Deidara giggled as his mother swooped the spoonful of soft food around and around in the air. Watching it go back and forth was simply hilarious no matter how many times she did it. Food wasn't supposed to fly! It never did touch his lips though, instead it went into the other boy seated beside him.

The next spoonful though, that had his name written all over it!

Deidara, Sasori, Deidara, Sasori. They were taking turns when eating so their fussiness didn't overflow. If Deidara saw Sasori eating and knew he had to wait till the whole jar was done... well that simply wouldn't suffice!

Together! They did things together.

"Oh! You boys finished both jars already? Just let me go grab another one."

When the woman turned around and made her way to the fridge, Deidara sighed and gave his friend his attention. "So Danna, what do you think of that last batch?" He asked as he picked up and gummed on the plastic spoon they had been sharing.

The red headed baby responded by grabbing his bib and tasting a blob of the green remnants. "Disgusting." He grumbled, "Did you see the woman? She pretended to taste the food; wouldn't even eat it herself! Mashed pea and spinach - yuck!"

Smacking his lips, Deidara threw the little spoon angrily onto the floor only earning a quick glance from the adult. "The woman? Mommy made it obvious she wants you to call her Aunty." he grunted, offended for his mommy's sake that Sasori was speaking so rudely of her.

"Yeah, she keeps repeating it over and over again." Sasori scoffed, swirling around the green mush between his fingers. "Like one of those parrot-birds. How irritating."

Deidara nodded. "I like my mommy and I do like birds, un."

"Okay babies! New flavour this time, artichoke!"

Both boys sent each other a look. No words needed to he said. Artichoke. Really? Whatever happened to the good ol' days of banana, apples, carrots and berries. Curse those 'mommy and me' circles where the women would discuss new healthy foods.

This stuff was terrible! The bigger question though, what even happened to boobies in the first place? They were still there, they even felt them when they got hugs and snuggles! So why couldn't they still have the boob?

"I miss boobies, un."

"Yeah... Me too."

hello! welcome to my new foolish series starring the akatsuki members as societies babies. please enjoy their adventures ya buncha losers