Makarov that he would not follow through with his threat and arrest them. Their grief seemed to be their punishment for not helping. Mira and Lisanna clung to each other while they cried. Bickslow was trying to console Wendy even though his tears were flowing too. Nastu and Happy cried. Erza tried to stay strong but Bisca and Alzac were there to cry with her. Gray and Cana were hugging tightly, hiding their faces from the world while they cried. Juvia cried as well, making it rain around her. Macao and Wakaba tried to stay strong beside the Master who was consoling Romeo. Levy cried in Gajeel's arms. Gajeel tried to look strong but tears slid down his cheeks too. Jet and Droy were openly crying. Mest had curled his hands into tight fists as he cried quietly. Laxus was crying silently, his whole body shaking. He looked as if his whole world had been destroyed. Everyone in Fairy Tail were crying and grieving. No one more so than Evergreen. Freed was her big brother, her best friend. She screamed at the sky in grief and at the moment, to them it felt as if the sun would never come out again.

It had been over a year since the Mountain Kings had been banished and things were slowly getting back to normal at the Fairy Tail Guild. The Thunder Legion had gotten new members in Gray and Cana. Gejeel, Jet, Droy, Levy, Lily and Juvia had banded together. Lucy, Natsu, Erza, Wendy, Romeo, Happy and Carla had formed a team. Mira and her siblings had formed another team. Mest had become Makarov's right-hand man and connection to the Council. Macao and Wakaba hadn't changed much, neither had Bisca and Alzac and a few others. They had all accepted that the Mountaing Kings were truly gone and with them a piece of themselves had gone missing too. But there was still the small hope that whenever the gates opened a familiar green haired man would walk through.

The king had not punished them for not casting the spell that became the downfall of the Mountain Kings. Sting and Rogue along with their exceeds had joined Fairy Tail. They could not handle being in Sabretooth knowing their guild mates had cast the spell with no regards of their wishes. Makarov suspected they would return when they had forgiven their guild. But it would take time and he was happy to have the two young men in his guild. They had changed individually as well.

Rogue was stronger now, more confident than before. No longer afraid of his powers or the future.

Sting was calmer and more collected than before. But still had an uncanny similarity to Natsu.

Natsu was his normal self except for being a little less reckless when coming upon situations that was not what they seemed from the beginning.

Erza had become lighter of heart. She did not bottle up her feelings or sorrows because she knew that there was still someone beyond their line of sight that would always protect her. The fairies had helped her now and then. Oberon was protecting her and she knew he always would.

Gray had taken Hades' advise and had come clear to Cana about his feelings. He had also started to let go of the past. He had lost loved ones but it did him no good to dwell in the past. They would be there for him when his time came, he should not try and get there before it was his time.

Lucy had in a way started to come to realize that she was stronger than she gave herself credit for.

Cana just like Gray had decided to come to terms with her feelings. She had also looked upon her powers in a new light. She still held Fortuna's deck. She was learning to fight in a new way and she was getting stronger and stronger by each day.

Gajeel he had become a little softer and more understanding.

Levy had become stronger as well, knowing that she was not just small and smart. She was strong and forceful as well.

Jet had realized that even though he cared for Levy his feelings would not be returned. He would always be her friend and be there for her though. He had started to become good friends with Gajeel.

Mira had decided to get back in touch with some of her past self, before Lisanna died. She was still sweet and kind but her clothing style had changed back to that of her darker days. If Hel was proud of her darkness Mira would be as well.

The Thunder Legion had not changed much. They had tried not to as a way of honoring their fallen brother. Of course they had changed some. They had gotten closer to each other and others. They had started to find new ways to solve their missions without Freed's guidance. They grew and Laxus most of all. He tried to be a bit more like Freed and his relationship with the Master was improving day by day. Makarov could now see the young boy he had raised before the lacrima was placed inside him. Yes they had all changed and for the better.

One evening the guild was being quite calm for once and no one seemed to be in trouble with the Master. Everyone was just enjoying good company and great food and drink. They also enjoyed some music and other entertainment. The Master smiled gently. That's when the doors slammed open and all of the lights went out. The mages all prepared themselves to fight any foe coming at them. Then there was a chuckle.

"Oh my", a voice said. "We seemed to have caused quite the scene. Sisters please turn the lights back on my dears."

The candle lights came back and in the dim light the Master and the members could see nine people in the doorway that hadn't been there before. They stood in a line and all seemed to be of different heights as muscle. The members of Fairy Tails could clearly make out each individual from the light of the moon and the lights inside the guild hall.

To the far left was the tallest of them all. He wore a heavy navy-blue coat and black shirt. He wore heavy boots and baggy pants. He held his arms crossed. He had a belt around his waist and gloves on his hands. He was quite pale but with long well-kept golden-brown hair. His eyes were grey.

To his left and holding onto his arm was a woman dressed in a grey suit. She wore glasses that framed her yellow eyes and her blue hair reached her shoulders. She was pale too. She had a belt from which a book hung and around her neck was a necklace with an hourglass pendant.

To her left was a young man with pitch black hair, pale skin and red eyes. He wore a black t-shirt with a dragon on the chest, tight leather pants, black gloves without fingertips and wore leather boots. In a belt around his waist hung a big knife. He was lean and had a cocky grin. His most prominent feature was a scar going from his temple, diagonally down his face and ending at his jaw. He smirked and played with another dagger.

To his left was a man with shoulder long green hair, pulled back from his face by a hair clip in the neck. His eyes were pale blue but he had a gentle smile. He was wearing purple boots, black pants, black shirt and a long purple coat. There was rapier hanging at his side and a necklace around his neck, a necklace with a picture on it.

To the far right was a man with flaming red hair that hung loosely down his back. His eyes were auburn and his skin light. He was dressed in an armor made of leather. He wore army boots and had two swords strapped to his back.

To his right was a woman wearing black pants, sandals, black t-shirt, jeans jacket and gloves with rivets on the knuckles. Her white hair was held back in a loose ponytail and her bangs reached her eyes. She had a voluptuous body and was not ashamed of flaunting it. Her eyes were yellow and she grinned a wide grin. Her teeth looked like fangs and were pearl white.

To her right was a young woman in a dark sparkly pantsuit. She wore stilettos and black pearls around her neck and wrists. She had pale skin and her eyes were shifting in many different dark colors and he purple hair had lots of little sparkles in them. She had her hair hanging loose.

To her right was another woman. This one had long pitch-black hair that she had in a long braid down her back. Her skin had a nice tan color and her eyes were blue like the sky. She was dressed in a red shirt and had white pants. She wore sandals and had a belt around her waist where a dagger sat. Her bangs reached her eyebrows.

In the middle of them all was a young man with short, wavy and honey colored hair. His skin was perfectly tanned and his eyes were honey colored as well. He was dressed in a sharp white suit, a golden shirt and wore a white tie. He wore white shoes as well. He smiled at them and many ladies felt their knees weaken... and a few men as well.

"Now that was much better", the last young man said and smiled. "I do apologize for the intrusion but we thought it necessary to at least take a look at our new neighbors."

"Neighbors?" Makarov asked confused. "What do you mean? Who are you?"

"Oh I apologize", the golden young man said and bowed. "How rude of me. I am Martin and these are my brothers and sisters. But you already knew that didn't you… Natsu."

"Martin!?" Natsu exclaimed. "But… but you…"

"Died", the biggest man asked. "Death is highly overrated wouldn't you agree Gray?"

"Nestor!?" Gray exclaimed.

"Don't speak as if you are the only one connected to death and darkness dear brother", spoke the woman with white hair.

"Lucille!" Mira squealed and ran up to her and hugged the other woman.

"Oi! That is not fair! Where is my hug?" asked the girl in the pantsuit. "Rogue!"

"N-Nina?" Rogue stammered and she ran up to him and jumped into his arms to hug him.

"I foresee a lot of trouble for Rogue in the future", the girl with glasses chuckled.

"Alexis!" Cana cheered and along with Lucy ran up to hug her.

"Oi! You big jerk you still owe me for Gladys!" said the young man with black hair. Gajeel grinned.

"Peter get over here and tell that to my face!"

"Don't be rude Peter", the woman with long black hair said. "And think with your head and not other parts like Sting."

"Shut up Lilli!" Sting said with a grin.

"Erza it lightens my heart to see you smile like that", the man with red hair said and suddenly had her in her arms.

"Charles I'm happy to see you."

That left the green haired man and he slowly walked towards a trio that were staring at him with big eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm late", he told them. "To get these people sorted into this world took a little longer than I-"

"FREED!" Bickslow, Evergreen and Laxus all shouted and had him in a tight embrace at once. The cheers of the guild knew no boundaries. Everyone cheered, cried and shared hugs. Makarov cleared his throat and all eyes turned to him.

"Freed", he said and the young man walked up to him and took his outstretched hand. "Welcome home my boy."

"Honestly Master, I don't think I ever left", Freed replied and smiled softly. He truly was home and this time he had brought his siblings with him to stay. Instead of having two families and lots of secrets he now had one family… and still many secrets but he wouldn't tell anyone about those. It was not like knowing Natsu's true origins and why the dragons disappeared in the first place along with Zeref's true motivations and Acnologia's motives would cause any harm now would it? No surely not. Those were just little secrets that he would keep to himself. After all, one dark little secret had never hurt anyone now had it? It wasn't as if he would get in trouble for it, right? Right? Aw shit he was doomed.

The End

And there you have it people! Thank you SO much for coming with me on this ride. :D Love you all lots!