Summary: MCU+APH AU | After CA:CW | The personification for America was never found, leaving the nations to deal with a country without representation. The world nations aren't sure for how they feel about the mysterious country, always in the dark about the country's motives and action, dealing with human representatives who cannot understand what it means to be a nation. Especially when this nation's people created the Avengers and consequently the damage done to the world. So, after the battle in Germany, the nations fear that the Avengers have no respect for diplomacy and request the U.N. to do something about it. The world begins to question if the Avenger's actions reflect the actions of America.

10:00 AM
04 July 2016
Berlin, Germany
World Meeting

In a large conference room, numerous representatives of major and/or recognized nations are sitting quietly as they look at the host. They are all hesitant, unsure of what to do. Some are angry, others troubled, and the rest confused. This meeting is to discuss a recently growing topic, the Avengers. At first, the group was dismissed by these representatives and considered irrelevant to them. However now with the growing problems of aliens, super-powered humans, and other anomalies— the Avengers could no longer be ignored.

The question at hand was if the actions of the Avengers could be considered solely their own, or the actions of America. The Avengers and their associations are related and/or based on American territories and organizations. The Avengers are American-Based. So, could the actions of the Avengers be considered actions of America, or not since their government is unable to control this vigilant organization?

Trouble instigated by the Avengers, whether directly or not, always brought issues to America and consequently the rest of the world. These people are the world, they are the nations. Human personifications of the world countries and an important figure to their own nation. The nations present are tired of these attacks involving the Avengers and wish for a solution. However, the country the nations want compensation from... simply did not exist. The true representative for the United States of America, was never discovered. How could they reason with a person who is believed to not be real?

Breaking the silence, the host speaks up.

"I think we can all agree that this is a difficult decision to make, as we all hold different views in regards to handling this situation. However, from a census, we've concluded that the decision we make will inevitably strain our relations with the United States of America. No matter whom it is we are upsetting." He firmly states.

The German's guests are serious as well as they are nervous, but they agree what is to come. They understand that what happened to Germany and the other nations in the last few months needed to be stopped or at least controlled. Germany was not being unreasonable as they understood where he was coming from. However, they only wished the world could go back to being simple, when it was only the nations that held the power over the safety of the world.

"For those in favor we request Mr. United Nations to make a statement in holding the government of United States of America responsible for the damage done by the Avengers and those associated with the group, say 'Aye'. For those oppose, say 'Nay'." He speaks cautiously.

However, before any nation could vote, a voice yelled out. It was the personification of Canada, standing up from his seat looking distraught.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Germany! But could we please think more about the precautions of this decision! The Eastern side of the hemisphere may not be affected right away but us on the Western side will! Any political or military scandals effects the U.S's economy and that affects ours! The U.S is a superpower! Any decision we base for the U.S affects us as a whole!" He protests.

Knowing where the Canadian was coming from, the host shook his head.

"Mr. Canada, I understand that this is still a sensitive topic for you. However, the world cannot tolerate more of our land, structures, and people being destroyed and killed. We've lived generations after generations without all this new inhuman nonsense, we can easily go back to those simpler times. The Avengers are not fighting for our people, only their flat theory of 'World Peace'." Germany retorted. "I am not saying that us nations cannot be at peace with one another, but we work under what our people strive for and not of our own wills."

"I know that, but I am sure as anyone else in this room that the American government is already aware that the Avengers' actions reflects their nation's image! I'm certain America already knows that the Avengers are an international controversy!" The Canadian argues. "I agree that making a public statement about the Avenger's place in this world will strain our relations with the U.S, but I beg that we not make it public.

"We'll cause our people more panic arguing about the Avengers where they can see it, I propose that we have Mr. United Nations make a statement privately to the U.S asking what America plans to do in supervising the Avengers and informing the world nations in times of Avenger-related conflict." Canada stated anxiously.

As soon as the Canadian nation give his proposition, the world nations whisper among themselves discussing his idea. The Northern nation knows he's being selfish, but he knows America isn't ignoring the issues involving the Avengers. He knows America exists. He knows his brother is out there and is doing something about the Avengers.

He doesn't believe it's fair to blame the actions of the Avengers solely on America, because if it wasn't America then it would be another nation.

[A/N: 05 January 2017 || Hi, I hope this prologue has made you interested in following this story because I do plan on making this a multi-chapter fic. This is my first serious crossover and I'll be using the movies, cartoons, and/or the wikis for the MCU (Marvel Comics Universe) bits. I didn't have the privilege of reading the comics growing up or now so I do not have first hand knowledge of the MCU characters or events.

Also, I can't promise weekly updates due to college and life, but that I intend to work on updating this story when I can.

Please R&R!]