Otabek- Why am I even doing this

LLL-Cmon. You got this..PLLLEEEAAASE

Otabek-Fine. This might be her last chapter but she has more in...

Yurio- HEY! There you are! Quit stealing him dammit

LLL- but Yurio!

Yurio-She doesn't own YOI. *drags Otabek out*

"Wow!" Victor says, observing the expressionless Kazakhstani as he lays flat on the living room couch.

The two hover above him intently. Yuuri waves a hand over Otabek's face, but receives no reaction. "Is he dead?"

"Not sure," Victor shrugs. "Otabek," he yells slowly, "if you are dead, blink once. If you are alive, blink twice!"

Yuuri jumps up. "TWICE. He's okay...?" Otabek blinks a third time and the two reverse their excitement. "What does three blinks mn?"

"It means… He's hungry."

"You have no clue..."

"Otabek!" Victor declares. "If you are hungry, blink once. If you are not, blink twice."



Yuuri's expression is stale. "Of course he's hungry, he hasn't eaten yet, but I doubt that's the problem."

Victor stands and runs to the kitchen, leaving Yuuri in the living room. Otabek quickly sits up, startling him from the sudden movement. "URGGGGH!"

"Otabek? Are you really just homesick?"

He runs his hand through his hair and groans. "Yes."

He wishes! Homesickness is the least of his issues. Yurio has been persistent, testing him with every chance he could. The fact that their attraction is mutual brings him life, but he's hardly gotten a wink of sleep in three days and his strength is being sapped even more by the fatigue of the creeping cold. Not to mention his sexual frustration is eating him alive. One of Yurio's attempts involved calling Otabek into the bathroom 'for help' where he laid bent over the tub, stark naked.

If this cold doesn't kill him, his dick might. Otabek releases a nasally groan before falling back onto the coach. Yuuri feels concerns as Otabek returns to the vegetable state he'd been in for the past two hours.

"I just need some sleep," he admits. "Just four hours at the most."

"Then why don't you?" Yuuri asks.

Otabek releases a weak cough. "uuuGGGhhhh."

"Victor, can you go up to Otabek's room and get the medicine?"

"Sure thing." Victor bolts down the hall and Yuuri grabs Otabek's shoulders.

"Tell me why you can't sleep."

Otabek sniffs. "Huh?"

"Hurry before he comes back."

Hope fills him. Maybe this is will be helpful. Otabek leaps forward and takes a deep breath. "Yurio and I have agreed that we are a thing, but he's not of age yet so I don't want to do anything to him. He's been trying to seduce me for the past day and I..."

"Wait," Yuuri pauses. "This Russian Punk is trying to seduce you? That's why you can't sleep?"

"Yes," Otabek urges. "I know it's strange but... What did you think it was?"

Yuuri gives him a blank stare before scratching the back of his head and changing the subject. "So what's he been doing to you?"

"He lurked around my room last night and I locked my door, but somehow he still found his way into my bed. I woke up to him sucking on my... Neck."

"Oh okay," Yuuri exhales. "He has a key to every room in the house so that's a given."

"Whenever I let my guard down, he's there. If this goes on for much longer, I'm going to break. I'm irritable now so it's getting difficult."

"Right!" Yuuri says. "I'll help you. I think it's good, great actually, that you want to wait. Yurio should get that too, but he is pretty young." Yuuri looks into the air, silent. Otabek watches as the Japanese boy 6 years his senior searches his thoughts. "Okay! I've got an idea. Oh. And congratulations on your relationship."

Otabek looks at Yuuri's genuinely happy expression and can't help but feel a warmth in his heart. "Thank you," he blushes with a straight face. He's never wanted anyone's approval but having it just feels different. It feels less like he's doing the wrong thing. Not to mention Yuuri knows Yurio. The are close so his approval is among one of the more important.

Yuuri stands and strikes a wonder pose. "Okay. Let's go get you some sleep." Otabek follows him to the staircase.

"Wait. What are you planning?"

"Yurio isn't here. He left some time ago, I think. I'll keep watch over your room for the rest of the day."

Otabek finally makes an expression Yuuri has never seen before. Sincerity, maybe? "No. I can't make you do something like that."

"You're not making me." Yuuri grabs Otabek's hand and pulls him upstairs. "When you get sleep you'll be fine, right?"

"Well, yeah, but..."

"No buts!" Yuuri pushes Otabek into his room.

Otabek is at a loss for words. He's relieved for the sleep, but he'd never expect Yuuri, his opponent on a normal day, to do something like watch over him all day. "Th-thank you."

"Yeah, yeah. Go!" With that, Yuuri shuts the door. Otabek walks to his bed and lays down. He snuggles under the covers and gets comfortable. Just a few hours. He won't make Yuuri wait all day. Three hours should...


He sighs. Of course it was too good to be true. "How'd you get in?"

"I never left," Yurio sneers. Otabek quickly sits up just as Yurio pounces and catches him. He kisses Otabek's neck as his hands find Yurio's hips. To pry him off? Yeah, let's go with that. "What's wrong? Getting weak?" Yurio nips his ear.

Otabek exhales deeply, letting Yurio's mouth trail his collar bone. "Do you want me to die?"

"In my arms? Maybe."

"Three months isn't that far away."

"You can't go three months without sleeping." Yurio says, pushing Otabek down.

"I can try."

"Did your hand do you well yesterday?"

"Yes," Otabek answers reluctantly.

"Liar. You've been hard for the past 12 hours straight."

He can't help but smile. This Russian tiger is bold, but he's better. Otabek grabs him and flips Yurio onto his back, nuzzling his cheek. "You're going to wait." He kisses him, licking the base of Yurio's mouth and pulls his arms above his head, holding both of his wrists down with just one hand. "Even if you were of age now, you wouldn't be able to handle me," he growls.

He feels Yurio's body shake beneath him and he releases his hold. He stands up, drinking in the sight of that red face, body desperate for him. Otabek turns to walk to the door, but is stopped.

His face is stuck in question as he looks at the door. He doesn't speak, but tilts his head. Is this real? What the actual shit?

Yurio jumps from the bed. "Victor, why are you in here?!"

Otabek stands in front of Victor, blocking the door with a smile. "Sorry, Otabek. You can't just leave on those terms."

"Oh, this is going to be a long week."

"I've seen Yurio push for a lot in his life and he only puts in effort if it's important. I've watched him grow. He is agape. Love is something he knows best."

"So you're helping him?"


"Yes?!" Yurio says, hopeful.

Otabek is starting to understand grandpa Plisetky's caution against this man. "He's not of age."

"What harm is three months?" Victor lectures. "I've known Yurio his entire life and I've only seen him desire so much. If this is something he wants, finally thinking of another person, I want the best for him. And quite frankly, Otabek, I'd say he can't choose any better than you."

The two blush. "For the love of-"

"You're gonna give in."

"Over my dead body."

"That can be arranged." Victor smiles as he steps forward. Otabek hears the bed creak as Yurio approaches. He's being cornered by two Russian tigers. What should he do?

"Y-Yuuri! YUURI!" Not a second too late, Yuuri bursts into the room.

Otabek sighs in relief while Yuuri stands at the door, confused as ever. "Victor, what the hell?" He then looks at Yurio. "When did you get here?! HOW! I never left the stairs." Yuuri stands silently before connecting the dots and turns to Victor, pointing a finger. "YOU SNUCK HIM IN! I was wondering why you never came back down."

Victor shrugs. "I'm just moving along young love."

"Noooo. You're rushing it."

"Nuh uh."

Yuuri ruffles his hair. "It's the right thing to do." He turns to Yurio. "It's not all pleasure. It can definitely wait."

"That's not what you said last night," Victor mumbles, looking off to the side.

There is awkward silence as Yuuri is stuck in his lecturing stance, face red. Yurio blinks. "Ew."

Otabek pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. "Gross."

"Not the point!" Yuuri grabs Otabek's arm and pulls him towards the door. "You two better not try anything. I'm not letting him out of my sight."

"I'll do it in front of you!" Yurio shouts.

"Like hell you will," Otabek dares before being dragged out of the room.

Victor walks to his pouting accomplice and sits on the bed. "Time for Plan B, I assume."

"More like Plan Q for me. He's got stronger will than I give him credit for."

Victor side glances at Yurio to see that determined expression he wears on occasion. He looks angry, but it's his passion. It's a strange goal, but he'd probably do the same if Yuuri ran from him.

They stumle silently down the hall and Yuuri throws Otabek into his own room. "Stay here. I will not leave this door. Lock the window. Knock when you wake and scream if you need me."

Otabek nods attentively. "Thank you." He turns and Yuuri closes the door. The room is spotless, almost as if Yuuri hasn't used it... Otabek shrugs. It's better than the other way around. At that thought, he rolls into the bed and relaxes. His concerns for Yurio slowly drift toward the back of his mind as his consciousness collapses. Within only ten minutes time, he has drifted to sleep.

The sleeping goes well, until he hears… It.

"Otabek." It's dark and heavy panting fills the room. "NNnnnOtabek~~"

His vision clears a little as the moans increase and he sees Yurio beneath him. Sweating, hair a mess and naked, but he can only see from the waist up.

He, on the other hand, is completely naked, hand placed firmly on Yurio's chest. He wants to look further down, touch further down, but he can't.

"Too rough," Yurio manages to breathe.

"What's that? You want me to stop?" Otabek teases, bending down to Yurio's ear. He can't control his actions or even his words. Or can he?

Yurio's voice escapes him in ways Otabek has never heard. "Ahh, no. Don't stop."

Stop? Is he even doing anything yet? It's numb. He wants to feel it so bad. Otabek slams his hand next to Yurio, making him flinch under him.

"I think I'll stop."

Yurio claws viciously at his back like the tiger he is, nails digging deep. Feeling. He can feel and it's good. Just a little further. Yurio scratches up is back and whispers. "Harder."

"Address me properly," Otabek commands.

In shaky, desperate gasps, Yurio begs. "Please, my king, do it harder."

Otabek's heart nearly explodes under pressures as those words make it to him. Before he is able to unleash any type of monster within, darkness swallows him and he opens his eyes. A dark ceiling is in his wake and he is covered in a cold sweat. Quickly, he sits up and looks around to see that he is in Yuuri's room. Unable to hold it, he releases a yell, flailing madly in the bed. "SHIT!"

The door swings open and Yuuri falls in. "Otabek!? What's wrong?"

The two stare at one another in darkness. "A nightmare. That's all."

"Oh. Well, apart from that. How do you feel?"

He blinks and realizes he feels amazing. He grabs for his phone and sees it's 7 PM. "I feel great, but have you been there the entire time."

"For the most part, but I'm glad to hear that." Yuuri smiles. Before Otabek is able to voice his thanks, Yuuri stands and bolts down the hall. The slam of the bathroom door follows soon after.

Otabek goes to stand. With only a slight move of his leg, he feels it. Sticky and uncomfortable. "Son of bitch." Stealthily, he sneaks back to his room and changes his underwear. "It was a lot more than usual..." His mind refuses to stop replaying the dream. It was hot, but is that really what he wants? Is his subconscious trying to tell him that he's a horny pervert with no ambitions? He has no choice but to shake it. What matters is that it didn't happen in real life and he's well rested.

He shakes his nerves. For the first time since he arrived in Russia three days ago, he's well rested. Even his cold doesn't seem to be bothering him as much. With confidence, he walks down the stairs and into the hall. He sees Victor's head dip around and then back for a brief second.

He was so confident that he'd nearly forgotten that the actual nightmare is reality. At least in a dream he can do whatever he wants. He reaches the kitchen and there Yurio stands, shirtless, wearing a freakin apron with his hair tied up. The most adorable smile is plastered on his face.

He leans across the bar with chocolate, whipped cream and cookies on a plate. "Want a bite?" Otabek observes the set up. Yurio is fucking adorable. The oversized apron hangs off of his shoulder, letting his pink nipple peak out. Otabek snickers at the sight. Is this a display of real love he's witnessing?

He grabs the can of whipped cream and sprays it on Yurio's lips. In one, passionate suck, he licks it off with a kiss. Yurio is shocked into silence and Otabek grins at his wide eyes. "I'm not very fond of sweets." With those words, he turns and sits on the couch, forcing himself to become absorbed in whatever is on tv. Victor nods considerably. After processing the situation, Yurio shrugs and removes the apron.

"Eh, worth a try. On to Plan T, I guess," he mumbles in a monotonous voice. Yurio's attitude changes so quickly Otabek needs to do a doubletake. The young champion has put on a long sleeve shirt and untied his hair. He soon plops on the couch next to Otabek and hands him a box of pizza. "You're hungry, right?" Otabek opens the box to see an all meat pizza in his midst. It's beautiful and smells fantastic. Yurio grabs a slice and devours it. "It's been a pretty good week, but you should start practicing again. At this rate, you're gonna get fat," he says as he takes a bite.

Otabek blinks and realizes that this is the person he's falling in love with more and more everyday.

"Where's Yuuri?" Victor finally asks. "He's probably hungry too."

"Why would he be?" Yurio shrugs with a full mouth. "You've been catering to him in front of that door all day."

"He went to the bathroom," Otabek answers.

"Oh. So it finally worked."

Otabek moves to his second slice. "What do you mean?"

"I slipped laxative into his drink earlier. I figured he'd leave the door if he had to go bad enough, but the piggy stayed strong."

"WHAT!" Victor leaps. "Why would you..."

Yurio waves him off. "Relax, it wasn't much. He'll be out soon. Besides, it's good to clear your system."

"YUURRI!" Victor runs out of the living room, leaving the two to themselves.

Otabek throws his arm around Yurio and rests his head on the blond's shoulder.

"Are you tired?" Yurio asks, looking over at him.

"No. I slept well."

"That's good."

Otabek clicks his tongue. "That's funny coming from the person keeping me up."

"It's all in good fun."


Yurio sighs. "I told Victor you don't like sweets. Somehow he managed to not listen and scraped up some cookies I didn't even know we had."

"What were you even planning with that?" Otabek laughs. "For me to take you right there on the bar."

"I don't know. To see your reaction I guess. I knew from the start you wouldn't go for it. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up. I'm just giving you some breathing room for now."

"For what it's worth, the apron looked good on you."

Yurio rolls his eyes. "Of course it did."

"That's it." Otabek places the box of pizza on the table before tackling Yurio onto the couch. The smaller male tries to fight back, struggling with laughs of pure joy. "Oh. So you're ticklish?"


Yurio squirms beneath him, laughing wildly with every touch. "Don't run now!" Otabek says, kneeling overtop. He carefully studies Yurio's joyous face and his heart immediately stops. His stomach turns and the air around him stands still. Impulsively, he drops his head face down, just beside Yurio's. Their cheeks lightly brush and the two have become silent. The only thing they can hear is the other's breathing. Otabek's hands find the back of Yurio's head as he lays there.

"I think," Otabek mumbles. "I love you. A lot."

Those three words send Yurio into shock. Only his grandfather has ever said those words to him and it didn't feel like this. Love. He doesn't know how it feels. He's never experienced it. For a brief moment in his life he thought he'd felt it for Victor but he doesn't feel like this with Victor.

This feels safe. "This is love?" Yurio says in slight disbelief. An unwilling tear drips down his face as he realizes what he has. What he really has. "I won't try to force you anymore," Yurio sniffles.

Otabek sits up, slightly panicked. "No, no. Don't cry. I was kind of enjoying it."

"Shut up." Yurio hits him lightly. "I'm not upset."

"So you're happy?" Otabek asks, anticipating.

"No." Yurio pouts. "I'm in love."

Otabek places a peck on his cheek, laughing. He is beyond happy. Had he not waited, how would this have turned out? Yurio is just grasping the very idea of their relationship and his own feelings. It was definitely too early. "I'm glad. But in three months time, brace yourself."

"I'll be waiting."

"YES!" Yuuri leaps from around the corner and Victor emerges with an accepting smile on his face. "Ten bucks."

Victor shrugs. "You were right. Otabek's stronger than he looks."

"I still can't believe you rooted for them to go at it."

"I wasn't. I was rooting for whatever made Yurio happy. It looks like this is it, so everything's worked out for the best."

Both Yurio and Otabek have flat expressions as they are wrapped in the others arms, watching the two debate. Yuuri walks into the kitchen and makes four cups of punch. "How about we toast to love and happiness!" He hands everyone their cup punch. "Not to mention this is the last day before the others show up to stay here. I'm glad this was solved before they arrived."

"Agreed!" Victor says.

"Agreed!" They all repeat, raising their cups.

2 minutes into more than half his cup, Yurio's expression contorts. "This tastes weird?"

"Oh!" Yuuri gasps. "I might've put too much..." He pulls out a small bottle of laxatives.

"You idiot PIG!"

Yurio runs off of the couch, leaping over the bar and Yuuri ducks his attack, laughing down the hall.

Victor and Otabek watch smugly as their lovers chase each other through the house, hardly phased by the commotion and looking forward to the future.

LLL- I hope you liked. Review and let me know thanks!