Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI


Jackie was sitting on the couch late one night reading her book.

The house was silent, the kids were all in bed for the night and Nick was at work.

Jackie knew she should be sleeping but her book was a real page turner and she couldn't seem to put it down.

She shifted slightly trying to get into a more comfortable position, she still had nearly seven weeks left of her pregnancy and the bigger she got the more uncomfortable she felt.

When that position still wasn't comfortable she shifted again and as she did so she happened to glance out the large living room picture window and absolutely froze at what she saw.

Out in her lawn she could make out just a shadow of a person bent over staring at the ground on her lawn, it was dark out so she couldn't see that well but it looked to be a man by the size of the figure. She glanced again, thinking she was losing her mind entirely but there was actually a person out there.

She hurriedly got off the couch, went into the kitchen and grabbed her cell phone off the kitchen counter and then went into each of the kids' rooms and woke them up. She took them into the bathroom and locked the door and then she hid with them in the tub before she dialed 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"There is someone outside my front door, I think he's going to break into my house." She told the operator.

"Ok, what is your address?"

"922 Rose Avenue."

"Ok, we'll send someone right away."

"I'm upstairs in the bathroom with my children and I'm not leaving them to answer the door for the police so just break down the door, I don't care."

"Ok ma'am, do you hear any noise, like he's trying to get in?"

"No, just send someone quickly please!"

"They are on their way, just try to stay calm."

Jackie glanced at the kids, some of them looked petrified and some looked exhausted, Jackie herself was on the petrified side, though she was trying her best to stay calm for the kids' sake.

Within moments Jackie heard sirens and she was relieved.

The police officer came to a screeching stop in the Stokes' driveway.

Just like the 911 caller reported there was a man in the grass!