Jasper smirked without thinking about it. The men at the oval table were all shocked. Rosalie had always been Carlisle's shadow. People were used to seeing the pair of them, but Rosalie had taken this one alone.

She had walked in with a face of natural looking making, dressed in a plain knee length black dress and an amazingly tall pair of white heels that had tied around her ankle. She was wearing all pearls and she walked in exactly on time, took a look around the room, sat at the head of the table and flipped her freshly curled hair over her shoulder and cleared her throat. She'd taken the meeting efficiently and had even put two bullets in to the head of one of the men that had made a snide comment about how she handled business. She had been clear and spoken well and personally Jasper knew Carlisle should be proud. Rosalie was wearing her power well. The men argued over territory and money and she mediated and commanded both attention and respect… and then she stood up. She thanked the people that were there and then excused them by name, making sure to shake each of their hands before their departure. Jasper and Edward stood behind her chair, each with one hand on the back of her chair, the other on their guns daring anyone to make a sudden move.

It was Jasper who ushered Edward out while Rosalie stood unmoving in front of her chair and when Edward was out Jasper yanked the door shut and locked it. He walked towards Rosalie and she collapsed in to a chair before he could place a hand on her shoulder.

"You did well," he admitted as he pulled out the chair to the right of her and sat down, "Your father will be proud."

"When is he not?" she countered.

Jasper smirked.

"You okay?" he dug in his front pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"I think so," Rosalie strummed her nails on the table, "I talked to Bella and we're okay. Do I trust Edward? No. But, I do love Bella."

"Hm," Jasper freed a cigarette and quickly lit it and took a draft.

"What does that mean?" Rosalie sat up and leaned forward on to the table.

"What does what mean?"

"Hm?" she mimicked his earlier answer.

"Just don't let your love for Bella cloud your overall judgement of Edward."

"You think I should have let my dad take him out?"

"No," Jasper took another draft of his cigarette, "I think you were diplomatic and you handled the situation in a way that gave everyone what they wanted, but that doesn't mean being diplomatic always wins."

"Excuse me?"

"Sometimes you have to sacrifice what is best for everyone for what only helps you," he leaned forward and looked at her, "I'm talking about as you head your father's business. I could care less about what Edward does. He isn't stupid enough to push you, but those men," he gestured towards the door, "They stand for their families alone. Being diplomatic means nothing to them."

Rosalie thought about that before nodding. She pushed her hair back.

"What does being diplomatic mean to you?" she countered.

"Excuse me?" Jasper took a draft of his cigarette and then put it out on the arm of the chair that he was sitting in, "I am diplomatic and loyal when it comes to you and Carlisle," he looked at Rosalie in a way that almost made her squirm with the intensity, "Are you questioning my loyalty?"

"No," Rosalie leaned back in her chair again, "I'm questioning how deep that loyalty goes."

"Anything you need, I'll take care of it."

"Are you sure about that?" Rosalie checked and Jasper scoffed.


"Great. Thanks Jasper," she hopped up and he raised an eyebrow as she closed in on him, "I want a marriage proposal soon," she said lightly and then she planted a kiss to his cheek and turned on her heels and walked away.


Emmett yawned and stretched. He hadn't been able to get any more sleep after his conversation with Rosalie and Edward. So, Alice had dragged him off to get breakfast and then shopping. He was looking for what Alice said would be the 'perfect' gift for Bella while she was in the dressing room. He wasn't really looking for a gift. He was actually imagining the several different ways he could strangle himself to death with one of the items on a clothing rack near him when he heard Alice begin to talk. He was too tired to even try to pay attention. He yawned again and crossed his arms over his chest. He didn't know Bella well enough to pick her out a damn gift. He was just good for holding Alice's clothes while she ran from one area of the store to the next.

There were so many other things that they could be doing. They could be snorkeling or surfing or wake surfing… or sleeping.

Emmett sighed and began to idly go through the shirts on the rack. He was yanking one off of a hanger when Alice ran up to him, her shirt unbuttoned. She paused and huffed out of breath and Emmett threw the clothing he was carrying over his arm for her on to the top of the clothes rack. He buttoned her shirt as Alice heaved. For someone so small, she was definitely out of shape.

"Did you run around the store to find me?" Emmett chuckled as he collected their things again and she nodded, "You could have called me on my cell phone, Mary Alice."

"I didn't even think about it!" she admitted and then laughed, a light, sing-song laugh that only she possessed, "Guess what?" she bounced on the balls of her feet and grabbed his free hand in both of hers, "Guess?" she prompted.

Emmett raised an eyebrow.


"It's the most amazing, unexpected thing, ever!"

"If it's unexpected how do you want me to guess?" Emmett chuckled.

"You're right! You'll never guess," Alice continued to bounce, "Rosalie is getting married!" she smiled so widely Emmett worried her cheeks may hurt, "I can't believe it!" she started and then she was off, talking faster than normal which was saying a lot, "Rosalie and Jasper! She's so strong willed and he's so silent and strong willed. I feel like they're going to bump heads, but I also feel like he may be good for her. He has so much more experience with daddy and Rosalie will have some support. I worried she would never get married. She never seemed one to date really. I thought she was completely against marriage, but I guess I was wrong. It just took Jasper to get it out of her. Now that they announced an engagemet I can actually picture them together. And daddy is absolutely over the moon. They're going to be married as soon as possible. And it's only fair that Bella gives the speech so that I can give one at Bella's wedding since Rosalie did mine, right? I wonder what their wedding colors will be. Between the two of them I can see a classic white and black wedding with silver and gray accents. Rosalie absolutely hates gold. She absolutely has to have a bridal party of at least double the size of mine if she wants to include all of the important wives and she complained that mine was too many. Oh please! I never would have imagined-"

"Alice," Emmett cut her off, "Breathe."

"Sorry," she chuckled, "I'm just really happy for her. Aren't you?" Alice turned on her heels without waiting for a response and started to go on again, as she looked through a different rack of clothes.

Emmett could only partially hear her over the ringing in his ears.

Rosalie was actually going to marry Jasper. He hadn't though that she was serious and now that she was, he wasn't sure how he felt. He didn't have the right to be upset. Rosalie had watched him get married… but, feelings weren't logically. Just because he tried to rationalize not feeling anything didn't mean that it would happen. He took a deep breath and he pinched the bridge of his nose to stop either the approaching headache, anger or tears… or maybe some weird combination of all three.

A/N: This fic is over you guys! When I wrote the first chapter I intended on it being a Oneshot and me continuing it just isn't in my cards right now. I feel like I'm forcing a storyline and I'm not sure how I even want this to go because I never planned for it to go anywhere. Lol. I'm just going to live it as a small series of drabbles and focus on some of my own fics. Thank you all for your support! Thank you all for reading and everything else! I appreciate it all from the bottom of my heart!