Notes: So remember that one time I said I was going to dedicate more time to this fic? Unfortunately I didn't. I really appreciate everyone that has come along on this four story ride and thought I would leave you with a little epilogue in return for all of your comments and views. Enjoy!

Laura grins as tiny fingers curl around her bigger one, their owner letting out a large yawn. She presses her lips to the baby soft skin and smiles wider as she looks into deep blue eyes.

"That's quite a big yawn, Mister Jove," Laura tells the baby before brushing her fingers over his light brown hair. She looks up when she hears a large splash, waiting a beat before high pitched laughter rings out and Aurora bobs up from her cannonball into the river. After they had moved into the cabin Laura had mentioned almost a year before, they had installed a gate system around a section of the river for the kids to have a place to swim without fear of them getting swept away. A small dock was also added in imitation of Laura's cabin on Caprica.

The boys line up on the edge of the dock and wait for Aurora to swim out of the way before jumping in themselves. It was almost time for them to go back to school, Laura had a large stack of books on her desk that needed to be gone over. She had taken a part time job at Georgetown teaching Colonial Literature. Her class for the fall semester was full and had a wait list of about a hundred. People couldn't wait to take a class taught by an 'alien'. She hoped most of the people there were ready to learn and weren't there just for the thrill.

But books were for another time. She and Bill had all three of their kids at home for the day and Zak and Kara had asked for them to babysit Jove for the afternoon. The weather was perfect and she'd been swinging in the hammock with the baby for just about an hour. She looks up with a smile as a bottle appears in front of her face before she takes it and gives it to the baby. Bill carefully sinks in across from her and pushes off on the ground so they were swinging a bit more.

"Are you ever going to let me hold him?"

"Oh not a chance," Laura laughs and grins at him with a shake of her head before winking at him to tell him she was teasing, "You can have him after his bottle, he'll probably fall asleep."

"Okay," Bill nods in agreement with a small smile. He watches her feed the baby for a few moments, the noise of the kids splashing in the background mixed with the breeze blowing through the leaves created an almost perfect moment. Laura notices the pensive look on his face as he watches her.

"What?" She asks, tilting her head as she looks back at him.

"It's been eleven years…regret going into that bookstore yet?"

"Never," Laura shakes her head and gives her husband a wide smile. It had been a wild ride during the eleven years since they had met each other in the book store, but Laura wouldn't take a moment of it back.
