{Chapter 1} -Getting a Head of the Mission-

Another relaxing day arrives as David was hanging out in June's backyard as David watching June do a lot of ballet moves as she thinks that she is more flexible than David as he shows her some of his marital arts moves including front flips, fast rolling and quick strikes with his lightning-fast fists as June tells David to please stop the fighting as he replies about being brave and heroic until suddenly Big Jet appears out of nowhere with a new evil gadget in his possession. Meanwhile Leo, Annie and Quincy we're in Leo's backyard playing until they see Big Jet in June's backyard as the kids run quickly until Big Jet brings out his Ripper Splitter machine to split or rip any living or non-living things as Big Jet aims for June until the moment he fires the machine, David intercepts the beam, as the machine splits David's body into 5 separate pieces: head, arms, legs and torso as a small explosion fires David's body parts all over the world. The gang sees Big Jet escapes until they see an explosion in the sky as the moment Leo, Annie and Quincy see June holding something as June turns around holding David's disembodied head as the gang screams thinking that David was beheaded, Annie faints as Leo and Quincy picks her up as June explains that David is still alive and breathing as June notices that a sparkly beam is around David's neck as that his body is still connected by a scientific beam as David didn't felt weak or unusable. David explained to the gang that his body has split into 5 pieces: his head, body, left arm, right arm and his legs as Rocket appears with his look-and-listen scope showing 4 separate body parts all over the world as Rocket thinks David was playing a game as he sees June holding David's head as Rocket thought June killed him as David rolls his way to the gang as they enter Rocket to find his body parts.