{Chapter 4} –The Legs of Prague-

Rocket flies in the sky looking for David's legs and body as June tells David on how did Daisy knew him as he explains that when he's not playing with the gang, he travels the world looking for kids that need help as Annie thinks that David is trying to help others as June thinks that David is flirting with other girls as Rocket arrives in the Czech Republic as June meets her old friends: the three silly puppets in their puppet theater practicing. June talks to the silly puppets to know If they seen anything strange as the puppets thought they saw a pair of legs flying in the sky as June tells them that they are David's real human legs until Leo sees a flyer on a wall about a dancing, living puppet as the gang sees that the flyer is in a puppet theater inside the town of Prague as the three silly puppets follow them to Prague as the puppeteer calls his puppet Pietro as June sees that Pietro is a child, life-size puppet. Annie appears out of Rocket and holding David's disembodied head as David pretends to be a puppet head as she asks the puppeteer for a life-size wooden torso as the puppeteer gives Annie an uncarved torso-sized log as she puts David's head on the log to give him a temporary body as the gang sees the puppeteer performing with his Pietro puppet as David decides to make his legs move as during the show the puppet dances as the puppeteer thinks the puppet has a mind of its own. The crowd loved the performance as the gang tells the puppeteer that the Pietro's legs are not puppet legs but are David's human legs as Quincy attached David's disembodied arms into the uncarved torso as the puppeteer gives David's legs back to him as David becomes a wooden-chested person as Rocket flies in the sky to search for David's torso as for some reason, David felt a small pain as he thinks Big Jet has found his lost torso and hurting him with it.